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(Your Full Name, Job Title)

(Your Business’s Name)

(Your Business’s Street Address)
(Your Business’s Town, State, Zip Code)
(Your Business’s Website | Phone Number | Email Address)

(Prospect’s Full Name, Job Title)

(Prospect’s Business’s Name)
(Prospect’s Business’s Street Address)
(Prospect’s Business’s Town, State, Zip Code)

Dear (Prospect’s First or Last Name),

As per our discussion on (Date of Last Conversation), we understand that you are interested
in (Agreed Value Proposition — e.g., embracing RE technology to increase the efficiency of
your property managers). Over the past (Number of Years in the Industry) our company,
(Your Business Name), has helped (Number of Past Clients) (Prospect’s Business Type —
e.g., small property management companies) do exactly that, resulting in (Eye-Catching
Benefit — e.g., an average of 43% reduction in operating costs). It is therefore our pleasure to
submit the attached business proposal to (Prospect’s Company Name).

In the proposal, you’ll find our plan to help you (Solution to Prospect’s Main Problem — e.g.,
limit the number of hours your property managers spend shuffling through paperwork and
spreadsheets and prevent the associated miscommunications) We’ll show you exactly how our
(Product or Service — e.g., software platform, Record X, will take the place of your current
system and enable your property managers and business to do the following):

● (Benefit 1 — e.g., Manage 1.5X the number of buildings they currently can today)
● (Benefit 2 — e.g., Reduce operating costs by 33%)
● (Benefit 3 — e.g., Standardize your operating procedures to limit operational risk)

The enclosed proposal will make all of this clear. It also contains (Any Other Crucial Proposal
Elements You Want to Mention — e.g., case studies demonstrating how we helped other
companies like you achieve similar results and a table of our pricing and implementation

You can find the proposal below, attached to this email. Please give it a read and feel free to call
me at (Your Phone Number) if any questions arise. (Outro Statement — e.g., We are
confident that the content of the enclosed proposal will demonstrate thoroughly how we plan to
help you achieve all the goals that you and I have discussed over the past few months, and we
appreciate the opportunity to form this working partnership.)

(Your Signature)

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