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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

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Price/time/intellectual efficiency of procurement: Uncovering the related T

factors in Chinese public authorities
Qi Wang, Renjie Zhang, Junqi Liu∗
School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610031, PR China


Keywords: High efficiency is one of the important goals of public procurement (PP); however, research on PP efficiency is
Public procurement (PP) still not sufficient, especially in the context of developing countries. With a focus on the purchasing phase, this
Efficiency study measures three aspects of procurement efficiency of public authorities: price, time and intellectual effi-
Procurement efficiency ciency. The relevant factors of these three aspects are explored and examined. 838 PP contracts in Chengdu city,
Green public procurement (GPP)
China were collected in the first half of 2018 using a web crawler programme. Regression method is used to
Public authorities
analyse the data. This study finds that the price efficiency of PP is negatively associated with the implementation
of green public procurement (GPP) but is positively associated with the evaluation method (the weight of
bidding price during evaluation) and the number of bidders. Time efficiency is negatively associated with GPP
implementation. Intellectual efficiency is negatively associated with the size of the procurement. This study
accomplishes the following: I. extends research to a still relatively unexplored context: developing countries; II.
adds to the studies on public procurement efficiency; and III. investigates the influence of GPP implementation
on PP efficiency in a developing country.

1. Introduction Guccio et al., 2014) and Japan (Ohashi, 2009). Only a few studies focus
on developing countries such as India (Panda et al., 2010) and Russia
For many countries around the world, public procurement (PP) (Balsevich and Podkolzina, 2014). Although China is the largest de-
accounts for a large proportion of the national economy. In 2011, the veloping country and has already highlighted high procurement effi-
total expenditures of PP in the European Union (EU) accounted for 19% ciency as one of the legislation goals in “The Government Procurement
of its gross domestic product (GDP) (Kutlina-Dimitrova and Lakatos, Law of P.R.C”, there is still less research based on China. This lack of
2016), whereas the same proportion was achieved by Sweden in 2008 studies focused on developing countries represents a research gap in the
(Bergman and Lundberg, 2013). In 2018, the size of the Chinese public field.
authority in terms of procurement reached about 3.6 trillion yuan Generally, the PP procedure can be divided into three phases: the
(512.8 billion US-dollars). Because of its considerable procurement planning phase, the purchasing phase and the contract execution phase
power, PP is becoming more and more important in the trade nego- (Balaeva and Yakovlev, 2011). Most of the previous studies pay sig-
tiation agenda of the World Trade Organization and in bilateral pre- nificant attention to the purchasing phase and measure PP efficiency
ferential trade agreements (Kutlina-Dimitrova and Lakatos, 2016). Re- using the procurement price (Tas, 2012; Pavel and Sičáková-Beblavá,
search shows that PP plays an important role in promoting innovation, 2013; Michal et al., 2016; Balsevich and Podkolzina, 2014; Hackney
sustainable development and government-enterprise relationships et al., 2007). This not only speaks volumes regarding the importance of
(Uyarra and Flanagan, 2010; Preuss, 2013; Erridge and Greer, 2010). the purchasing phase but also indicates that prior studies use simple
Pursuing high efficiency has already been regarded as one of the im- measures for PP, which highlights another research gap.
portant goals of PP in the 1980s (Mcafee and Mcmillan, 1989); there- Previous studies examine factors related to PP efficiency, mainly
fore, enhancing PP efficiency has become a constant concern for both including competition, decentralization, transparency, evaluation
public authorities and academia (Patrucco et al., 2016). method, the number of bidders, and the application of e-auctions
Previous studies mostly focus on developed countries such as the (Balsevich and Podkolzina, 2014; Ohashi, 2009; Pavel and Sičáková-
United Kingdom (Hackney et al., 2007; Mudyarabikwa and Regmi, Beblavá, 2013; Michal et al., 2016; Hackney et al., 2007). As an en-
2016), France (Saussier and Tirole, 2015), Italy (Patrucco et al., 2016; vironmental policy tool (Tarantini et al., 2011), green public

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (J. Liu).
Received 6 January 2019; Received in revised form 6 April 2020; Accepted 8 April 2020
Available online 12 April 2020
1478-4092/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

