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Largest selection of
Italian Songs and Dances
Complete Grand Operas
with Italian Words

....I Quattro Siciliani'" Rolls

Italianstyle Player Rolls
(Special Italian Catalogs of the above)

Special Foreign Catalogs for:

Polish German Jewish Hungarian \
Bohemian Lithua~ian Roumanian Russian
Special Catalog for Popular Word Rolls

Connorized Player Roll Co.

817-21 East 144th Street - New York, N. Y.
"W"hat .... Connorized.... Means
T means more to music lovers than any other feature of the
I modern player-piano. It is the symbdl of a standard of
musical interpretation and translation that admittedly is not
equalled or approached in any other music rolls that ever have
been manufactured. It is your guarantee that the piece yett listen
to is rendered with all the musical value that the composer specified.
For the composer builds up his creation note by note, to ex-
press .its spirit with the harmonies and singing tones that must
rely no less upon the length and value of each note than on the
striking of the note itself. The great attainment sought by every
musician, for every instrument, is the singing tone that brings
out all the sweetness of the melody, all the fullness of the har-
mony. He strives to hide beneath the richness of his notes all
trace of the mechanical, to make the music "sing" to you. And
this is especially dJifficult and necessary in composing for the
piano, because the piano is an "instrument of percussion," of
short tones. Therefore, the beauty of piano music is dependent
upon the value of the notes. It is a vital point.
Now, to obtain this "singing tone" from your player-piano,
through the medium of a perforated roll, all notes must be al-
lowed to sound their full length. They must not be choked off
just as soon as they are born. Every key should not fly back as
soon as it is struck. No man ever writes music that way. And
yet the "Connorized" rolls are the only perforated rolls in all
the. world in which each note is made to sound and sing its full,
sustained value, as intended by the composer.
Why does so much player-piano music pall on you so soon?
It is the nervous, irritable touch that strikes each note and
chokes it off, until the full, rich beauty of the music is lost en-
tirely in a restless jangle. But in all "Connorized" rolls each tone
blends into the succeeding tone, as the composer meant it to. All
notes receive their full and honest value, and every Connorized
roll is rich in singing tones. Moreover, Connorized rolls are not
played from the popular sheet music that you buy in the music
store, thinned down and simplified to fit the unskilled fingers of
the amateur; but from the orchestra score, that carries every hare
mony and all the life and volume that the composition can
So that's what "Connorized" means.
Everyone of the 5,000 rolls in the Connorized catalog excels
all other music rolls because it has the "singing tone."
How to Pump

more erroneous idea was ever conceived than that
regular pumping is an essential requirement in operating
a player-piano, when as a matter of fact the proper
method is to vary the speed and pressure of the footwork, just
as you would vary the force with which you strike the keys of
the piano. By changing /the pressure you change the force with
which the player-piano strikes the keys of the piano, and thus
you supply that human quality which takes the player-piano out
of the realm of the automatic and makes it a medium for the
expression of your feelings and .emotions.

Contrast is the very essence of art. Even a black and white

drawing has its light and heavy lines, forming contrasts, with-
out which it would have no artistic merit. Some part must
stand out in greater relief than the rest. In operating the
player-piano, you can express every shade of feeling, you can
get any contrast you wish, you can emphasize any part of the
piece that you desire by proper manipulation of the pedals.

The more sensitive and responsive the player-piano is to the

foot the better the player-piano, as this varying pressure gives
the individual touch to the 'piano through the medium of the
player; the more sensitive the player-piano is to the foot, the
greater the degree of touch will be obtained, and as touch is
the soul of piano playing, that is the quality which must be
added to the operation of a player-piano to make its effects
individually and musically artistic.
The "Way to use the Tempo Lever
GREAT many operators of player-pianos consider the

A "tempo marks on the perforated roll as absolute directions

which must be followed without the slightest deviation,
when as a matter of fact they are merely suggestions,
and are placed on the roll simply as a guide to the operator.
Now, the proper way to use the tempo lever is to place it at
its medium time, irrespective of the directions on the roll; then
operate the pumpers with your feet with varying degrees of
vacuum, which will result in varying degrees of touch.
After deciding the different Qualities of tone you wish to
obtairi for the different passages throughout a selection, manipu-
late the tempo lever from its fastest to its slowest speed, inde-
pendently of all marks, lines or numbers on the roll. Do not
be timid with it, but keep it moving swiftly. You will get the
fullest tones from the instrument when the needle is at its
slowest time. Therefore, in order to produce such results
without interfering with the general tempo of the passage, make
a sweep down with the needle and return to the regular tempo
you have decided upon for the selection. The sweep of the
needle may be made gradually or swiftly, either up or down,
as you may wish, which means slower or faster time, and then
return to" the general tempo.
Bear in mind this fact: that no two persons can play the
same selection alike, nor can the same person render the same
selection twice in the same manner. This rule holds good in
the rendition of all music, whether produced by a player-piano
or not. Those who can play best keep the tempo lever constantly

Definition of Tempo and Expression Marks

P. P.-Very soft. CRES.-Increasing in loudness.
P. -Soft. DIM.-~ecreasingin loudness.
M.F. -Medium loud. RITARD-Gradually slower.
F. -Loud. ACCEL. -Gradually faster.
"F. F.-Very loud. .)-Hold.
Hand-Played j
No. Played by Composer Price
10130 Abendlied .75
Llo/Joltl W'"iler S cA"maft.
10276 Adeste Fidelis .75
WUI D(JfIaldsoft
10215 Akahi Hoi (1 Love But Thee). Hawaiian Song.
Played with Ukulele................................ .75
B. F. KI"dall KGlaitJtUJ
10113 A La Bien Aimee. Waltz, OPt 59, No.2 75
Bmil KalzI"sl,ift SchIll
10203 Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee). Hawaiian Song....... .75
C. H ,rma,. Kor,.bG" Lili"oitJlaft'
10115 Amaryllis ..... <I. • • • • • • .75
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

Emil Kalzenslri,. S'I/n-

20834 America Legion Buddies. March ' .85
s. A.. Pwry D. Goldberl/
20825 America United. March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .85
S. A.. Perry, asst. by loe Goltl S. A.. Perry
20709 America Victorious. March. (Dedicated To OUf Boys
"Over There") .75
S. A.. Perry, A.s"'. by I. D. Bertha SItWn-
10010 A,moreuse. Valse Lente............................. .75
c. H. Kor,.ba" Berg,r
10015 Angel's Serenade .75
BIIIU K"'8IftSfri,. S. Smith
10075 Anitra's Dance, Ope 3. No. 2 Peer Gynt Suite.. . . . . . .. .75
Emil Kalzetlst,i,. Grieg
10294 Annie Laurie .75
c. H. Kornba" DouI/ltU6
No. Played by Composer Price
10289 Anoma. Characteristic Rag ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 No. Played by Composer !Jrice
Wm. Axtmtlftft For' Dabn" 10192 Boheme, La. Musette's Waltz Song ,> .7,5
20807 Apple Blossoms.. Selections
H,llJffd Arlinl1tofl
' 0

Kr,isler antl lacobS

• 0 • 0 ••••••••• 1.25
. c. H erma.. K"prtlbau Pucci .
10112 Bohemian Girl (Then You'll Remember ,Me) 75
20377 Apple Sass Rag , 0.75• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
Emil Katzenstein Ball'
W. Arlinl1foft H. Beldin/1 20508 Bohemian Girl, The. Balfe. Brillante Fantasie 1.50
10078 Aria 0... 0.... .••.•......•...••••••••• . .. . .. . .. .... •.• .75 S. A. Perlstein S,dney Smith
L,,,,old Wi,,"',r G. B. Pe"/1oleri 20801 Bullets and Bayonets. Orchestrated March........... .75
10290 Asthore (Dar1in~) ....•..........••.................... .75 S. A. P".r" A",. by H. R. lola. Philip SO."G
C. Herma,. Kornbou H. T,.ot..-, 20528 Burning Love. (Ahe Wela). Hawaiian Song with
10170 Aufschwune- (Soaring), op. 12, No.2 75 Ul{ulele Effects .75
L,ol'l'ltl Winkler Schumann C. H. Kornbau Dolrift
20407 Auf Wiedersehn. From "The Blue Pararlise"......... .75 10004 By Moonlight ..•.................................... .80
C. Herma,. Ko,.nbau Sigmund Romberg Bmil Kaf.,n,tri,. B,,.d,1
10001 Autumn. Etudp de Concert, No.2................... .75 10341 Cannon Ball. Characteristic Rag..................... .75
Bm.' KG's,n"'ein' C. Chaminade Wm. A~tma,.n los. Northrup
10201 Ave Maria ..' '. . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 10162 Caprice Viennoise '............................. .75
c. Herma,. Ko,.nbau' Gounod-Bach 1. H. HNgh" F. Kreisl,,.
10106 Badina'ge 0 • • • • • • • • • • .75 10159 Carmen. Habanera .75
Bmil Kaf.enstein " H erb,rt Emil .KGf.,nsl"ft Bi."
10142 BalJade. op. 23 1.50 20873 The eat's Pajamas. Fox Trot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Leopold Winkl,r
10156 Ballade. in A. Flat, Ope 47
B,,., R.'fJ'4 Harrj Jentes
L,ol'old Winkler
0 0

' Chopin 10006 Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo '. . . . . . . . . . .. .75

Emil Kat.enst,l,. M Mca/1nl
10024 BarcaroUe. From "Tales of Hoffman" ,....... .75 10020 Cavatina. Transcription by Pauer '. . . . . .. .75
Bmil Ka'.,nsfein J.' Offenbach L. Wi../II". · Pau,r-Ral
10275 Beautiful Isle of. Somewhere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. .75 20795 Charge of the Light Brigade. Descriptive March-Galop .75
C. Herman Kornbau I. S. Fearis S. A. P".ry, ASd. by H. R. /' . B. T. Patdl
10232 Beautiful Star of Heaven. Reverie................... .75 10135 Chant Sans Paroles .75 0 • • • • ••

C. H,r.""an Kornbau L. A. Drumhelle,. Emil Kat.en.rtein Tschaikowsky

20880 Beautiful Heaven. Waltz .....'; . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .85 101~4, Charme d'Amour. (Love's Spell).................... .90
.5'... A. P".r, B. F. Kendall E. F. KeHdal1
10088 Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms .... 75 20843 Childhood Days. Waltzes ...................•..•..•••.. 1.00
C. H erma.. Kornbau Stevenson A Waltz Medley of Childhood SODgS Beautifully Blended for
10101 Berceuse. From "locelyn" , .75 Singing and Dancing.
Smil Ka'sens'ei.. Godard S. 'A. Perry S. A. Perry
10120 Berceuse, op. 57 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .9,0 20520 Cheerful Blues. Foxtrot. ' . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .75
L"'I'old Winkler Chopifl A. Hyland A. Olma,.
10096 Bird As Prophet. (Vogel als Prophet) ... 0 • • • • • • • • • •• .75 20832 Comrades of The Legion. March '. .85
L,ol'old Winkler Schuman.. S. A. Perry . Sou,a
10282 Black Hawk Waltz .75 20562 Connecticut March, The .75
c. H".mafl Kornbau M. B. Walsh s. A. Perlstein and ",I Camnitser NassGm
o' • ••

20794 Blacksmith In the Woods. Descriptive IdyL........ .90 1.0114 Consolation in E .75
s. A. Per,.y, Asst. by E. S. Theodore Michaelis Emil Katzenstein
0 • •

F. Lis.f
•• • • • ••

10292 Blue Bells of Scotland 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• .75 10172 Daybreak, opo 46, No.1. From "Peer Gynt"......... .75
~H~~K~~ • Leopold Winkler ' Gri,g
10224 Blue Danube Waltz ~ 1.00
B. F. Kendall
0 •••••••••••••••

0 ••

10074 Dedication (Widmung). Transcription by Liszt........ .90

Emil Kat.enstein S cnuman,. ,
20698 Blue Devils' Patrol ~ .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .75 20628 Demonstration Roll ... 1.10
A brilliant instrumental number inspired by and dedicated to Va,.iou.l Artists
0 ••••••••• 0 ••• 0 •••••••

H. P. Reid,', Jr.
0 0 ••• 0 ••

the "Blue Devils" of France.

Composer, Asst. b, H. R. S. A.. p".,.y Melody of Love, Old Black J o~ Old Folks at Home, Adeste
Fidelis. Memories, Mo-Ana, .r'ifth Nodurne, Long Lonl
6 Trail, Flower, Song, Connecticut March.
No. Played by . Composer Price
No. Played by Compos" Price
!l' 10187 Flame of Love. Hesitation Waltz ....................•80
B. F. K,,,dall M. U.I/er
10169 Des Abends. (At Evening), op. 12, No.1 75
L,.,.,d Widl", ,Scllllmo"" 20806 Flight Through the Clouds. March.................. 'r5
20627 Dixie Echoes. Waltz 1.25 S. A. Perr" Ass'. ~ H. R. A."o BrocT.
s. A. Perry S. A. Perr, 20871 Floral Festival. Waltz 1. 0
A Medley of Old Southern Airs arranged in Waltz time with S. A. Perr, 1. Gio,
f1Il1 orchestral eftech and played b7 the compolel'.
10202 Donna e Mobile. From "Rigoletto".............. . . .. .75 10234 Flower Song ......•.................................... .80
C. H. Kor"bo" La"I/'
C. H,muJ" Kor"ball Vwdi 20815 Flying Heroes, The. March and One-Step............ .75
10195 Dream, A ...........................................•75 S. A. Perr, S. A. Perry
C. H"mo" Kor"boll Bor"d' 10062 For All Eternity .80
10018 Dream of Love. Nocturne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .90 Emil Kat.e"I1"" Masch"a"i
L. Wi"Trlw Li,., 10091 Forgotten ..........•.................•................ .75
10072 Dreaming Waltz .80 r:. Herma." Cowl'l
Emil Ko,.."lIei" 1oyce 10193 Forsaken .75
10306 Drowsy Waters. (Hawaiian.) Played with Ukulele C. Herma. Kor"boll KOlclla'
Effects .75 10123 Fruehling ist da, Der................................ .75
C. H,rmo" Kor"bo.. locTr Ailo.. Emil Ka,...lIei. Spi.dler
20540 Drum Major March .................................•75 10132 Fruehlingsrauschen. (Rustles of Spring), op. 32, NO.3. .80
So",..el A. Perls,ei,. So"so,. L,/>PoltI Widl" Si"di"l1
20746 Drumsticks (Characteristic March) .75 10139 Gavotte, in A Minor................................. .90
S. A. Perry, Ass'. by I. D. POIlI A. EmbrocTr L,opold W i"Trlw . E. SilN
10093 Du Bist Die Rub. (Thou Art Repose) ..•..............•go 20721 "General Perahing." March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. •• .75
Leopold Wi"Trler ScllubwJ S. A. Perry, AsII. by H. R. Sha".o" a"d Vo"dersloo'
10164 Eagle, The, op. 32, No. 1. Moonshine, op. 32. No.3 ....75 20817 The Great American. March.......................... .85
LeoPold Wi,.}l", MocDowell S. A. Perr, H. 1. Li"col.
10248 Edw. J. Mellinger's Rag............................. .75 10219 Glow Worm, Idyll .80
E. kerl/erso" Melli"l/er B. F. K,,,dall Pa..1 Li"cTr,
10119 Elsa's Dream. From "Lohengrin." Transcription by 10057 Good-Bye .75
Liszt ..............................................•90 C. Herma. Kor.ball Tolli
L,opold WinTrIer WOI/"er 10174 Gotterdammerung March 1.00
10283 Emmets Lullaby .75 L,opold Wi"Trler Wall"er
C. H. Kor,.ba 1. K. Emmd 20859 Grand Opera Echoes. (In Waltz Time) 1.25
20350 Entertainers' Rag.................................... .75 Sam A. p,", Sam A. Perry
W. Arli"Il'o. lay Rober's 10159 Habanera; from "Carmen"........................... .75
20434 Etude, op. 23, No.2 90 Emil Kots...llei" Bisd
S. A. Peru,ei. R"bifu'ei. 10295 Harrigan Medley 1.00
Intra: I-My Dad', Dinner Pail; 2-Miss Brady', Piano
20523 Evening Glow Waltzes. Mandolin Effects............ .75 Fortay; 3-Maggie MUlJlh,.., Home; 4-Paddy Duffy', Cart; 5
S. A. PerlllM W. R. McKa.lass -The Babies on Our Block.
10157 Evening Star Song. From "Tannhauser" 1.10 C. Herma" Kor"bo.. Dav, Braham
Leopold Wi.Trlw • Wag"er 20663 Hawaiian Echoes. (Reverie). Hawaiian Waltz with
20483 Faust. Fantaise Brilliante 1.50 . Ukulele Effects ........•....... :.................. .75
S. A. Perlllei. Syd"e, Smi,h W. ArU"I/'o., Asst. by H. R. lam'l W. Cas,y
20490 FenestaChe Lucevee mon ..........................•75 , 10285 Hawaiian Medley No.1. Played with Ukulele Effects ....•75
A. Perillo Intra: I-Hawaif Ponol-Hawahan National Anthem; 2-AhI
20457 Festa di Piedigrotte, La. (Canzone di Nocera do' Wela (Fire of Love); 3-Awaiaulu (Awaiaulu My Love).
Pagani ............................................•75 C. Herma. Kor"bo"
A. Permo . [10296 Hawaiian Medley No.2. Played with Ukulele Effects.... .75
10012 Fifth Nocturne .90 Intro: l-Kealoha Hilrl Mai (Love', Comi...); 2-Pili Aoao
L,opold Wi"Trler Lr.yboch (Besides Thee): 3-Ua Hiki No Me A'u eTl, Well With Me).
C. Herma. K"",bou
10097 Fileuse, La .90 9
LeoPold Widl" Raff
No. Composer Price
Played by
10297 Hawaiian Medley No.3. Played with Ukulele Effects. . .. .75 ~ No. Played by Composer Price
lntro: l-Halona lHalona Valley); 2-Eleile (Eleile Falls). 20845 Iron Division, The. March and Two-Step ••••••••••••••• .15
C. Herman Kornbau
10337 Hawaiian Medley No. 4.. Hawaiian Waltz Numbers. r s. A. Perry
20678 Italian Echoes
Lin'. ]0",11 Ki.fer
· .. ··· 1 5
Played with Uknlele Effects........................ .75 A waltz medler of favorite Italian ain arranlled in walta time .
Intro: I-Ma Kea 0 Hana (Mist. of Hana); 2-0 Sweet Violet for dancing With full orchestral elIecll.
C. Herma.. Kornba.. ' S. .If. Perry S. .If. Perry
20626 Hawaiian Nights. Waltzes. Ukulele Effects.......... .80 20803 Italian Nights. Waltz-Mandolin Effects 1.25
Jack Dunsta.. Lee S. Rober's S. .If. Perry Lee S. Rom"
20406 Hawaiial1 Waltz Medley No. 1. Played with Ukulele 1(1101 Jocelyn, Berceuse ...•••.••••• •••·••·•·•••••····· .75
Effects . 75 .limit Ka'.enst"n Godard
Intro: I-Machina Malanalama (Bright Moonlight); 2-Lei No 20379 Just Before the Battle, Mother....................... .75
Kaiulani (A Wreath for Kaiulani). W. Arli"lIto.. G.o. H. Roo'
C. Herman Kornbau 10133 Kamenoi Ostrow 1.25
20408 Hawaiian Waltz Medley No.2. Played with Ukulele L.o,.ld Wi..kl.r R"biflS'nlt .
Effects .75 20539 Khaki Bill. March Song............................ .75
Intro: .1-Honesakala (Honey Suckle); 2-Sweet Lei Mana. A. Hyland, .lfssl. by H. R. Walso..
C. Herman Kornbau 20373 Kilima. Hawaiian Waltz. Played with Ukulele Effects . . .75
20745 Heaven's Artillery March. March and Onestep 75 w. Arli"lIto.. K.oki .If_,
S. A. Perry, Asst. by A. S. Harr, J. Li"eol.. 10293 Killarney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75
20463 High Speed. March... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .... .75 C. Herman . M. W. Balf.
S. A. Perls'e'n Harry J. Li..eol.. 20542 La Boheme. Your Tiny Hand Is Frozen. (Che Gelida
20708 Hilo March. Hawaiian National March. Ukulele Ef- Manina) .75
fects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 Sam..,1 A. Perlst,'" P"cci..i
S. A. Perry. Asst. "3' J. D. Pele a..d HOUIard 10031 LarrH~;';'d'; 'K;;';b~~" H~"'d~i" .80
20867 Hindenburg March .85
10032 Humoresque /. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .75 10025 Last Rose of Summer, and Where the River Shannon
C. Herma.. Kornbau Dvorak Flows 80
10340 Hungarian Rag .75 C. Herma.. R"ss.ll
w: Arli"lIton . J. L,,,,,"erll 20850 Last Waltz, The. Selection...•.•...•..... Oscar Strauss 1.25
10137 I Hear You Calling Me , 75 Intro: l-Roses Out of Reach; 2-Gallant Cavalier; 3-The
,Next Dance With You; 4--The Last Waltz' 5-Tne Whip
C. Herma.. Kornbau Hartford
10052 In Old Madrid '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 Hand; 6-Now Fades M,. Golden Dreams; 7-iive For Today;
8-A Baby to Love; 9-Finale.
C. H erma.. Kornball fl. Tro'n" S. A. Perry. Arr. by Geo. F. Bauer
20583 Iowa State March. On('5Iep......................... .75
10056 Lead Kindly Light, and Nearer, My God To. Thee .....75
Perlstein and Camnitur Weldon C. H.rma.." . Dyll,. a..d Maso..
20812 Irene. Selections 1.25 10214 Lei Poni Moi. (Wreath of Carnation). Hawaiian Song
S. A. Perry, A$I'. by H. R. Harry Tier y
20737 Irish Echoes. Medl"v \-Valtz 1.25 Ukulele Effects .75
A combination of old familiar Irish Melodies beautifully played E. F. K,..dall E. K. ROle
in waltz time for dancing by the composer. S. A. Perry 10269 Levee Rag .75
E. B.rlleso" Er,d E. Gales
20844 Irish Jigs. No.6 1.00
I-Bull,. For You: 2-0ne Bottle More; 3-Irlsh Show Boy; 20755 Liberty Over Ali. March , .75
4--Tipsy Sailor: S-W idow Machrc. S. A. Perry, Assl. by H. R. S. A. P.rr,
E. Rewes 10267 Little Bit of Heaven (Sure, They Call It Ireland).... .75
20846 Irish Jigs. No.7 1.00 E. Berlleso..· b. R. Ball
I-Hone)'1lloon: 2-Barney Brallagan; 3-Roaring Willie;
+-Old Mother Goose. 10067 Little Love, a Little Kiss. (Un Per d'Amour) 90
E. Reeves C. Hermo.. Sil ..
20848 Irish Jigs. No.8 ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 10129 Little Serenade .80
I-Dusty Bobs; 2-Frazers; 3-.Lannengan's Ball; 4--Morninll Leopold Wi"kler G f.ld
Lark; 5-Looney McTwoitero.
B. R.w61
20510 Livery Stable Blues.................................. .75
W • .lfrli"lIton, Assl.· by H. R. Ray Lo,..
10 11
No. Pla~,d b~ Composer Price
No. Pla~ed b~ Composer Price
10119 Lohengrin. Elsa's Dream. (Transcription by Liszt) .90
L,opold W'''ffl". Wag"". 10155 Melodie, op. 10 .75
29659 Lonesome Blues, The .. ,............................. .15 L,op,ld Wi,."l". Mass,.." I

