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Cebu Technological University

Tuburan Campus Tuburan, Cebu

Construction Methods and Project



Ma. Flordeliza A. Bato

Apple Mae A. Bato

Carmie Baynas


Engr. Raymond Benedict Matela


The driving force behind every organization is its management team. Different teams
operate in different ways. There is no universal accurate management to define the
best one. Just the concept that explains why some operations were managed
successfully in the past to suggest what can be done for future success.
The organizational structure of a small enterprise may be very simple. The owner is
usually the manager. He has daily contact with all the people of his organization. He is
the one who establishes the policies. He assigns the job to be done and follows up on
the job for direction and coordination. As his company grows bigger, the problem of
the organization for grouping, supervising, and serving operations become more


An organization is a group of individuals who are cooperating willingly and

effectively for a common goal. It is nothing more than the mechanism by which
administration credits, coordinates, and controls its business. It is indeed, the very
foundation of administration. To be specific, the organization seeks to know who is
to do and what is to be done.
Organizations are structured to promote better management. However, it is the
performance of the people who fill the positions that the success of the enterprise
and not the design itself.
When an organization is a structurally ill design, when it passes for a makeshift
arrangement, the administration is made difficult and ineffective. There is no ideal
organization designed to emulate. A management structure is only a vehicle used
to attain the objectives and goals of an institution, and therefore, must be realistic
and responsive to the call for a change of those needs.
The Structural Elements of an Organization are :

⮚ Men- These are the different members of the organization starting from the very
top of the last workman in the enterprise.
⮚ Materials- Represents the materials necessary in the distribution of functions or
the attainment of its objectives.
⮚ Machine- The tools necessary in producing its desired output. ⮚
Methods- The procedures and ways used in the course of its actions. ⮚
Money- The financial resources of the organization.

The Major Elements of

Organizational Structures are:
❖ Distribution of functions
- the functions to be performed, the groupings of functions, and the vertical and
horizontal task relationships among functions.
❖ Vertical and Horizontal authority relationships
- who is the authority to do what
❖ Communication and decision processes
- the manner in which formal decisions are made and by
whom. ❖ Policies
-the decision, rules, or guidelines established

Project Organization and Staffing

Project organization and Staffing is the part where organization structure,

individual position, and functions are developed, duties and responsibilities are
defined, teams are formed and training programs are formulated.


Organization structure is developed based on certain parameters, such as

determination and grouping of activities; assigning of activities to departments,
decisions, and actions defining the hierarchy of relationships among the
departments, division, and sections; and proving coordination lines among peoples
and tasks.
Organization structures the vertical and horizontal working relationships among the
departments, divisions, and sections. These could be functional or
geographic-based. In actual construction practice, organization structures are group
either by skill (i.e., masonry, mechanical, architectural) or by a gang or clusters of
workers usually headed by a foreman.
Deciding on the type of organizational structure to employ for a project is greatly
dependent on the actual needs of the project. Presented in the succeeding ages are
typical organization structures for large projects, smaller projects, and one depicting
the interrelationship among project participants.
Forms of Organization Structure

◆ Functional Organization

◆ Project Organization

◆ Matrix Organization

Functional Organization
⮚ this type relies on formal rules, procedures, coordinated plans, fairly common,
segmented by the department and their functions.
⮚ A Functional Organization is the most common type of the three. It works best in
small organizations in which the different sections are close together and which
provide only a small number of services.

⮚ An advantage of the functional structure is the role of the functional manager,

which means there is only one boss. This reduces or prevents conflict of
interest and makes it easier to manage specialists:
⮚ Clear line authority
⮚ Career development
⮚ Comfortable and easy
⮚ Technical expertise
⮚ Flexible resource assignment


⮚ A disadvantage of this type of structure is that the project manager has limited
authority and a limited career path.
⮚ No accountability over the complete project
⮚ No project emphasis
⮚ Low coordination across function
⮚ Low delegation of authority
⮚ Work delays
⮚ Lack of a big picture view

⮚ Projectized organization is a project-focused organizational structure where the

project manager has the final authority over the project to make project
decisions, priorities, acquire and assign resources.

⮚ Advantages to the projected structure include the project manager's opportunity

for career progression. In addition, because good communication exists within
the project work, the team members tend to be more committed to, excel in,
their responsibilities.

⮚ The of a projectized structure is that, because the team breaks up disperses after
the completion of the project, there is no long-term job security for the rest of
the workers.


It is mainly in the management of large projects development processes, drawing

employees from different functional disciplines for assignments to a team without
removing them from their respective positions.
MATRIX MANAGEMENT is a type of organizational management in which people
with similar skills are pooled for work assignments.
The matrix structure combines both the functional and projectized


⮚ Individuals can be chosen according to the needs of the project ⮚ The use of the
project team which is dynamic and able to view problems in different way as
specialist have been brought together in a new environment. ⮚ Project managers
are directly responsible for completing the project within the specific deadline and
⮚ Required resources can be managed to move into and out to move the project
⮚ Project cost is lessened because resources are used as needed ⮚ There is an
appropriate focus on the project objectives through the single PM. ⮚ The overall
enterprise utilization of resources is better handled.


⮚ A disadvantage of the matrix structure is complexity, which can be difficult to

⮚ A conflict of loyalty between line managers and project managers over the
allocation of resources.
⮚ Project can be difficult to monitor if teams have a lot of independence. ⮚ Cost
can be increased if more managers are created through the use of a project team.


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