procurement (GPP) has been implemented in China for over a decade, The system of selecting PP specialists (hereafter referred to as spe-
and its usage is still on the rise (Liu et al., 2019b). In 2018, the size of cialists) is a PP system unique to China. This system can reduce cor-
GPP reached 330.1 billion yuan (47.0 billion dollars) in China. Building ruption and collusion in the PP process (Zhao, 2016). Before organizing
on the insights from Lundberg et al. (2009, 2015), we found that there the bid opening meeting, public authorities will randomly select (Spe-
is a research gap in terms of understanding the relationship between cialists can be appointed in some special cases, but this is rare) a certain
GPP and PP efficiency in developing counties and need further em- number of specialists from their database to act as the evaluation
pirical study. committee. Then, the selected specialists will grade both the bidding
Based on these research gaps, this study raises the following re- prices of the bidders and non-price factors (such as the technical plan,
search question. after-sales support, energy conservation and environmental protection.)
RQ. What drives PP efficiency in China? according to the method of evaluation specified in the procurement
To answer the research question above, this study attempts to document. After this, the evaluation committee submits the written
measure PP efficiency in the purchasing phase by considering the three evaluation report to the public authority and recommends the eligible
aspects of price efficiency, time efficiency and intellectual efficiency, winning candidates. The public authority will determine the winning
taking China as a research background. The related factors of these bidder according to the evaluation results or give the evaluation com-
three aspects are explored, and relevant hypotheses are developed. This mittee the right to directly determine the winning bidder. This shows
study examines the hypotheses with data from 838 PP contracts and that specialists play an important role in China's PP.
finds that price efficiency is associated with the implementation of GPP,
the evaluation method and the number of bidders; time efficiency is 2.2. Literature background
associated with the implementation of GPP; and intellectual efficiency
is associated with only procurement size. In recent decades, PP, a crucial public activity, has gradually be-
The academic contributions of this study are as follows. come a research focus (Thai, 2001; Bergman and Lundberg, 2013). The
research directions of the existing PP-related literature can be classified
I. This study takes China as the research background using concluded into the following three categories: issues on the policies and regula-
PP contracts as the data source and extends research to a still re- tions of PP (Jibrin et al., 2014; Vecchiato and Roveda, 2014; Knack
latively unexplored context: the developing country. et al., 2017), issues on the functions of PP (Amann et al., 2014; Loader,
II. This study adds to previous PP efficiency research by measuring PP 2013; Ribeiro and Furtado, 2015; Witjes and Lozano, 2016) and issues
efficiency from three aspects and examining the related factors of on the practice of PP. Branzoli and Decarolis (2015) empirically studies
these aspects. how the interplay between entry and subcontracting choices are af-
III. This study investigates the influence of GPP (an environmental fected by the use of different auction formats in PP. Uttam and Roos
policy) implementation on PP efficiency in a developing country. (2015) study the application of competitive dialogue in sustainable PP.
Aman and Kasimin (2011) study the challenges of e-procurement im-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de- plementation, such as lack of information technology skills. Patrucco
scribes the empirical and literature background. Section 3 presents the et al. (2016) study the effectiveness of PP performance management
hypotheses development. Section 4 introduces the methodology. Sec- systems. There are also some scholars who focus on PP efficiency.
tion 5 presents results. Section 6 presents academic and practical con- Table 1 summarizes some recent empirical studies on PP efficiency from
tributions. The last section is limitations and future research. various geographical domains.
According to Table 1, the research background of previous empirical
2. Empirical and literature background studies are mostly developed countries, and only a few are developing
countries. Based on the phase division discussed in Section 2.1, we find
2.1. Public procurement procedure in China that most of the previous studies focus on the purchasing phase. Among
these studies, a significant research gap is that scholars use different
There are two organizational forms of PP in China: centralized methods to measure PP efficiency and examine the related factors, but
procurement and decentralized procurement. Centralized procurement most only focus on the price aspect of efficiency. However, in PP
means that public authorities give centralized procurement agencies the practice, efficiency is not only in terms of price, the time aspect of ef-
right of procurement. Therefore, the public authority in this study in- ficiency (Hackney et al., 2007) and the labour aspect of efficiency
cludes centralized procurement agencies. There are 5 PP channels in (Balaeva and Yakovlev, 2011) are also very important. These current
China: purchasing through single-source contracting; requesting quo- research less provide a clear definition and measurement of the effi-
tations; using a competitive dialogue; using restricted invitations to ciency of PP.
tender; and using open tendering (Standing Committee of the National Some studies on PP efficiency are not empirical. Mudyarabikwa and
People's Congress, 2002). Since open tendering is the main procurement Regmi (2016) believe that other aspects, including the ability to in-
channel, this study focuses only on open tendering. In open tendering, crease the quality of buildings, the drive to maximize value for public
public authorities should invite all the potential and unspecified sup- money, the commitment to risk management, and valuing the in-
pliers to take part in bidding by releasing a purchase announcement; tegration of services delivered through competition, should be con-
the procurement contract will be signed with the winning bidder, which sidered in improving PP efficiency. Moreover, increasing efficiency in
is selected from all the suppliers competing in the open tendering. The PP depends upon the degree of bureaucracy involved in terms of de-
procurement price in the contract is the bid-winning price. centralization; decision-making; governance; accountability; and
Referring to the classification standard of Balaeva and Yakovlev strong, effective and formal partnerships. Sorte (2017) believes that
(2011) and Caplice and Sheffi (2003), this study divides the PP pro- centralized procurement can improve the efficiency of PP, especially for
cedure into three phases, namely, the planning phase, purchasing phase small public bodies. Trybus (2006) is convinced that modern pur-
and contract execution phase. Although most studies on enterprise chasing techniques (dynamic purchasing systems and electronic auc-
procurement pay attention to the planning phase (Caplice and Sheffi, tions) facilitate PP efficiency. Panda et al. (2010) analyse the benefits
2003), studies on PP attach importance to the purchasing phase. In this and obstacles of e-procurement implementation in Indian PP. Saussier
light, this study focuses only on the purchasing phase, which is from and Tirole (2015) note that transparency, competition and specializa-
publishing the procurement announcement and procurement document tion increase the efficiency of the public procurement system. Lundberg
to deciding the winning bidder. The work task in each phase of PP in et al. (2009) think that implementing GPP in the European Union will
China is shown in Fig. 1. reduce the cost-efficiency of PP.

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

Fig. 1. Procurement procedure of Chinese PP and phase division.

Table 1
Some recent empirical studies on PP efficiency.
Author/s Location Procurement phase The measurement of PP efficiency The related factors of PP efficiency

Michal et al. (2016) Czech Republic Purchasing phase Procurement price Number of offers
Centralized procurement
Type of award procedure
Evaluation method
Guccio et al. (2014) Italy Contract execution phase Costs overruns and delays Degree of specialization of the
contracting authority
Openness of the tendering procedure
Potential competition
Balsevich and Podkolzina Russia Purchasing phase Procurement price Clauses in the procurement
(2014) Characteristics of the market structure
Pavel and Sičáková-Beblavá Slovak municipalities Purchasing phase Procurement price Application of e-auctions
(2013) Number of bidders
Tas (2012) Turkey Purchasing phase Procurement price Number of bidders
Different type of products (services,
goods, construction)
Balaeva and Yakovlev (2011) EU and Russian The entire procurement The costs of procurement regulation for public Complexity of the procurement
process customers and private suppliers procedures
Application of e-auctions
Excessive regulation
Ohashi (2009) Japan Purchasing phase Cost and competitiveness of public procurement Transparent procurement procedures
Hackney et al. (2007) U.K. Planning phase and Cost reductions and organizational efficiency Application of e-reverse auctions
purchasing phase