H".b,rl CI_ P".ry Bradford 10002 Melody in F /.75

10204 Lorely '................ .15 c. H_... Kor"ball Rubi"st""
. c. H".ma" Kor"ball S;,U"g 10223 Melody of Love, op. 600 75
10040 Lost Chord, The..................................... .80 . E. P. K,,,dlJll""a ..
C. H,rma" Kor"ball "f. SlIlIiw.. 20861 The Melrose Rag. Fox Trot........................ .85
20767 Love and Devotion. Meditation...................... .15 S~bil Court Hilbert BouersacllS
s. "f. Pwry LOllis "f. Drllmhlll".
10251 Love's Old Sweet Song.............................. .75 20574 Mighty America March. Onestep.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75
Perlll,i.. a..d Cam"ilzer "f. L. Mar..h
20813 Loyal to the Stars and Stripes. March................ .15 10222 Minuet in G........................................... .75
E. Berg"o" B"th07)'"
S. "f. Pwry, "fnl. by H. R. L'1lI1. 10•• KNf". 10011 Minuet, op. 14, No.1 '.. . .. . .75
10321 Luana Waltz, The. Played with Ukulele Effects.... .90 C. Herma.. KOrffbau \ Pader,wslli
B. F. K,,.dall Kajll/, K."o a
10197 Macushla 20847 Modern Life. Waltz 1.25
C. Horma,. KOrffball
,..................... .15
D. MacMorrollgh
" Brooks and O'Toole Ciro Valent,
10266 Magnetic Rag .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 20660 Moonlight Waltz, The. Song with Orchestral Effects .15
W.> Arli..gto.., "fsst. b~ H. R. Loga..
Scott 10PU" Scott lo,U.. 10164 Moonshine, op. 32, No. 3 and The Eagle, op. 32, No. 3 .75
10213 Mai po' na de in 'u (Forget Me Not). Hawaiian Song L,opold Wi..kl,r. ' MacDowell
Ukulele Effects .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 10173 Movement Perpetual, From "Sonata, op. 24"... . . . . . .. .80
B. F. K,,.dall HopII',.. Leopold Widl,r W,ber
10220. Manzanilli. Spanish Dance 75 10102 Murmuring Zephyrs. (Transcription by Nieman).... .75
B. F. K,..dall "f. C. Ro~ Emil Kat",..ste'" I '''se"
10265 Maple Leaf Rag ....................................•75 10192 Musette's Waltz Song. From "La Boheme" ..... ,.... .75
S cotl J opu,. Scott lof>U,. C. Herma.. Kor"bau Pucci...
20541 March Francaise. (Pere La Victoire)................ .75 20371 My Clarabelle. Waltz , , . . .. . . . . . . .. .90
S. "f. P".III",. G",.,.,
10077 March. From "Ruins of Athens'!' (Transcription by , C. Herma" Kor..bau F. W. McK"
20561 My Gal Sal. Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75
Rubinstein) .75 , S."f. Perlst,;" Dress,r
LIOf>old W,,.III,,. B"tho",.. 10036 Narcissus .75
10174 March from "Gotterdammerung" 1.00 C. H,rma" Kor..bau NIV'"
L,opolt!. Wi,."l". Wag,.,r 20842 National Emblem March............................. .85
10143 Marche Militaire 1.00 S. "f. P".ry. "f.II. b~ H. R. E. E. Bagl,~
L,opold W,..kl,r Schub,rt Taus,g 20634 Nations Awakening, The. Military March........ .... .75
20446 Martha Overture, Four Hands 1.25 H~la"d a.. d Cam"' L. D".,,;
S. "f. P,rlll"" a"d Walt,r Cam,,"'''' Floto'" 10056 Nearer My God To Thee and Lead Kindly Lig-ht .....75
10083 Mazurka in A Minor 1.00 C. H"ma,. Kor,,"au Maso .. a..d D~klS
Fra,," Shlrid4" Chop .. 10182 Nights of Gladness. Waltz : .75
10247 . Meditation, op. 90..................................... .15 C. Her_" Kor..bau A..d;',
C. H".ma.. KOrffball Morriso.. 10009 Nocturne, 0p. 9, No.2 75
10145 Meditation from "Thais"............................ .75
L,opold W.,."I". Massa""
LlOpold ",.""1" ChoP'"
10058 Nocturne, in F Sharp, op. 15, No.2 75
10105 Meistersinger, Der. Walther's Prize Song 1.00
Bm,1 KaI.,,,.,,,,, Wag"".
O. P. S I , u l .
10042 Nocturne, in G Minor............................... .90
10117 Meistersinger, Der. Walther's Prize Song. (Trans- Q. F. Sto," Cho';"
scription by Bendel) 1.25 20757 Nonpareil (No Equal). March and Onestep 75
L,oP,ld W',."I". Wa,,,,,. S. "f. Perry. Asst. /Jy H. R. "frth"r Schro,der
10118 Melodie, op. 8, No.3 75 10246 Nu'a 0 Ka Palao. Old Hawaiian Melody. Ukulele Ef.
L,."II W ..."," Pad"."".", fects .75
12 c. H"m".. Kor..ball Pri.." L,loioholtll
No. Played by Composer Price'
No. Played by Composer
10066 Prelude, op. 3, No.2, 75
10211 Oh, Dry Those Tears '. ~,; B. Kat.,,,stei,,· Raohma"i"ol

Prf~~~~e~~~~~... ~~.r~~.. ~~~I.e.~... !.a.z.z.. ~~~. ~~~!~~~ .~.f~I.75
B. F. Kendall Teresa del Riego 20454
20819 Olden Times Echoes. Waltz , "
S• .t. PWF1_ S. A. Perry . ';j> A. Hyland
20521 Old Glory March .................................... •1:1 20837 President Harding March............................ .85
S. A. Perlltei" G. Watson S. A. P".ry Palll Cra"e
10206 One, Two, Three, Four. Hawaiian Song. Ukulele Ef- 10338 Pua Alani (Orange Blossoms). Hawaiian Waltz.
fects .75 Ukulele Effects .75
C. Herman Kornball C. Herman Kombau H. Berger
20351 Original Rags .75 10286 Puu 0' Hulu (Hulu Hills). Ukulele Effects........... .75
, W. Arlingto" Scott 101'Iin C. Herma" Kor"ball
10180 Osolde's Love Death. From "Tristan and Isolde" .... 1.00 20461 Quality Rag .75
Leol'ol4 Wi""ler Wag"er W. ArU"gto" lam', Seotl
20427 Our Army and Navy. March........................ .75 20860 Radio March " 90
W. ArUngto" , F. Faerber Sam A. Perry Sam A. Perry
20605 Our Love In By-Gone Days. Waltz. Marimba Effects .75 10099 Recollections of Home............................... .90
S. A. PerlJtei" Weile C. Herman Kornbau MUI,
20507 Pagliacci, Arioso (Put On Your Smock)............. .75 20830 A Regular Guy. quick-step.................. .85
S. A. Perlstei" Leo"eafJall. S. A. Perry Phil/il' He"ry Hall
10098 Pagliacci .80 10250 Remember Me (Far Away).. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .75
B. Katu"stei" LeoneafJallo C. Herma" Kornbau M. Briflekma"
20797 Palace of Peace. March and One-Step. Orchestra effect .75 20829 Remembrance 1.00
S. A. Pwry, Asst. ~ H. R. C. M. Va"derslool s. A. P".ry O. Ion"
10019 Papillons, Le, op. 43, No. 1. ; .75 20804 Repasz Band. March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .75
B. F. Ke"dall Greig , S. A. Perry, A,st. by W. K. Cha,. C. SWIII,y
20458 Passariel1o, La (II Passerino)........................ .75 10110 Rhapsodie Hongroise, No.2 '" 1.25
A. Perillo Vi"ee"se de Meglio Le.l>oltl Wi"kler U,st
10075 Peer Gynt Suite. Anitras Dance, op. 3, No.2,., 75 10152 Rhapsodie Hongroise, No.6 " 1.25
B. Kat3e"stei" Greig Leol'old Wi"kler Lis.,
10172 Peer Gynt Suite. Daybreak, op. 4p, No 1 75 10168 Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 12 , 1.25
Leol'old Wi"kler ' Greig Leol'old Wi"kler Lust
20811 Peter Gink. One-Step. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .... .75 10128 Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 14 , 1.25
P".r, a"d GoltJ GeorgI L. Cobb Leol'old Winkler Lu.,
20872 Piano Mania. Fox Trot. (Piano Solo Dance RoiL).. .85
Bert RewI' Wm. FallioU 10202 Rigoletto Donne e Mobile............................. .75
10041 Pierrette. Air de Ballet , " .. ' . .. .75 C. Herma" Kornbau Verdi
B. Kat.e"stein . Chami"ade 10005 Rigoletto. Paraphrase by Liszt ' 1.10
20852 Pioneer Band March ,........ .85 Leol'old Wi"kler Verdi ,
Sam A. Perry Ceo. B. L1Itz 10116 Robin's Return ". .. .75
1012.7 Pizzicati. From "Sylvia Ballet"......................... .75 C. Herma" Kor"flau Fuher
Llol'oltl Wi"kl,r Delibe, Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep , , . .. .75
10229 Poinsettia Waltz ',' , . . . . .. .75 10161
C. Herman Kor"ball C. W. Storer
c. Herma" Kornbau Knight
10179 Polacca Brilliante .90 10065 Romance. op. 44 75
E. Kat.",st"" Rubi"stein
Llol'oltl Wi""'er Weber
10085 Romance 1.00
10033 Polish Dance, 'op. 3, No. 1. 75 Frank Sherida" T,ehaikow,ky
B. KaI.",stei" Sell1Jrwl"ka
10108 Polonaise, op. 53 , 1.25 10178 Romance Sans Paroles .75
Leol'old Winkler C. Sa ' Saeu
Llol>oltl Wi"Ww ,CIloI>'"
10144 Polonaise, in E 1.50 20810 Sabre and Spurs. March ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75
, LloI'oltl W ...kl". Lis.,
s. A. Perry, A,d. ~ H. R. SOfUO
14 lQ
No. Playsd by Composttr Price Play.d by Composttr Price
20582 Sacrilegious Rag. Foxtrot. 'With ilPologies to the 10138 Sylphes, Les .80
Great Masters :............. .75 Leopold Wi..ldttr Bachma ..
C_tOI", Sa",..,1 A. Pttr,.,ri. 10127 Sylvia Ballet. l'izzicati ;. . . .75
10014 Scarf Dance ........ ........... ........... .75 L,opold W i..kl,r Dllib,1
L,oto'd Win1e',r, 10016 Sylvia Ballet. Valse Lente ············· .75
10307 Second Mazurka; op. 54 ....... ;........................ .90 E. F. K,..dall D,Ub"
T,d H,lml B,.. j. Goddard 20876 Tall Cedars March
S. A. Pttrry
M. A. Althouse
10181 Serenade .75
B. K.'I,..stri. S h..bttrl 10157 Tannhauser. Evening Star Song 1.10
10095 Seri~~~?J ~f,;.,;5 M~;I;,~~;,i" .75 Transcription by Liszt.
Leopold Wi..kler Wal/ r
10109 Serenade. Transcription by Liszt 1.25 10158 Teresita. Waltz .80
L,opold W ...ltl", Sh.Hrl Emil Kat....stei.. Carrl..o
10231 Shadows On the Water. Reverie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 10145 Thais. Meditation :. .75
C. Httr",a. KOrfSba. A"I/"st LoWfl" L.opold Wi../ll" Mas et •
10227 Sing Me a Song of the South... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 20519 Them Doggon'd TriRin' Bues. Foxtrot ····· .75

C. H_.
C. Herma..
10039 Silvery Brook.
10076 Simt.l~:,:a~u io~~b:J~
J. W. Casey
Waltz... . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. B. Braha",
A. Hyla..d, Asst. by W. K.
You'll Remember
Emil Kat.l..stei..
20604 Tishomingo Blues. Foxtrot
Me. From
W. E. Skidmorl
"The Boh,mian
. Balfe
10140 Sixth Nocturne ' " 1.25 Thomas EI/I/'" Williams
L,opold Wid]", L"bach 10154 To a Water Lily, op. 51, No.5 75
10278 Something Doing Rag .75 Leopold Wi..kl" MacDowl1I
Scott Jop/i,. . Scott Jopli,. 10153 To a Wild Rose, op. 51. No.1
, Leopnld Wink/n' >.1neDowell
, .75
10003 Songs Without Words. Spring Song..... . .. . .. . .. . .. .75
E. KottJe..stei.. Mendelssoh.. 20543 Tosca-When the Stars Were Brightly Shining (E.
10103 Spanish Dance .75 Ll1cevan Ie stelle) ············· .75
B. X.'u..stri,. Moszkowski Jock D....sta.. Pucci..i
20808 Spanish Echoes; Waltz 1.25 10007 Traumerei and Romance .75
S. 4f. Pttrr, S. A. Pttrry ) Leopold Wi..kllr ..
10081 Spinning Song .75 20506' Traviata, La.-Opera de Verdi-Fan tasip Bril1iante .. 1,25
L,opold Winkler Me..delssoh.. S. A. Perlstli,. L,ybach
20492 Spirit of Life. March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 10180 Tristan and Isolde-"Isolde's Love Death" 1.00
S. A. P,rlstei.. P.rlst"" Leopold Winkler Wal/"I~·Lis.t
20756 Spirit of Victory, The. March........................ .75 10221 Trovatore, Il-Selections....... . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .90
S. 4f. P.rry, Asst. by H. R. E. S. PIoIIPI C. Hwma.. Kor..bau Vlrdi
10167 Staccato Etude. Op. 23. No.2.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .80 20374 Twelfth Street Rag · · .. ······· .75
L,Dta'd Wi..klttr Rubi..stei,. W. Arli..gto,. E. L. Bowma..
20759 Stack of Barley. "Irish Reel Medley." "Stack of Bar- 10217 Ua Like No aLike. Hawaiian Song ITklll~le Fffects .....75
ley," "Blackberry. Blossoms," "Green Fields of C. H"ma.. . Arr. by H. B.rl/lr
America" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 . 20747 Under the Tents (Galop Brilliant).: 75
S. A. Pttrr, s. A. PI"y, Asst. by H. R. Chas. N. Da..iels
10230 Star of the Sea. Reverie............................. .75 , 10067 Un Peu d'Amour (A Little Love A Little Kiss) 90
C. Httrflla,. Arflla..da K edy C. Hwma.. L. Siles..
20428 Still Alarm, The. March. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 20670 U. S. Field Artillery March , .75
w. Arli"l/to.. H. J. Li..col.. S. A. Pttrry John Philip
10086 I Studies In A Flat 75
Fra..1t Shttrida.. CIoo,... 10176 Valse, op. 64, No.2 · 75
10240 Swanee River, or Old Folks at Home. Variations ....75 Leopold Winkler Chopin
C. H_." Kor"ba. Fon,r 10177 Valse Brilliante, op. 34, No.3........................ .75
16 Leopold Winkler Chopin
No. Play,d by Composer Price
20818 Valse Caprice ..•........ 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.00
S. A. ~,"y S. A. Perry
10049 Valse Coquette .. 0 ••••••• 0 ••• 0 '• • 0 ••••••• 0 .0 0 •• 0 0 0 •• 0' .75
O. F. Stout Mosllkowski
10013 Valse Lente ... 0 ••••••••• ' ••••••••••••• 00' •• 0 • • • • • • • •• .75
Emil Kat.,,.stri,. Siev,ki"l1
10146 Valse Lente-Coppelia Ballet ."" ..... 00 ••• " . 0 0 • , o' .75
L,opold W i,.kler DeUbes '
10210 Valse Parisienne
E. F. K,ndall
o.. o. , " , " , ·.0' •••

Lee S. Roberts
0. , , 00' , • •• .80 Concert Edition
10310 Venetian Love Song, .. , .... "".,." .. ",.", ... ".. .75 Classical and Operatic
T,d Helms Eth,lbert Nevi,.
20560 Vision of Hawaii, A. Waltz,., .. 0 , ••• 000.0 •• 0 •• , " •• .75 Selections
lac1l Dunsta,. Day
'10263 Wailalea (My'Wailalea Home). Ukulele Effects ......75 Each Selection Copyrighted by
C. Herma,. Korttball Major K,alakai
10105 Walther's Prize Song. From "Der Meistersinger", 0 •• 1.00 Connorized Player Roll Co.
Emil,.steitt Wagner
10117 Walther's Prize Song. From "Der Meisters'inger."
Transcription by Bendel. "., 0 , , • , , • , , , ••• , ., 1.25
L,opold Wi,.kler
10080 Waltz, in A Flat, op. 42
L,opold Wi,.kler
0 .. • .. .. • ..
.. .. .75
' E have made a new; a radical departure in music rolls. An
10079 Warum, op. 12, No.3
L,opold Wi,.kler
Weary Way Blues.
A. Hyland
Foxtrot ... ,
0"".'.".,., ••••••

•••••• 0 • 0

L. Minor
, •• , ,
• 0 •••
W edition entitled the "CONNORIZED SPECIAL CON.
CERT EDITION," consisting of Operatic and Classi~
music of a character and scope to satisfy and please people of
20839 Wedding Dance. A Chasene Tang .... o. , 1.10
musical culture who recognize the player-piano as a high class
0 • 0 •• , , • , , , •

S. A. Perlstei,. S. A. Perlst,i,.
10277 Weeping Willow Rag, ,. o. o' ."""0"'.' ••• 75 musical instrument, not merely a means of light recreation. The
Scott lopUn Scott lopU,.
20617 Weile's Waltz. Marimba Effects,. 0 , 0 0 '0' 0 •• , • , 0 • , , •• .75 n;usic in this edition consists of compositions or adaptations by
S. A. Perlst,i,. A. Brock Chas. ]. Wilson, a musician of international reputation.
10309 Whispering Willows. Intermezzo ... ' . " " 0 ' . 0 , , ••• 0 .80
T,d Helms Victor Herbert
20833 Who's Who In Navy Blue. March" 0' 0.' •• 0' o' .85 In presenting this edition to the patrons of 88-note player-
S. A. Perry Sousa pianos, we feel assured of having accomplished the task of filling
10166 Winter, opo 32, No.4 ..... .75
L.opold Wi,.kler
0 ••• 0 •• 0" 0 0 . " . " " ,

" , "'0

a long felt want and of meeting the increasing demand for music
specially adapted to the particular requirements of this instrument.'
At the same time, excelling all previous efforts which have been
attempted in this field as to meritorious musical excellence.

The adaptions of tRe selections contained in this edition have

been made with the view of producing in detail the possibilities of
which the8!-note player-piano is capable. The reproduction of the

18 19
Played by Composer Price
works of modern composers as originally written or arranged to No.
8811 Tsigane Life~Magyar (Hungarian) Czardas. Typical of
meet the technical requirements of the average pianist, or even the Hungarian National Dance (has. J. Wilson 1.00'
of the greatest virtuosos, are inadequate, disappointing, and fail Lullaby of' the Loom ·.·· .Chas. J. Wilson .75
of their purpose when applied to the player-piano. The mind 8812
8813 Qui Va La? (Who Goes There?) A stirring Military
is capable of conceiving that which is far beyond the capability f March .••••••••.•...•••..•.••..••.•... •Chas. J. Wilson .75
of the hand to perform. Hence, composers and arrangers are ~
compelled to keep within a prescribed range, imposed 'upon them 8814 Eternal
Feminine-Valse Caprice de Concert .
Chas. J. Wilson 1.'10
by the limitations of the interpreter-the hand. \ This roll depicts the cupidity and capricious moods to which
femininity is heir and is especially well adapted to exhibit

Many critics have termed these adaptations as "RECREA-

the wonderful possibilities of the player-plano.

