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Adapted by L. D. Naegelin
1. Playing "Beat the Clock" -- as if the characters existed in a scene/selection rather than al-
Making the cutting too long -- vacuum lowing the moment to achieve
trying to include too much full impact
8. Convincing yourselves that
2. Thinking it's time for hand-wringing is a required el- *NFL has no specific rule re-
"Melrose Place" -- Milking the ement -- Putting on an attitude garding movement or walking
emotions or an emotion rather than play- in the interpretation events
ing objectives and being honest other than the statement in
3. Doing the "Hokey-Pokey" -- with character "Appendix III NFL Ballots" that
Moving for the sake of moving "Although gestures and panto-
without motivation* 9. Practicing a disappearing mimes are not barred, they
act -- Dropping the ends of should be used with restraint."
4. Believing Sylvester the Cat phrases and sentences rather Waling, or taking steps, or al-
and Tweetie Bird should play than shaping them through ways keeping one foot station-
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth -- strong vocal control ary, or remaining within a two
Playing cartoons and stereo- foot square -- nothing about
types rather than creating be- 10. Playing "punching bag" such movement appears in the
lievable characters with the dialogue -- Emphasiz- NFL guidelines, though by tra-
ing the wrong words, punching dition, perhaps, performers
5. Thinking: "If only we'd been rather the carefully coloring have generally exercised rea-
the playwright!" -- Forcing an soned control. The key with all
interpretation on to a selection 11. Becoming "The Scream- movement is to see that it
rather than allowing the script ers!!!!!!!!" -- Believing that loud flows from and is appropriate
speak for itself equals intensity, as if volume to and supportive of the text.
were a substitute for honest fell-
6. Falling into the "Well, . . . ing (L. D. Naegelin is a member of
maybe, . . . perhaps . . ." trap -- the NFL Hall of Fame and the
Failing to make definite choices, 12. Imitating Max Headroom -- NFL Executive Council. Mr.
not realizing that even a wrong Playing the interp just from Naegelin has coached national
choice can be better than no your neck up instead of involv- champions in Extemp, L/D,
choice at all ing the total body in creating Drama and Humor. He thanks
your characters Michael Kirch of Illinois State
7. Getting lost in "Forensics- University for his original
land" -- Failing to give the inter- 13. Rushing the final curtain -- authorship.)
pretation a context or a setting, Hurrying the ending of the

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