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

It is worth noting that GPP is an important environmental policy comparison of gains achieved by public authorities and the input cost
tool (Testa et al., 2016) that contributes to sustainable development and (PP effciency definition).
has demonstrated a relatively mature performance in the developed Gains, which are certain, refer to the signing of the contract between
world in places like the EU, Sweden, and Germany (Varnäs et al., 2009). the public authority and the most satisfying supplier. Input costs, which
However, GPP was not actively promoted in the developing world until are uncertain, include the procurement price cost, time cost and spe-
ten years ago, for example in China and Malaysia (Liu et al., 2019a; cialist cost. This paper attempts to measure PP efficiency by considering
Adela et al., 2014). Current studies do not yet explore whether the three aspects: price efficiency, time efficiency and intellectual effi-
implementation of GPP will influence PP efficiency in the developing ciency.
world, they have only made a preliminary discussion on this issue in the Based on the insights gathered during the interviews, we selected
context of developed countries. Thus, this issue deserves more in-depth, five related factors: centralized procurement, procurement size, the
and especially the empirical exploration in developing country. evaluation method, GPP implementation and the number of bidders.
The study of public procurement efficiency in an developing country This study develops hypotheses considering the three aspects of price
like China is important because of three reasons. Ⅰ. China is the world's efficiency, time efficiency and intellectual efficiency. We also consider
second largest economy, with public procurement reaching 3.58614 the related factors of the different aspects of efficiency.
trillion yuan in 2018, an increase of 11.7% over the previous year,
accounting for 10.5% of national fiscal expenditure and 4% of GDP. 3. Hypotheses development
Saving 1% of the budget can reduce the financial expenditure by 358.61
billion yuan, so the significant public procurement expenditure makes it According to the division method of the auction process (Caplice,
important to study how to save the procurement budget. Ⅱ. The re- 2009), the purchasing phase can be divided into two stages, as shown in
levant regulations and procedures of public procurement in China are Fig. 1. The first stage is the tender stage. In this stage, the main job of
not the same as those in other countries. Therefore, the suggestions to the public authority includes publishing procurement announcements
improve the efficiency of public procurement may not be applicable to and procurement documents and randomly selecting specialists. Spe-
China. For example, in addition to saving the procurement budget, we cifications concerning whether or not the project will involve adopting
also need to consider some unique factors, such as the number of centralized procurement, the procurement size, the evaluation method
evaluation specialists, which requires the study of Chinese public pro- and whether or not GPP will be implemented are provided in the pro-
curement. Ⅲ. Finally, research on the efficiency of public procurement curement documents; therefore, these aspects are considered to be the
in China is not enough, and most of the research methods are qualita- related factors that are relevant in this stage. The second stage is the
tive, lack of quantitative research, especially the lack of empirical re- post-tender, and the main job of the public authority in this stage in-
search based on the actual transaction contract as the source of data. cludes organizing the bid opening meeting, evaluating bidders and
The improvement of the transparency of Chinese government in- deciding the winning bidder. The number of bidders is specified in the
formation has provided an opportunity for the research on the effi- bid opening meeting and is considered to be a related factor in this
ciency of public procurement. stage. The order of hypotheses development for every aspect of PP ef-
ficiency in this study is in accordance with the order of these two stages.
2.3. Public procurement efficiency
3.1. Factors related to price efficiency
This study focuses only on the purchasing phase. We conducted
interviews with participants who are directly involved in this phase. This study uses the rate of budget savings to measure price effi-
These participants are three public procurement officials and two spe- ciency. The more money that is saved, the higher the price efficiency of
cialists/experts. Appendix A provides a copy of the interview questions PP (Michal et al., 2016).
that served as a reference for selecting the aspects of PP efficiency and Centralized procurement refers to public authorities delegating the
the related factors we chose to study. work of the purchasing phase to the centralized procurement agency
According to the interviewees, it is widely accepted that saving (SCNPC, 2002). Bearing the traits of the scaled economy, centralized
more money in the procurement budget is characteristic of improving procurement has always been regarded as a tool to reduce public ex-
PP efficiency. This observation agrees with the insights from Angeles penditures. Therefore, the public authorities of numerous countries,
and Nath (2007) and Michal et al. (2016). Four interviewees believe such as the U.S., the U.K., France, the Republic of Korea, Finland and
that a relatively short procurement period also embodies high PP effi- Italy, use a certain degree of centralized procurement to save pro-
ciency, this is consistent with the views of scholars who focus on the curement costs. In addition, centralized procurement contributes to
firms procurement efficiency. Jap (2002) considers that the procure- increasing the bargaining power of the public authority; as a result,
ment period could be adopted to measure the process efficiency of e- lower procurement prices can be secured (Albano and Sparro, 2010). In
reverse auctions (e-RAs) in the context of industrial activities. The China, centralized procurement also involves a higher utilization of
importance of shortening the procurement period is noted in studies by funds. Vagstad (2000) thinks that local public authorities are more
Janssen and Verbraeck (2008) on e-procurement in the transportation likely to work with their local suppliers under decentralized procure-
market and Carter et al. (2004) on e-RAs. The interviewees agreed that ment. Centralized procurement can reduce this prejudice to some de-
the less labour invested in the PP process, the more efficient the pro- gree and leads to more procurement options and the opportunity to sign
curement. This notion agrees with the insights from Balaeva and contracts with lower prices. Thus, we propose Hypothesis 1.
Yakovlev (2011). However, the labour cost in PP implementation in
H1. Centralized procurement is positively associated with the price
China includes the cost of using specialists and procurement officials.
efficiency of PP.
Since the number of procurement officials is relatively fixed in every
public authority, no clear difference can be spotted in different pro- GPP refers to the compulsory or preemptive purchase of environ-
curement events. Therefore, the interviewees believe that the number mental-friendly products, such as listed in China's environmental la-
of specialists can better reflect PP efficiency because the number of belling system, China's energy saving certification system and in public
specialists changes depending on the characteristics of the procurement procurement lists of products with environmental labelling and energy-
events. saving products (hereafter referred to as green products). GPP also re-
The interviewees believe that the goal of PP is to sign a contract fers to the requirements of certain green credentials of suppliers (Liu
with a satisfactory supplier. Building on the information collected et al., 2019a; Zhu et al., 2013). Despite the fact that GPP is an important
through the interviews, in this paper, PP efficiency refers to the environmental policy tool across the globe (Liu et al., 2019b; Majerník

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

et al., 2017; Parikka-Alhola, 2008), it is not considered to be cost-effi- 3.2. Factors related to time efficiency
cient in the EU countries (Lundberg et al., 2009, 2015). Sorte (2017)
thinks that some enterprises may change their productive processes to This paper uses the procurement period for the measurement of
accommodate the procurement needs of public authorities, which may time efficiency, and a shorter procurement period means higher time
cause suppliers to increase their investment to meet environmental efficiency. The procurement period refers to the time duration from the
standards and can lead to higher bidding prices (Lundberg et al., 2009). date of the procurement announcement publication to the date of bid-
In addition, the price of green products is usually higher than that of winning. The time period of the tender stage, which is determined by
common products (Yadav and Pathak, 2017), which makes it difficult to the public authority when it issues the procurement announcement, is
cut procurement budgets. Thus, we propose Hypothesis 2. from the beginning of the tender period to the tender deadline. Since
public authorities prefer to cooperate with responsible suppliers
H2. The implementation of GPP is negatively associated with the price
(Ohashi, 2009), as well as sustainable and high-quality suppliers. They
efficiency of PP.
fully consider the suppliers’ workload of bidding documents when de-
The evaluation method, formulated by public authorities according ciding the tender deadline. The post-tender stage is the time period,
to their preferences, serves as a basis for evaluating suppliers. This which is usually fixed to one day or within one day under normal cir-
study uses the weight of the bidding price during evaluation as the cumstances, from organizing the bid opening meeting to deciding the
evaluation method (Michal et al., 2016). We learned from the partici- winning bidder. Therefore, when studying the time efficiency of PP, this
pant interviews that heavily weighting the bidding price in the process study focus only on the related factors in the tender stage.
indicates that public authorities prefer to cooperate with suppliers with In the implementation of centralized procurement projects, a cen-
lower prices on the premise of meeting procurement demand. Ad- tralized procurement agency is usually responsible for the procurement
ditionally, suppliers may lower their bidding prices to win the oppor- jobs of many public authorities at the same time (Michal et al., 2016).
tunity to work with public authorities (Carter et al., 2004). This is in Therefore, it must consider the characteristics of the projects as well as
line with the view of Michal et al. (2016); i.e., the higher the weight of its own work intensity before confirming the time of bid opening
the bidding price is, the more the procurement budget can be saved for meeting, which could be deferred for the sake of proper work intensity
public authorities. Thus, we propose Hypothesis 3. management. This can decrease the time efficiency of procurement.
Thus, we propose Hypothesis 5.
H3. The evaluation method (the weight of the bidding price during
evaluation) is positively associated with the price efficiency of PP. H5. Centralized procurement is negatively associated with the time
efficiency of PP.
The number of bidders refers to the number of suppliers taking part
in tendering. In general, Chinese PP is in the form of sealed bids, which The size of procurement refers to the monetary volume (Carter
means that in the tender stage, all the tender documents are sealed and et al., 2004) of the procurement event. Whether the procurement work
bidders cannot know the others’ bidding prices. The bidding prices of goes smoothly will affect the procurement period, and adding to the
all suppliers and the final number of bidders will not be published until procurement procedures or restarting the tender will prolong the pro-
the post-tender stage. Based on this, this study believes that among the curement process. Carter et al. (2004) think that the success rate of e-
three types of PP efficiency, the number of bidders is mainly related to reverse auction increases with increasing monetary volume. This is
price efficiency. Carter et al. (2004) show that in the auction of sealed because buying firms place emphasis upon preparation. Since the PP
bids, the more bidders, the lower the final price. The view above is budget in China comes from the fiscal funds of the government, a sig-
supported by the study on the PP bid-winning price of Pavel and nificant loss (financial funds and manpower) for the public authorities
Sičáková-Beblavá (2013) and Michal et al. (2016). When there is a large would be severe if a large size PP transaction fails. In order to reduce
number of bidders, the public authority has more options available for the risk, they will be more fully prepared, and more meticulous and
its choices (European Commission, 2004), and there is a greater like- adequate preparation will extend the procurement period. For example,
lihood that it can cooperate with suppliers with lower price. Based on public authorities may require the pre-qualification of suppliers, which
the above, we develop the following hypothesis. is widely applied in Japan (Ohashi, 2009), before the formal tender
when implementing a large procurement project. It is said that sup-
H4. The number of bidders is positively associated with the price
pliers must be pre-qualified in terms of their enterprise credibility,
efficiency of PP.
performance and assets before they are allowed to bid. The addition of
Fig. 2 summarizes the hypotheses associated with price efficiency of this procedure would prolong the procurement period.
PP. In addition, suppliers who sign contracts with public authorities can
not completely avoid the risk of “hold-up” (Schmitz, 2012). Once it