8815 Strauss Waltz Mosaic Cha.s. .T. Wilson 1.25

TIONS," conveying the same idea as the result of Liszt's adapta- This roll contains THEME Gems aeleeted from some of the
most celebrated of Strauss Walt. Suites and also excerpts from
tions of Schubert's "Hark, Hark, the Lark," and many other aome of his less known though beautiful eonceptions of the
words of this composer, revealed the beauties they contained al· waltz.
though previously unrecognized in their original setting. 8816 Zampa Overture .......................•..... . Herold 1.50
8817 Melody in F ······ Rubinstein 1.00
The blending of themes contrapuntal effect and innumerable
embellishments employed in these adaptations are at all times 8818 Wedding March and Elves' Dance from "Midsummer
Night's Dream" Mendelssohn 1.25
subservient to the fundamental theme or melody, which is strictly If I Were a Bird ; ·· .. Henselt .65
adhered to and stands out prominently in its original form. The Merry Bobolink ····· .Chas. .T. Wilson .65
8820 A musical description of the flirtation between a Bobolink
and a Whlp-Poor·WiII.
No. Played by Composer Price ···· Von Suppe 1.50
R821 Light Cavalry Overture
8801 Poet and Peasant Overture Von Suppe 1.50 8822 Southern Melodies at).d Home, Sweet Home .
Chas. J. Wilson 1.25
8802 Anvil Chorus from II Trovatore Verdi .75
Old Folks at Home; Old Kentucky Home; Maryland' Old
8803 Selections from Faust Gounod 1.00 Black Joe; Home, Sweet Home; Bugle Calls; The Girl Lefti
8804 Funeral March from Sonata op. 35 ChoPin .75 Behind Me; Dixie. .'
8805 To the Evening Star from Tannhauser .•••. .•.• Wagner 1.00 8823 The Beautiful Blue Danube-Waltz Strauss 1.25
8806 Waltz op. 64, No. 1. Chopin .75 8824 Polaccia Brilliante (Chara~teristic Polish National
Dance) , Chas. J. Wilson .75
8807 Standard Medley of International Airs .. Chas. J. Wilson 1.25
This roll is made up of the National Airs of Russia, France•. 8825 The Irish Witch ······ Chas. J. Wilson .65
Italy, Eftgland and America; and, while artistically embellished. This selection can be used either as an Iriah Ji,. a Polka.
the theme predominates and is carefully adhered to throughout. or a Twost.p. A Distinct Novelty.
8808 The Sea Nymphs-Suite de Ballet Chas. J. Wilson 1.25 8826 Connorized Comic Opera Review. Adapted by Chas.
This roll depicts the rise of the Nymphs to the top of the
waves and their dance.
J. Wilson ······················· 1.25
Mosaic No. 1. Intro.-Bocaccio. Waltz, Mareh, Ermine.
8809 Flight of the Butterflies-Valse Caprice . . Chas. J. Wilsall 1.00 Lullaby. Dance--What the Dickey Rirds Say, Mikado, Tit
Willow, Thre. Little Maids. Flowers That Bloom in the Spring,
A musical description of the Flight of the Butterflies over Orphee aux Enfers. To Captivate the Proud Alelnena, Golop,
the flowers, followed by a storm. .
This Ball Now to Finish.
8810 The Bewitching Smile-Twostep Caprice.Chas. J. Wilson 1.00 8827 Kunstler Leben. Artist Life-Waltz. Arranged by
This i. written in the French (Offenbach) style. When played
as a caprice, the performer will find innumerable opportunities Chas. j. Wilson Strauss 1.00
to intert>ret the "chie" and coquetting style of the lighter
French School. 882~ The Trumpeter's Dream. Descriptive Chas. J. Wilson .75
21 .
r No. Played by Composer Price
2 Alice Romance. Transcription ./. Ascher 1.25
3510 Alicia Valses ' Nevin .75
1409 AlIa Stella .Confidente. Fantasie Nocturne, op. 175.
I. Leybach 1.10
1585 All Hail the Power of JeBus' Name. Coronation.
. Holden 75
2095 Alma y Corazen Ernesto Elorduy .75
432 Alpine Storm, op. 105 Chas. Kunkel .80
410 Amaryllis. Valse Lente E. C. Seger .75
1282 America. Four Verses............................... .75
Regular Edition 493 America. Variations
1819 American Eagle
Gottschalk .80
W. T. Dienstbach .75
513 American Fantasia. Four Hand Arrangement by
Player Rolls A. Rihm .................•................. . V. Herbert 1.25
128 American Patrol Meacham .80
2807 American Songs. Medley. Arranged by H. Hughes .. 1.00
No. 3292 American Volunteers. March Theo. M. Tobani .75
928 Pla~d by Composer Price 1169 Amina. Egyptien Serenade P. Lincke .75
Abendlied (Evening Song), op. 85 R. Schuman .75 938 Am Meer (By the Sea). Transcrip. by Liszt. . Schubert .75
627 <, 1038 Amo et Printemps : E. W (Jldteufel .75
Abide With Me (Eventide) W. H. Monk .75
Abide With Me, Transcription S. Liddle .75 k.,f
1504 Amorosamente. Valse Lente
145 Amoureuse. Valse Lente
M. M. Ponce .75
R. Berger .75
Adelaide, Transcription by Berens Beethoven 1.10 986 Andante Favori. Transcription by Bendel. Mozart .75
2902 Adelphia March W. C. Barkell .75 284 An Den Fruehling (To the Spring), op. 43, No. 6 .. Grieg .75
Adeste Fidelis-1.·':ar.dolin Arrangement............... .75 1037 Angel of Love. Valse Waldteufel1.10
See Vespers Medley, arranged by H. R. Barron.
2063 631 Angels Ever Bright and Fair HaKdel .75
162 Adios. Two-Step ...............•.•.. " A. Carrasco .75 532 Angels' Serenade C. Kunkel .76
1501 L' Africaine. Fan tasie by Bendel. M eyerbeer 1.25 '11
73 Angels' Serenade. Transcription by S. Smith Braga .75
L'Africaine. Overture Meyerbeer .75 2i 667 Angelus M. Sieveking .75
2146 (f;
2147 African Suite, op. 35, Nos. I and 2 S. C. Taylor 1.10 732 Angelus, The. Meditation, op. 65 Godard .75
3868 African Suite, op. 35, Nos. 3 and 4 S. C. Taylor 1.10 3505 Anhelos Waltzes Calvo .75
3869 Aida. Part I " " " .. Verdi 1.50 172 Anitra's Dance and Hall of Mountain Kings. From
3870 Aida. Part II Verdi 1.50 "Peer Gynt" ..•....•. _ ..••....•................ Grieg 1.00
3871 Aida. Part IlL Verdi 1.50 141 Annie Laurie. Variations., B. Richards .75
3872 Aida. Part I V Verdi 1.50 140 Anvil Chorus. From "II Trovatore" Verdi .75
482 Aida. Part V Verdi 1.50 342 Apple Blossoms. Reverie K. O. Roberts .75
285 Aida. Fantasie by ltuarte Verdi 1.25 557 L'Ardita. Waltz... .. L. Arditi .75
1502 Aida. Triumphal March. . Verdi .85 954 L'Argentine. Fantasie.. Mazurka E. Kettertl .80
645 Aida. Celeste Aida Verdi .75 2117 Arjtentine. Tango Dance _ P. A. Reuben" .75
1995 Air de Ballet .1. Massenet .75 1932 Ana in E Minor J. S. Bach .75
2118 Air de Ballet, op. 36, No.5 Moszkowski .75 225 Arkansas Traveler. Virginia Reel, Fisher's Hornpipe.. .75
1907 Air de Ballet, op. 30, No.1 Chaminade .80 525 Arno. Italian Water Scene.4 •.•............. W. Fletcher .75
Air Pilot. Two-Step E. Braham .75 570 Artists Life. Waltz J. Strauss 1.25
JQ~!l ~lblJ!J) Leaf, op. 12, No.7 E. Greig .75 1748 Ashes of Roses. Rosenasche Goldbeck .75
22 895 Asklepios. Walzer F. Lehar .80
No. Played by Composer Price No. Played by Composer Price
828 Asleep in the Deep. Song .................•..• .Petrie .75 792 Battle Hymn. 'Tis Harvest Time; Lead Me, Saviour.
2046 As Thro' the Streets. Musette's Waltz Song from "La J. Watts, F. M. & J. T. Hall .75
Boheme" ...................................• Puccini .75 3170 Battle of the Nations. Descriptive March E. T. Paull 1.25
421 At a Georgia Camp Meeting. Cakewalk K. Mills .75 115 Bay State Commandery March · Burrell .75
72 Athalia. Priest's March Mendelssohn 1.00 3502 Beale Street. Another Memphis Blues W. C. Handy .75
1086 At the Spring ; R. /osefly .75 2754 Beautiful Roses. Hesitation Waltz .. Carroll & Friedland .75
205 Auf dem Wasser zu singen. Barcarolle. Transl..ription 499 Beautiful Spring. Reverie • .. •• .-.R. Goerdeler .75
by Liszt Schubert .75 1778 Beautiful Star of Heaven ·.· .L. A. Drumheller .75
123 Auf Wiedersehn. Waltz Bailey 1.10 822 Beggar Student Selections. Arranged by Weigand
1313 Auld Lang Syne. Lodge Ode 1. O. O. F.. . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 Milloecker,I.25
1620 Auld Lang Syne, Nearer My God to Thee. Home, 3082 Belfry Chimes · .. · .. · W. B. M omson .75
Swcet Home-Elk Lodge Music. One verse each.. .. .75 289 Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms ,
286 Auld Lang Syne. Variations E. Hoffman .75 and Garry Owen. Transcription W. Pape 1.00
287 Au Printemps Gounod .75 1287 Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms;
647 Aus Dem Carnival, op. 19, No.3 E. Grieg .1.00 Irish Washerwoman; Low Backed Car; Jigs, No.5 .. ·· .75
104 Autumn. Etude de Concert, No.2 Chaminade .80 288 Bellisario. Fantasie by Goda ······ Donizetti 1.25
206 Ave Maria Gounod-Bach .75 3(H3 Belle au Boise dormant, Le. Paraphrase de Concert
625 Ave Maria F. Schubert .75 • P. Pabst Tschaikowsky.1.00
259 Ave Sanctissima. Evening Song to the Virgin. B.Richards .90 1029 Belle Rose Dance. Schottische ···· .Brahms 15
672 Awakening of Spring J. S. Bach .75 232 Ben Bolt. Grand Fantasie de Concert ·· Wallace 1.25
180 Awakening of the Lion De [(ontski 1.50 213 Ben Hur Chariot Race. March Paull .85
870 Bacio, 11 (The Kiss). Waltz L. Arditi .75 1090 Berceuse : Gottuhllik .75
620 Back To Our Mountains. From "It Trovatore" Verdi .75 60 Berceuse · · .... •L. S;hytte .75
803 Ba.iarlerentanz, No. I. Fera11lors B~ l1et Music. Rubillstein .80 l'
257 Berceuse, op. 38, No.1 ·.········•·· vn/!g .75
806 Bajaderentanz, No. 2.Feramors Ballet Music. Rubins.tein 1.00 194 Berceuse, op. 57 .. , · ·· .. Cllopin .75
2289 BaIse-I', La. Valse Boston O. Cremleux .75 1141 Berceuse. Transcription by Raff ,(. ounod .80
2103 Bal Costume. Polonaise et Polonaise Rubinstein .90 154 Berceuse. From "Jocelyn," Lullaby..•...•.•. . B. Godard .75
932 Ballad in D Flat, op. 119 ............•.... . H. N. Bartlet .75 ~: '1769 Bill Board. March · .. · .. ·.J. N. Klohr .75
1091 Ballade in G Minor, op. 23 Ghopin 1.25 2691 Billy Sunday's Hymns. No. I-De Brewer's Big
968 Ballade, op. 38 Chopin 1.00 Horses , .J. B. Herbert .75
89 Ballade in A Flat, op. 47 Chopin 1.25 2692 Billy Sunday's Hymns. No.2-The Church in the
6RO Ballade in F Minor, op. 52 Chopin 1.25 Wildwood ' Dr. Wm. S. Pitts .75

2015 Ballade in D Flat. No.1 Lis.t 1.25 768 Birds of Spring. Reverie ······•·· .G. Lange .'75
1820 Ballet Egyptien, Nos. I and 2 A. Luigini 1.00 925 Birds and the Brook R. M. Stults .75
2125 Ballet Egyptien, Nos. 3 and 4 A. Luigini 1.00 3213 Bit 0' th' Ould Sod, A. Medley arranged by .
1072 Ballo in Maschera, Un. Fantasie by Leyhach .... Verdi 1.25 E. Bergeson 1.25
644 Banjo, The. Fantasie Grotesque L. M. Gottschalk 1.00 I-Come Back to Erin; 2-Little Bit of Heaven; 3-Wben
324 Barber de Seville. Fantasie Brillante Leybach 1.00 Irish Eyes Are Smiling; 4--Where the River Shannon F1owI;
613 Barber de Seville. Overture Rossini 1.25 5-My Wild Irish Rose; 6-Mother Machree; 1-Garry Owen.
702 Barcarolle. . E. N win .80 130 Black and White Rag ·· .. ··· .Botsford .75
683 Barcarolle, op. ?7. No.1 M. Mosskowski 1.00 2747 Black Hawk. Waltz M. E. Walsh .75
1581 B~rcarolle, op. 30, No.1 Rubinstein .90 587 Blaze Away. March ·.······ .A. Holzmann .75
1411 Barcarolle, op. 30, No.2 R. Castro .75 1937 Blue Bells of Scotland; Adeste Fidelis; Soldier's Fare-
1908 Barcarolle, op. 37 Tschaikowsky .75 well; Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Chimes Arrangement.
1441 Barcarolle. Fr9m "Tales of Hoffman," Arranged by Arranged by J. H. Hughes · .. · 7'i
D. Magnus Offenbach .75 494 Blue Bells of Scotland. Variations .••..... •B. RiCMrdl .75
No. Played by Composer Price No. Plo:;,d b:; • Composer. Price
71 Blue Danube · ~ ••... . S&hul. E"'t1'.1.25 2128 Cantique d 'Amour Harmc nies Poetiques et
107 Blue Danube. Waltz Strauss 1.00 Religieuses Livr. 7, No. 10 F. Liszt .90
200 Blue Violet Eilenoerg .80 681 Capriccio, op. 33, No.l M endelssohn 1.25
1071 Boccaccio, No. I. Potpourri by G. Marks Suppe 1.25 746 Capriccioso Brillante Mendelssohn 1.25
2046 Boheme, La. Musette's Waltz Song, As Thro' the 1822 Caprice, op. 16, No.3 Mendelssohn .75
Streets Puccini .75 729 Caprice Espagnole, op. 307 M. Moszkowski 1.00
159 Boheme, La. Transcription by Peccia Puccini 1.25 1552 Caprice Hongroise A. H. Mangold .75
478 Bohemian Girl. Heart Bowed Down Balfe .75 1093 Caprice Scherzo, op. 16, No.1 Mendelssohn 1.00

Bohemian Girl. I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls .. Balfe .75
Bohemian Girl. Then You'll Remember Me
Bohemian Girl Selections
Balfe .75
Balit 1.00
I-Then You'll Remember Me; 2-1 Dreamt 1 Dwelt in Marble
Halla; 3-Heart Bowed Down.
Bohemian Girl. Transcription by Smith Balfe 1.25
l 292 Capriceuse, op. 15
2303 Capricho de Genero Espanol.
584 Car Barlick Acid Cakewalk
652 Caressante, La., op. 39. Caprice
156 Carmen.· Fantasie by Vilbac
Milde .90
A. Nogues 1.00
C. Wiley .60
.J. Blumenthal .90
Bizet 1.25
1014 Bohemian National Dance. Beseda Heller 1.25 1022 Carmen Lanciers, Nos. 1,2,3,4 and 5 Bizet 1.25
657 Bolero Brillante, op. 256 Leybach .75 153 Carmen. Toreador Song Bizet .85
61 Bolero Spanish Dance, op. 12, No.5 Moszkowski .75 3964 Carmen. Part 1. Bizet 1.50
674 Bolero Spanis.h Dance, op. 30. Arranged by R. Keller 3965 Carmen. Part 2 Bizet 1.50
. Sarasate .90 3966 Carmen. Part 3 Bizet 1.50
352 Bonnie Doon and Bonnie Dundee. Variations .. W. Pape 1.00 3967 Carmen. Part 4 Bizet 1.50
290 Bonnie Sweet Bessie. Variations M. H. Hobart .90 3967-A Carmen. Part 5 Bizet 1.50
116 Boston Commandery March T. Garter .75 10 Carnival de Venice, Le. Variations Grobe 1.00
3378 Bridal Roses. Waltz .Jerome Heller .75 921 Carnival of the Birds ;B. Pennington .75
2647 Brides and Butterflies. Waltzes N. Moret 1.00 If" 1985 Carnival of Venice, op. 22 .J. Schulholf 1.00
Brook, The
Brook, The, op. 32, No.2; Eagle, The, op. 32, No.1;
Moonshine, op. 32, No.3; Winter, op. 32, No.4.
W. Pape .75
I~· 1035 Carnivalsstudien Waltzes
583 Carpet Rag
430 Cascade, The. A Rag
Strauss 1.00
R. W. Conner .75
Scott Joplin .75
MacDowell 1.00 1078 Casse Noisette Ballet. Valse de Fleurs Tschaikowsky .90
291 Bv.bbling Springs .J. Rive-Ki,~g .75 1079 Casse Noisette Ballet March Tschaikowsky .75
131 Bugle Calls and War Songs. Orchestration by 1080 Casse-Noisette Ballet Danse des' Meriltons.
Connorized Music Co. .90 Tschaikowsky .75
3397 Bull Frog Blues, The. Foxtrot. Brown and Shrigley .75 2132 Castagnette, La. Caprice Espagnol, op 9 H. Ketten .75
1697 Bully Rag .J. E. C. Kelly .75 . 1934 Castellano Waltzes H. Frantzen .75
852 Bunch of Blackberries A. Holzman .75 3738 Cavalleria Rusticana. Potpourri, Part I ...•...• Mascagni 1.50
1412 B1IJ1ch of Rags. Rag Medley B. M. Jerome 1.0El 3739 Cavallera Rusticana. Potpourri, Part 2 Mascagni 1.50
876 Burgomaster Waltzes G. Luders .90 56 Cavalleria Rusticana. Intermezzo Mascagni .75
470 Burning of Rome. Desc~iptive March E. T. Paull .85 376 Cavalleria Rusticana. Intermezzo. Special Mandolin
273 Blltterfly, The (Le Papplllon) Lavalle .75 arrangement " Mascagni .75
195 By Moonlight Bendel .80 414 Cavalleria Rusticana Selections ..•............ Mascagni 1.00
62 Cacboucha Caprice, op. 79 : Ralf 1.00 192 Cavatina. Transcription by Pauer Ralf .75
1551 Calif Von Bagdad. Overture Boieldieu 1.25 2752 Cecile Waltz F. W. McKee .75
Orcheatratlon by Connor/zed Muoic Co. 237 Celebrated Serenade ............................•.. Titls .75
623 Calvary. Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Again Rodney .80 1502 Celeste Aida. From"Aida" Verdi .75
365 CalYary. A Special Mand.oli? Arrang.ement. Rodney 1.00 1316 Central Lodge Ode, I. O. O. F.......................... .75
9 Campanella, La. Transcnptlon by Llszt Paginini .90 . 2252 Chantilly Valse ..: Waldteufel .90
581 Cannon Ball, The. Twostep .J. Northrup .75 -436 Chant de Seraphin, La Gregh .75
26 27
No. Played by Composer Price
' \.
Played by
Christian Science Hymns. Eddy. O'er Waiting
Composer Price

950 Chant Sans Paroles ............................ . Sinding ~75 1991

I Harpstrings. Seven Verses ······ .. ·· .75
13 Chapel in the Mountains, op. 164........ . G. D. Wilson .75
468 Charlaton March ................................ . Sousa .75 1992 Christian Science Hymns. Communion Save Me,
My Saviour. Four Verses ··.······:··· .75
497 Charge of the Uhlans. Grand Galop Militaire .. C. Bohm 1.00
1384 Charme d 'Amour (Love's Spell). Valse Lente. J

