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Hello my name is stefano casa and today im going to talk about personalities and the relationship

with the music

All we know that every person is a different world, we have differents point of view of life,
different feelings, different ways to do thinks, different tastes, etc…

And the music is not the exception, people like different kind of music, and that talk a lot of the
personality of a person. Of course, that doesn’t mean that if you like this kind of music, you always
have to share all the personatily describe with that genre of music, but is good to know the
existence of this relation.

A lot of myth have been create about the relationship between music and personalities, like the
people who likes heavy metal are aggressive, or hippies likes folk. But all the investigation says
something difference.

 Blues: People who like blues tunes are generally very creative, outgoing, and have high
self-esteem, without being over the top. They know when it is time to make a joke or
laugh, and in the opposite case, they are very clear that there are times when gentleness
and tranquility are the key to fit in certain environments.
 Jazz: Like their predecessor genre, blues, jazz lovers are creative and highly self-esteemed.
Its difference lies in its spontaneity and disorder. Jazz players know that improvisation is
an essential technique for the genre and they apply it in the same way in their daily life.
Sometimes, their lack of planning can give them magical and unique moments, although
there are also chaotic moments that could be avoided, think a little before acting.
 Rock and metal: There is an image that these people tend to use drugs and seek unusual
experiences, so they can go from a passive to an aggressive state in just a few minutes.
Those characteristics are not a law, although it can be said that they do not like to be
under pressure and it costs a little teamwork. In personal relationships they are kind, but
don't make them mad because it unties her
 Pop: They are people with high self-esteem who are always looking for new challenges
that put their extroverted, euphoric and excessively responsible character to the test.
Their problem is that they lack creativity and are influenced by the first trend to appear in
the culture without putting up any resistance.
 Electronic and dance: His personality is a storm of emotions. They have a very energetic
temperament and it is reflected in their hard work, which they combine with a social life
full of events and parties. Thanks to all those night outings they are friendly, laughing and
outgoing. Their problem is that among so many activities that they organize themselves,
they can become very stressful and become despots.
 Classic Music: Those who like the classic genre know very well that they have a peculiar
sensitivity to life, which is why they have great self-esteem. Their problems start when
they feel out of place in the face of modernity and as a result they become introverted and
too calm. They are quiet people, but they keep great secrets in their minds. If they like
Beethoven, they can be very tough in their relationships. If you prefer the baroque period
with Bach, everything will seem like an angelic song.
 Rap and hip-hop: Some studies say that people who are inclined to this gender tend to be
violent and drug users, in addition to being shy and volatile. These results are most
certainly influenced by the tragic stories that flood television, because we know that rap
currently unites extroverts
 Reggae: His high degree of creativity is lost in his passivity and his taste for not
overworking. These people prefer a relaxed atmosphere, reflecting their warm
temperament. They really like making new friends regardless of their musical tastes,
because they always have in mind that the important thing in life is happiness and being
calm with oneself.
 Indie: It is said that fans of independent music may have low self-esteem and have an
identity problem of their own, which is why they are always looking for new models to
adopt to feel part of an established group. These people are also thought to be unkind and
dislike difficult jobs.
 Soul: They are very sentimental, to the degree that they can be suffocating. His main
objective in life is love and not stop until he succeeds. They are empathetic and

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