Fig. 2. Research framework of price efficiency.

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

happens, they face larger losses as the size of the procurement in- this case, even if public authority know the number of some potential
creases, which leads some suppliers to be unwilling to participate in PP. suppliers, it is difficult for them to estimate the final number of bidders.
Moreover, small companies may not be able to take part in large PP Therefore, the number of bidders is difficult to be used as a predictive
transaction because of the greater economic and financial requirements variable for the number of specialists, which is intellectual efficiency.
(Albano and Sparro, 2010). The pre-qualification of suppliers together We learned from the participant interviews that in order to prevent
with all the conditions mentioned above may lead to a situation where clandestine operations (corruption and collusion), the larger size of the
there are not enough bidders. When the number of bidders is less than procurement, the more specialists need to be selected to ensure fairness.
three, the tender should be restarted (SCNPC, 2002), which could Meanwhile, public authorities will decide the number of specialists
prolong large procurement projects. according to the workload of the evaluation to complete the evaluation
Although some suppliers may give up bidding for the reasons above, work on the bid opening day. Large size procurement projects usually
large procurement projects can help increase the degree of competition indicate that there is a relatively large evaluation workload, which
among participating suppliers (Carter et al., 2004). We learned from the drives the public authority to select more specialists. Balaeva and
participant interviews that for suppliers whose main business is serving Yakovlev (2011) believe that the labour intensity of a procedure de-
public authorities, large orders from a public authority can have a big pends on the complexity of the purchase to a large degree. Specialists
influence on the supplier's market share and profit. It can be predicted need to review the non-price factors of the bidders in addition to their
that suppliers will face very fierce competition in order to win large- bidding prices. A review of this kind is called a “quality review” by
scale orders. Under the circumstances, interested suppliers will attach Haruvy and Katok (2013). In auction transactions, the quality review of
greater importance to the preparation work before bidding, which in- suppliers after the auction can last approximately 4–6 weeks (Haruvy
cludes the evaluation of their own production cost, technical capacity, and Katok, 2013), which shows that the work of the review is quite
productive capacity and even the supply capacity of upstream suppliers. complex. It is relatively simple to review the list of bid quotes
We also learned from the participant interviews that public authorities (Decarolis, 2018), and if the bidding price is heavily weighted, the re-
will set aside a relatively long time for bidders to prepare the bidding view work is easy and requires a small number of specialists. In con-
documents considering their extremely large workloads. This will also trast, if the evaluation includes factors related to GPP, the review work
reduce the time efficiency of procurement. Thus, we propose Hypoth- will be more complicated and require more specialists. In conclusion,
esis 6. the following hypotheses are developed.
H6. The size of procurement is negatively associated with the time H9. The size of procurement is negatively associated with the
efficiency of PP. intellectual efficiency of PP.
In addition to bidding price, the comprehensive evaluation also H10. The implementation of GPP is negatively associated with the
includes non-price factors (Jap, 2002). It is known from the participant intellectual efficiency of PP.
interviews that during the process of preparing the bidding documents,
H11. The evaluation method (the weight of the bidding price during
the bidding price only accounts for a small part of the workload;
evaluation) is positively associated with the intellectual efficiency of
however, technical plans, energy conservation and environmental
protection, etc. represent a larger proportion of the work and therefore
it takes a long time to prepare the relevant documents. Heavily Fig. 4 summarizes the hypotheses associated with intellectual effi-
weighting the bidding price automatically means that public authorities ciency of PP.
assign less importance to non-price factors; hence, there is no need to
allow a long time for bidders to prepare bidding documents. In contrast, 4. Methodology
if the public authority decides to implement GPP, then it will allow the
bidders a relatively long period of time to prepare for the process. For 4.1. Data collection
example, bidders need time to pass the green certification of their
products. And even if the bidder's product has been green certified, it Secondary data in this study were collected from one of China
still needs to apply to add the green product to the green procurement National Center Cities, Chengdu city; its geographical location is shown
lists (see appendix in Liu et al., 2019a), which will also take some time. in Fig. 5. Collected in April 2019, the data are obtained by content
Green services are more complex, requiring not only the use of green analysis from actual transaction contracts: procurement documents,
products, but also a series of green procedure. It takes a lot of time for evaluation documents and bid-winning announcements. The detailed
bidders to select green products and green services procedures. In example of data collection process is described in Appendix B.
summary, the following hypotheses are developed. The hyperlinks of procurement documents and evaluation docu-
ments are published in bid-winning announcements. In this sense, bid-
H7. The implementation of GPP is negatively associated with the time
winning announcements should be collected first. Python (a web
efficiency of PP.
crawler programme) was used to collect the bid-winning announce-
H8. The evaluation method (the weight of the bidding price during ments of PP in Chengdu city from January 1st, 2018, to June 30th,
evaluation) is positively associated with the time efficiency of PP. 2018, on the website “” (The pro-
gramme code can be obtained by contacting the corresponding author).
Fig. 3 summarizes the hypotheses associated with time efficiency of
Overall, 994 pieces of data were obtained after removing missing data
and projects of non-open tendering. According to the aforementioned
data requirements, we further cleaned the data:
3.3. Factors related to intellectual efficiency
I. Announcements with incorrect bid-winning prices or procurement
This study uses the number of specialists to measure intellectual budgets were deleted. Because this study on price efficiency uses the
efficiency. The fewer specialists involved in the evaluation process, the bid-winning price and procurement budget to calculate the rate of
higher the PP intellectual efficiency. The selection of specialists must be budget savings, which is the dependent variable. To study time ef-
conducted in the tender stage. In this light, we pay attention only to the ficiency and intellectual efficiency, we use the procurement budget
tender stage when studying intellectual efficiency. For example, se- as an independent variable. Documents that do not mention the
lecting specialists is usually earlier than the bid opening day (e.g., 48 h budget or the budget is a unit price of the product are excluded.
earlier), there may be multiple suppliers bidding within the two days. In Overall, 838 pieces of data in this phase can be used in the study of