1993 Christian Science Hymns. Endy. Shepherd Show
Me How To Go. .Three Verses · .. · .75
E. F. Kendall .75
944 Chase, The, op. 165, No.1; Repose, op. 165, No.2. 2020 Christian Science Hymns ;.........
I-One Cup of Healing 011. (Rockingham); 2-To Us a Child
H. N. Bartlett .75 of Hope is Born (Christmas); 3-lt Came Upon the Midnight
216 Chasse au Lion, La ....... ,.,. ...... ,.,. •• ,..,. .Kolling .85 Clear. (St. Asaph.)
95 Chasse Infernale, La. Grand Galop Brilliant ..... Kolling .75 2021 Christian Science Hymns ·············· .80
I-Watchman Tell Us of the Night. (Watchman); 2-The
2420 Che, Mi Amigo. Tango .•..........•.... Valverde H erpin .75 Morning Light Is Breakinc. (Webb); 3-Still, Still With
1873 Cherry Valley. Grand Polka Brilliant ..•.. . A. de Bubna .90 Thee. (Henley); 4-In Thee Oh Spirit True and Tender.
; Christian Science Hymns ·············· .80
1385 Chicken Chowder Rag .....•...•...........•...... Giblin .75 2022
1750 Chicken Reel ............................... ./. M. Daly .75 ( I-One Holy_ Church of God Appears. (Nox PraecC8sat)i'
2-0n the Night of the Last Supper. (Chamouni); 3-A1
Cielito Lindo. Waltz................................... .85
Children's Pieces, op. 72, Nos. 1 and 2.... Mendelssohn .75
{ Pow'r Is Given Unto Our God. (Ein Feste Berg); 4-Come
Ye Disconsolate. (Consolator).
i Christmas Carols 1.25
1098 Children's Pieces, op. 72. Nos. 3 and 4 ...... Mendelssohn .75 , 2248 I-Sing Glory, All Glory; 2-0h, Praise Him; 3-Beneath the
1099 Children's Pieces, oj}. 72, Nos. 5 and 6 ...... Mell&elssohn .75 \
Star; +-We Have Come to Worship Jesus; 5-The Star of
2013 Chilena, La. Danza Habanera ............. . D. Granado .75 Hope; 6-While Angels Sing.
2335 Chimes, The ............................ . H. Armstrong .75 2249 Christmas Carols
I-The Hope of All Mankind; 2-The Christmas Tree; 3-
1863 Chimes of Freedom. March ....•....... . A. H. Mangold .75 The Christmas Song; 4-Sing A Merry Christmas.
149 Chimes of N ormanc;ly. Selections ..... ..... Planquette 1.50 Rodney .80
3073 Chinese Blues. Onestep ........................ Gardner .75 623 Christ the Lord Is Risen Again. Calvary
1249 Chocolate Soldier Tirla1a. Waltz ............ . 0. Strauss 1.00 1473 Christ the Lord Is Risen Again; Jesus Lover of My
Soul; Lord, We Come Before Thee Now. 2 Verses
1386 Chocolate Soldier. Selections arranged by J. B. Lampe. i~ each 1.00
Orchestration by Connorized Music CO. O. Strauss 1.25
2391 Choral Medley, No. 1. Arranged by Barthel and 2692 Church in the Wildwood. Billy Sunday's Hymn.
No.2 Dr. Wm. S. Pitts .75
Duesenberl:( .......................................... .75 ······ .'Afassenet .75
l-A11' Glory Be To God; 2-Awake My Heart With Gladne.. ; 816 Cid Ballet, I.e. Castillare
3-A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; 4-Now Thank We All 815 Cid Ballet, Le. Navarisse ··· .Massenet .75
Our God: 5-0h That I Had A Thousand Volcel. , 849 Circus Parade, The. March ..........••.... . E. T. Paull .75
2513 Choral MedleyoNo. 2. Arr. by Barthel and Duesenberg .. .75 1252 Ciribiribin. Waltz. Mandolin arrangement. .Pestalozaa .75
I-Abide, 0 ureat Jelul; 2-Lord Keep UI Br. Thy
Word and Work; 3-Praile God from Whom All B esaingl 69 Cloches de Monastere, Les (M,Onastery Bells). Noc-
F1ow; 4-We All Believe In One True God; 5-Jelul Be Our turne, or.. 54,. ·· .. ·· .. Lefebure Wely .75
Guide; 6-Let Me Be Thine Forever.
Choral Medley, No.3 (Lent). Arranged by Barthel and 439 Cloches d Or, Les, op. 268 ·.· .Ketterer 75
.2656 537 Cloister Bells. Reverie E. M. Read .75
Duesenberg .......................................... .75 861 Coast Defense. March L. M. Lang .75
1-0 Lamb of God MOlt Holy; 2-0 Bleeding Head and A. Goria .75
Wounded; 3-A Lamb Gael Uncomplaining; 4-Jesul Crucified 871 College Hornpipe
Possessel; 5-Belond Jelus, What Law; 6-Cbrllt the Life 293 College Life Frantzen .75
of All the Living. 1317 Common Metre Hymn. Lodge Ode, 1. O. O. F.......... .75-
2657 Choral Medley, No.4 (Easter) ... ,.,.,.,..,.,..,. ... ,. .75 11 Concert Mazurka .•........ ············ .R. A. Newland .75
ArranR'ed by Barthel and Duesenberg. 31 Concert Paraphrase on Schatz Waltz ..... .strauss Scuett 1.00
I-Christ Is Risen. 2-Awake My Heart with Gladnesl. 3-
The Glorious Day Hatb Now Appeared; 4-Jelul Christ My 995 Concerto, op. 25.,.,. .. ,.,.,. ....... · .. ,. .. Mendelssohn 1.50
Sure Defense; 5-To Us Salvation Now II Come; 6-Dear 9% Concerto, op. 25 Presto ..........•...••... Mendelssohn 1.00
Cbristians One and All Rej olce. 1478 Concerto, in A Minor, op. 16. Adagio Grieg .75
1990 Christian Science Hymns. Marcambe, 0 Gentle 1479 Concerto, in A Minor, op. 16. Allegro Mercato Grieg 1.50
Presence. Five Verses .............................. .75 29
No. Pla~ed b~ CompO's". Price No. Pla)'cd by Composer Price

1477 Concerto, in A. Minor, Ope 16. Allegro Molto 137 Country Dance Nevin .75
Moderato ......................•..........•..•.•. Grieg 1.50
1"239 Concertol in E Minor, Ope ~1. Allegro ,Maestoso.Chopin 1.50 574 Crab Apples Rag P. Wenr'cll .75
II •• •

1475 Concerto, in E Minor, Ope 11. Romance ...•..•.. Chopin 1.25 261 Cradle Song, Ope 18 II Barili .75
1476 Concerto, in E Minor, Ope 11. ~ondo ........•. Chopin 1.25 1782 Creme de la Creme. Musical Melange Tobani 1.25
3255 Concordia Medley, No. 15. Arranged by Barthel and 818 Crown Diamonds. Overture Auber 1.25
Duesenberg '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . •. • . • . . .. .75 2041 Cuban Dances Cervantes .80
I-Haare Meine Seele; 2-80 Nimm Denn Meine Haende; Cuesta Gallardo. ,March T. Sancedo .75
3-Unter LilieD; 4-Lasst Mich Geben; 5-Wo Findet die 1698
Seele; 6-Der Beste Freund; 7-Naeher Mein Gatt. 920 Cupid's Garden. Intermezzo M. C. Eugene .75
3272 Concordia Medley, No .16. Arranged by Barthel and 1874 Czardas, No.3 ~ G. Michiels .85
Duesenberg .75 1823 Czardas; No. 5..•••.•....•.................. . G. Michi,ls .75
I-Grosser Gott Wir Loben Dich; 2-Danket Dem Herrn; 1824 Czardas, No.6 ······ .G. Michiels' .80
3-Ich Bete an die Macht: 4-Ach Mein Herr Jesuj S-Hein
Nach Oben: 6-Gott ist die Liebe; 7-Die Gnaae Unsers 708 Czardas. Danse Hongroise (Hungarian Dance) .R. losefJy ~75
Herrn. 569 Czarina, La. Mazurka ·· .L. Ganne .90
3295 Concordia Medley, No. 17. Arranged by Barthel and 2734 Dallas Blues. Rag ... II H. A. Wand .75
•••••••••••••••• •• • •

Duesenberg .75 1875 Daly's Reel. Twostep and Buck Dance f. M. Daly .75
l-Wer Will; 2-Unter die Soldaten; 3-Mit 100,000 Stimmen;
4-Morgenrat; S-Dort Unter in der Muehle; 6-Ich Bah 1223 Dame Blanche. Overture ·· .A. Boildieu 1.25
Mich Ergeben; 7-Wacht am Rhein. 1480 Damnation of Faust•. Dance des Sylphes .....•.. Be,'lois .75
3312 Concordia Medley, No. 18. Arranged by Barthel and 1586 Dance Characteristique Tschaikowsky .75
Duesenberg .75 Dance des Sylphes. Damnation of Faust Berlo;'z .75
l-Wenn Die Schwalben: 2-Ich Weiss Nieht;3-Kimm 1480
Lieber Mai; 4-Letste Rose; S-Goldne Abendsonne; 6-Seht 174 Dance Macabre Saint Saens 1.25
Wie Die Sonne; 7-Muddle Bin leh. 143 Dance of the Demon II E. Holst .75
•• .. •

3381 Concordia Medley, No. 19. Christmas. Arranged by 144 Dance of the Honeybees B. Richmond .75
Barthel and Duesenberg.............................. .75 Dance of the Meteors. Dance Characteristic ... ·.Spencer••75
I-Tochter Zion; 2-Hosiana; 3-Herbei, Oihr Glaeubigen; 573
4-lhr KinderleiD Kommet: 5-0 Du Froe1iehe; 6-0 Tannen- 225 Dances. Arkansas. Traveler. Virginia Reel-Fisher's
baum; 7-Der Christbaum; 8-Stille Naeht. Hornpipe .75
1762 Confidences d'Amour. Waltz F. De Rialys .85 224 Dances. Irish Washerwoman, Devil's Dream, Rocky
1286 Connaught Man's Ramble; Top of Cork Road; Haste to Road to Dublin ······ .,. .75
the Wedding. Jigs, NO.2 75 Dancing Stars. Danse d'Etoiles, Ope 66 C. Godard .75
1031 Conqueror's Waltz W. Furst .75 714
868 Dancing with My Baby. Schottische Anthony .75
348 Consolation and Spinning Songs. Songs without Danse Creole C, Chaminade .75
Words Men d.elsS'ohn .75 673
1441 Contes d'Hoffman, Les. Barcarolle. Arranged by 435 Dance des Dryades, Ope 16, No. 10 Kowalski .75
D. Magnus Offenbach .75 608 Danza Dina Ore. UGioconda" ..•............ . Ponchielli 1.25
823 Contes d'Hoffman. Fantasie by Tobani. Offenbach 1.25 2290 Danzes Nocturnes · .f. L. Jorda .85
18 Convent Bells. Reverie H. Bollman .75 891 Danube Waves (Donauwellen) Ivanovici 1.25
1414 Convent Fire. Fantasie Descriptive E. De Bar .90 867 Dat Lovin' Rag. Twostep Sl1'talley· & Adler .75
778 Coppelia Valse Entracte L. DeUbes .75 651, Dawn~A Day in Venice, Ope 25, No.1 E. Nevin .75
1100 Coppelia Ballet. Valse de la Poupee L. DeUbes .75 2468 Day At West Point, A T. Bendix 1.25
262 Coquette Mazurka ~ Larregla .75 Day Break and. Death of Asa. From "Peer Gynt" .. Grieg 1.00
1585 Coronation. All Hail. the Power of Jesus' Name .. Holden .75 171
1700 Day Dreams. From USpring Maid" ...••.•.• . Reinhardt .75
572 Corricolo Galop Brilliant Durand de Grau .75
1816 Day Dreams. W~ltz Medley. Mandolin arrangement by
3437 Cosmos March M. A. Althouse .75 J. H. Hughes .. ~....................................... .75
228 Cotton Pickers' Dance ~ •.••.......•.• .E. HOUI .75 I-Day Dreams from "Spring Maid"; 2-Beautiful Lady from
1833 Count of Luxembourg. Selections F. Lehar 1.25 - "Pink Lady"; 3-Birth of Passion from "Madame Sherry."
450 D~ar Old Germany. Medley Overture Emil Acher 1.25 No. Played by Composer Price
1-Das 1st der TSI des Herrn' 2-In e1num kueblen Grunde; 2256 Duppler Schanzen. March 00 .. ~ O. H. Bollman .75
. 3-Studio auf e1ner Reish' 4-Ein freles Leben fuehren Wir;
5-Ach wie 1st's moellic dann; 6-Fruede sehoener Gotter· !n Dying Poet, The Gottschalk 1.00
funken; 7-Die wacht am Rhein; 8-Grad aus dem Wirtshaus; 935 Eagle, op. 32, No. I; Brook, op. 32, No.2; Moon-
9-Im tiefen Keller sltz Ich bier; 10-50 Leben Wir; 11- shine, op. 32, No.3; Winter, Opt 32, No.4.
Gauden ist Igituri 12-Deutachland, Deutschlahd ueber alles;
13-Waa Blasen aie Trompeten; 14-Hoch soU'n Sie Leben; E. A. MacDowell 1.00
15-Zapfenstrelch. 1704 Eagle Waltz ..... 00' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' 00' 00 00 .D. G. Gal/ur .75
171 Death of Asa and Day Break. From "Peer Gynt" .. Grieg 1.00 1482 Easter Lilies' Waltz .J. T. Hall .90
2691 De Brewer's Big Hosses. Billy Sunday's Hymn, No. 1. 167 Echoes from Metropolitan Opera House Tobatli 1.25
J. B. Herbert .75
1930 Demonstration Roll. Arranged by E. K Andrew 1.25
PallSalles from various selections, eacb calculated to develop
\\ 3592
Echoes from the Orient. Air L. Antique H. Maloof .80
"1863" March Medley
Eileen. Syncopated Waltz
E. S. Calvin 1.00
E. J. Scllf4sler .75
some Individual feature of the player-piano. .,V: 91 Elaine. Grand Valse de Concert ..........•.. . E. Holst .75
2897 Destiny Waltz .......................•...... . S. Baynes .75
224 Devil's Dream, Irish Washerwoman, Rocky Road to 263 El Capitan Marchoo 00.00 00 00 00 ...... 00 ... "" 00 00 Sousa .75
Dublin. Dances :... .75 5 El Dorado. Polka de Concert. ................• •Barllell .75
1045 Devil's March Suppe .75 1848 Elegie . 00 00 .. 00 .. 00 00 00 00 .. 00 00' .Chaminade .75
780 Dew Is Sparkling. Transcription by Bendel. 120 Elegie in C Sharp Minor, op. 88 E. Notlett .75
A. Rubinsteill .90 603 Elizabeth's Prayer, from "Tannhauser" Wagner 1.00
423 Dill Pickles. Twostep and Rag C. Johnson .75 1619 Elks Lodge Music. Opening Music.................... .75
Diplomat March .........•............. .John Philip Sousa .75 1620 Elks' Lodge Music, Auld Lang Syne; Nearer My God
850 to Thee; Horne Sweet Home. One ve,rse each......... .75
:;56 Dolores Valse, op: 170 E. Waldteufel1.25
1221 ron Pasquale. Transcription by Dorn, op. 39. No. 15. 1621 Elks' Lodge Music. Closing Music 75
Donizetti 1.00 2042 EI Pilar Grand Aragoneso I. H ermandez .80
929 Doux Reve, Un (A Sweet Dream). Valve, op. 68. 63 Elsa's Bridal Procession. From "Lohengrin." Transcrip-
R. Eilen1;erg 1.00 tion by Liszt Wagner .90
1702 Down By the Old Mill Stream T. Taylor .75 638 Elsa's Dream. From "Lohengrin.' Transcription by
1101 Dragon Fly and Ophelia Nevin .75 Liszt Wagner .80
1013 Dream Girl. Waltzes D. E. Harlem .75 3030 Emblem of Peace. March and Twostep. Geo. A. Reeg, Jr. 1.00
1256 Dream of Autumn. Valse ........•.........•.... .Joyce .75 2809 English Songs. Medley. Arranged by]. H. Hughes.. 1.00
1389 Dream of Beauty. Waltzes T. F. Parker .90 1257 Entr' Acte Rosemonde, No. I F. Schubert 1.10
1390 Dream of Heaven. Waltz A. W. Bauer .90 1258 Entr' Acte Rosemonde, No.2 F. Schubert .90
1026 Dream of Love. Waltzes Kaiser .90 1783 Entry of the Gladiators' March .•............... . Fucik .75
919 Dream of the Violet 00 . 00 00 00' 00 00 00 .. 00 00.00.J. T. Hall .75 <:242 En Tus Brazos. Mazurka J. M. Campos .75

Dreamer's Paradise. Waltz. Mandolin Arr<kIgement.
Amln~ed by S. M. Frenkel. 00 00 ... 00 00 00 ...... 00 . 00 00' .75
1-Mlserere. From "1\ Trovatore"; 2-Waltz from "Poet
and Peasant Overture."
Special Orchestration by Connorized Music Co.
Dreaming. Hesitation :Waltz A. Joyce

) 635
Eolian Harp, op. 11. ... 00.00 00 00 :
Ed King. Transcription by Liszt.
E'rnani. Potpourri
Espana Valse .. 00
'Espanita Waltzes
00 00 . 00
00' . 00 ooS. Smith .75
Schubert .90
00 00 00 00 Wels 1.00
00.". 00 00 . Waldteufel1.25
G. Rose'Y 1:00
398 Dreamland. Mandolin Arrangement ....•.... •A. McNea .75 898 Esperanza ."00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E, Diaz .7~
363 Dreamy Dreams. Waltz with Mandolin Effect. 114 Estudiantina Waltzes E. Waldteufel1.l5
Arranged by W. Bollman.............................. .75 875 Estudiantina Waltz. Extra Length for Dancing. '
1841 Druid's Prayer G. Davson .75 E. Waldteufel1.25
1040 Etincelles Valse 00 00 00. 00 00' 00' 00' 00 .. 00 .E. Waldtpufel1.00
1391 Drummer Boy of '76. March .J. H. Ellis .75 6 Etude, op. 1400"" .. 00 .. 00 .. 00 00 00' 00". 00 ... 00 . Ravina .75
662 Du Bist die Ruh (Thou Art Repose). Transcrint'ion by 636 Etude de Concert. 00' 00' 00 00 00 .... 00 00 ooF. Liszt .75
Liszt Schubert .75 677 Etude Mignonne .. 00 00 00 00' 00 00". 00 .. ooE. Schuett .75
1703 Duo d' Amor. "'altz ....•..••..•.... .J. De J. Martinez .75 281 Etudes, op. 10, No.5, and op. 26, No.9" ..... .. Chopin .75
• 32 33 . •
No. Played by COIllPOS.C1' Price
No. Pla~'cd by Composer Price
989 Etude, op. 10, No. 12 Chopin .75
945 Etude, op. 25, No. 10 Chopin .75 64 Fifth Nocturne Leybach .75
949 Eulenspiegels-Lustige Streiche R. Strauss 1.25 737 Fifth Valse Durand .75.
2356 Evening Chimes, op. 9, No. 1. A. F. Morzian 1.00 619 Figaro Overture Mozart 1.00
1705 Evening Delights. Arranged by W. H. Mast........... .75 67 Fileuse, La Rafl .75
W~ip.Poor.WI11; Little Log Cabin In the Lane. 68' Fille de Madame Angot. Fantasie by Leybach . . Lecocq 1.00
407 Evening Memories. Arranged by W. Bollman.......... .75 889 Fille du Madame Angot. Waltzes Lecocq .90
Pleadings. Heimweh, Tremolo. .
928 Evening Song. Abendlied, op. 85 Schuman,. .75 641 Fille du Regiment op. 165, Fantasie Militaire . . H. Herz 1.00
Evening Star Song. From "Tannhallser" Wagner .75
Ever Thine. Waltz. Mandolin Arrangcment. ./1. L. Maresh .88
Fackeltanz M eyerbeer 1.25
.. 401
Fine and Dandy. March
Firefly Sympathy
First Heart Throb, op. 50
Johnson .75
R. Friml .75
R. Eilenberg .75
109 Fairest of the Fair. March Sousa .75 784 Firs't Suite d'Orchestra. AIIegro Molto e brioso.
. Orchestration by Connorized Music Co. Meszkowski 1.25 .
904 Falling Leaves. Revcrie .1. H. Ml/ller .75 785 First Suite d'Orchestra. Theme with Variations.
500 Falling Waters or Water of the Yosmite. Caprice. .... M oszkowski 1.25
J. L. Truax .75 225 Fishers' Hornpipe; Arkansas Travele~; Virginia Reel. '
17085 Faniska Overture Cherubini LOO Dances ................•...............................• 75
2166 Fantasie Moise, op. 33 Thalberg 1.25 514 Flash Light, The. March. Arranged by E. T. Paull.
684 Fantasie, op. 49 C ho pin 1.25 "::. . E. Ellis .75
688 Fantasie Brilliante on Polish Airs Chopia 1.25 ~: 602 F1edermaus, Die. Potpourri. Arranged by G. W.
931 Fantasie Impromptu, op. 6 111. 111oszkowski 1,25 r& Marks J. Strauss 1.25
182 Fantasie Impromptu, op. 66 ..................• '. . Chopin 1.00 :,'
691 Fledermaus. Waltz. Concert Paraphrase by Schuett..
641 Fantasie Militaire, op. 165. La Fi11e dll Regiment. .'(:. . . J. Strauss 1.00
H. Herz 1.00 .~ 535 Fleurette J'. Herbe"t .75
998 Farewell to the Piano Beethoven .75 ~!, 1322 Fleurs de Paradise W ollenhaupt .75
496 Fascination Valse Tzigane F. n. Marchetti .75 548 Flight of the Butterflies. Characteristic Dance.R. Knauer .75
25 Fata Morgana Mazurka Fantastique. H. A. Wallenhaupt .90 '2198 Floreine. Syncopated Waltz E. J. Schuster .75
110 Fatinitza March. Four Hand Arrangement. .... . Suppe .75 101 Florence. Grand Valse de Concert...••.....•.. . Liebling 1.00
793 Faust Ballet, Nos. 1 and 2 C. Gounod .80 3537 Flower of Italy, The (11 Fiore D'Italia). Waltz.
794 Faust Ballet, Nos. 3. 4 and 5
795 F.aust Ballet, Nos. 6 and 7
C. Gouaod .90
C. Gounod .90
66 Flower Song
, Milano and Stefano \85
Lange .75
97 Faust Fantasie by S. Smith C. Gounod 1.25 618 Flower Song. From "Faust" GouHod .75
018 Faust. Flower Song C. Gounod .75 ~~. 855 Flying Arrow. March .......•........ ; A. Holzmann .75
2347 Faust. Grand Fantasia D. Zobalza 1.50 356 Flying Dutchman. Overture........•..•..•• •R. Wagne,,1.50
637 Faust. Jewel Song. 'Fantasie by Lange C. Gounod .75 477 Flying Dutchman. Spinning Song. Transcription .
1967 Faust Kermesse. Transcription by Saint Saens. C. Gounod .75 by Liszt Wagner 1.00
442 Faust. Soldiers' Chorus C. Gounod .75 2311 Fond Memories. Arranged by Evan Hamn1illl ..........•75
294 Faust. Waltz. Transcription by Liszt. C. Gounod 1.25 I-Sweetest Story Every Told (Mandolin). " '
819 Favorite, La. Morceau de Concert by Ascher. 2-When You and I Were Young (Chimes).,. .
D(jnizetti 1.25
1675 Fond 14emories. Arranged by
I-Sweet Adeline; 2-When
You. and
H. Mast
I W.ere Y~; 3-
803 Feramors Ballet Music. Bajaderentanz, No.1 .. Rubinstein .80 Molly Darling. ..
806 Feramors Ballet Music. Bajaderentanz. No.2'.. Rubinstein 1.00 I_~ 264 Fontaine, La, op. 34 ~; ·.Lyberg .75
804 Feramors Ballet Music. Hochzeitung Rubinstein .90 : 3379 Footlight Flashes. March ,; G.G. Meade .75
805 Feramors Ballet Music. Lichtertanz Rubinstein .90 '. 576 Ford, The. March H~'H. Zickel .75
1914 Feria. La Nos. 1 a?d 3 P. Lacombe 1.00 : 196 Forelle, Die (The Trout) ~ Heller .75
1241 Festal Play and Bndal Song. From "Lohengrin." . 1354 Forest Echpes. Waltz ; ,.; A. L. Maresh .75
Transcription by Liszt Wagner 1.25 640 Forget Me Not. Mazurka Elegant .•.. . lJ..".M. Gottschalk .90
• 34 36 ~ .

