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セ Zヲ」Nャゥ|セ@ セ 。ャ N@ セN⦅@ .

• 201
Pap.e r-1

ITime Allowec!- : Three Hours !Maximum Marks: 2001

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting

There are ELEVEN questions 、セカゥ・@ under SIX sections.

Candidate has to attempt SIX questions in all. The ONLY question セョ@ Section A is
compulsory. Out of the remaining TEN questions, the candidate has to attempt FIVE,
choosing ONE from each of the other Sections B, C, D, E and F.

The number of marks carried by a question I part is indicated against it.

Symbols, abbreviations and notations have their usual standard meanings.

Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly.

Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum- Answer Booklet must be
clearly struck off

Answers must be written in E_NGLISH only.

Neat sketches are to be drawn to illustrate answers, wherever required.

Wherever required, graphs I tables are to be drawn on the Question-cum- Answer Booklet


(Comp ulsory Section )

Answer and/or d escribe the following in brief with diagrams

wherever necessary: 5x10=50
(a) Types of atmospheric scattering exhibited by electromagneti c radiation 5
(b) Draw a neat labelled sketch of a soil profile. 5
(c) City 'A' lies in toposheet number 78 1/16, City 'B' lies in another
toposheet to the east of 78 1/16. Name the toposheet number of City 'B'.
If map separation between A and B is 10 em, what is the ground
distance? (Scale of the toposheet is 1 : 50,000) 5
(d) How is sense of shear determined with S-C fabric, cr and cS type
porphyroclast and intra granular fault? 5
(e) Pan-African Rejuvenation of Southern Granulite Terrane. 5
(f) Subduction Zone 5
(g) Stratigraphy of Central India Tectonic Zone 5
(h) Arrange the following igneous suites in chronological order, mentioning
their isotopic ages and stratigraphic units: 5
(i) Malani Igneous Suite
(ii) Dongargarh Granite
(iii) Closepet gイセョゥエ・@
(iv) Singhbhum Granite
(v) Deccan Basalt
(i) Life cycle of Agamont and Gamont 5
(j) Allopatric Speciation 5

Yl O·U· GlGY 2

Q2. (a)
(Attempt any one question)

Describe the IRS system satellite programme with special emphasis on

the sensor system used in each and their characteristics. Comment on
the utility of remote sensing images for societal benefit. 15

. (b) Write short notes on the following : 15

(i) Types of drainage pattems
(ii) Erosional features formed by wind
(iii) Stream length gradient index

Q3. (a) Discuss the different types of aerial photographs. Comment on their
utility in geological studies. 10

(b) Briefly discuss the geological applications of SLAR images. 10

(c) Describe the reasons of increasing usage of GIS in geological

investigations. 10


Q4. (a)
(Attempt any one question)

Disharmonic folding with variation of wavelength and amplitude are

·widely observed in folded terranes. Explain the mechanism of such
folding with appropriate equation. 15

(b) What types of Faults are developed in a compression and extensional

setting ? Explain with neat ウォセエ」ィL@ the stress tensor for each type of
fault. 15

Q5. (a) The map pattern of alternate sequence of quartzite and limestone is
given below. Interpret the structures in the given map and draw a
cross-section along E-W line and plot the bedding (pole) in a free hand
stereoplot. · 10

.ᄋ セ ᄋ@

(b) Write short notes on the·following : 10

(i) Class 2 fold
(ii) Slaty·cleavage
(iii) Crenulation cleavage
(iv) Boudin
(v) Dynamic recrystallisation

(c) Draw suitable figures to explain Fault Bend Fold and Fault Propagation
Fold. 10


Q6. (a)
(Attemp t any one question )

Discuss the types of plate boundari es and explain the driving forces of
plate motion related to mantle dynamics and gravity force. 15

(b) Describe the applicati ons of palaeoma gnetism in determin ing the
palaeopo sition of India. 15

· Q7. (a) Illustrate the layered structure of the Earth with emphasis on the
mineral composit ion, density and temperat ure. 10

(b) Write short notes on the following : 10

(i) Magnetic anomaly

(ii) Transfor m fault

(c) Discuss the evolution of ocean island chains with examples . 10


Q8. (a)
(Attemp t any one question )

Give stratigrap hic successio n of Western セョ、@ Eastern Dharwar craton.