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

Fig. 3. Research framework of time efficiency.

price efficiency and intellectual efficiency. represented by Intellectual. Three of the dependent variables are con-
II. Announcements with incorrect procurement periods are deleted. tinuous variables. The descriptive statistics of the dependent variables
The procurement period is needed as a dependent variable in the are shown in Table 2.
study of time efficiency. However, it is missing in some announce-
ments, and therefore, these samples are excluded. A total of 834
pieces of data can be used in the study of time efficiency. 4.2.2. Independent variables (IV)
This study has seven independent variables, two of which are con-
trol variables. Centralization denotes whether centralized procurement
4.2. Variables definition is adopted in the procurement project. This variable measures whether
the procurement project is entrusted to a centralized procurement
According to the requirements of the hypotheses, this section will agency listed in the procurement document (public resource trading
develop three different regression models considering the three aspects centre or procurement centre), and its evaluation is supervised by this
of PP efficiency, namely, price efficiency, time efficiency and in- agency. This dummy variable is assigned 1 if a centralized procurement
tellectual efficiency, for hypothesis examination. This study uses or- agency is involved and 0 if not.
dinary least square (OLS) regression for the data analysis. Size represents the size of the procurement project. This continuous
variable is measured by the procurement budget listed in the procure-
4.2.1. Dependent variables (DV) ment document.
According to the hypotheses, PP efficiency is examined based on GPP indicates whether the procurement project implemented GPP
three aspects. The rate of budget saving is a proxy for price efficiency or not. This variable is also a dummy variable and is measured by
and is represented by Price. According to Article 6 of the Government whether a procurement document demands compulsory or preemptive
Procurement Law of PRC, public procurement should be carried out procurement of green products or requires suppliers to have a certain
strictly in accordance with the approved budget, so procurement level of green credentials. For this variable, 1 is positive and 0 is ne-
budget must be greater than or equal to bid-winning price, which gative.
means that the value of Price must be greater than or equal to 0. The Evaluation represents the evaluation method of the suppliers. This is
calculation method is shown in Formula 1. The procurement period is a a continuous variable and is measured by the weight of bidding price
proxy for time efficiency and is represented by Time. The calculation stated in the comprehensive evaluation table in the procurement
method is shown in Formula 2. document.
Number represents the number of bidders. This continuous variable
Price = (procurement budget - bid-winning price)/procurement budget is measured by the number of suppliers listed in the evaluation docu-
(1) ment.
This paper adopts Type (represents the contract type) and Economy
Time = date of bid-winning - date of procurement announcement
(represents the economy of the procurement area) as control variables
publication (2)
(CV) (Tas, 2012; Guccio et al., 2014). Type, which is a dummy variable,
The number of specialists is a proxy for intellectual efficiency and is indicates whether the subject matter of procurement are goods, where 0

Fig. 4. Research framework of intellectual efficiency.

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

Fig. 5. Geographical location of Chengdu.

Table 2 there are large economic gaps between certain places.

Descriptive statistics of dependent variables.
Dependent Variables/Unit Sample size Mean Std. dev. Min. Max.
4.3. Model development

Price/% 838 6.497 10.513 0 76.725 This paper develops three corresponding OLS regression models
Time/day 834 26.633 5.885 10 72 based on the three aspects to examine the relevant hypotheses. The
Intellectual/person 838 5.279 1.288 1 28
model 1-3 are as follows:

Price = α + β1Centralization + β2 Green + β3 Evaluation + β4 Number

Table 3
Descriptive statistics of independent variables. + β5 Type + β6 Economy + ε (3)

Independent Variables/Unit Sample size Mean Std. dev. Min. Max. Time = α + β1Centralization + β2 ln(Size ) + β3 Green + β4 Evaluatio
Centralization 838 0.155 0.362 0 1 n + β5 Type + β6 ln(Economy ) + ε (4)
Size/million yuan 838 19.100 143.000 0.044 1630
GPP 838 0.541 0.498 0 1 Intellectual = α + β1 ln(Size ) + β2 Green + β3 Evaluation + β4 Type + β5
Evaluation/% 838 22.538 11.288 0 85
Number 838 5.988 7.710 3 101 ln(Economy ) + ε (5)
Type 838 0.474 0.499 0 1
Economy/billion yuan 838 81.168 44.120 13.6 166.580 Formula 3 measures the factors related to price efficiency, Formula
4 measures the factors related to time efficiency, and Formula 5 mea-
sures the factors related to intellectual efficiency. In these formulas, α is
represents goods procurement and 1 represents non-goods procure- the constant term and ε is the residual term.
ment. Economy is a continuous variable and is measured by the 2018 As can be seen from Tables 2 and 3, the units and orders of mag-
GDP of the corresponding area of contract. The detailed data collection nitude of each variable are different. There is a substantial difference
process is described in Appendix B. The descriptive statistics of the between the maximum and minimum values of each variable. In order
independent variables are shown in Table 3. to unify the unit, make the variables more comparable, and at the same
Table 3 shows that the mean for Centralization is 0.155, which de- time to avoid the instability caused by these difference. We use the
monstrates that the majority of the procurement projects are conducted standardized technique for transformation of each variable before the
using a decentralized form. In terms of Size, it can be deduced from the regression calculation. We employ the most commonly used Z-score
minimum and maximum that there is a large difference in the size of the standardization method (Heagerty and Pepe, 1999). The mean value of
different procurement contracts. The mean value of GPP is 0.541, re- the standardized variable is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.
flecting that the majority of procurement projects consider green fac- At the same time, another important issue is that OLS regression has
tors. The study of Liu et al. (2019b) shows that the implementation of the premise of normality of dependent variables. However, the data
GPP in Chengdu occurs mostly in the growth stage, which is in line with obtained by content analysis of public contracts do not strictly comply
the actual situation. For Evaluation, some procurement projects do not with this applicable condition. Therefore, in order to ensure the ro-
take the factor of bidding price into consideration; therefore, its bustness of this study, we use Bootstrap, a non-parametric test. We use
minimum is 0. The minimum for Number is 3, and the maximum is 101, bias-corrected percentile (BC) and bias-corrected and accelerated per-
which shows that the number of suppliers is quite different due to the centile (BCa) bootstrap method as the robustness test of OLS regression
different characteristics of the procurement projects. The mean value in this study. This method does not need to have the premise of nor-
for Type is 0.474, which shows that the volume of procurement of non- mality, and has a good acceptance (Wang et al., 2017). In this study, we
goods and goods is about the same; From Economy, we can see that set 5000 times bootstrap, and set the confidence interval (CI) at 90%