No. Played by Compose?' Price :" No. Played by Composer Price
1417 Forsaken. Mandolin Arrangement. 1'. Koschat .75 608 Gioconda Danza Dilla Ore Poncrielli 1.25
840 Fortune Teller March V. Herbert .75 1672 Girofte. Qirofta. Potpourri by Blake Lecocq 1.25
• 878 Fortune Teller Waltzes V. Herbert .75 946 Glockenspiel, op. 116, No.1 T. S pineler .75
322 Fourth Mazurka, op. 103 B. Godard .n 629 Gloria. From "Twelfth Mass" M ozart .75
616 Fra Diavalo. Fantasie by Dorn Auber .90 2827 Glory of the Yankee Navy. March .I. P. Sousa .75
842 Frangesa. March Costa .75 332 Glow Worm. IdyL .' P. Linclu .90
856 Free Lance, The. Marcll. .I. P. Sousa .75 1006 God Save the King.................................... .75
807 Freischutz C. M. Von Weber 1.25 2932 Golden Age. Waltz G. D. Barnard 1.00
2811 French Songs. Medley. Arranged by]. H. Hughes .... 1.25 1355 Golden Rod. Schottische A. L. Maresh .75
3439 Friendship March M. A. Althouse .15 455 Golden Sunset Waltzes .1. T. Hall .90
582 Frog Legs Rag James Scott .75 728 Gondoliera E. Nevill .75
704 From Foreign Lands. Germany Moszkowski .75 57 Gondoliera, op. 41. Moszkowski .75
1670 From Foreign Lands. Hungary Moszkowski .75 1942 Gondoliers Potpourri ; A. Sullivan 1.10
678 From Foreign LandI. Italy Moszkowski .75 1421 Good-bye. Mandolin Arrangement. T. P. Tosti .75
1648 From Foreign Lands. Spain M oszknwski .75 813 Good Friday Music. From "Parsifal." Arranged
790 From Greenland's Icy Mountains ....•.......... . Mason .75 by Rubinstein Wagner .85
359 Fruehling ist Da, der (Spring is Here) Spindler .75 202 Good-night. Day in Venice Nevin .75
1325 Fuer Elise Beethoven .75 1508 Good-night Beloved .. : Nevin .75
1786 Fugue in E Flat .....•.•.......................... . Each .75 820 Gotterdammerung Concert Paraphrase. By E. Mertke.
748 Fugue in G Minor Bach .75 Wagner 1.25
102 Funeral March, op. 35 Chop ill .85 .! 1425 Graf von Luxemberg, Der Luxemburg Walzer . . F. Lehar 1.25
265 Funeral March'of a Marionette Gouf:od .75 203 Grand American Fantasie Bendix 1.25
762 Funeral March, Sonata, op. 26 Beethoven .75 3298 Grand American Fantasie. America Forever Tobani 1.25
997 Funeral March. Songs without Words Mendelssoh1'l .75 2689 Grand Canyon of Arizona. Waltzes ..••. . E. R. Redwelll.00
658 Galop de Concert E. Sauer .75 !l48 Grand Galop Chromatic, op. 12 Lis:;t .75
734 Galop Joyeux R Holst .75 712 Grand Galop de Concert Ketterer .90
713 Galop Victoire. Second Galop Militaire J. Ascher .75 297 Grand Opera Bits. Arranged by Rosey 1.25
1185 Garden of Dreams, The. Waltz Song. Mandolin 782 Grand Polonaile Brillante, op. 22, Allegro Molto .. Chopin 1.10
Arrangement : C. Kummer .75 783 Grand Polonaise Brillante, op. 22, Andante Spinata,
289 Garry Owen, and Believe Me If All Those Endearing Chopin .75
Young Charms. Transcription W. Pape 1.00 29 Grand Valse. Brilliant, op. 36 E. Ketterer 1.00
3266 Gate City March A. F. Weldon .75 2306 Grande Etude Galop Morceau de Concert. .A. Quidant .90
743 Gavottes d'Eau. Caprice Etude .1. Ascher .75 634 Grande March de Concert, op. 19 H. A. Wollenhaupt .75
2808 German Songs. Medley. Arranged by]. H. Hughes .... 1.25 l 17 Grande Polka de Concert W. V. Wallace .75
976 Gavotte. From Second Violin Sonata. Arranged
by Saint-Saens Bach .75 I 41
Grande Polka de Concert
Grande Valse, op. 42, Key of A Flat.
Bartlett .75
Chopin .75
1103 Gazelle, La. Andante Elegante R. Hoffman .75 1356 Gray Eacle. March and Twostep L. F. Miller .75
1259 Geisha. Selections S. Jones 1.25 1327 Greenville. Lodge Ode, T. O. O. F 75
94 Gems of Scotland. Caprice de Concert .1. Rive-King 1.00 ~: 3340 Guardmount, The, or "German Patrol"-"Die \Vacht
,.. Parade Kommt" •....... ~ ....•....... RichtJr. Bilenberg .75
30fi5 Geraldine Waltz Lodge' .75 :-..
,. 786 Gypsy Air. Variations Weber .75
German Folk Songs. Arranged by ]. H. Hughes..... 1.00
German Folk Songs. Arranged by]. H. Hughes l.QO .',, '
1224 Gypsy Baron Overture .1. Strauss 1.00
243 German Melodies 1.25 '~: 1580
Gypsy Love. Waltz F. Lehar 1.00
3124 Gilbert and Sullivan Medley 1.25 "', Gypsy Rondo •.................................. Haydn .75
Intro.-Most popular numbers from the operas: Patience, 1532 Gypsy's Warning H. A. Coard .75
Pirate. of Penzanze, Mikado, H. M. S. Pinafore. 589 Hail to the Spirit of Liberty. March J. P. Sousa .75
36 37
No. Played by Composef' Price :,.~. I
No. Played by Composef' Price
207 Hallelujah Chorus. From "Messiah" Handel .75 1263 Home Coming. March E. T. Paull .85
172 Hall of Mountain. Kings and Anitra's Dance. 441 Home Over There; Sweet Hour of Prayer; Safe in
From "Peer Gynt" Greig 1.00 ".
the Arms of Jesus; Work for the Night Is Coming ......75
210 Hands Across the Sea. March.4 •.......•.. .1. P. Sousa .75 1810 Home, Sweet Home. Arranged as a Waltz. J. H. Hughes .75
808 Haensel and Gretel. Potpourri H umperdinck 1.25 2489 Home, Sweet Home.. H;umorous Fantasie. Arranged
298 Hark, Hark, the Lark. Transcription by Liszt.Schubert .75 ;\.1< by E. Schneider as Palestrina, Bach, Beetho1ren, Mozart.
270 Harmonious Blacksmith Handel .75 Weber, Verdi, Strauss, Meyerbeer, and Wagner would
341 Harry Lauder's Songs 1.00 have composed it 1.25
1-1 Love a Lassie.... or My Scotch Blue Bell;.2-Stop Your 1329 Home,Sweet Home. Lodge Ode, I. O. O. F........... .75
Tiekling, Jock; 3-The Weddin' o' Lauchie .oo.'Graw; 4---He Thalberg .75
W:a. Very Kind to Me; 5-She'. My Daisy. 22 Home, Sweet Home. Varied j ••••••••

1286 Haste to the Wedding; Connaught Man's Ramble. 1620 Home, Sweet Home; Nearer My God to Thee; Auld
'Top of Cork Road, Jigs, NO.2 75 Lang Syne. Elk Lodge Music. One Verse Each...... .75
1483 Hommage Aux Dames (Homage to the Ladies).
3 83 Hawaiian Onestep Medley H. Kailmai and S. Cunha .75
I-My Luau Girl; 2-Beach of Waikiki; 3-My Honolulu Girl. Waltz E. Waldteufcl .90
~78 Heart Bowed Down. From "Bohemian Girl" Balfe .75 3478 Honolulu Blues, The. Foxtrot .1. V. Monaco .75
B36 Hearts Aflame. Waltz, Mandolin Arrangement. 558 Hornpipes. Ricketts. College Devil's Dream and Fishers .75
L. Arnoldi .75 2875 Horse Trot. Onestep ...•_•................" U. Davis .75
142 Hearts and Flowers Tobani .90 161 Huguenots, Les. Fantasie by Liszt. Meyerbeer 1.50
406 Hearts and Flowers. Special Mandolin Arrange- 1788 Hula Hula. Intermezzo P. Wenrich .75
ment , Tobani 1.00 1835 Humoresque, op. 20 ......•.................. . Schumann .75
884 Heart's Courageous Waltz ••.............. . H. B. Blanke .75 1592 Humoresque Dvorak .75
552 Heart's Haven Waltz H. B. Blanke .75 659 Humoresque, op. 20, No.1 E. Schuett .75
697 Heart Throbs. Transcription by BendeL............... .75 755 Hungarian Dance, No. 1. Brahms .75
33,S Heart Throbs. Waltzes with Mandolin Arrangement. 738 Hungarian Dances, Nos. 2 and 3 ·.Brahms .75
E. C. Lesser .80 ~i 720 Hungarian Dance, No.4 Brahms 90
1020 Heather Bells Polka G. Kunkel .85 985 Hungarian Dance, No. 5 Brahms .75
1164 Heavenly Moments. Waltz Arranged by S. M. Frenkel.. .75 719 Hungarian Dance, No.6 : .Brahms .75
I-When I Marry You; 2-Be Sweet to Me, Kid; 3-Don't 1238 Hungarian Dance, No.7 , Brahms .75
Be Cross. -Brahms .75
890 Heidelberg Waltzes K. Mills .75 li~ ; 718 Hungarian Dance, No.8
717 Hungarian Dance, No.9 : Brahms.75
916 Heimweh (Home Longing), op. 117 A.Jungmann .75 1138 Hungarian Fantasie LisEt 1.25
791 He Leadeth Me W. B. Bradbury .75 1 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No.2 LisEt 1.25
957 Helene Grand Waltz Brillante H. A. WollenhauPf .75 969 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No.3 , LisEt .75
!072 Heliotrope Waltz F. Reed .80 1357 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No.4 LisEt .90
347 Herd Girl's Dream. Idyl. Mandolin Arrangement. 86 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No.6 LisEt 1.00
A. Labitsky .75 191 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No.8........... . LMEf 1.00
3095 Hesitating Blues. Foxtrot. -. W. C. Handy .75 28 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. 10 LisEt 1.00
2582 Hesitation Waltz F. Henri Klickmann .75 1422 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. 11 ••••...........•••.. LisEt .90
2636 High Jinks. All Aboard for Dixie. Twostep . . G. L. Cobb .75 23 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. 12 ......•....•..• : LisEt 1.25
1076 Highland Fling '. . . . . . .. .75 1673 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. 13•..•.••••..... ; LisEt 1.25
588 High School Cadets. March .1. P. Sousa .75 80 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. 14 LisEt 1.50
3056 Hilarity Rag Scott .75 30 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. IS: •••••••••• : ••••..•• LisEt 1.00
2190 H. M. S. Pinafore. Potpourri by Warren A. Sullivan .90 1000 Hunting Song•. Songa Without Words MendeJssohn .75
1862 Hoch und Deutchmeister A. H. Mangold .75 2498 Hunyadi Laszlo. Overture F. Erkel125
804 Hochzeitung. Feramors Ballet Music Rubinstein .90 93 L'hymne Austrichiene. Fantasie Brillante . S; Smith 1:10
2334 Hojas Selectas. Vals Boston C. Worsley .75 621 I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls. From "The
1590 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God Almighty Dykes .75 Bohemian Girl" .. .-........•.•.•.•..••.•..•......... Balfe .75
38 39 . ,.
No. Played by Composer Price No. Played by Composer Price
902 If 1 Were a Bird Henselt .75 224 Irish Washerwoman; Devil's Dream; Rocky, Road to
2346 t Hear You Calling Me. Song Chas. Marshall .75 Dublin. Dances '. . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . .. .75
763 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel .75 1287 Irish Washerwoman; Low Backed Car; Believe Me If
309 lima Grand Valse de Concert. Holst .85 AlI Those Endearing Young Charms. Jigs, No.5...... .75,
3931 II Trovatqre. Part I " Ve'rdi 1.25 267 Isabelle. Grand Valse: ' Bachmann .75
3932 11 Trovatore. Part 2 Verdi 1.25 2'+32 Isle d'Amour. Ballad ; L. Ed-.vards .75
1043 Imperial Edward March .John Philip Sousa .75 1496 Isolde's Love Death. From "Tristan and Isolde."
299 Impromptu, op. 29 Chopin .80 Wagner .90
787 Impromptu, op. 51. Chopin .75 _\:~ It's a Long Way to Tipperary Judge and Williams .75
1140 Impromptu, op. 90, No.3 Schubert 1.00 1048 Jack Tar. March J. P. Seusa .75
1136 Impromptu, op. 90, No.4 Schubert 1.10 3485 Jelly Roll Blues, The. Foxtrot. Fred Morton .75
256 Impromptu, op. 142, No.3 Schubert 1.00 628 Jerusalem the Golden .': A. Ewing .75
54 Impromptu Mazurka Lack .75 209 Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Transcription by
1535 Indian Lore. Arranged by H. E. Pilcher. Sun Bird, T. P. Ryder .•........•.....•.••.............•••.•.••• .75
Rainbow, Hiawatha
Indian Love Lyrics
A. W. Fillden 1.00 :}
1473 Jesus, Lover of My Soul, and Lord, We Come
Before Thee Now. Two verses each 1.00
I-Temple Bells; 2-Less Than the Dust; 3-Kashmiri Sonr; '.-J 26 Jet d'Eau, La.. Four Hand Arrangement. S. Smith .75
4-Till I Wake.
2968 Indian Medley. Arranged by Roberts. Silver Bell, } 637
Jewel Song. From "Faust." Fantasie by Lang. :Gounod .75
Jigs. No.2 ............................................•75
Rainbow, Silver Heels ',' .75 i'
I-Haste to the Wedding; 2-Connaurht Man's Ramble;
740 In My Neighbor'g Garden E. Nevin .75 /2 3-Top of Cork Road.
370 In Old Madrid. Mandolin Arrangement H. Trotere .75 1287 Jigs, No.5 ' 75
711 In Stiller Nacht, op. 64 Spindler .75 I-Irish Washerwoman; 2-Low Backed Car; 3-Believe Me
,Intermezzo, op. 49
Intermezzo, op. 116, No.6 "
M. Moszko-.vski
, ....•...... Brahms
l; 154
If All Those Endearing Young Charms.
Jocelyn Lullaby
Godard .75
56 Intermezzo. From "CavalIeria Rusticana" Mascagni .75
3238 Joe Turner BInes. One$tep W. C. Handy .75
376 Intermezzo. From "CavalIeria Rusticana" Mascagni .75
,it 2733 Jogo Blues. Rag W. C. Handy .75
Special Mandolin Arrangel'nent. 327 Jolly Blacksmith, The. Caprice Characteristic . .J eall Paul .75
3551Intermezzo Moresque Salv Impallomeni .75 229 Jolly Brothers. Waltz ...........•........• . R. Vol/stedt 1.00
1293In the Cross of Christ. Three Verses.................. .75 . .JI~.
1217 Jolly Coppersmith, The. March; '. . C. Peters .75
965In the Evening, op. 12 . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . Schumann .75 873 Jolly Sleigh Ride. Galop ; Ferber .75
837In the Gloaming A. F. Harrison .75 3781 0' Emane .Joseph Stnt.' .85
369In the Gloaming. Mandolin Arrangement.A. F. Harrison .75 2043 Jota Reverie 0. De La Cinna .75

