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Analysis And Interpretaion of Data

This section consists of tabular presentation of the accumulated data, Analysis and

Interpretation of finding based on the result of the treatment being utilized.

Pie graph 1: The figure shown illustrates which factors is highly affecting stress.

25% 25%


Learning Ability (Q's no. 1 and 2) Social Interaction Connectivity Concentration

Pie Graph 1 shows the percentage of Four factors which is highly affecting the stress of

respondents, The Learning Ability, Social interaction, Connectivity and Concentration. (suggest

ng dapat i address dito) The stress level of Young Adult Gamers range from highest to lowest


Out of 15 respondents, 31% had experience high percentage of the stress level of Young

Adult Gamers, As a result of having weak Internet Connection, Both 25% experienced high

percentage of the stress level of Young Adult Gamers, due to their Learning ability and

Concentration. Lastly, 19% experience Low percentage, the stress level of Young Adult

Gamers,as a result of social interaction.

In addition, Experimenter's used a table to obtain the score breakdown connected to the

pie graph containing the factors affecting the. The table contains the Survey question and the

respondents answer, which will determine the result of the highest percentage of the stress level

of Young adult gamers range from High, Neutral and low level.

Questions High Neutral Low
1. Do you consider the content 20% 40% 40%
of the game as the number one
factor which leads to stress?
2.Do you have difficulty of your 13.3 % 26.7% 60%
Gameplay strategies / tactics
which leads to stress?
3.Do the words of your co- 40% 26.7% 33.3%
gamer affects the way you play
and interact which result to
4.Is your stress modified when 66.7% 26.7% 6.6%
you are having trouble with your
internet connection which result
to stress?
5.Is your concentration stable % 26.7% 20%
when you are in a verge of
stressing yourself over the
game and your opponents?
Table : Score breakdown

Out of 15 respondent, Both 40% answered Neutral and Low level in question no. 1,

considered the content of the is one of the factor leads them to stress. Lastly, 20% Answered

High level, considered the content of the is one of the factor leads them to stress.

Out of 15 respondent, 60% Answered Low level in Question no.2, experienced difficulty

in the game strategies that leads them to stress, 26.7 answered Neutral Level experienced
difficulty in the game strategies that leads them to stress. Lastly, 13.3% answered High level

experienced difficulty in the game strategies that leads them to stress.

Out of 15 respondent, 40% answered High level in Question no.3, due to verbal

interaction which results to stress , 33.3% answered Low level due to verbal interaction which

results to stress. and lastly, 26.7 % answered Neutal level due to verbal interaction which results

to stress.

Out of 15 respondent, 66.7% answered High level in question no.4 due to having a weak

internet connection during online games can induce the stress, 26.7% answered Neutral Level,

due to having a weak internet connection during online games can induce the stress. Lastly. 6.6%

answered Low level due to having a weak internet connection during online games can induce

the stress,

Out of 15 respondent, 26.7% answered Neutral level in question no.5, In the sense of

their concentration is still stable but they are already on the border of stress, 20% Answered Low

Level In the sense of their concentration is still stable but they are already on the border of stress.

And lastly, 60% respondent not answered High level.

As a result, Majority highest percentage that affecting the stress of the respondents are

due to having a weak internet connection, followed by learning ability and Concentration.

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