Explain, how the Dharwar craton grades into southern granuliti c
terrane through transitio n zone, based on lithology. 15
(b) Draw a profile across Himalay an orogen and show different
tectono-s tratigrap hy units in it. Explain each unit with respect to its
topograp hy, lithology and age. Plot the following features in the profile :
(i) Blue schist rocks (ii) Dras volcanics (iii) Kiogars (iv) Paleozoic s of the
Kashmir valley. 15

Q9. (a) Discuss stratigra phy, sediment ation and fossil content of Gondwan a
sediment s of India. 10
(b) Tabulate the litho-bio- chronostr atigraphy of Kutch Basin. 10
(c) Write short notes on the following : 10
(i) Subathu Formatio n
(ii) Papagni Group


QlO. ( a)
(Attempt any one question)

Elucidate the applications of Munier-Chalmas notation of the dentition

of pelecypods with neat diagrams. 15

(b) Enumerate the types of microfossils and discuss the significance of

organic-walled microfossils In biostratigraphy and hydrocarbon
exploration. 15

Qll. (a) Explain the PETM event in geological record. 10

(b) Discuss the Siwalik vertebrate fauna and their stratigraphic

distribution. 10

(c) Illustrate the Echinoid test with a sketch and comment on its ecology,
stratigraphic range and geological history. 10

s」ᄋ セヲャゥエ FB セ ャッ セq A@ 'r -!xo"', .2011-

• カセ ゥIlogi st@

EXAM-2017 IZLX-U-Gl y I

P aper- I

ITime Allowed: Three Hours !Ma.:cimu.m Mark.s : 200j

Question Paper Specific Instru ction s

Please •·ead each. of tlte following instructions cat-ef,.lly before attempting


There are ELEVEN questions diuided under SIX sectiotl8.

CaJUiidou ha11 to attempt SIX qt<eStians i11 all. The ONLY questicn in Section A is
compulsory. Out of the remainUI(f TEN questions, the candidate ltas to attempt FTVE,
choosing ONE from each of the other Sections B, C. D. E and F.

The number of morlts corried by a questicn I par! is indicated agaittst it.

Symbols, abbreuiatums attd ttotatiOtiS ha.ue their usual standard meanings.

Attempts o{ questions shall be cormted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question silo// be counted euen if' atu!rnpted partly.

Any page or portion of' the page left blank in the Questimt..cum·AtiSwer Booklet must be
clearly Struck off.

Answers must be wntlen in ENGUSB only.

Neat sketches are to be drown to illustrate answers, whereuer req uired.

Wherever req11ired, graphs I tables are to be drawn on the Question-cum-Answe r Booklet


(Compulsory Section)

Qt. Answer and/or describe the following in brier with diagrams
wh erever n ecessary : 5x10:50
(a) Differentiate between raster and vector data. Di8CUSS their utility in
Goology. 5
(b) Discuss the formation of four different types of sand dunes with relation
to sand s upply, vegetation and wind. 5
(c) Differentiate between glacial deposits and fluvia l deposits. Discuss three
examples each of glacial depositional landforms a nd fluvial depositional
landforms. 5
(d) In a toposh eet 45 D·ll (1 : 50,000 5Cille) tho dista.n ce between two places
is 10 em. What is the actual distance on ground ? What are the other
toposheets that occur to N, S, E, W of the above number toposheet ?
Show in a diagram. 5
(e) 1n a horizontal topography, two beds A and B are involved in
deformation. Describe the details 。「ッセエ@ the structure and sequence of
their development. 5

/ 8 F

(J) Discuss the seismic character of convergent pia te boundaries with

suitable example. 5
(g) Karewa Group 5
(h) Goological Time Scale 5
(i) Biocoenose and thanatocoenose fossil ass<lmblages 5
G> Ecology of diatoms 5


Q2. (a)
(Attempt any one question)

Define 'resolution'. Discuss the different types of resolutions in satellite

remote sensing. Can we have all the resolutions very high/fine in a
particular satellite data ? What is resolution trade-otT ? Discuss the
spatial and temporal resolutions suitable/optimum for geological study,
climatic study and geological hazard study. 15
(b) Write short notes on the following : 15
(i) Shutter Ridges
(ii) Fault-line Scarp
(iii) Horst and Grabe n
(Jv) 'Triangular Facet
(v) Pull-apart Basin

Q3. (a) Discuss the image elements and geotechnical elements for visual
classification of satellite images. 10
(b) Discuss the difference among multispectral, hyperspectral and thermal
images and their advantages. Give one example each of these three
types of satellite images. 10
(c) What is a glacier and where docs it form ? Discuss how glaciers move.
Describe four pre-glacial landforms and four post-glacial landfo-rms. 10

(Attempt any one question) •
Q4. (a) Write about the buckling mechanism of folding. How does it explain the
assoeiation of folds of different wavelength and amplitude ? 15
(b) Draw 30 diagrams for normal, thrust and strike slip faults and show the
orientation of a 1, a 2 and o 3 responsible for generation of faults. 15

Q5. (a) In a progressive deformation, write the s ignificance of s laty cleavage,

crcnulntion cleavage, boudinaged fold and folded boudin. lQ

(b) Writo about the different forms of salt diapirs and the s tructures
associated with these. 10
(c) In o stcreoplot, the poles of axial plane schistosity of F 1 folds lie on a
girdle. When the F 1 fold axes are plotted in the same diagram, they lie
very close to the pole of the girdle. Show the plot and interpret the
structure. 10