469Invincible Eagle. March Sousa .75 612 Jolly Robbers. Overture : Suppe 1.25
132Invitation to the Dance Weber 1.25 51 Joyeaux Papillons, Les, op. 8 L. Gregh .75
3651I Pescatori di Perle (The Pearl Fishers). Romanza. I II 528 Juanita. Transcription by B. Richards.................. .75
798 Jube] Overture Weber 1.25
G. Bizet .75 1981 Julia Schottische V. M. Dell 'Ora .80
821 I Puritana. Fantasie by S. Smith Bellini 1.25 15 Jun~ Bu'l!'s Dance. Polka Rondo T-lolst .75
295 Irish Mdor1ies. Arrange<1 by J. H. KierFlan 1.25 744 Kaiser March , R. Wagnerl.OO
I-St. Patrick's Day in the Mominp;: 2-Come Back to Erin. 53 Kammenoi Ostrow, op. 10, No. 22 Rubinstein 1.25
Mandolin ArranR'ement; 3-Rory a Moore; 4-Believe Me If
All Those Endearin' Young Charms. Mandolin Arranrement; 3269 Kansas City Blues. Foxtrot. H. L. Bowman .75
S-Wearing of the Green: 6--Killarney; 7-Rocky Road to 1844 Kashmiri Song. Sf'e Irtdian Love Lyrics A. W. Fillden 1.00
Dublin; 8-Kathleen Mavourneen. Mandolin Arrangement;
9-Garry Owen. 326 Kathleen Mavourneen. Transcription, B. Richards... .75
3219 Irish Reels. Mec11ey , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .75 3237 Katinka Selections ,' R. Friml1.25
I-Miss MacLeod's: 2-McDonald's; 3-Rei1Iy's Own; 1-1 Want to Marry a Male Quartette; '2-1 Can Tell by the
4-Speed the Plourh; S-Wind That Shakea the Barle,.. Way That You Dance;. 3-Katinka; 4-Your Photo; S-'Tie
the End; 6--Raekety 1..00.
40 41
. No. Played by Composer Price No. Played by Composer Price
1967 Kermesse. From "Faust." Transcription by Saint
340 Kerry Mills' Barn Dance
1361 Kerry Mills; New Barn Dance
Gounod .75
Kerry Mills .75
Kerry Mills .75
f 3629 Le Campanedi Corneville. (The :ijells of Corneville)
Waltz :
1844 Less Than the Dust. See Indian Love Lyrics
R. Planquette .85
A. W. Finden 1.00
2052 Killarney Fantasie. Transcription by S. Smith.......... .90 '~. 212 Liberty Bell. March ;.J. P. Sousa .'75
2562 King Cotton March J. P. Sousa .75 805 Lichtertanz. Feramores Ballet Music Rubinstein .90
864 King Dodo. March M. E. Clark .75 ~~ 973 Liebeslieder Waltzes, op. 52, Nos. 1 to 6 Brahms .90
t .
870 Kiss, The (11 Bacio). Waltz L. Arditi .1~. 974 Liebeslieder Waltzes, op. 52, Nos. 7 to 12 Brahms .90
426 I Kiss of Spring. W~ltz W. Rolfe .75· 975 Liebeslieder Waltzes, op. 52, Nos. 13 to 18 Brahms .90
1883 Kiss Waltz C. M. Ziehrer .75 32 Liebestraume (Dream of Love). Nocturne, No. 1. • • Liszt .75
1538 Knights of Columbus. March H. C. Buser .75 1105 Liebestraume (Blissful Death). Nocturne, No.2 .. Liszt. 75
739 Kreutzer Sonata, op. 47. AdagIo Sostenuto ... Beethoven 1.25 :;, 122 Liebestraume (Dream of Love). Nocturne, No.3 .. Liszt .75
692 Kreutzer Sonata, op. 47. Andante con Varianzoni. 660 Liebeswalzer (Love Waltz) op. 57, No.5 Moszkowski .85
Beethoven 1.25 545 Life Is But a Dream. Waltzes A. L. Maresh .80
731 Kreutzer Sonata, op. 47. Presto Beethoven 1.25 656 Light Cavalry, op. 327, No.9 C. Bohm .75
664 Kuiawiak. Second Mazurka Wienjawski .75 108 Light Cavalry. Overture Four Hand' Arrangement.
1041 Kuss Walzer Strauss .90 1
I Suppe125
1171 Laces and Graces : .1. W. Bratton .75 Lights Out. March E. E. McCoy .75
4081 La Casita. Spanish Word Roll.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .... 1.00 Lily of the Valley. Mazurka, op. H S. Smith .75
3541 La Forza Del Destino Verdi .75 ,'\ 1739 Lindas Pablanas. March 'A. Pacheco .75
3658 La Forza Del Destino. Potpourri ,Verdi 1.25 ;QI': 495 Lion de Bat Gillet .75
3692 La Gazza Ladra. Overture Rossini 1.50 75 Lisonjera, La (The Flatterer) Chaminade .75
2092 Lanceros, Nos. 1,2 and 3 A. Michel .90 3701 L'Italienne a Alger. Overture , .. Rossini ,1.50
2093 Lanceros, Nos. 4 and 5 A. Michel .90
2350 Lluvia de Estrellas. Polka Brillante de Salon'
355 Language of the Flowers. Valse. Mandolin Arrange- E. Del 'Caste/le .85
ment J. Roberts 1.00 63 Lohengrin. Elsa's Bridal Procession. Transcription by
3404 La Reginetta delle Rose. Waltz LeoncaflOllo .90 Liszt Wagner .90
386 Lar!!'o Handel .75 638 Lohengrin. Elsa's Dream. Tr;lnscription ,by Liszt ,
3362 La Spagnola. Bolero V. Di Chiaro .75 . .Wagner .80
4 Last Hope, The Gottschalk .75 165 Lohengrin. Fantasie by S. Smith w'agner 1.25
830 Last Rose of Summer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 1241 Lohengrin. Festal Play and Bridal SOlig. Transc'ription
33 Last Rose of Summer, Paraphrase de Concert . .1. Ascher .80 by Liszt ' Wagne1C 1.25
19 Last Smile, op. 72 \ H, A. Wollenhaupt .75 802 Lohengrin. Overture ; Wagner .75
3772 La Traviata. Part 1. Verdil.50 1077 Lohengrin. Swan Song. Transcription by Krug Wagner .90
3773 La Traviata. Part 2 ; Verdi 1.50 152 Lohengrin. Wedding March· Wagner .90.
3774 La Traviata. Part 3 Verdi 1.50 894 Lola. Dance Habanera : . . D. Granado .75
3774-A La Traviata. Part 4 Verdi 1.50 2243 Lola. Gran Mazurka de Salon :.: D.· Zabalza .75
980 Laurin Ballet, op. 53, No. 1-Tanz der Rosenfelten. 956 ,Lolita. Caprice Espagnol, op. 54 :. C; Chaminade .75
, Moszkowski .75 2002 Longchamps. Fleuri Valse, op. 254 : ,.W,aldteufell;OO
981 Lautin Ballet, op. 53, No.2-March der Zwerge 841 Loraine. March ,~ , , ./.,~ .. '. . ,.. L. ~Ganne .75
Moszkowski .75
982 Laurin Ballet, op. 53, No.2-Sarabande lind Double. 1473 Lord, We Come Before 'Fl1ee Now; Jesl1$; Lover
M oszkowski .75 of My Soul. Two verses each, j •. .:. .. . . .. .75
983 Laurin Ballet, op. S3, No.4-Valse Coquette .. Mosskowski .75 316 Lorele~ .. : ................•• ;..•.•..•• ,. '.' . Hans' Seeling .75
792 Lead Me Saviour F. M. Davis 781 Lorelei. Die , F. Liast .85
Battle Hymn ~ "" .J. Watts 599 Lost Chord The ; A. Sullivan ~85
'Tis Harvest Time .1. T. Hall .75 372 Lost Chord. Mandolin Arranie~ent .•......... Sullivan .85
4:J '.1:,: ." .,.,
No. Played by Composer Price Played by Composer Price
456 Loveland Waltzes Holzmann 1.25 1332 Mandolin Waltz Medley. Arranged by Val A. Reis .... 1.25
360 Love Light Dream. Waltz arranged by Wm. Bollman. I-Marjorie Gould Waltzes; 2-Brldal Bouquet Waltzes;
A Mandolin Arrangement of Four Popular Songs...... .75 3-Rustling Flowers; 4-Jolly Fellows; 5-Garden of Love.
690 LClve Song, op. 2, No.3 E. Nevin .75 2571 Manhattan Beach. March John Philip 'Sousa .75
540 Love's Dream After the Ball Gzibulka .75 1513 Manon Menuett Massenet .75
371 Love's Old Sweet Song. Mandolin Arrangement. 561 Manzanillo. Mexican Dance .......•...... . A. G. Robyn .75
J. L. Molloy .75 148 Maple Leaf Rag ·· .Joplin .75
1170 Love's Sweet Echo. Morceau de Salon ... .C. Drumheller .75 3339 March. From "Norma." (Supper March) Bellini .75
1448 Love's Sweet Songs. Medley. Arranged by D. Meyers . . .90 967 March Grotesque, op. 32 Sinding ,.75
1-0h Promise Me; 2-A Dream; 3-Beauty Eyes; 4-Love's
Old Sweet Song. 1840 March Heroique, op. 40, No.3 Schubert .90
1287 Low Backed Car; Irish Washerwoman; Believe Me If 1005 March Men of Harlech. Variations .J. H. Hughes .75
All Those Endearing Young Charms. Jigs, NO.5 ......•75 390 March Militaire. Transcription by Tausig Schubert 1.00
1084 Lucia de Lammermoor. Andante Finale. Transcrip- 940 March of the Dwarfs · . .E.Grieg .75
tion by Leschetzky Donizetti .75 809 March Solemnelle. From "Parsifal." Transcription by
157 Lucia de Lammermoor. Fantasie by !.eybach Donizetti 1.25 Liszt Wagner 1.00
40 Lucia de Lammermoor. Reminiscences. Transcription 1902 March Turque Patrol, op. 165 R. Eilenberg .75
by Liszt ..••... '.' ••••..•..................•. .Donizetti .80 2349 Marcha Heroica C. de I. Nunt8 .90
166 Lucia de Lamtnermoor.. Sextet
2637 Lucia de Lammermoor. Opera Burlesque on the
Donizetti .75
654 Marche Heroique, ep. 35 c.SainI Soens 1.00
2515 Marching Through Georgia. Arranged by E. Mack.
Sextette Irving Berlin .75 . H. ~ WMk 35
3757 Lucia Di Lammermoor. Part I Donizetti 1.50 Marching Through Georgia. Lodge Ode, 1. O. O. F.... .75
3758 Lucia Di Lammermoor. Part 2 Donizetti 1.50 1333
3758-A Lucia Di Lammermoor. Part 3 Donizetti 1.50 1012 Maria Luisita. Gavotte, op. 12 ....•..... .J. M. Echeverria .75
604 Lucrezia Borgia. Fantasie de Concert by S. Smith. 2305 Mariposa Capricho, op. 2 G. de J. Nlmez .75
Donizetti 1.00 481 Maritana. Fantasie by S. Smith ; Wallace 1.00
154 Lullaby from "Jocelyn" Godard .75 84 Maritana. Overture Fourhand Arrangement Wallace 1.25
1449 Luna Waltzes P. Litlcke 1.25 377 Market Maid, op. 331. No. 1. C. Bohm .75
1039 Lune de Miel Valse Wal&teufel1.25 453 Marsellaise, La. Transcription Beyer .75
319 Lustspiel. Overture Keler Bela 1.00 106 Martha Overture. Four Hand Arrangement. Flotow 1.25
1425 Luxemburg Walzer. From the Operette "Der Graf 1945 Maryland. My Maryland. Variations .... .J. H. Hughes .75
von Luxemburg" F. Lehar 1.25 2814 Masonic March Medley. Dedicated to Chartier's Com-
483 Madame, Butterfly. Selections Puaini 1.25 mandery, No. 78. Arranged by C. H. Kornbau. Special
2456 Madrid. A Spanish Intermeztp H. lent,s .75 Connorized Music Co. Arrangements for State
893 Madrid. Waltz Espagnole \ ...•.......... D. r;ranado .90 Conclaves 1.00
1712 Magdalena Vals , Mertines .75 325 Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground, op. 47.
797 Magic Fire Scene. From "Die! Walkure." Transcriptkm Transcription by W. Pape 1.25
by Liszt Wagner .80 Mazeppa, op. 43. Grand Galop de Concert. .. Wollenhaupt .90
480 Magic Flute. Overture ....................•..... Mozart 1.25 389
339 Magnolia Blossoms. Arranged by J. H. Templemen..... 1.25 1106 Mazurka, op. 33, No.4 Chopin .75
l-Swanee River. Mandolin Arrangement, 2-old Black 710 Mazurka, op. SO, No.3 Chopin .75
Joe. Mandolin Arran"oment; .1-Tl1r"~' in the Straw; 952 Mazurka Brillante, op. 49 ; .....•......... W. Mason .90
4-Marching Through Georgia; 5-Sing Me a Song of the Me Da Verguenza. Mazurka V. Navas .75
South. Mandolin Arrangement. 2011
2228 Ma~nolia Blossoms. Waltz De Koven .90 700 Meditation Tschaikowsky .75
300 Malden's Prayer Baderzewski .75 320 Meditation, op. 76, No.6 Chaminade .75
?654 Manana. Argentine Tango N. Ferrala .75 338 Meditation, op. 90 C. S. Morrison .75
471 Mandoline. Serenade Espagnole F. Thome .75 474 Meditation. From "Thais," No.1 Massenet .75
44 45

No. Played by Composer Pdce

362 Medley 1.25 No. Played by Composer Price
I-Annie Laurie; 2-Last Rose of Summer; 3-Believe Me . 74 Midsummer Night's Dream.W~4~ii1gM:arch.
If All Those Endearing Young Charms; 4-Swanee Rinr; " ". Mendelssohn 1.00
S-A1I1d Lang Syne. .
449 Medley of National Songs Hughes 1.00 833 Mighty Lak'.a Rose. Song...... ~ .. :.:~ E. Nevin .75
I-Yankee Doodle; 2-Maryland, My Maryland; 3-Dixie; 796 Mignon ·. ..............••...•• ; •••..' Liszt .75
4-Stars and Stripes
1007 Medley of English Songs Hughes .75 1486 Mignon. Fantasie by Cramer , ~ A. Thomas .90
I-Death of Nelson; 2-White Squall; 3-1n the Gloamini;
4-Nancy Lee. .,\'. 275 Mignon. Overture Thomas 1.25
1487 Mikado. Potpourri by Macy Sulli'llan 1.00
452 Medley of Old Darkey Melodies Hughes .90 ~" 1837 Militar March. Gp. 5.1, No.3 Schubert .90
I-Old Folks At Home; 2-01d Black Joe; 3-Massa's in the -" _
Cold, Cold Ground. , 4~ 2877 Millicent Hesitation Waltz F, W. McKee .85
258 Medley of Southern Son~s " '" .Hughes 1.25 ~, 199 Mill in the Black Forest R. Eilenberg .75
1-1'se Gwine Back to DiXIe; 2-Her Bright Smile Haunts 1003 Minstrel Boy and St. Patrick's' Day. Trans. by W. PaN .75
Me Still; 3-The Girl 1 Left Behind Me; 4-Swanee River; 52 Minuet, op. 14, No. I. Paderewski .75
373 Medley. With Mandolin Arrangement. Hughes 1.25 III Miserere. From "11 Trovatore" Verdi 1.00
I-Ahce Romance; 2-B1ue Bells of Scotland; 3-01d Folks \.~. Missouri Waltz .....•................ . F. Knight Logan .75
at Home; 4-Comin' Thro' the Rye; 5-Rocked in the Cradle 323 Mi Teresita. Petite Valse , Carreno .75·
of the Deep; 6--Massa's in the Cold. Cold Ground. 2174 Mocking Bird Rag .•...................... C. T. Straight .75
622 Meistersinger, Die. Walther's Prize Song Wagner .75
2453 134 Mocking Bird. Variations Hoffman .75
Meister Waltz. Arranged hy J. H. Tarson , 1.00 177 Moise de Rossini Leybach 1.25
I-Chimes; 2-B1ue Danube; 3-Hearts Aflame; 4-Elernal
Feminine1 S-Sobre Las alas. . 709 Moments Musical, op. 94, NO.3 F. Schubert .75
3782 Melba (Se Saran Rose). Waltz Luigi Arditi .90 69 Monastery Bells. Nocturne, op. 54 Lefebure-Wely .75
653 Melodie, op. 10 .1. Massenet .75 565 Mon Reve. Waltzes E. Waldteufell.OO
1563 Melodie, op. 10, No.4 Rachmaninoff .75 1450 Monte Cristo. Valse. Tzigane Kotler 1.25
349 Melody, op. 8, No.3 Paderewski .75 915 Moonlight. A Serenade N. Moret .80
129 Melody in F , , Rubinstein .75 Moonlight on the Hudson ..•... ; •........ G. D. Wilson 1.25
375 35
527 Melody in F. Mandolin arrangement. Rubinstein .85 1362 Moonlight on the Lake J. S. Ferris .75
1901 Melody of Love, op. 600 , , Engelmann .75 519 Moonlight on the Mississippi. Morceau de Salon.
2434 Memories of Home. Arranged by]. ]. Reilly.......... .75 . C. Drumheller .75
Memphis Blues. Twostep W. C. Handy .75 ,) 78 Moonlight Sonata, op. 27, No.2, Beethoven 1.50
4091 Meneselis. Seveecze, Naktije. Lithuanian Waltz...... .85 Moonshine, op. 32, NO.3; The Eagle, op. 32,' No. I; The
2362 935
2034 Mensch Zoll Men Sein Perlmutter and Wohl .75 Brook, op. 32, No.'2; Winter, op. 32, NO.4 .. MacDowell 1.00
Menuet, No.2 Paderewski .75 !!t. 1427 Mordio. Grand Air Italien, op. 141 A. Terschak t.25
168 Menuet Don Ju~n Mozort .75
1092 971 Morena, La. Op. 67, Caprice Espagnol. Charminade .75
Menuet Bocchffini .75
Merrill Waltzes. Mandolin Arrangement. . H. R. S. KlocR 1.25
Merry Widow. Selections .•..........••....... .F. Lehar 1.25
'~ . 568
Morgenblaetter. Waltz
Morning, Noon and Night. Overture
.1. Strauss 1.00
Mosaic Fantasie on Modern Themes. Arr. by Tobani 1.25
Nicolai 1.25
Merry Widow Waltz. 'Mandolin Arrangement. l-Fidelio (Bletkof/etI); 2-Feramors (Rubinstein); 3-1 Love
Thee (Griell); 4-Tel1lPo di Menuet (Boccherini); 5-Traume·
160 F. Lehar 1.25 rei, (Sch..",a",,); 6--Whi~ering Flower. (Blon); 7-Polonaise
Merry Wives of Windsor. Overture. Four hand ' lIIi1itaire (Chopi,,); 8-Frbm Foreign Land. (Mosskowski);
207 Arrangement' ' " Nicolai 1.25 9-The Erlkinr (Sch..bert); Io-Awakeninr of the Lion (De
632 Messiah. Hallelujah Chorus Handel .75 Ko"ts'es).
Messiah. Overture , Handel .75 1428 Motor King. March ; H. Frantzen ,75
1219 Metralla. Tango. No.3 M. O. Compoamor .75 872 Mountain Belle. Schpttische .•............... . C. Kunkel .75
2241 Mexican Serenade. Medley Arranged by W. Bollman.... .75 1451 Mountain Stream.'~ Parker .75
2033 Midnight Fire Alarm. Descriptive Galop . .H. J. Lincoln .75 ,82 Murillo. Allegro de Concert Terchak 1.25
446 Midsummer Night's Dream. Nocturne .... Mettdelssohn .IS 34 Murmure du Vent. (Windes Flustem) ..•.••• . E. Saue,. .75
46 1015 Murmuring Waters. Waltz , . .J. T. Hall .90
, 47.
No. Played by Composer Price No. Played by , Composer ' Price
751 Murmuring Zephyrs ............•... .R. A. Wollenhaupt .75 1113 Nocturne, op. 27, No.2 ' :.,.' ' Chopin .75
350 Murmuring Zephyrs. Transc. by R. Niemann ..• .Jensen .75 686 Nocturne, op. 37, No. 1. ;: ,.~ :, •. ;:: .. , Chopin .75
2046 ¥.~sette's Wa},tz Song. As Thro' the Streets. Fro~. 113 Nocturne, op. 37, No.2 : : -: '.' : Chopin .80
La Boheme " Pl/cclm .75 1237 Nocturne, op. 48, No. 2 ......•".; '. .•....... Chopin .80
242 Music of the Water. Moonlight Reverie Wyman .90 934 Nocturne. In Boccaccio:s Villa, op. -21.'.,: .... . E. Nevin .80
614 My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice. From "Samson 765 Non E-ver ('Tis Not True). Fantasie by Lang-e .. .Mattei .75
and Delilah" ........•.................. G. Saint Sams .85 ;:j'! 3591 Non So Piu AmarI (A Testa Bassi). Song.J. D. Alberto .75
860 My Maryland. March W. S. Mygrant .75 ~'
163 Norma. Fantasie by Leybach Bellini 1.25
'-,:~. My Old Kentucky Home; Old Folks at Home; Old 814 Norma. Overture , ' ", Bellini 1.00
Black Joe. Chimes Arrangement. Arranged by ; 1971 Norma. Transcription by S. Smith: , Bellini 1.25
J, H. Hughes ,........................... .75 187 Norwegian Bridal Procession ,.",: Grieg .75
65 Naila Intermezzo :: Delibes .75 1269 Norwegian Scenes, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 .. , " .E. A. Matt 1.00
605 NaHa Pas Des Fleurs ' .. L. Delibes .90 357 Oberon Overture , W:eber 1.25
1946 Napoleon's Last Charge Ellis and Pal/ll .75 566 Ocean Breezes. Waltz , V. H.erbert .75
133 Narcissus Nevin .75 1430 Ocean Pearl. Valse ' C. Drumheller .75
948 Natha Valse, op. 51, No.4 Tschaikowsl~y .75 467 Oh, Promise Me .•..................... , R. De Koven .75
630 Nazereth C. GOl/nod .75 1432 0, Rest in the Lord , , Mendetssohn .75,
8 &earer My God To Thee. Transcription Rj'der .75 20 Old Black Joe. Paraphrase de Concert, op. 33.
1620 Nearer My God To Thee; Auld Lang Syne; Home, Chas. Gimbel, Jr. .85
' Sweet Home. One verse each. Elks Lodge Music.... .75 1452 Old Black Joe and Old Kentucky Home. Mandolin
1295, Nearer My Home. Three verses 75 Arrangement ', Foster .75
663 Nell Gwyn E. German 1.00 1936 Old Black Joe; Old Kentucky Home; Old Folks at
I-Country Dance; 2-Pastorale Dance; 3-Merrymakers'
Dance. Home, Arranged by J. H. Hughes. Chimes Arr ..... l .75
473 Nevin's Melodies Nevin .75 233 Old Folks at Home. Paraphrase de Concert. . .C. Kunkel .90
I-Time Enough; 2-'Twas a Lover and His Lass; 3-Te11
Me (Dites Moi). 3197 Old Grey Mare. Foxtrot F.Panella .75
3263 Old Kentucky Blues and Dear Old Southern Moon.
334 New Colonial March and Twostep R. B. Hall .75 Onestep ./. J. Vaughan .75
2863 New Yorker Trehen, Die. Wandering Jew. Old Kentucky Home ................•...... , .. ".Grobe .90
H. Altman and A. Goldladen .75 4,51 Old Oaken Bucket. Variations. J. Hughes ...... ; ...... 1.00
838 Nigger Alley. Cakewalk G. D. Andrews .75 100 On Blooming Meadows. Concert Waltz. Julia Rive King 1.00
3488 Nigger Blues. Foxtrot Leroy White .75 839 On Duty. March Geo. Rasey .75
646 Nightingale (Le Rossignole) Liszt .75 567 One Heart, One Mind. Mazurka , ./. Strauss .75
2172 Nightingale and the Frog R. Eilenberg .75 979 One Night in Lisbon, op. 63. Barcarolle Saint Saens .75
801 Night in Granada. Overture ................. •Kreutzer 1.25 2865 On the Shores of Italy. Waltz Song J. Glogau .75
2467 Night of Gladness. Valse Chas. Ancliffe .75 2399 On to Victory. March .J. Nevseta .75
32 Nocturne, No.1 Liebestraume (Dream of Love) Liszt .75 412 Onward, Christian Soldiers , , .. Sullivan .75
1105 Nocturne, No.2 Liebestraume (Blissful Death) Liszt ,75 197 On Wings of Song. Transcription by Liszt .. Mendelssohn .75
122 Nocturne, No.3 Liebestraume (Dream of Love) Liszt .75 2637 Opera Burlesque on Sextet from Lucia de ,
775 Nocturne, op. 29, No. 10 R. A. Wollenhaupi .75 Lammermoor ' ' h'i.'ing Berlin .75
1109 Nocturne, op. 9, No. 1. Chopin .75 843 Original Rags , S. Joplin .75
112 Nocturne, op. 9, No.2 Chopin .75 1073 Orphee aux Engers. Fantasie Brillante by S, Smith.
671 Nocturne, op. 9, No.3 Chopin .75 Offenbach 1.00
1110 Nocturne,op.15, No.l GhoPin .75 2452 Orpheus Overture , Offenbach 1.25
1567 Nocturne, op. 15, No.2 Chopin .75 887 0, Schoener MaL Waltz Strauss 1.00
1112 Nocturne, op. 15, No.3 Chopin .75 ,3791 Otello. Part 1. ......•......... ' Verdi 1.50
1111 Nocturne, op. 27, No. 1. Chopin .75. 49
No. Played by Comf'oser Price
3792 Otello. Part 2. . Verdi, 1.50 No. Played by Composer Price
3793 Otello. Part 3 Verdi 1.50 1718 Pleasant Pastime. Arranged by W. H. Mast........... .75
146 Othello Prayer Rossini .75 I-Silnr Bell; 2-Wllere the River SIaaDDPIl Flo....; 3-014
1046 Our Directors. March F. E. Bigelow .75 Oaken Bucket; 4-MockiDI Bird. .
217 Over the Waves (Sobre Las 01as). Waltz ... ~.1. Rosas .80 1636 Pleyel's Hymn ' ; .. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75
550 Over the Waves (Sobre Las Olas) Mandolin 105 Poet and Peasant. Overture. Four Hand Arr ... .Suppe 1.50
Arrangement Waltz J. Rosas .80 3470 Poet's Vision, A. Valse ............•..... .1. S. Deutsch .85
810 Overture. Solemnelle, 1812 Tschaikowsky 1.50 345 Poinsettia. Waltz O. J. Goehner '.75
3917 Pagliacci. Part I R. Leoncavallo 1.25 1794 Poinsettia. Waltzes ' C. E. Storer .75
3918 Pagliacci. Part 2 R. Leoncavallo 1.25 776 Polacca de Concert ' Tschaikowsky 1.00
321 Pagliacci (The Clown), op. 240, Selections. Arranged .~) 1570 Polichinelle, op. 3, No.4 Rachmaninoff .75
by T. M. Tobani. Leoncavallo 1.25 302 Polish Dance, op. 3, No.1 S charwe"ka .75
610 Pagliacci Prologue Leoncavallo .85 510 Polish Dance. op. 54, No.3 Scharwenka .75
364 Palms, The (Les Ramcaux). Mandolin Arr Faure .75 727 Polish Mazurka Scharwenka .85
150 Paloma, La. Transcription by Cramer.................. ;85 779 Polka Boheme A. Rubinstein .75
273. Papillon, Le (The Butterfly) Lavalle .75 1571 Polka de Concert .. : E. Hoffman .75
760 Polka de la Reine Raff .75
260 Pappillons, La, op. 43, No.1 , Grieg .75 1114 Polka di Bravura, op. 10 : . .Beethoven .75
42 Pappillons M. Rosenthal .75 1491 Polonaise, op. 11 .........................•. MoszkowsH .75
1601 Pappillons, op. 2 Schumann 1.25 1770 Polonaise, op. 18, NGl. 5 Moszkowski 1.00
666 Pappillons d'Amour Valse, op. 59, No.2 E. Schuett .75 650 Polonaise, op. 44 ........•................•..•.• Chopin 1.25
813 Parsifal. Good Friday Music. Arranged by Rubin- 254 Polonaise, op. 53 1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chopin 1.00
stein T¥ agner .85 88 Polonaise, op. 61. Key of A Flat. ...........•... Chopin 1.25
809 Parsifal March Solemnelle. Transcription by Uszt. 2104 Polonaise, op. 71, No.1 Chopin 1.00
Wagner 1.00 699 Polonaise, op. 71, No.2 Chopin 1.00
715 Pas des Amphores. Second Air de Ballet Chaminade .75 303 Polonaise Militaire, op. 40, No.1 Chopin 1.00
736 Pasquinade~ Caprice, op. 59 L. M. Gottschalk .75
384 Poppy Waltzes Chas.-Gilbert .75
2702 Passing of Salome. Waltz A. Joyce .75 2939 Popular Songs of Other Days. Arr. by H. R.Barron ... 1.00
707 Pastorale Scarlatti Tl7ltsia .75 1. MoHy '0 W. J. Scallion
457 E. T. Paull March Medley No.1 Paull 1.00 2. Sidewalks of New york Lawlor and Blake
117 Paul Revere's Ride. March , Paull .85 ,.' 3. Daisy Bell HQrry Dvere
586 Peaceful Henry. March E. H. Kelly .75 4. Sweet Rosie O'Grady M. Nugent
433 Pecadora, La. Habanera Costa .80 5. White Wings B. Winter
171 Peer Gynt. Day Break and Death of Asa Gricg 1.00, ,1\ 863 Powhattan's Daughter. Marcl1. John Philip Sousa .75
172 Peer Gynt. Anitra's Dance and Han of Mountilin 346 Prelude, op. 3, No.2 Rachmaninop .75
Kin!1;s Criea 1.00 1095 Preludes, Nos. 3, 4 and 5 Chop~n .75
705 Perfume des Roses. Valse Elegant, op 259 Leybach .75 1096 Preludes, Nos. 6, 7 and .8 Chopin .75
50 Pierette. Air de Banet, op. 41. Chamillade .75 253 Preludes, Nos. 10, 11 and 12 Chopin .75
447 Pilgrims' Chorus. From Tannhauser Wagner .75 1049 Presidents' March V. Herbert .75,
1728 Pink Lady. My Beautiful Lady 1. Caryll .75 2064 Primavera d'Amor. Valse Boston V. Manas .75
276 Pique Dame. Overture Suppe 1.25 3788 Primavera Le Reveil Du Printemps. (Songs of Spring.)
2189 Pirates of Penzance. Potpourri by MoelliT.lg .. A. Sullivan 1.00 Waltz ........•........................... Fran. Leharl.25
563 Pizzacato Polka .1. Strauss .75 391 Prince of Pilsen. Selections Luders 1.10
958 Pizzacato Valse, op. 38, No.1 E. Schuett .75 687 Printemps, Le (Spring) T. Carreno .75
520 Plantation Echoes. Fantasie oe Concert J. F. Gilder .90 235 Prisoner .and the Swallow, op. 58 Croise••75
Intro: MaSK'. In the Cold, Cold, Ground 445 Prophet.' Coronation March Meyerb"r .75
50 • 1456 Pulga, La. March A. Pacheco .75
No. Played by Compos... Price No. Played by Composer Pric~

