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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

Overarching Goal: To Foster, personal and collective, growth within an inclusive

Learning Goal #1: Increase meaningful learning and individual growth through the use of
formative assessment and varied instructional strategies.

→ Feedback, self-reflection, collaboration, and critical thinking are important foundations of

learning which are embedded into formative assessment which can help to guide the
learning and growth of my students.
→ Everyone is capable of growth, though growth may look different to everyone, and ones’
goals may be drastically different from their peers. How can I support and scaffold all
students to meet their personal goals and achieve growth they are proud of.
→ How can I better implement formative assessment in my high school math and science
classrooms? What kinds of formative assessment can I implement?
→ What instructional strategies can I explore and implement to increase engagement, foster
meaningful learning, and encourage students’ growth? What strategies can I employ to
create a more inclusive classroom?
→ How can thinking routines aid in meaningful learning in High School Math and Science

TQS Competencies: 3a.3, 3a.4, 3a.5, 3a.8, 3a.11, 3b, 3c, 4b

Strategies and Possible Resources:

→ Exploring Thinking Routines (PIP)
→ Student self-reflection strategies to learn and grow from assessments and set goals
(Guidance from experienced teachers and research)
→ Utilizing PowerSchool to deliver feedback to both parents and students in a timely manner
(Guidance from TM)
→ Exploring other strategies such as individual whiteboards, collaborative challenge
questions, group lab experiments, inquiry lessons, etc. (Collect ideas from research,
experience, collaboration, and observation)

Learning Goal #2: Collect and utilize universal and targeted strategies to increase understanding
and confidence in students.

→ All students should feel capable, confident, and strengthened through school. They should
be given the supports to take strides towards personal growth so they may leave feeling
that they are capable and strong to approach problems outside of school.
→ How can I implement universal and targeted strategies to increase understanding and
confidence amongst my students, especially in topics or skills they struggle with most?
→ What are the universal and targeted strategies I can employ, and which ones will work
best for my students this semester?

TQS Competencies: 1e, 2a, 2c, 3a.3, 3a.4, 3a.5, 3a.11, 4b, 4c, 4e, 4f

Strategies and Possible Resources:

→ Reiterating verbally to students that they are capable of growth, and that with practice,
time and the right supports we can all find success. Reminding students of this often, in
both big and small ways. Creating a classroom environment where students are
comfortable not knowing, making errors, and seeking help.
→ One-on-one assistance, offering time for students to seek extra help and more targeted
→ Supports for ELL students in math, specifically for word problems. (Guidance and
collaboration with the school support teacher; utilizing resources from university courses)
→ Receiving feedback from students to determine what strategies are being utilized by them
and positively impacting their learning and growth
→ Research further strategies through discussion, previous university courses, articles, and

Timeline and Reflective Questions: This is a larger goal which I hope to continue working towards
throughout this year and in years to come. During my time in practicum, I want to focus on
exploring and recording as many strategies as I can to help foster growth. I want to leave with a
wealth of knowledge that I can employ to help future students and with the knowledge that I was
able to use that knowledge to help my current students. I have already began collecting and
testing these strategies as well as building the kind of environment that fosters growth in both my
students and myself. Through feedback and observation, I will track my progress and reflect on
the things which affected my teaching, and my students learning, the most.
→ Are my students showing signs of growth and speaking in terms of growth?
→ Are my students speaking more confidently about their ability to succeed and themselves?
→ Are my students showing excitement to learn and engaged in their learning?
→ Are my students showing increased understanding of the content, through our
conversations and through assessments?
→ Am I engaged in my own learning and the betterment of my teaching practice?

LCI School Goals and Initiatives:

→ Establishing and fostering thinking classrooms (visible thinking and thinking routines)
→ Increasing and integrating FNMI foundational knowledge
→ Green-to-Gold (Grit, Responsibility, Growth, Empathy, and Respect)

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