(Attempt any one question)

Q6. (a) Write short notes on the following : 15

(i ) Accretionary Prism

(ii) Back. arc Basin

(iii) Blueschist Facies Rocks

(b) Defino a rifl: zone. Distinguish between active and passive rifts . Describe
t.he 3tructure and typical rock associ ations of a continontnl rift zone. 15

Q7. (a) What is a collisional orogeny ? Discuss lhe s tructura l and lithological
characters of a collision al orogenic belt. 10
(b) Discuss the structure of a 'divergent plate boundary'. What are the main
geochemical signatures of basalts associated with m id-oceanic ridges? 10
(c) Compare and contrast the following: 10
(i) Lithosphere and Asthenosphere

(ii) Subduction and Obduction

Q8. (a)
(Attempt any one question) •
Outline the palaeogeography of India ncar the Precambrian/Cambri an
boundary. 15
(b) Diaeuss the salient events of the &agmeot.ation of the Gondwanaland
during the Pennian-Cretaceous interval. 15

Q9. Writs brief notes on the following :

(a) lndin-As ia collision and the rise of the Himala_yas 10
(b) Maximum Flooding Surface H セifsI@ in sequence stratigraphy 10
(c) Radiometric dating of rocks 10

• •
(Attempt any one question)

QlO. (a) Describe the bathymetric distribution of organisms. 15

(b) Throw light in brief on the evolution of vertebrate life through the ages. 15

QU. (a) Describe oculo·genital rings of echinoids. 10

(b) Differentiate between the Pelecypods and Brachiopoda. 10
(c) El\plain macroevolution with examples. 10

• Paper I
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 2(;0


Please read each of the following instructions carefully

before attempting the que8tions [セ@

Candidates should attempt SIX アオセZエゥッョウ@ m ALL bcludir.g

Question No. 1, キィセ」@ is compulsory, from Part I, and attempt
ONE question each irom Sections A, B. セG@ D and E from ,:Jart II.

The number of mc..rks carried by 13::U:Ch question is i'tdicatt:d

against each.

Answers must be wr:tten onlj in ENGi...,"SH.

Symbols and abbreviations a.'"e as usua;.

Neat sketches are t'J be drawn to il1-z.strate answers, -..vherever


r. All parts and sub-parts of a question 'Jeing attempted セzイ・@ to be

completed before ュセjゥョァ@ on to the next question.

A-IGQ-0-JHA 1 [Contd.]

1. Describe エィセ@ following in abcut 100 words each, widl •

brief sketchEs, where7er necessa_-y : l()x5=50

<a) Weathering Index

(b) Vertical exaggeration in photographs

(c) HarmoLic folds

(d} Types of tectonites

(e) River ter:-aces

(f) Active con tin ental margin

(g) Retrograde evolution

(h) Krol formation

(i) Fossil record of vertebrates in U;Jper Siwalik

tj) Ecology of Radiolaria

J.I.-IGi)-0-JHA 2 [Contd.]

2. (a) Give a detailed acc•lunt of :norph•)metric

anat1sis of drainage basins and expl.:tin its
s:gnificance. 15

(b) \\bat do you understand jy Digital Image

pセッ」・ウゥョァ@ (DIP) ? d・ウセイゥ「@ ita application in
ュゥョ・セ。ャ@ exploration. 15

3. Write no-,es •Jn each of the follo'Wing UクVセP@

(a) Glacial erosion and associatea land)orms

(b) Landbrms as3ociated vith mature ani old

stEge Jf a river

(c) Spdeothems and their ut:lity

(d) Geostationary End Polar crbiti.:1g satellites

(e) Use of Digital Elevaticn J\.lodel (DEM) In

lan i-use planning

A-IGQ-0-JHA 3 [:ontd.]

4. (a) Usir_g neat sketches,


on their economic signi£cance.

、セウ@ tr_e mecha_J.ism of
::>f igneow; intrusions Add a note

(b) Give a detailed account of the measurement of
strain in deformed イッ」セオ[N@ Br_ef.y \\TILE' the
significance of 3uch meru-.HemerJ:.s 15