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

Table 4
Pearson correlation analysis of IVs.
Centralization Size GPP Evaluation Number Type Economy

Centralization 1.000
Size -0.013 (0.698) 1.000
GPP -0.003 (0.935) -0.121** (0.000) 1.000
Evaluation 0.001 (0.967) -0.039 (0.254) 0.466*** (0.000) 1.000
Number -0.023 (0.509) -0.017 (0.614) 0.079** (0.022) 0.087** (0.012) 1.000
Type -0.005 (0.887) 0.079** (0.022) -0.430*** (0.000) -0.496*** (0.000) -0.114*** (0.001) 1.000
Economy 0.099*** (0.004) -0.062* (0.071) -0.012 (0.726) -0.079* (0.023) 0.014 (0.687) -0.030 (0.386) 1.000

Notes. the value in the ( ) represents the P-value, *** = P ≤ 0.01, ** = P ≤ 0.05, * = P ≤ 0.1; The variables have been standardized (Z-score) before calculation.

Table 5 Centralization, Size, Evaluation and Time is not. This result indicate that
Variance inflation factor (VIF) testing. the implementation of GPP is negatively associated with the time effi-
Model Mean VIF ciency of PP. H7 is supported.
According to Table 8, the relationship between Size and Intellectual
Model 1 1.226 is found to be statistically significant while the relationship between
Model 2 1.227
GPP, Evaluation and Intellectual is not. It shows that the size of pro-
Model 3 1.270
curement is negatively associated with the intellectual efficiency of PP.
H9 is supported.
(Liu et al., 2020).
6. Academic and practical contributions
5. Results
6.1. Discussion
Pearson correlation analysis is conducted on the independent vari-
ables, the results are shown in Table 4. Table 4 reflects that a certain In the tender stage, centralized procurement may not always
degree of correlation exists in some of the variables, which may lead to achieve higher savings. Although this result contradicts the view of
multicollinearity in the models. Hence, to further ensure the validity of Albano and Sparro (2010), it agrees with the view of Michal et al.
the models, the paper conducts the variance inflation factor (VIF) test to (2016). Theses results may be due to the lack of information trans-
examine whether the multicollinearity will seriously influence our parency when China implements centralized procurement. The re-
models. The results are shown in Table 5. sulting cost increase offsets the cost savings brought about by scale
It can be seen from Table 5 that the VIF of these models are all less economy and bargain power (Albano and Sparro, 2010). In order to
than 2; therefore, the multicollinearity will not seriously influence our mitigate the impact of this problem, the implementation of e-procure-
models, and the regression result is valid, which serves as the basis for ment may be a good choice (Arnold et al., 2005). At the same time,
further analysis (Liu et al., 2019b). The OLS regression results and centralized procurement will not cause the extension of procurement
bootstrap results are shown in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8. period, proving that although Chinese centralized procurement agency
According to Table 6, the relationship between GPP, Evaluation, faces numerous procurement tasks (Michal et al., 2016), their staff have
Number and Price is found to be statistically significant (p-value less rich experiences of PP (Sorte, 2017), these individuals are well versed
than 10% and CI did not cross 0) while the relationship between Cen- in estimating the amount of time needed for suppliers to prepare bid-
tralization and Price is not (p-value exceeds 10% or CI crossed 0). It ding documents. Therefore, the time efficiency will not be influenced. It
means that the implementation of GPP is negatively associated with the also implies that improving the professionalism of procurement staffs is
price efficiency of PP, while the weight of the bidding price during important to improve the efficiency of PP.
evaluation and the number of bidders are positively associated with the The size of procurement does not significantly extend procurement
price efficiency of PP. H2, H3, H4 are supported. period, which may be due to the post-qualification system. Post-quali-
According to Table 7, the relationship between GPP and Time is fication, that is, after the bid opening, the bidder's qualification will be
found to be statistically significant while the relationship between examined by the specialists, and the approved suppliers in this step can

Table 6
Regression result of price efficiency model.
DV: Price Uns.Coef. Std.Err. t p 90% CI 90% CI
BC bootstrap BCa bootstrap

Lower Upper Lower Upper

IV Centralization 0.019 0.033 0.581 0.551 -0.031 0.073 -0.033 0.075

GPP -0.065* 0.039 -1.659 0.097 -0.133 -0.001 -0.135 -0.001
Evaluation 0.156*** 0.041 3.837 0.000 0.085 0.224 0.086 0.223
Number 0.161*** 0.034 4.813 0.000 0.095 0.251 0.099 0.240
CV Type -0.122*** 0.040 -3.047 0.002 -0.184 -0.061 -0.184 -0.060
Economy -0.024 0.034 -0.719 0.368 -0.074 0.027 -0.076 0.029
F for the regression 12.09*** (p < 0.001)
R2 0.080
Adj-R2 0.074
Bootstrap times 5000
Sample size 838

Notes. *** = P ≤ 0.01, ** = P ≤ 0.05, * = P ≤ 0.1; Uns.Coef. = Unstandardized coefficient; Because the Z-score standardization method is used, the
Std.Coef. = Uns.Coef.; CI= Confidence interval.

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

Table 7
Regression result of time efficiency model.
DV: Time Uns.Coef. Std.Err. t p 90% CI 90% CI
BC bootstrap BCa bootstrap

Lower Upper Lower Upper

IV Centralization -0.042 0.035 -1.225 0.221 -0.102 0.024 -0.105 0.028

Size 0.005 0.035 0.155 0.877 -0.020 0.037 -0.019 0.034
GPP 0.069* 0.040 1.699 0.090 0.008 0.126 0.007 0.130
Evaluation 0.030 0.042 0.705 0.481 -0.032 0.094 -0.034 0.095
CV Type -0.051 0.041 -1.240 0.215 -0.115 0.009 -0.114 0.010
Economy -0.028 0.035 -0.805 0.421 -0.087 0.035 -0.087 0.037
F for the regression 2.449** (p = 0.024)
R2 0.017
Adj-R2 0.010
Bootstrap times 5000
Sample size 834

Notes. *** = P ≤ 0.01, ** = P ≤ 0.05, * = P ≤ 0.1.