536 Punchiello V. Herbert .75 1081 Rigoletto Quartette. Transcription by Spindler.... Verdi .75
I 2678 Puppchen. Onestep .J. Gub'r' .75 1222 Ripples of Susquehanna. Morceau de Salon, op. 29,
538 Pure as Snow (Edelweiss) ..........•.......•.•• . Long, .75 L. A. Drumheller .75
3645 Quadriglia Amblas ...............................•... 1.25 2395 Rippling Waters Chas. Drumheller .75
2119 Quand L'Amour Refleurit. Valse Boston 0. Cremieux .75 1603 Rippling Waves J. T. Hall .75
716 Quietude, op. 53 Romance Without Words L. GregA .75 3465 Rispetti All Antica Armando Gill .75
476 Qui Vive. Grand Galop de Concert, op. 12 ..••. W. Gans .75 2371 River Shannon. Syncopated Waltz .J. f. Russell .75
927 Radetzky, op. 288 .J. Strauss .75 1036 Rippling Waves. Polka .. : •................. . G. Ktlnk,l .75
2800 Raggy Rags. Medley : E. J. Mellinger .85 543 Robin Adair. Transcription B. Richards .85
I-Wild Man Rail 2-Contagious Rag; 3-E. ]. Mellinger Rag. 1070 Robert Ie Diable. Potpourri. Arr. by Cramer .. Meyerbeer 1.25
854 Rag. Portfolio 1.10 425 Robin Hood. Selections. Arr. by Sidney ... . R. de KO'l/en 1.25
I-St. Louis Tickle. 2-Jingle Tillie. J-'P"ssum and 882 Robin Hood· Waltzes. Arranged by W,iegand .. R. de Koven .85
'Tate... 4-The Cascade.
118 Rainbow. An Indian Intermezzo P. Wenrich .75 304· Robina' Return Fi"her .75
757 Rakoczy. March. Transcriptiun by Liszt. Ber/ois .75 626 Rock of Ages (Toplady) Hastings .75.
103 Rameaux, Les. Fantasie Brilliant Leybach 1.00 139 Rock of Ages. Variations Freeman 1.00
2853 Rats. A Rag M. K. Miller .75 224 Rocky Road to Dublin; Irish Washerwoman; Devil's
164 Raymond Overture. Four Hand Arrangement.. Thomas 1.25 Dream. Dances ;75
14 Recollections of Home•. Caprice, op. 23 S. B. Mills .85 1774 Romance. Song Without Words Saint Sacns .75
1716 Recuerdos de Manon. Valse Martines .90 994 Romance, op. 28, No.2 Schumann .75
343 Red Mill. Selections V. Herbert 1.25 3552 Romance Waltz Vincent Di Pietro 1.25
1855 . Red Rose Rag P. Wenrich .75 609 Romeo and Juliet. Overture .. _ Bellini 1.25
333 . Red Wing. An IndJian Intermezzo K. Mills .75 1116· Rondeau Brillante Weber .85
1740 Reina del ~aile, La. Valse C. Curti .75 753 Rondo Mosart 1.10
879 Reindeer Galop, The .1. Lensberg .75 695 Rondo Capriccio, op. 129 Beethoven 1.00
642 Reine des Fees, La (Fairy Queen). Galop de 98 Rondo Capriccioso, op. 14 Mendlessohn 1.10
Concert, op. 12 S. Smith .75 395 Rosary, The Nevin .75
1273 Remembrance. Valse A. Joyce .75 2673 Rosenkavalier, Der. ·Waltz. Arr. by O. Singer . . R. Strauss 1.00
2169 Reminiscences. Arranged by C. Eckhardt.............. .85 3182 Rose of Honolulu. Onestep Tom Armstrong .75
944 Repose, op. 165, No.2; The Chase, op. 165, No.1. 892 Roses, Les. Valse 0. Metra .90
H. N. Bartlett .75 1335 ~ose8 de Boheme. Valse Brillante Kowalski .75
886 Response d'Amour. Valse Lente :.: .. Berger .75 682 Rouett d'Omphale, op. 31 C. S(lil~t Saens 1.00
1137 Restless Night, op. 82, Nos. 1 and 2 C. Heller .75 220 Roses from the South. Waltz J. Strauss 1.00
437 Reveil des Sylphes, Le. Caprice, op. 72 E. Ketterer .90 1630 Rosseau's Dream : Greenville .75
511 Revel of the Witches. Morceau Fantastique E. Holst .75 424 Royal Trumpeters, The. March Seltzer .75
1197 Reverie, op 8 f. Ascher .75 1843 Rule Britannia. Overture : Wagner 1.25
607 Rheingold, Das. Concert Pharaphrase by Mertke .. Wagner 1.25 1275 Rural Scenes, Nos. 1,2,3 A. E. Matt 1.00
I-Pastoral in the Meadows; 2-Romanza, Love Scenes;
754 Ricordati Nocturne L. M. Gottschalk .75 3-Scherzo, Village Revell.
812 Ride of the Valkayrie Wagner .80 296 Rustlings of Spring (Fruehlingsrauschen) .sinding .75
278 Rienzi. Overture Wagner 1.25 800 Ruy BIas. Overture Mendelss·l&n 1.25
3799 Rigoletto. Part I Verdi 1.50 2787 Rye Waltzes 0. JJonneH .75
3800 Rigoletto. 2 : :. Verda 1.50 1075 SaIcuntala. Overture Goldmark 1.25
380 I Rigoletto. Part 3· Verdi 1.50 900 Salome. Intermezzo Loraine .75
3801-A Rigoletto. Part 4· Verdi 1.50 37 Salut a Pesth. March Hongroise H. Kowalski .75
3282 Rigoletto. Fantasie' Brillante by S. Smith .. : Verdi 1.25 885 Sambo's Wedding Day. Schottische f. Benedict .75
3 Rigoletto. Paraphrase de Concert by Liszt Verdi 1.00 614- Samson and Delilah, My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice.
52 . Saint Saens .85
No. Played by Composer Price
No. Played by Composer Price 606 Siegfried. Concert Paraphrase by E. Mertke Wagner 1.25
564Saritiago. Valse E~flagnole ...............•... . A. Corbin .75 811 Siegfried Waldweben. Arranged by H. Rupp Wagner'l.OO
18Y3 Sarasa. A Parisian Novelty Dance J. Valverde .75 1576 Silver Bell. Indian Intermezzo. Orchestration by
2225 Saved by Grace G. C. Stebbins .75 Connorized Music Co ·· .. P. Wenrich .75
79 Scarf Dance Chaminade .75 1682 Silver Flute. Fantasie, op. 377 ······ .E. Braham .75
1337 Scented Roses. Waltzes .1. M. Daly .75 1004 Silver Heels. Indian Intermezzo ······ .N. Moret .75
31 Schatz Waltz. Paraphrase de Concert by Strauss .. Schuett 1.00 3527 Silver Nymph, The (Die Silbernixe). Mazurka. Carl Heins .85
1117 Scherzo, op. 20, No. 1. Chopin 1.00 361 Silver Sleigh Bells. Novelette ····· .E. T. Paull .75
255 Scherzo, op. 31, No.2 Chopin 1.25 36 Silver Spring, op. 6 · Wm. Mason .75
698 Scherzo Humorestique Tschaikowsky .90 735 Silver Spring, opo 137. NO.4 .. ~ F. Bendel .90
1074 Scotch Poems, op. 31, No.2 E. A. MacDowell .75 571 Silver Stars. Mazurka ············· .C. Bohm .90
541 Scotch Songs o '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 517 Silver Threads Among the Gold. Mandolin Arrange-
0 •

I-Lass 0' Gowrie; 2-Within a Mile of Edinboro Town; ment H. P. Dank .75
3-White Cockade; 4-0h, Logie O'Buchan. 1405 Silvery Brook W ..ltz · ·· .. · E. Braham .85
1122 Sea Pieces E. A. MacDowell .75 2281 Silvery Chimes. Arranged by E. K. Andrew · .75
I-To the Sea; 2-From a Wandering Iceberg. I-Silvery Brook Waltz. Mandolin Arrangement; 2-Mar·
1123 Sea Pieces 0 •••••• • E. A. MacDowell .75 guerite. Mandolin Arrangement; 3-Grey Eagle. March;
3~A.D. 1620; 4-Starlight. 4-Where the River Shannon Flows. Chimes Arrangement.
1124 Sea Pieces o ,. 0 •••••• • E. A. MacDowell .75 12 Silvery Waves. Variations ····· .A. P. Wyman 1.00
S~A Song; 6--From ·the Depths. 193 Simple Aveu · · · .. · Thome .75
1125 Sea Pieces o '" .E. A. MacDowell .75 2482 Sing Me the Rosary. Reverie F. Henri Klickmann .75
7~Nautilus; 8-In Mid-Ocean. 2229 Sing Me to Sleep · E. Greene .75
2014 Sea Songs. Quadrilles, Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5. . E. H. Prout 1.00 198 Sirene, La. Caprice de Concert 0 Tershak 1.10
•• , ••• , •••••••••

38 Second Grand Polka de Concert. W. V. Wallace .75 0 ••••••

959 Sirene, La. Valse. op. 36 · .. ········ .F. Thome .75
58 Second Mazurka, op. 54 ..... 0 B. Godard .75
•••••••••••••• • 337 Sirenes, Les. Suit de Valses ···· .E. Waldteufel1.25
99 Second Polonaise. Key of E ................... •. Lisz' 1.25 472 Sixth Nocturne. opo 91. " Leybach 1.00
865 Second Regiment Conn. N. G. March D. W. Reeves .75 560 Skaters, The. Waltz ······· .E. Waldteufel1.25
155 Semiramide O"erture. Four-hand arrangement.. Rossini 1.25 730 Slavischer March, op 31 · .. ···· Tschaikowsky 1.00
2287 Semiramis. TranscriptioI:\ by Ketterer Rossini 1.00 2546 Sleigh Ride. Medley. Arranged by J. H. Hughes...... .75
305 Semper Fidelis. March John Philip Sousa .75 777 Slumber Song · Schumann .75
1403 Senora. A Spanish Waltz Song J. S. Nathan .75 655; Slumber Song, op. 7. NO.2" · E. Nevin .75
3332 Sentiers F1euris (Blooming Path). Waltz .. o. W"ldlr1l/ell.OO 696 Slumber Song. Transcription by Liszt ·· Webe,. .75
485 Serenade ......•...••........................ Schubert .75 1406 Smoky Mokes. Cakewalk ········ .A. Holzman .75
7188 Serenade Badine Gabriel Marie .75 43 Snowflakes R. A. Newland .75
475 Serenade, La. Transcription by Liszt. Schubert .75 217 Sobre Las Olas (Over the Waters): Waltz Rosas .80
1019 Serenade, La. Valse 0. Metra .80 550 Sabre Las 01as (Over the Waters). Mandolin
977 Serenade. Transcription by! Krug Schubert .75 0 ••• 0 • Arrangement . 0 ••• 0 •••••••••••••• Rosas .80
•••••• ••••••••• •

880 Serenade. Waltzes V. Herbert .90 575 Society Swing March .... 0 ••••• .H. Frantzen .75

388 Serenata, op. IS Moszkowski .75 442 Soldier's Chorus. From "Faust" ····· .' Gounod .75
1894 Serenata, op. 16 MacDowell .75 0 ••••••• 752 Solveig's Song, op ~2 ; " " " · .. E. Greig .75
166 Sextet from "Lucia de Lammermoor" D01lizetti .75 87 Somnambula, La. Fantasie by Leybach Bellini 1.25
701 Shadow Dance E. A. MacDowell .75
0 ••••••• • 799 Somnambu1a, La. Overture ·.·········· . Bellini .75
1404 Shadows on the Water. Reverie o. . A. Loumey .75 1228 Sonador. Valse : E. Diaz .75
306 Shepherd Boy .••...................•............ Wilson .75 1225 Sonata. op. 14, NO.2.. Allegro ···· . Beethoven .75
970 Shepherd Tale, op. 16. No. 1. E. Nevin .75 1226 Sonata, op. 14, NO.2. Andante ·.·· . Beethoven .75
317 Shepherds All and Maidens Fair, op. 16, NO.2 Ne-z,;n .75 1227 Sonata, op. 14, No, 2. Scherzo , Beethoven .75
529 Shepherd's Evening Song C. D. Blake .75 1685 Sonata, opo 26. Rondo : Beethoven .75
2254 Shoulder Arms. March W. I. Pond .75 1683 Sonata, op. 26. Andante con Variazioni Beethoven 1.00
2926 Shulamith. Opera Selections A. Gold/aden 1.50 55
No. Played by Composer Price •
762 Sonata, op. 26. Funeral March Beethoven .75 No. Played by Composer Price
1684 Sonata, op. 26. Scherzo Beethoven .75 585 Sousa's Band March R. Fassett .75 ~
978 Sonata, op. 27, No. I. Andante Beethoven 1.00 1341 Souvenance, op. 71, No. I. Romance sans Parole.
7'8 Sonata, op. 27, NO.2. Moonlight Beethoven 1.50 Chaminade .75
1132 Sonata, op. 28. Allegro Beetho'l/en I.U 1608 Souvenir de Hongrie F. Bendel .75
1133 Sonata, op. 28. Andante Beethoven 1.10
1135 Sonata, op. 28. Rondo Beethoven 1.10 676 Spanische Tanze, op. 23, Nos. 5 and 6 Sarasate 1.00
1134 Sonata, o~. 28. Scherzo Beethoven .75 1378 Spanisther Tranz Zum Tanburin C. Bohn .75
1119 Sonata, op. 31. Allegro ~ Beethoven 1.10 279 Spanish Dance, op. 12, Nos. 1 and 2 Moszkowski .75
1120 Sonata, op. 31. Menuetto Beethoven .75 61 Spanish Dance. Bolero, op. 12, No.5 Moszkowski .75
1121 Sonata, op. 31. Scherzo. Allegretto Beethoven 1.00 674 Spanish Dance. Bolero, op. 30. Arranged by R.
750 Sonata, op. 53. Adagio, Rondo Prestisimo. Beethoven 1.25 0 ••• •
Keller Sarasate .90
756 Sonata, 0p. 53. Allegro con brio Beethoven 1.25 204 Sparkling Diamonds 0 0 Wallenhaupt .90

183 Sonata Pathetique. Adagio, Allegro Beethoven 1.25 348 Spinning Song and Consolation. Songs without Words.
184 Sonata Pathetique. Grave AlJe~ro con brio .. Beethoven 1.25 Mendelssohn 75
1760 Sonata, No. 10, in Key of B Flat, Allegro di Molto. 477 Spinning Song. From "The Flying Dutchman."
J. Haydn 1.00 Transcription by Liszt .......................• Wagner 1.00
44 Song of the Night Winds .J. Leybach .75 269 Spinning Wheel Godard .75
46 Song of the Skylark 0 A. P. Wyman .75 280 Spinning Wheel Bendel .75
1459 Song That Reached My Heart. Mandolin Arrange- 2178 Spirit of Independence. March. Arranged by
ment .J. Jordan .75 J. B. A. Holzmann .75
2807 Songs of the Nations-America. Arranged by Hughes .. 1.25 2344 Spirit of '76. March F. A. Panella .75
2809 Songs of the Nations-England. Arranged by Hughes .. 1.25 1155 Spring, Beautiful Spring (0 Fruehling wie bist du so
2811 Songs of the Nations-France. Arranged by Hughes .... 1.25 schoen). Waltz 0 Po Lincke 1.10
.............. •

2808 Songs of the Nations-Germany. Arranged by Hughes .. 1.25 1700 Spring Maid. Day Dreams H. Reinhardt .75
2810 Songs of the Nations-Italy. Arrangeo by Hughes 1.25 . 59 Spring Song. Song Without Words Mendelssohn .75
997 Songs Without Words, Funeral March .. Mendelssohn .75 o' •
1235 Stabat Mater. Cujus Animan. Transcription by Kuhe.
742 Songs Without Words, NO.1 Mendelssohn .75 Rossini 1.00
741 Songs Without Words, NO.5 Mendelssohn .75 208 Stabat Mater. Inflamatus Rossini 1.25
0 •••••••••••••••

1607 Songs Without Words, Nos. 4 and 6 Mendelssohn .75 1181 Standard American Airs G. Rosey 1.25
348 Songs Without Words. Consolation and Spinning Song. 1069 Stand Up for Jesus Webb .75
Mendelssohn .75 236 Star of the Sea. Reverie 0 Kennedy .75
•••••••••• 0 ••••• •

1000 Songs Withqut Words. Hunting Song ..... Mendelssohn .75 .4tH- Star Spangled 'Banner Grobe .85
1774 Songs Without Words. Romance .... Saint Saens .75 3290 Star Spangled Banner. Mandolin' Arrangement...... ... .75
147 Stars and Stripes. March .John Philip Sousa .75
0 •••••