5. Write notes on each of the follow_ng :

(a) Form:ttion of D.1plex structure

(b) Superposed fol.Cing

(c) Brittle- ductile deformation of the lithosphere

(d) Landforms assoeiated with faults

(e) Stress regime during ヲッイュセZNエゥョ@ of Bo•dinaJe

A-IGQ-0-JHA 4 fContdl

• 6. (a) HJW do the earthquakes help us in the intHnal strudure of the
Earth? IE

(b) dセウ」イゥ「・@ the driving mechanism fo::- ャゥエィッウーセQN・イ」@

plate motion, -.ISing suit&ble illustrations. IE

7. Write mtes on each of the following:

(a) Palaeomagnetism

(b) Submarine Vclcanism a.d its geolcgical impact

(c) G:1a:rncteristic features cf Island Arc

(d) F-1ll-apart baEins

(e) セッーィケウゥ」。ャ@ anomalies i::l mid-oceanic ridges

A-IGQ-0-JHP. 5 [Contd.]
8. (a)

Name the Cretaceous basins of the wesie::n
coast of India and desc:'ibe their sahe::1t

Using the featurE-s A- H anc II1- q iri the gi.,m

15 •
geological cross-section, 、・ウᄋセイゥ「@ the seque:1ce
of geological events. 15

+ ....

9. Write notes on each of the following : 6:><.5=30

(a) Ariyalur Formation
(b) Permo-Car boniferous Stratigraph y of Kashmir

(c) Holocene climatic changes


(d) Ophiolites cf the Himalaya

(e) Banded Gneissic Co:oplex
(f) Lameta Formation
A-IGQ-0-JH A 6 [Contd.J

• 10. (a) the use o= Foraminifen m

bbstratigraphy. 15

(b) D:scms the concept "Ont:feny recapitulates

phylogeny" in case of Amnamidea. 15

11. Write nctes on I Answer each of the following : 6xE=30

(a) bゥ・ウエイョァ。ーィセ」@ classificaL.:x1 of Gondwana

Sut>ersroup based on ヲャッイ。セ@ records.

(b)!!s the evolutionary t:::-end of re-:ltiles

du::inf the Mesozoic and ThrtiEtry. Add noms on
thE role of plate tectonics o_1. J;.

(c) Enumerate the various fact.:rs which he:p m

the intercontinental migrati:n of animals and
7 pla.J.ts.

(d) Mentioo the charaCteristic fe=..tures of placental


(e) What is iterative evolutioo ? Give exarrples

from Cephalopods.

(f) eカッセ@ utiona:ry trend in Apical 、セウ」@ of Palaeczoic


gセッャ|IABG@ -"
セ@ '"'"' ..NLセ@ ·.:;·"arn\nati<ll'-"'
Paper I
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 200


Please read each of the following instructions· carefully

before attempting questions :
There are SIX questions divided under TWO sections.
Candidate has to attempt ALL the SIX questions,
ALL the parts in the ONLY question in Section A are compulsory.
In Section B, THREE parts out of FOUR are to be attempted in
each of the FNE questions.
The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated
against it.
All parts and sub-parts of a question are to be attempted together
in the answer book.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order.
Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if
attempted partly.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book
must be clearly struck off.
Answers must be written in ENGUSH only.
Neat sketches are to be drawn to illustrate answers, wherever

A-FDN/RB-N-HMA 1 [Contd:]

Describe the following in not more than 100 words

each, with suitable sketches, wherever necessary : 5x10=50

(a) Peneplanation as a component of erosional

cycle. 5

(b) Characteristics and applications of CARTOSAT. 5

(c) Stress ellipsoid for thrust development. 5

(d) Conditions leading to the formation of

sheath-folds. 5

(e) Differences between Main Boundary Thrust

and Great Boundary Fault. 5

(D Formation and location of 'Forearc Basin'. 5

(g) Eparchaean Unconformity, its significance and

locations in India. 5

(h) Conceptualisation of Anthropocene time. 5

(i) Sketch the Perignathic-girdle in Cidaroids,

highlighting its functions. 5

Gl Phenotype. 5

A-FDN/RB-N-HMA 2 [Contd.]


Answer any three of the following : 10x3=30

(a) Differentiate between the agents and processes
that result in "U"- and "V"-shaped valleys. 10
(b) Explain the role of GIS in the preparation of
'Landslide Hazard Zonation' maps. 10
(c) Using a diagram, demonstrate how mechanical
weathering enhances the process of chemical
weathering. 10
(d) Compare the LANDSAT and IRS series of
satellites. 10

3. Answer any three of the following : 10x3=30

(a) Using suitable sketches, discuss the mechanism
of folding. 10 .
(b) What is Mohr's stress diagram ? Discuss its
relevance in interpreting stress conditions in
rocks. 10
(c) What are shear zones ? Explain
diagrammatically the transition from brittle
fault to ductile shear at depth. 10
(d) A limestone bed is found to be horizontal along
an east-west trending railway .cutting. The
same bed is found to dip 20° in SW direction in
an adjacent quarry. Find the True dip of the
limestone bed, in amount and direction, using
the geometric method. 10
A-FDN/RB-N-HMA 3 [Contd.]
4. Answer any three of the following : 10x3=30.

