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Ethan Koh


Honors ELA 8

11 November 2020

Internet Censorship

Harming businesses, removing freedom of speech, depriving people of learning the truth.

This is the result of internet censorship. It eliminates beneficial concepts and ideas that some

people disagree with. Censorship towards small businesses has cost them a great deal because

they rely on the internet to advertise their services and products. It also harms the sales and

profits of these businesses. Even though many articles and studies state that censorship is

important in society, the study or report might be censored itself; consequently, this will cause

reduced understanding and knowledge of topics. Internet censorship is unacceptable because it

prohibits discussion that results in deeper understanding of information, causes an increase in

expenses to monitor, and violates civil rights.

To begin with, internet censorship eliminates discussion that concludes in deeper

comprehension of information. Many people around the world have a hunger to learn and expand

their knowledge by researching online, but in some countries the research and articles are

censored. One major prerequisite for career growth and development is free access to relevant

information, but limiting that content is a sure way of inhibiting this growth in career prospects

and the development in the same thereafter (Layne). There are countless people and even some

students that are interested in the latest ideas or concepts. However, censorship may add a barrier

and prevent the complete development of the brains of kids. Censorship also reduces their ability

to learn and enlarge understanding of current views. Furthermore, internet censorship can reduce
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the overall intelligence of the public. Censorship is an attempt to prevent individuals from

discovering what the truth of any situation happens to be (Miller). When fake or false

information comes through, most people will believe in it and spread false rumors. When there

are no real details because of blocks from censorship, the public will not believe in it; thus,

reducing the general reasoning of the widespread population. Even though there are websites

with gruesome material, the text or script may be beneficial and helpful. Therefore, internet

censorship discards helpful material that can form new points of view and ensure a finer


To add on, internet censorship causes an increase in expenses to monitor. When

censoring material on the internet, it will charge the government and normal people more money

and stress. According to research from Darrell West, VP and Director of Governance Studies and

the founding director of the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings, internet shutdowns

cost countries $2.4 billion in 2015, and it will come at the expense of taxpayers (Gaille). Not

only does internet censorship harm the government, but it also causes higher stress and taxes for

normal citizens. Since censorship is expensive, the government needs to pay more; thus,

increasing taxes for the population. Equally as important, online restriction and connectivity cuts

have cost the government an immense amount of money. The decision to cut connectivity in

Egypt came at a cost of $90 million (Gaille). This is a waste of money that could’ve been used to

help the economy and other small businesses. Since billions and billions of dollars have been

spent on internet censorship alone, it has provided a negative economic impact. Although many

nations can donate money to help enforce internet censorship, there is a large amount of struggle

and difficulty can restrict donations. After all, internet censorship is an expensive process to

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Lastly, internet censorship violates civil rights. When posting and adding something

online, freedom of speech and expression come into play. But when internet censorship refrains

the writing or picture to be seen to the world that is an infringement of civil rights. Opponents of

internet censorship argue that by making this a law, freedom of the press, expression, and speech

is killed and is a violation of the First Amendment (Miller). Since the First Amendment of the

Bill of Rights states the prohibition of creating a law that infringes freedom of speech, internet

censorship disobeys the First Amendment. This can cause more unnecessary speeches, posts on

social media, protests, and possibly violence. Furthermore, internet suppression can cause a lack

of self-confidence. A overflow of internet censorship inhibits self-expression in the sense that it

denies people that wholesome ability. In doing so, it leads to shyness and a lack of assurance

(Layne). When people want to express themselves freely, they usually would post something on

the internet or social media. Since internet censorship has a chance of putting a blockade in front

of the posts, it has a high chance of lowering or even eliminating a person’s self-confidence.

Although there are reasons to censor a post or script, censorship is not the best way to obstruct

something. It should be treated with a “warn” to someone who comes across something like that.

In the end, internet censorship undermines civil rights and can cause a lack of self-confidence.

Overall, internet censorship is a threat to valuable discussion, charges a tremendous

amount of money, and disrupts natural civil rights. A large number of people want to learn,

create, and post freely with no concern. But, online censorship can cease new knowledge and

understanding. Because of this, huge amounts of money are poured in; thus, increasing taxes for

the population. Also, censoring these items violates civil rights and the First Amendment. There

is already enough evidence to demonstrate that internet censorship is very disagreeable. It puts a

huge negative impact on the economy and people.

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Works Cited

Gaille, Louise. "13 Internet Censorship Pros and Cons." 22 July 2017,


Layne, Jordon. "24 Intense Pros and Cons of Censorship 2020 | Ablison Energy." Ablison, 16

Oct. 2020,

Miller, Brandon. "11 Chief Pros and Cons of Internet Censorship." Green Garage, 4 Sept. 2015,

Miller, Keith. "19 Biggest Pros and Cons of Censorship.", 28 Jan. 2020,

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