proceed to the next step of evaluation. Post-qualification can achieve familiar with the evaluation of green contracts instead of adding the
the same goal as pre-qualification: preliminary screening of qualified number of specialists in GPP implementation.
suppliers, but without the need to extend the procurement period. This The higher the weight of the bidding price during evaluation, the
convenience makes many Chinese public authorities tend to choose higher the savings. This findings is in line with the study of Pavel and
post-qualification. However, in order to complete the evaluation on the Sičáková-Beblavá (2013). In the purchasing phase, the pursuit of low
day of bid opening, more experts are needed, which further supports prices in the public authorities is the driving force for suppliers to re-
H9. In other words, the larger the size of procurement, the more spe- duce prices (Michal et al., 2016). However, in terms of the whole
cialists are needed, not only because of the heavy workload of the process of procurement, there may be some risks. The study of You and
evaluation, but also because of the workload of post-qualification. From Wang (2007) illustrates that excessive focus on lower bid-winning price
another perspective, larger size of procurement makes public autho- would add to the later risk of compensation claim, therefore, it is not
rities pay more attention, and they may invest more manpower in advisable to pay undue attention to bidding price. In comparison, the
preparation, which reduces the time consuming to some extent. improvement of the weight of the bidding price will not significantly
The implementation of GPP is not conducive to saving the pro- shorten the procurement period, which supports the thought of Ohashi
curement budget, which is in line with Lundberg et al. (2009, 2015). (2009). It means that public authorities pay more attention to bidding
This finding shows that, like developed countries, China's green pro- price only on the premise that the technical capability and after-sale
ducts also have a premium to a certain degree (Yadav and Pathak, service of the supplier meet requirements. Therefore, public authorities
2017). An alternative explanation is that one of the obstacles to the will not cut the preparation time for suppliers to improve time effi-
implementation of GPP is the higher price of green products (Liu et al., ciency.
2019a). Besides, GPP implementation is also negatively associated with Besides, the number of specialists will not decrease as a result of the
time efficiency. Public authorities need to allow more time for suppliers increase in the weight of the bidding price. The reason for this may be
to prepare bidding documents. It suggests that time pressure could also similar to time efficiency. Although public authorities attach im-
be one of the barriers to promoting GPP in China (Adela et al., 2014). portance to bidding prices, they do not neglect the evaluation of other
In comparison, the implementation of GPP does not lead to an in- aspects (Ohashi, 2009). Therefore, the workload of specialists will not
crease in the number of specialists. This finding may be due to the be lowered obviously. In addition, specialists may sometimes have
“green” accounts for a relatively low proportion in the comprehensive different evaluations towards one bidder; in this case, decisions should
evaluation (approximately 1%-10%, this view is supported in real be made by voting under the principle of the minority obeying the
contracts), it may not add to the workload of evaluation significantly. majority for sake of fairness (SCNPC, 1999). Public authorities will
Meanwhile, even if the work of evaluation of GPP is relatively com- select enough specialists to make the voting process easier, even though
plicated, due to the specialist database in China be divided according to the workload of evaluation is light.
their specialized areas, public authorities may select specialists who are In post-tender stage, the higher the number of bidders, the more

Table 8
Intellectual-efficiency model regression result.
DV: Intellectual Uns.Coef. Std.Err. t p 90% CI 90% CI
BC bootstrap BCa bootstrap

Lower Upper Lower Upper

IV Size 0.141*** 0.035 4.094 0.000 0.103 0.195 0.096 0.206

GPP 0.009 0.040 0.223 0.824 -0.082 0.084 -0.096 0.088
Evaluation -0.026 0.042 -0.631 0.528 -0.075 0.027 -0.077 0.030
CV Type -0.095** 0.041 -2.313 0.021 -0.167 -0.031 -0.176 -0.029
Economy -0.052 0.034 -1.505 0.133 -0.107 -0.002 -0.107 -0.002
F for the regression 4.916*** (p < 0.001)
R 0.029
Adj-R2 0.023
Bootstrap times 5000
Sample size 838

Notes. *** = P ≤ 0.01, ** = P ≤ 0.05, * = P ≤ 0.1.

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

procurement budget will be saved, which concur with the insights from and Jabbour, 2017) to familiarized firm managers, suppliers, and pro-
Carter et al. (2004) and agree with Pavel and Sičáková-Beblavá (2013) curement officials with the policies and regulations as well as operation
and Michal et al. (2016). This finding means that it is the right choice to procedure related to GPP as soon as possible (Liu et al., 2019a) in an
encourage open tendering for PP; trying to attract more bidders is of effort to enhance the time efficiency of GPP implementation.
great importance for saving the budget. Third, about evaluation method (the weight of the bidding price
Finally, this study finds that the price efficiency of PP is negatively during evaluation). In this study, the evaluation method is found to
associated with the implementation of green public procurement (GPP) have a positive impact on price efficiency, but it is not advisable to pay
but is positively associated with the evaluation method (the weight of too much attention to quotation. Comparing the evaluation method
bidding price during evaluation) and the number of bidders. Time ef- with GPP implementation, policymakers should strike a balance be-
ficiency is negatively associated with GPP implementation. Intellectual tween “green” and “price”, as well as “quality” and “price”, also known
efficiency is negatively associated with the size of the procurement. as value for money (VfM). The specific balance will be a test of the
wisdom of policymakers.
6.2. Academic contribution Fourth, about number of bidders. As the number of bids sig-
nificantly affects the price efficiency, increasing the number of bids will
The academic contributions of this study are as follows. be an important issue in public procurement. A comprehensive in-
First, with China as the research background and actual transaction formation platform of PP should be built. At present, many public au-
contracts as the source of research data, this study adds insights from thorities can only publish PP information on local public resource
China, the largest developing country, to empirical studies of PP effi- trading centre or procurement websites of local governments, which
ciency. In addition, this study also specifies the PP procedure in China can lead to situations in which PP information is easily neglected by
and introduces the evaluation system of randomly selecting specialists, non-local suppliers. We suggest that a comprehensive PP platform be
known as a PP system with Chinese characteristics, which provides new built to accommodate all procurement information of public authorities
knowledge to the research field of PP. across China, which could reduce the geographical limitations and re-
Second, this study measures PP efficiency considering the three spond to the call of Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
aspects of price efficiency, time efficiency and intellectual efficiency. Fifth, about e-procurement. Although this study does not discuss e-
The relationship between them and centralized procurement, procure- procurement, we believe that e-procurement could be a potential way
ment size, the evaluation method, GPP implementation and the number for improving public procurement efficiency in the future (Walker and
of bidders is studied respectively. The results show that the related Brammer, 2012). E-procurement is expected to be promoted as soon as
factors of different aspects of efficiency are not the same, which ex- possible. Despite the fact that e-procurement platforms have been de-
pands the previous research on PP efficiency. veloped by some public authorities, there is no relevant law or reg-
Finally, adding to Lundberg et al. (2009, 2015), this study suggests ulation made for wide promotion of e-procurement. Jap (2002) believes
that implementation of GPP in developing country can exert a negative that e-RAs enable a more efficient buying process. The study of Carter
influence on PP efficiency. This conclusion not only empirically pro- et al. (2004) reflects that e-reverse auctions can help lower procure-
vides a new related factor for the study of PP efficiency but also serves ment costs and simultaneously reduce procurement periods. The study
as a reference for further study on the barriers of GPP. of Arnold et al. (2005) finds that it can reduce transaction costs and
costs of the purchasing organization. Swedish practice should be drawn
6.3. Practical implications: policies by local governments to promote and regulate e-procurement by setting
up laws and regulations (Engstrom et al., 2016). In addition, enhancing
Based on the empirical results, this study suggests that policymakers the IT skills is also important (Aman and Kasimin, 2011).
can improve PP efficiency from the following perspectives.
First, about centralized/decentralized procurement. This study 7. Limitations and future research
found that there is no significant difference between centralized pro-
curement and decentralized procurement in terms of price efficiency. There are also some limitations in this study. First, this study col-
From this point of view, centralized procurement does not necessarily lected data only from Chengdu city; therefore, it can hardly represent
lead to the expected benefits derived from economies of scale. We all public authorities in China. Second, due to limitations regarding the
suggest that policymakers strengthen the supervision of centralized publication of PP information, this study focuses on the purchasing
procurement agencies and improve the performance evaluation stan- phase, and the planning phase and contract execution phase are not
dards related to financial savings. At the same time, this study found included in the study. Therefore, careful consideration should be taken
that in terms of time efficiency, there is no significant difference be- in applying the evaluation method of PP efficiency to the whole pro-
tween centralized procurement and decentralized procurement. cedure of PP. Third, the proportion of centralized procurement is
Therefore, in the setting of this study, decentralized procurement does 15.5%. It is possible that the skewed proportion of decentralized pro-
not seem to compare favorably in terms of time. We suggest that pol- jects were the driver of the non-significant result. Fourth, how to
icymakers should mobilize more initiative and enthusiasm of public measure the GPP practice is still a problem; as a result, GPP can only be
authorities in the procurement process so as to improve the time effi- measured as a dummy variable in our study. We suggest that future
ciency of decentralized procurement. research should develop GPP measurement scales or measurement
Second, about Green Public Procurement (GPP). Although the system.
implementation of GPP will have a negative impact on price efficiency, Future research can study the efficiency of the entire PP procedure
because of the many benefits of GPP, we still suggest that policymakers and thereby introduce new theoretical and practical contributions. This
formulate more reasonable GPP implementation policies. Policies and research has highlighted factors related to PP efficiency; however, their
toolbox with high operability should be formulated to promote GPP. It influence mechanism is still not clear enough. Hence, other factors that
is discussed above that a possible reason for the obstacle of GPP im- moderate or mediate the relationship between PP efficiency and these
plementation in China could be a relatively high price of green product; factors deserve further exploration. If PP is divided into different types
therefore, the paper suggests that governments may consider a certain to study their efficiency, there may be new discoveries. E-procurement
degree of subsidy and tax deduction and exemption should be given by is gradually growing in China and may become very popular for public
governments to enterprises that produce green products to reduce the authorities in the future. In this sense, studying the challenges in pro-
cost of green product production (Zhang et al., 2018). Furthermore, moting e-procurement in China and the influence of e-procurement
governments should actively organize training themed on GPP (Aragão implementation on PP efficiency is of both theoretical and practical