(a) Briefly discuss the evolution and significance of

the Narmada Rift Valley. 10

(b) What are Ophiolites· ? Discuss their origin,

tectonic significance and distribution in the
Indian sub-continent. 10

(c) Differentiate between Transform- and

Transcurrent-faults . Explain the formation of
. Pull-a part basins using a diagram .. 10

(d) What IS Neotectonism ? Describe three

geomorphic indicators of neotectonic activity. 10

5. Answer any three of the following :

(a) Explain 'Carbon Dating', and its utility. 10

(b) Discuss the significance of 'Type-locality' and

'Type-section' in stratigraphy. 10

(c) Comment on the lithology, characteristic fauna,

and age of the 'Spiti Shales'. 10

(d) Discuss the age and duration of the 'Deccan

Volcanics'. 10

A-FDN/RB-N-HMA 4 [Contd.]
•. Answer any three of the following : 10x3=30

(a) Define 'Index Fossil', giving one Indian example

from different eras. 10

(b) Distinguish between 'Dicellograptus' and

'Dicranograptus'. 10

(c) Discuss 'Dicroidium', and its age significance. 10

(d) Explain the identity of 'Megalospheric' and

'Microspheric' forms, and their genetic
significance. 10

Dr am Dare Win

Sl. No. 3560 A-HFP-J -HA



Time Allowed Three Hours I I Maximum Marks 200 I

Candidates should attempt SIX questions in all

including Question No. 1, which is compulsor y, Crain
PART-I and attempt ONE question each Crom
Sections A, B, C, D and E frotn PART-II.
The number of marks carried by each question
is indicated against each.
Answers :must: be wrlt:t:en only in ENGLISH.
Symbols and abbreviatio ns are as usual.
Neat sketches tn.ay be .dra-wn to illust.rate 。ョウキ・イセ@
wherever required.


1. Write short notes on any ten of the following :

(a) S-waves
(b) Bifurcation ratio
{c) Digital image processing
(d) Inlier
(e) Isotropic fabric

/68 [ P.T.O.
Dream Dare Win
Dream Dare Win

Foliation and lineation

(h) Hiatus
(i) Exotic blocks of Johar
(j) Operculum
(k) Plankton
(l) Sequence stratigraphy



2. Write an essay on morphometric analysis

of a drainage basin. 30

3. Write notes on the following

(a) Origin of karst topography 10
(b) Application of geomorphology ln dam
construction 10
(c) Landsat imagery ln geological mapping 10


4. Explain and differentiate between

{a) Stratigraphic separation and Vertical
separation 10
(b) Shear joints and Tension joints 10
(c) Pure shear and Simple shear 10

A-HFP-J-HA/68 2
Dream Dare Win
•• 5.
Dream Dare Win

Write notes on the following

{a) Prolate strain ellipsoid 10
(b) Mylonites and pseudotachylites 10
(c) Significance of stereographic projections
in structural analysis 10


6. Discuss the genesis of mid-oceanic ridges.

Also give a cross-section of the mid-Atlantic
ridge. 20+10=30

7. Write notes on the following ..

(a} Stony meteorites 10
(b) Main boundary fault 10
(c) Magnetic anomaly 10


8. Discuss the principles of radiometric dating

using U-Pb isotopes. 30

9. Write notes on the following

{a) Sargur Group 10
(b) Panjal Traps 10
(c) Palaeoclimates 10

A-HFP-J-HA/68 3 [ P.T.O.
Dream Dare Win
Dream Dare Win

10. Discuss the evolutionary changes in the
pattern of suture lines in ammonoids. 30

11. {a) Describe the omarnentation on the

surface of gastropod shells. 15
{b) Write on the role of Foraminifers 1n
biostratigraphic correlation. 10
(c) Briefly give the systematic classification,
morphology and age of Terebratula. 5


A-HFP--J-HA/68 4 JS-5300
Dream Dare Win
セ@ -Fcrnrrr
Geologist eク。ュjョuセ@
<n:r«r "L._·;; l-o

Paper I

I Time Allowed : Three Hours I IMaximum Marks : 200 I

Candidates should attempt SIX questions in all
including Question No. 1, which is compulsory ,
from Part - I and attempt ONE question
each from Sections A, B, C, D and E
from Part - 11.
· The· number of marks carried by each question
is indicated against each.
Answers must be written only in ENGLISH.
Symbols and abbreviatio ns are as usuaL
Neat sketches may be drawn to illustrate
answers, wherever required.

