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This week we studied about the concept of lines and quadratic function.

The line is often represented by

the equation Ax+by =C . We can not have both A and B as zero. The important aspect of line is the
slope. By using slope, we can find the steepness of a line and we can also predict whether the line is
increasing or decreasing as we move from left to right. There are two methods that we studied to find
the slope of the line. if we have two equations in a standard form than we can find the slope by using
the following formula:

y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
If we wanted to find the slope of one equation or line than we will write our equation in the following

The m in the equation will be the slope of the line. If the slope of two lines are same then the lines are
parallel to each other and if the slope of two lines are the negative reciprocal of each other than the two
lines are perpendicular to each other.

The other function the we studied this week is the quadratic function. The quadratic equation is as

f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c
If we represent our function in graph than it formed parabola. The parabola is a U-shaped figure and it
can open either upwards or downwards. If the parabola opens upward then it contains a vertex that is
the minimum point and if the parabola opens downwards than the vertex represents the maximum
point. The parabola also has an axis of symmetry which divides the parabola into mirror image.

Following concepts, I needed to accommodate the concept of lines and quadratic function:

Axis of symmetry


Minimum value

Maximum value








The simplest function for line and quadratic function is as follow:


f(x) = ax2 + bx +c

In my day to day, there are various occurring fact that can interpreted as lines and quadratic functions.
The fare of a cab is considered as a linear function as they have fixed rate and after some kilometers it
changes. We can write that statement in the equation:


Y in the equation will be the total fare. $3 is the rate per kilometer and $7 is a fixed rate for booking a
cab. Throwing ball and other objects in the air follows the projectile motion and we can analyze the
projectile motion by using quadratic function.

If I am drawing a graph of line then I will need only two points or more to draw a line. For quadratic
function vertex are needed. Our instructor has instructed us to use DESMOS online graph calculator. I
will use that online software to make graph for any function and drawing graph in DESMOS is easy and
fast as compare to draw a graph manually.

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