59 Songs Without Words. Spring Song Mendelssohn .75

1547 Songs Without Words, op. 2, NO.2 ... Tschaikowsky .75
1548 State Fair March W. R. Smith' .75
381 Sousa March Medley No. 1. ...•.............••..• Sousa 1.25 2908 Staunch and True. March, : C. Teike .75
EI Capitan-Hands Across the Sea-Stars and Stripes Forever 851 Steel King, The F. J. St. Clair .75
428 Sousa March Medley No.2 Sousa 1.25 832 Stein Song E. T. Bullard .75
Washington Post-Charlatan-In vinci hIe Eagle 266 Stephanie Gavotte 0 Czibulka .75
................ •

460 Sorella, La Ch. Borel Clerc .75 2278 Stille Nacht, and 0 Tannenbaum ' .75
897 Sorority Threestep C. Eo Roat .75 3094 St. Louis Blues. Onestep W. C. Handy .75
0 ••••••••••

227 Sounds from Vienna Woods .J. Strauss 1.10 1460 St. Louis Rag Turp1n .75
643 Sounds from Vienna Woods. Waltz, Concert Para- 461 St. Louis Tickle. Ragtime Twostep.Barney and Seymore .75'
phrase by E. Schuett .J. Strauss 1.25 '899 St. Patrick's Day Barry .75
190 Source, La ...
218 Source, La. Waltz
0 0 •••• 0 Blumenthal .85

E. Waldteufell.00
, 1003
St. Patrick's Day and The Minstrel Boy. Transcrip-
tion by W. Pape
Storm, The, Weber .75
No. Pla~ed uy Composer Price
No. Pla~ed u~ Composer Price 1211 Symphony Pathetique, op. 74, No.6. Adagio
1044 Storm King, The. March E. T. Paull .75 Allegro mon Troppo · .' Tscllaikowsky 1.25
479 Stradella Overture Flotow 1.00 1212 Symphony Pathetique, op. 74, No.6. Allegro'Vivo.
403 Stroller's March A. B. Chasuur .75 Tschaikowsky 1.25
314 Sun Bird. An Indian intermezzo K. Mills .75 1213 Symphony Pathetique, op. 74, No.6. Second Movement.
1812 Sunny Italy. Waltz T. M. Tobanil.OO . Tschaiko.wsky 1.25
2186 Sur L'Eau, No.2 Moszkowski .75 1214 Symphony Pathetique, op. 74, No.6. Third Movement.
1077 Swan Song. From "Lohengrin." Transcription by I Tschaikowsky 1.25
Krug , Wagner .90 1215 Symphony Pathetique, op'. 47, No.6. Finale.
179 Swedish Wedding March Sodemann .75 Tschaikowsky 1.25
831 Sweet and Low Barnby .75 00 1441 Tales of Hoffman. Barcarolle. Arrange<.- by
463 Sweet and Low. Mandolin Arrangement. Bamby .75 D.Magnus Offenbach .75
3475 Sweet Baby Blues (Banjo Blues). Foxtrot 823 Tales of Hoffman. Fantasie by Tobani. Offenbach 1.25
Ralph Williams .75 1494 Tancredi. Overture ········ Rossini 1.00
27 Sweet By and By. Variations E. Hoffman .75 603 Tannhauser, Elizabeth's Prayer ······ Wagner 1.00
1519 Sweetest Story Ever Told. Mandolin Arrangement. 181 Tannhauser, Evening Star Song ,
Tannhauser, March .. , ,
·,· Wagner .75
,Wagner 1.00
R. M. Stults .75 443 Tannhauser, Overture,
1935 Sweet Remembrances. Arranged by J, H, Hughes .75 251 , Wagner 1.50
Silver Threads Among the Gold, and Home, Sweet Home.
Chimes Arrangement with Final~ for Piano. 447 Tannhauser, Pilgrims' Chorus
········ Wagner .75
E. German .75
70, Sylphes, Les. Impromptu Valse Bachman .75 1660 Tarantelle ,, , ,. ,
611 Sylvia Pizzicati L. Delibes .75 268 Tarantelle , , H 1'111'1' .75
55 Sylvia Valse Lente L. Delibes .75 188 Tarantelle Brillante , .. , ,.; Smith .85
2480 Sympathy. From "The Firefly" R. Friml.75 669 Tarant;elle de Bravura ·········· . Liszt 1.25
· .. · .. ··· .S.· B. Mills .90
186 Tarantelle, op.op. 13
00 ...... •

961 Symphony, cp. 36. No.2. Adagio, Molto Allegro

con Brio Beethoven 1.25 648 Tarantelle. 51, No. 1. ,Scharwenka .75
962 Symphony, op 36, No.2. Larghetto Beethoven 1.25 454 Tears and Smiles. Waltzes , A. L Marl!sh .75
963 Symphony, op. 36, No.2. Scherzo Beethoven 1.00 1R44 Temple Bells. See Indian Love Lyr;c5 A. W. Finden 1.00
964 Symphony, op. 36. No.2. Finale BeethM/en 1.25 1407 Temptation Rag. Arranged by J. M. Fulton .. Henry Lodge .60
271 Symphony, No.5. Adante Beethoven 1.25 1720 Teresa Habanera , 00 ..A. E. Lenskin .75
E. Becucci 1.25
769 Symphony, No.5. Allegro Finale Beethoven 1.25 3261 Tesoro Mio (My Sweetheart). Waltz
770 Symphony. No.5. Scherzo Beethoven 1.25 474 Thais. No. 1. Ml'Cli;ation." .. , ... ,,······,··· . Mos<rlt1!t .75
772 Symphony, No.5. Allegro con brio Beethoven 1.25 2799 That Gosh Darned Twostep Rag M. K. Miller .75
1127 Symphony, No.6, Pastoral. Allegro Ma non Troppo., 283 Themelo. Etude de Concert ..... :, ·.····· . Gottschalk 1.00
Beethoven 1.25 444 Then
You'll Remember Me. From "The Bohemian
, Balfe ~75
1128 Symphony, No, 6, Pastoral. The Storm Beethoven .75
1129 Symphony, No.6, Pastoral. Andante Beethoven 1.00 1085 Third Nocturne , 00 00 .J. Leybach 1.00
1130 Symphony, No.6, Pastoral Allegretto Beethovett 1.00 771 ,Thirty-two Variations in C Minor ' Beethoven 1,.00
1207 Symphony, No.7, Poco Sostenuto Vivace Beethoven 1.25 185 Thorn Roses , , Bendel .75
1208 Symphony, op. 92, No.7 in A. Allegretto Beethoven 1.00 1521 Thou Art Like Unto a Flower Rubinstein .75
1209 Symphony, op. 92, No.7. in A. Presto Beethoven 1.00 662 T.hou Art Repose (Du BistDie Ruh). Transcription
1210 Symphony, op. 92, No.7, in A. Allegro con Brio. by Liszt , ,., Schubert .75
Beethoven 1.25 222 Thousand and One Nights. Waltz , .J. Strauss .90
1797 'Symphony, No.5. Surprise Andante Haydn 1.00 675 Three Dances from Henry VIII. Monis Dance,
1798 Symphony, No.5. Surprise Adagio Vivace Ha"dn 1.00 Sheyherds' Dance, Torch Dance · E. German 1.00
1799 Symphony, No.5. Surprise Menuetto Haydn .75 1844 Till Wake. See Indian Love Lyrks A. W. Finden 1.00
"1;800 Symphony, No.5. Surprise Finale Haydn .7~ 1982 Tipica, La, Polka , C. Ciuti .75
999 Symphony, No.5. Leonore. Parting March .I. Raff .75 59
No. Played by Composer Price
No. Played by Composer Price
2389 Twenty Years Ago. Song Medley,' Arranged by .'
2951 Tipperary Guards. March and One-Step. Arrang-ed J. H. Hughes .. , 1.00
W. Schutz , , E. T. Paull .75 I-Sunshine of Paradise Alley; 2-Sweet M;arie; 3-Break
the News To Mother; 4-0n the Banks of the Wabash;
1249 Tiralala Waltz. From "The Chocolate Soldier." S-Anaie Roane,,; 6-After the Ball; 7-Hot Time in the
. O. Strauss 1.00 Old Town Tonight.
792 'Tis Harvet Time .1. T. Hall 2451 Twilight Dre~8. Medley, Arranged by E. M. Flickinger .85
Battle Hymn , .1. Watts I-Tne Chimes; 2-1 Hear You Calling Me; 3-Sail On,
Silvery Moon; 4-Twilight Dreams.
Lead Me, Saviour, F. M. Davis .75 39 Twilight Fancies. Morceau Brillian A. H, Bonser .85
766 Titania, op. 116 , " S. Smith .75 1722 Twilight Murmurings, op. 1993, No.5.: ... . H. N. Barlett .75
92 Titania. Fantasie de Concert. Lefebure Wely .75 706 Twilight Romance. From "Suite Algerienne."
C. Saint Saens .75
2364 Too Much Mustard (Tres Moutarde). Onestep, 2469 Twilight Songs. Arranged by J. H. Hughes........... ,90
Twostep or Tango C. Macklin .75 I-Memor"'s Dream ;2-Twilight; 3-~tar of the Sea.
1286 Top of Cork Road; Connaught Man's Ramble; 942 Twinkling Star. Etude de Salon C. Bohm .75
Haste to the Wedding. Jigs, No.2 75 531 Twittering of the Birds. Divertissement de Salon.
170 Tosca. Fantasie by Becucci ....................• •Puccini 1.25 Billema .75
3901 Tosca. Part I G. Puccini 1.50 76 Two Larks Leschetizky .75
3902 Tosca. Part II G. Puccini 1.50 2220 Tyroler Heimaths Glange, Idyll, op. 138 Johann Kafka .75
277 To Thee. Waltz Waldteufell.00 3818 Un Ballo In Maschera. Part I Verdi 1.25
284 To the Spring (An Den Fruehling), op. 43, No. 6 .. Grieg .75 3819 Un Ballo In Maschera. Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • Verdi 1.25
554 Toujours on Jamais (Ever or Never). Valse .. Waldteufell.l0 3820 Un Ballo in Maschr.oi. Plirt 3 00 .. Verdi V:J
00 • 00 00

555 Tout a Nons Valse Waldteufell.00 3821 Un Ballo In Maschera. Part 4 · · ·· .. Verdi 1.'0
378 Tout Paris. Waltzes, op. 240 , Waldteufell.00 427 Uncle Sammy. March and Twostep Holzmann .75
176 Traumerel and Romance ; Schumann .75 331 Uncle Sam's Cadets. March and Twostep . . H. C. Buser .75
Orchestration by Connorized Music Co.
374 T'raumerei and Romance, Mandolin Arrangement. 845 Under the American Eag1e .J. H. Ellis .75
Schumann .85 214 Under the Double Eagle March .J. F. Wagner .75
24 Traviata. Fantasie by Lebach Verdi 1.25 553 Under the Double Eagle March. Special for Dancing.
881 Tres J olie Waltzes Waldteufell.25 and Lodge Work 00 J. F. Wagner 1.50
2364 Tres Moutarde (Too Much Mustard). Onestep, 1018, Under the Rose. Waltzes: H. B. Blanke .75
Twostep or Tango , , C. Macklin .75 7tr Unfinished Symphony in B. Minor. Andante con Moto.
2455 Trinity Chimes , W. Decker .75 Schul-ert 1.00
2902 Trinity Chimes. Arranged by H. R. Baron. Adeste 774 Unfinished Symphony in B Minor,' Allegro Schubert 1.00
Fidelis. (Mandolin.) Vesper Chimes. (Chimes) .•......•75 1846 Un~arische Zigeunerweisen TallSig 1.25
1496 Tristan and Isolde. Isolde's Love Death Wagner .90 1306 United States Forever. March , .Lacalle .75
285 Triumphal March. From "Aida" , .. Verdi .85 136 Valse, op. 64, No 1. Chopin .75

1836 Triumphal. March, op. 56, No.3 Grieg 1.00 272 Valse, op. 64, No.2 : Chopin .75
874 Trocha, Cuban Dance Tyres .75 789 Valse, op. 64, No.3 · .. · Chopin .75
1002 Troubadour Intermezzo W. C. Powen .75 1236 Valse, op. 69, No.!. Chopin .75
140 Trovatore, I1-Anvil Chorus ................•..... Verdi .75 1372 Valse, op. 70. Nos. 2 and 3. 00 00 Chopin .75
620 Trovatore, 11- Back to Our Mountains , .. Verdi .75 1662 Valse in A Flat E. German .75
00 00 . . . . . . . . •

96 Trovatore, I1-Fantasie by S. Smith Verdi 1.25 1577 Valse, op. 10. No.2 .. : Rachmaninoff .75
111 Trovatore Miserere Verdi 1.00 1233 Valse, op. 46, No.1 Moszkowski .75
1522 Trumpeter von Sakkingen. It Is Not to Be Hessler .75 90 Valse, op. 34, No.1 00 Moszkowski 1.25

215 Turkey in the Straw Otto Bonwell .75 466 Valse, op. 82. Arabesque Lack .75
993 Turkish March Mozart .75 221 Valse Bleue Margis .75'
1042 Turkish Patrol " , , ........•..... Michaels .75 685 Valse Brillante in A Flat Moszkowski 1.00
60 61
No. Played by Com/Joser Price
Played by Com/Joser Price
1343 Valle B~llante, op. 34, No.1 Chopin 1.10 No.
761 Valle Bnllante, op. 159 H. N. Bartl,tt .90 797 Walkure, Die. Magia Fire' Scene. Transcription by
3386 Valse Brune. Waltz .............•......... Georges Pri,r .85 Liszt Wagner .80
318 Valle Caprice Mrs. H. A. Beach .90 622 Walther's Prize Song. From "Die Meistersinger,"
Valle Caprice A. Rubinstein 1.00 Wagner .75
L842 Vale Caprice. No.1. Nach falter Tausig 1.00 1692 Waltz, op. 17, No.3 Moszkowski 1.00
353 Val. I Caprice, op. 7 R. A. Newland .75 431 Waltz, op. 83 · ··· .. ···· .Durand .75
282 Valle Caprice, op. 33 Chaminad, .85 1376 Waltz in A Minor, op. 54, No. 1. ...........•.. . Dvorak .75
1437 Valle Carelsante R. Castro .75 405 Waltz Dream. Waltz arranged by A. Roth 0. Strauss 1.25
434 Valse Chromatique, op. 88, No.5 '. B. Godard .75 503 Waltz Dream Selections · O. Strauss 1.25
733 Valse dl Concert, op. 2, No.3 Wieniawski 1.00 1871 Waltz Memories. Arranged by J. J. Reilly 75
I-Under Love's Window; 2-Zenda Waltzes; 3-Lysistrata
175 Valse de Concert Mattei .90 Waltz; 4--Hea.<t Throb•.
726 Val.e de Concert, op. 30, No. 1. Wieniawskil.OO 936 Waltzes, op. 8, Nos. 1,2 and 3 Moszkowski 1.00
930 Valsl de Concert. op. 69 M oszkowski .1.00 937 Waltzes, op..8, Nos. 4 and 5 MoszkoUiski .85
694 Valle de Concert. op. 151 Godard 1.00 1001 Wanderer, Del'. Transcri~tion by Liszt Schubert .75
617 Valse de Juliette. Transcription by Raff Gounod 1.00 408 Warblers' Serenade 1. Perry .75
670 Valle des Fllun Ketterer .75 912 Warblinga At Eve. Romance , B. Richards .75
758 Valse de Bravura, op. 18 .J. Ascher .90 131 War Songa and Bugle Calls. Orchestration by
189 Valse Gentile ....•.............•............ '" . Nevin .75 Connorized Music Company ······· .90
1150 Valle Impromptu. A La Tyrolienne .J. Ralf .80 127 Washington Post March · .Sousa .75
49' Valse Lente, op. 10 M. Sieveking .75 ·· .H. M. Githens .75
498 Water Lilies. Novelette
953 Valle Melancolique Liszt 1.00 387 Water Nymphs, op. 13, No.3 · .. Nevin .75
13'45 Valle Poetique. Sopiro Gottschalk .75 409 Wayside Chapel Reverie G. D. Wilson, .75
1463 Valse Sentimental op. 30, No. 1. R. Castro .75 679 'Wedding Day, op. 65, No.6 '.Grieg 1.25
77 Valse Stryienne Wollenhaupt .75 152 Wedding March. From "Lohengrin" Wagner .90
1464 Valse Triate , .Berger .75 74 Wedding March. From "Midsummer Night's Dream,"
745 Variationa et Fugue. op. 11. Paderewski .90 ~M endelsso!lll 1..0"1
2094 Veleidosas, Danzas, Nos. 1 and 2 E. Diaz .'5 310 Wedding Music Jensen 1.25
358 Vanitienne Fourth Barcarolle Godard .75 1499 Wedding of the Fairies. Waltz C. L. Johnson .75
201 Venetian Love Song Nevin .75 226 Wedding of the Winds .J. T. Hal/1.2S
759 Ventre a Terre H. Kowalski .75 , 404 Wedding of the Winds. Mandolin Arr .I. T. Hall 1.25
2606 Vesper Chimes W. Decker .75 400 Weeping Willow Rag .Joplin .75
2902 Vespera Medley. Arranged by H. R. Barron............ .75 624 What a Friend We Have in Jesus..................... .75
TrInity Chimes. (Chimes.) Adeste Fidelia. (Mandolin.)
Vesper Chimes. (Chimes.) 2426 When I Dream of Old Erin (I'm Dreaming of You)
562 Vienna Waltz, op. 121. No.1 L. Schytte .75 Song ..... ~ .............................• .L. Priedman .75
367 Violets. Mandolin Arrangement : .E. Wright .75 308 When Knighthood was in Flower. Waltz Gustill .75
1021 Violettes. Les, Valse..•.................. .E. Waldteufel1.00 906 When the Swallows Homeward Fly Oesten .75
225 Virginia Reel; Arkansas Traveler; Fishers' Hornpipe. 1468 When You and I Were Young. Variations Bisch"Off 1.00
Dances 75 2833 When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore a Big Red Rose.
1280 Visions of Salome. Valse A. Joyce .75 . P. WenriCh .75
1497 Vogelstimmen (Bird Voices). Waltz R. Vollstedt 1.00 440 Where Is My Boy Tonight? Chdst Receiveth Sinful
544 Wacht am Rhein. Die Wilhelm .75 Men; God Be with you · .. · 85
2156 Waiting for the Robert E. Lee. Song L. P. Muir .75 869 Where the Lily Belle Grow. Schottische Sawyer .75
45 WaldesraulIChen. Concert Etude, NO.1 Liszt .75 1500 Where the River Shannon Flows .Jos. I. Russell .75
811 Waldweben, from "Siegfried." Arranged by H. Rupp. 2384 Whip, The. March and Twostep A. Holzmantl .75
Wagner 1.00 135 Whispering Winds W ollenhaupt .85
62 853 Whistler and His Dog. March A. Pryor .75
.. .__._.63.._._. .
No. Played by Composer Price
121 Whistling Rufus K. Mills .75
1438 Whoa I You Heifer. Rag Twostep Al Verges .75
827 Who Is Sylvia? Schubert .75
307 Wiener Blut. \Valtzes J. Strauss 1.25
21 Wiener Bonbons. Paraphrase de Concert.
iul ia Rive King 1.25
888 Whilhelmina Waltzes J. T. HaUI.OO
83 William Tell Overture. Orchestral Arrangement . . Rossini 1.50
947 Willis, Les (Water Sprites), Ope 42 ..••.. . C. Chaminade .75
2250 Will There Be Any Stars? J. R. Sweeney .75
219 Wine, Woman and Song. Waltz J. Strauss .85
2729 Winning Fight. March and Twostep A. Holzmann .75
935 Winter, Ope 32, No.4; The Eagle, Ope 32, No.1;
The Brook, Ope 32, No.2; Moonshine, Ope 32, No.3.
MacDowell 1.00
2183 Winter Chimes Medley. Arr. by W. H. 11ast. Bonnie
Eloise. Jingle Bells. ~fandolin Arrangement.......... .75
48 Witches Dance, Ope 17, No.2 ..... },lacDowell .75
0••••••••• •

7 Witches Dance. Transcription by Wallace Paginini 1.00

240 Witches' Frolic. a R olst .75
................................. •

238 Woodland Echoes Wyman .75

723_ Woodland Sketches, Ope 51 E. A. MacDowell .75
I-To a Wild Rose; 2-Will of the Wisp.
722 Woodland Sketches, Ope 51 E. A. MacDowell .75
3-At An Old Trysting Place; 4--1n Autumn.
721 Woodland Sketches, Ope 51 Eo A. MacDowell .75
5-Froni An Indian Lodge; 6-To a Water Lily.
984 Woodland Sketches. op, 51 E. A. MacDowell .75
7-From Uncle Remus; 8---A Deserted Farm.
211 Yala Boola March Hirsch .75
231 Yankee Doodle. Transcription Hughes .85
462 Yankee Grit. March and T\vostep Holzmann .75
848 Yankee Patrol Meacham .75
1524 Ya Quisieras Schottische A. Pina .75
2315 Y Como Le Va. Argentine Tango J. Valverde .75
3193-Yellow Dog Rag. Ortestep : W. C. Handy .75
546 Yellow Jonquils Gavotte ~ T. F. Johanning .75
2012 Zacatecas March G. Codina .85
151 Zampa. Overture. Four Hand Arrangement Herold 1.25
1983 Zapateado Andaluz Danse Cinna .75
2145 Zelda Walter$. Mandolin Arrangement L. M. Hudson .75
223 Zenda Waltzes F. M. Witmark .85
913 Zigeunertanz (Gypsy Dance) H. Lichner .75
1956 Zigeunerweisen. (Gypsy Airs), op. 20 S arasate .90
633 Zingara, La (The Gypsy), Ope 102. Dance Hongroise.
Carl Bohm .75
1378 Zum Tamburin (Spanischer Tanz) C. Bohm .75
767 Zur Guitarre Impromptu ......................•. Hille,. .75

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