,. . . セM :===, ======
セN@ _..,.,..,.

p。イエセ@ I
1. Define any ten m 3 to 4 sentences each -: •

(a) Tool marks

(b) Outliers
(c). Composition of the Earth's core
(d) Stable Isotopes
(e) Refraction cleavages
(f) Magnetic anomaly
(g) Trace Fossils
(h) Disconfonnity
(i) Virtual Fixation Point
(j) Seismograph
(k) Nektons
(I) Equal Area Projection

Part..- II

2. Describe a typical desert scenery and discuss the

, evolution and migration of sand dunes. · 30

3. Differentiate between : 6x5=30

(a) Aerial Photographs and Satellite Imagery
(b} Topographic Maps and Geological Maps
(c) ·LANDSAT and IRS Missions
(d) Bhangar and Khadar Soils
_ (e) KARST topography and Glaciated エッーセ@

DcFDN-K-HA 2 (Contd.)
-- - ---------c---------,

..·--• '. •. Section-B

4. Discuss the principle involved in : 10x3-30

(a) Construction of projection diagrams

(b) Analysis of structural deformation

(c) Salt Dome tectonics

5. Write illustrated notes on : 10x3=30

(1,1) Balanced cross-section

(b) Importance of down-dip lineation '

(c) Origin of reclined folding


6. Discuss the stoiy of transformation of the "Global

Tectonics Hypothesis" into the "Theory of Plate
Tectonics". Discuss the events in chronological
order. 20+ 10=30

7. Write short notes on: l0x3-30
(a) Island Arcs

(b) Theory of Isostasy

···\..., ., (c) Gravity anomaly

D-FDN-K-HA 3 (Contd.)
' '

Section- D

8. Discuss the merits and demerits of the International

code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature. Give Indian
examples to illustrate your answer. 20+ l 0=30

9. Write brief notes on : 10x3=30

(a) Proterozoic-Cambrian Stratigraphic boundary
(b) Origin of Siwalik foreland basin
(c) Deccan Lava in 'Gondwanaland'.


10. Discuss the objections raised against Darwin's

Theory of Evolution. Explain the concept of the
punctuated evolution. 15+ 15=30

11. Discuss the stratigraphic importance of : 6x5=30

(a) Cardita beaumonti
(b) Ptilophyllum Flora
(c) Cruziana sp.
(d) Productus rajah
(e) Syringothyris cuspidaia
(f) Globotnmcana

·セM "rn"'' '111JT
Goologi:t Examinatlall?

Sern: No. [ \ ]

Paper I

(Time Allowed: Three Hours J (Maximum. Marks : 200 J

Candidates should anempt SIX questions in all including
Question No. 1, which js compulsory, from Part-/ and
attempt ONE question セ。」ィ@ from Sections A, .B, C, D
and E from Part-ll.
The number of marks carried" by each question is
indicated against each.
Answers must be written only in ENGLISH .
Symbols and abbreviations are tis usual.
Neat sketches may be drawn to illustraie answers,
wherever required.

I. Write short notes on any TEN of the following : -
(a) Drainage pattern
(b) Air Base ana Photo Base
(c) Vertical fault
(d) Spectral Resolution

I (Contd.)
. (e): IIJfra ..., :rappean セゥャBiョエ・イ@ Ntイ。ー・ョ@セ b・セ@ "
(f). Palaeogeography . . .. .
(g) Plankton
(h) Inlier '
(i) Stereoscopy
G)· Shear joints
(k) TOP?¥raphic mal?
(I) Syncline.

.2. (a) Discuss the importance of geomorphology in
hydrogeological studies. 20
(b) Wh'at' are the differences between aerial
photographs and satellite imagery ? 10
3. Write short notes on : - Sx6=30
(a) Elemc:nts of Hill Slopes
(b) IFOV and PIXEL
(c) .Etch plain.
(d) Tone and Texture ,.,. .
(e) Strandlines '
(f). Spheroidal weathering

4. Give an account of classification of folds and on
the mechanism of folding. praw neat sketches to
illustrate. · · .30
2 (Contd.)
5. Write short notes on : - 5x6=30
la) Strike and Dip
(b) Lineations
(c) Superposed deformation
(d) Salt Dome
(e) Projection Diagram
(f) Distinction between joints and faults.

6. Discuss in detail the planetary evolution of the earth.
Illustrate your 。ョウキセイ@ with neat sketches. Add a note
on the evolution of the Indian subcontinent.
7. Write short notes on : - 5x6=30
(a) Epeirogeny
(b) Meteorites
(c) Continental shield areas
(d) Seismic belts of the earth
(e) Sea floor spreading
(f) Oceanic Islands.

8. (a) Give an account of the Cuddapah Supergroup of
rocks with special reference to its mineral wealth.
(b) Write a note on the stratigraphic correlation of
unfossiliferous rocks. I0

3 (Contd.)
9. Write short notes on : - Uセ]SP@
(a) Kurnool Series
(b) Deccan Volcanics
(c) Lithostratigraphy
(d) Barakar Formations
(e) Singhbhum Granite
(f) Palaeoclimates.

