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Ethical Dilemma in Engineering

Asignatura del Sétimo u Octavo Semestre

Roscoe is the head of engineering at a mechanical engineering company. His company

has been contracted by a company, U-sub, to make firing assemblies for torpedoes.
This contract calls for additional safety testing to ensure that the systems work
The contract stipulated that it was the responsibility of Roscoe’s company to pay for
this expensive additional testing. However, the CEO reminds Roscoe that their
company is in financial trouble and asks Roscoe to skip the extra testing and falsify the
paperwork by saying that the testing had occurred and that the systems passed. He
then goes on to tell Roscoe that if he doesn’t sign off on the testing, he will be fired.
Roscoe decides he cannot give in to his boss’s demands and quits. However he
suspects that his former boss will promote someone else who will be willing to sign off
on the testing.
Should Roscoe report the ethical violations of his former company?


¿Cree usted que Roscoe debería reportar las violaciones éticas de la compañía?
Explicar en no menos de 5 ni más de 10 líneas (en español e inglés).

Yes, personally, I don´t need problems with my future, if there are problems in the
future, my name will be in the domuments, in these days some companies prefer to
blame someone else to avoid problems.

I prefer to search for a new work, but, if my name is marked for problems from avoid
test, I know that nobody will accept me in a work.

Sí, personalmente, no necesito problemas con mi futuro, si hay problemas en el futuro,

mi nombre estará en los documentos, estos días algunas empresas prefieren culpar a
alguien más para evitar problemas.

Prefiero buscar un nuevo trabajo, pero, si mi nombre está marcado por problemas al
evitar el examen, sé que nadie me aceptará un trabajo.

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