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Name : -Andry Marza Bale Doto

-Lidya Pankrasia Belu

The Difference between the word Take and Withdraw

The word Take and Withdraw are two words that often used in English. These two words are usually
used in Indonesian mean mengambil.Although they two words have same meaning, but in application
different. The word Take Usually used for casual conversiation. Word Withdraw usually used in formal
conversiation. Word Withdraw used when we talk about money. When we take money we used the
word Withdraw. Withdraw the money.

Defenition of word Take

Word “take” is a verb word. The word Take Mean “Mengambil” in Indonesian vocabulary. Verb 2 and 3
from word take, is took, taken.

 Take this books to her
 We will take a risk together
 I will take my laptop from her
 I will take some picture
 I would like to take some rest

Take apart
 Can I take a part in you event?
 We will take a apart in that competition

Take Off
 The plane will take off
 When the plane will take off?

Take easy
 Don’t worry, take it easy
 She always take easy on the task

Take Care
 Please take care my baby
 I will always take care myself
 Take care him, when you both go out

Word Withdraw
Like I mention before, word withdraw and take have the same meaning. But the
word withdraw often use when we talk about money.
 We will withdraw some money
 How much money will you withdraw?
 I can’t withdraw money from this atm
 Let’s withdraw some money for hang out


 To
Penggunaan kata to harus diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk pertama.

 for
Sedangkan penggunaan kata for harus diikuti oleh kata verb-ing.

When we use preposition to and for

Kapan kita menggunakan preposition to and for

ketika kita dinyatakan sebagai penerima eksen atau recepient.

example: I send a letter to my party

prepositon to digunakan pada kalimat ini menunjukan adanya movement

ata perpindahan. Send = mengirim artinya surat berpindah dari saya keteman saya.
Example : I write a letter for my fiend

kalimat ini menunjukan adanya penerima surat atau recepient, yaitu teman saya. preposition for
pada kalimat ini digunakan karena pada kalimat ini tidak adanya verb, dan pada kalimat ini

tidak menunjukan movements/ perpindahan. Kita dapat menggunakan preposition to ketika

kalimat tersebut menyatakan fungsi

 example: this machine is used to take coffe.

sedang preposition for:

 example: this is used for making coffe.

perbedaannya terletak:
ketika kita menggunkan prepositon to maka harus diikuti base form verb, atau kata kerja bentuk
pertama. dan ketika menggunkan preposition for maka di ikuti oleh gerund atau verb -ing.

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