10. (a) Give an· account of the study of Micro-
palaeontology in relation to Stratigraphy. 20
(b) Highlight the evolutionary changes in molluscs in
geological time. I0
II. Write short notes on : - Sx6=30
(a) Species and genera
(b) Life in Precambrian times
(c) Gondwana flora
(d) Ornamentation on gastropod
. . shells
(e) Dinosaur
(f) Siwalik Vertebrate Fauna.

Gaollo gist Examjn1ati·IBI


ITime Allowed : Three Hours I I M aximum Marks 200 I


c。ョ、ャセエ・ウ@ should attempt S.IX question s in ALL

includin g Qu estion No. 1, which is compuls ory.
fr·o m Part-1 and attempt ONE question each from
Secti·o ns A, B, C, D and E from Part- 11.
The number of marks carried by each question
is i ndi·c ated against each.
Answers must be written only in ENGLISH .
Symbols and abb·r eviation s are as. usual.
Neat sk·e tch es are to be drawu to illustrat e answer s ,
whereve r イ・アオ ゥ セ・、 N@

All parts and s u b -parts of a question bei ng attempte d

are to be complet ed before moving on to the
next question . -

1.. Describe the following in 5 to 6 s entence s
each,. \\rith b rief sketches , \¥h·e rever
app ropriate : 5 x 10 =50
(a) Creep and solifluct ion
(b) Centrip etal drainage patte rn
(c) Stru cture contou r maps
(d) Band ratjoing
(e) Chondri. te and a chondrit e
UJ Triple junction
/36 r P.T .O.
{g) Chr ono stra tigr aph ic uni ts
(h) B.a rren mea sur es
(i) Cop roli tes and cas ting s
(j)' Dam uda and Raj mah al flor a


See tio n-A

2. (a) ClassifY co as ts . List and des cnb e the

var iou s coastal land form s. 3+ 12- 15
(b) \Vh at are aer ial mo saic s? Des crib e the ir
typ es and pro ced ure s in mak ing the m . lS

3. \Vri te not es on the following : Sx6 -30

(a) Dra inag e pat tern in (i) lim esto ne terr ain
and (izJ frac ture d and join ted terr ain
(b) Cla ssif icat ion of r iver cha nne l form
(c) Image inte rpre tati on elem ent s
(d) Sup erv ised clas sifi cati on tech niq ues
(e) Ima ge cha rac ters of hor izon tal and
dip pin g sed ime nta ry bed s
{f) Rad iom etri c and tem por al reso luti on

Sec tio n-B

4. (a) a deta iled acc oun t of the pro ces ses

セ gゥカ・@
and mec han ics of pla stic def orm atio n of
roc ks involving gra in mo.vem.e nts. 15

(b) Exp lain the stre ss con diti ons and

mec han ism involved in emp lace men t of
dvk es and sills . 15
- HF A/3 6 2
5. Write notes on the following : sクVセSP@

(a) Jdentifying lithocontacts buried under

soil cover
(b) fdeal creep curve
(cj Continuous and discontinuous cleavage
(d) Rotatedl minerals
{e) Etnplacement by stoping
{f) Lineaments and their expression in
aerial photographs

6. (a} List and des·c ribe the geological
and palaeontological evidences of
continental drift. lS
(b) ·Give an. account of volcanistn in relatio·n
to plate tectonics. 15
7. Write notes on the following : 5x6=30
(a) Paired metamorphic belts
(b) B.e nioff zone
(G""} n .e ep structure of the Himalayas
(d) San Andreas Fault
(e) Gravity anomaly of oceanic subduction
(f} Intra-plate seismicity in India

.s. [a) Write in detail about the Archaean rocks

of Rajasthan. 15
(b) Give an account of the iron-ore bearing
strata of India. 15
D- HMF-M-HFA/36 3 1r P.T.O.
9. Write notes on the following :
(a) Stratigraphic cycles
(b) Hierarchy of sequence-stratigraphic
(c) Cretaceous succession in Trichinopoly
(d) Gond\vana coalfields of India
(e) Cretaceous Palaeogene extinction eve,n t
(/) Irrawaddy system


10. (a) Explain how Foraminifera are useful for

sub-division of Upper PalaeozoicJ Upper
Cretaceous and Tertiary formations. 15
(b) Give an account of the distribution
of Ammonoidea across the geologic time
scale. 15

11. Write notes on the following : 5 X6=30

(a) Distribution of Trilobita tn the
stratigraphic column
(b) Lithology and fossil assemblage of the
Jurassic of Kutch
(c) Forms of shell in spiral gastropods
(d) Palaeotemperature
estimation ustng
(e) Skeleton of graptolites
(/) Vertebrates of セ cィゥョェ。ャ@ and Nagri stages

