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Scene: Friend 1 Calling Friend 2

Friend 1: hello friend, how are you?

Friend 2: I’m fine, how about you?

Friend 1: I’m struggling with my requirements

Friend 2: oh, thank god I’m done with that

Friend 1: how I wish, hey I have rumor about our neighborhood

Friend 2: what’s that?

Friend 1: do you know Justine? I have gut feeling that he is a gay

Friend 2: how can you tell that Justine is a gay

Friend 1: he is very quiet, you know like a shy little girl hahaha

Friend 2: oh yes I noticed that he is very modest, then he is very hygienic you know that?

Friend 1: Maybe he's just hiding or he's not sure what he really is

Friend 2: It's okay that you're like that but it looks like oa? Hahaha anything he touches he sprayed
alcohol, is he okay? hahahahaha

Friend 1: then he doesn't leave the house, so boring

Friend 2: hes talking to hes boyfriend lol hahahahha

Friend 1: hope all hahaha

Friend 2: hey study first hahahaha, by the way what course did you get in college?

Friend 1: Engineering, how bout you?

Friend 2: huh, why engineering? The tuition is super expensive? I take educ, you know just be practical

Friend 1: That's right, that's also my mothers want

Friend 2: you don't have a good future in engineering, the friend of mine she didn't finish because it was
difficult to understand engineering

Friend 1: opss, you're not sure yet, besides, next month, class will start

Friend 2: its up to you, it just a piece of advice

Friend 1: they said the salary is higher, the educ who is underpay seems to be more nervous.

Friend 2: It's just gossip, maybe later again, my mother is looking for me

Friend 1: Okay bye 😊

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