D-HMF-M-HFA/36 4 JS3-
- 7500


(Time Allowed: Three Hours J (Maximum Marh : 200 J

Candidates should a/tempt SIX questions in ALL including
Question No. 1, which is compulsoiJ' from Part-! and
attempt ONE question each/rom Sections A, B, C. D and E
from Part-JI.
The number of marks carried by each question I part is
indicated against each.
All parts and sub-parts of a question are to be attempted
together in the answer book.
Attempts of a part I question shall be counted in
chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a part I
question shall be counted even if a/tempted part/)( Any page
or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must
be clearly struck off
Answers must be written only in ENGLISH
Symbols and abbreviations are as usual.
Neat sketches are to be drawn to illustrate answers, wherever

{I } (Contd.)

I. Describe the following in 5 to 6 sentences each, with

suitable sketches, wherever necessary. 5x!0=50

(a) Nunatak; 5

(b) Badland; 5

(c) Photogrammetry; 5

(d) Back-arc Basin; 5

(e) Map-reading; 5

(f) Petrofabric Analysis; 5

(g) Formation; 5

(h) Susnai Breccia; 5

(i) Periostracum; 5

G) Cyrtoconic Cephalopods. 5


2. (a) Explain the application of geomorphological studies

in the construction of a dam. 15

(b) Give an account of the Indian Space Mission and

its usefulness in Geological studies. 15

{2} (Contd.)
3. Write notes on each of the following (in 250 words each) :
(a) Morphometric analysis of drainage basins; 6
(b) Pediplanation and Peniplanation; 6
(c) Horton's method of stream numbering; 6
(d) Terrain Evaluation; 6
(e) Infra-red imagery. 6


4. (a) Discuss effect of stress on brittle and ductile Earth

crust. 15
(b) Discuss in detail, projection diagram and its utility
in Structural Geology. 15

5. Write notes on each of the following : · !Ox3=30

(a) Strain basics and their impact on Sedimentary Strata

(b) Geometry of faults 10
(c) Unconformities. 10 •

{3) (Contd.)

6. (a) Analyse main features of Plate Tectonics. Is

there any evidence of it in the Himalayan
region ? If so, give salient features of the same.
(b) What are island atcs ? Discuss the evolution of
primary active arcs. 15
7. Write notes on each of the following (in 250 words each) :

(a) Compare the geological and tectonic features of

Peninsular and extra-peninsular India 6
(b) Characteristics of continental and oceanic crust
(c) Types of plate boundaries 6
(d) Deep sea trenches 6
(e) Sea floor spreading. 6


8. (a) In the section given below, bed nos. 1-7 are of

sedimentary origin, while A and B are igneous

{4} (Contd.)
rocks. What sequence of events must have occurred
in this region ? 15

v v セ@ セ@

6 ... -• 5
• '- • • • •
• • • • • • ' I
• • 4 • • •
- - - - ,t' •
. + + - - - - 1\ - -
- - 3- -
+ + + • I

+ ...
+ .,.A +
" +
... + . ,. -t ..,. t - 2A-
+ ... . -'
(b) Explain briefly the "Two-fold" and "Three-fold"
classifications of the Gondwana supergroup rocks.
Discuss their merits and demerits (in about
500 words). 15

9. Write notes on each of the following (ill about 200 words

each) : 5x6=30

(a) Western Khondalite Zone; 5

(b) Bijawar Group in its type-locality; 5

(c) Sylhet Traps; 5

{5} (Contd.)
(d) Blaini Boulder Beds; 5
(e) Po Formation of Himachal Pradesh; 5
(f) Karewa Formation. 5


10. (a) Enumerate the vertebrate fossil record through time

(in about 500 words). 15

(b) Discuss the evolutionary changes in bivalvian

dentition, with examples (in about 500 words).

11. Discuss each of the following (in about 200 words

each) : 5x6=30

(a) Distinction between Globigerina and Globotruncana;

(b) Types of fascioles in echinoids, with examples; 5

(c) Conophyton, its occurrence in fndia, and its

stratigraphic significance-if any; 5
(d) Which cnidarians are found on either side of the
Permian-Triassic boundary. Give examples; 5
(e) The habit and habitat of the pedicle-less
brachiopods, with examples; 5

{6} (Contd.)
(f) A field geologist encounters seven consecutive beds
in a cliff-section namely : A (blue limestone),
B (black shale), C (blue limestone), D (siltstone),
E (Calcareous shale), F (sandstone), G (Diamictite)
from bottom to top. He collected the following
fossils from these beds :

A- Calceola sandalina

B -Monograptus sp.

C -C. sandalina
D -Phillipsia sp.

E -Meekoceras haydeni

F -Hipparion sp.

G -No fossils
Discuss the geology briefly, and suggest broad ages
of these beds. 5


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