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

importance. Additionally, future research can focus on supplier selec- Acknowledgements

tion process in PP, especially examining the topic of sustainability.
This study is supported by The National Social Science Fund of
China [Grant number: 15XZZ011]; National Natural Science
CRediT authorship contribution statement Foundation of China [Grant number: 71942006] and MOE (Ministry of
Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Science [Grant
Qi Wang: Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, number: 18YJC630218]. The authors thank Prof. Hongying Dai and
Investigation. Renjie Zhang: Software, Data curation. Junqi Liu: Mrs. Xilin Zhang, the public procurement evaluation expert of Sichuan
Conceptualization, Supervision, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Provincial People's Government in China [Expert ID: SC0708525;
Writing - review & editing. SC0702246], for their kind help. The authors express their gratitude to
Prof. Wendy Tate, and the AE of JPSM, and two anonymous Reviewers
for the constructive comments and helps on earlier versions of this
Declaration of competing interest paper. The authors also express their gratitude to Dr. Witold Bahr.
Finally, the authors pay the greatest respect to the medical staff and
None. volunteers who took part in the fight against COVID-19.

Appendix A. Interview protocol (Semi-structured)

The following questions relate to public procurement (PP), the questions are designed to be general in nature and address the issue of improving
procurement efficiency by public authorities.

1. What do you think is the goal of PP?

2. How do you define “PP efficiency”?
3. What characteristics do you think a high efficient PP should have?

Probes: Saving more procurement budget?

Shorter procurement periods?
Less labour input?

4. Do you think it is more representative to use the number of specialists to measure labour input in PP rather than using the number of procurement
5. What factors are related to the savings of procurement budgets? And why?
6. What factors are related to the procurement period? And why?
7. What factors are related to the number of specialists? And why?
8. Do you think GPP can exert influence on PP efficiency? And why?

Probes: If yes,
What aspects does it affect PP efficiency? (Price, time or number of specialists)
How does it affect?

9. What types of suppliers that public authorities would like to cooperate with?

Probes: Lower price?

Higher quality?
Green and sustainability?
All of above?

10. What are the benefits for suppliers if they cooperate with public authorities?

Probes: More profit?

Increasing market share?

Appendix B. Data collection example

Data collecting process will be introduced with contract documents of the procurement project “Medical Equipment Procurement of First People's
Hospital in Shuangliu District, Chengdu city, Sichuan province” as an example.

Step 1: Logging in the website: “” to find the bid-winning announcement page of this procurement project, as is
shown in Fig. 6. Clicking the attachment link marked by “6” and downloading the procurement document and evaluation document, which are
shown respectively in Figs. 7 and 8.
Step 2: As shown in Fig. 6 marked by “4”, the bid-winning price of the project is 1.555 milliion yuan (1555400 yuan), as shown in Fig. 7 marked
by “7”, the procurement budget is 1.568 million yuan (1568000 yuan). According to Formula 1, the rate of budget saving is 0.804%, therefore the
dependent variable Price is 0.804.
Step 3: As shown in Fig. 6 marked by “3”, the publishing date of procurement announcement is 12th December, 2017. Mark “2” shows that the
bid-winning date is 17th January, 2018. According to Formula 2, it can be calculated that the procurement period is 36 days, therefore the

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

dependent variable Time is 36.

Step 4: As shown in Fig. 6 marked by “5”, there are 5 specialists taking part in this project, therefore the dependent variable Intellectual here is 5.
Step 5: As shown in Fig. 6 marked by “1”, this project is not carried out by centralized procurement agency, therefore the independent variable
Centralization is 0.
Step 6: As shown in Fig. 7 marked by “7”, the budget of this project is 1.568 million yuan, therefore the independent variable Size here is 1.568.
Step 7: As shown in Fig. 7 marked by “9”, the weight of energy conservation and environmental protection product is 2%, which indicates the
green product enjoys preemption in this project, therefore the independent variable GPP here is 1.
Step 8: As shown in Fig. 7 marked by “8”, the weight of bidding price in the comprehensive evaluation table is 30%, therefore the independent
variable Evaluation here is 30.
Step 9: As shown in Fig. 8 marked by “10”, there are 3 enterprises listed in the evaluation document, therefore the independent variable Number is

Fig. 6. Screenshot example of bid-winning announcement.

Fig. 7. Screenshot example of procurement document.

Q. Wang, et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (2020) 100622

Fig. 8. Screenshot example of evaluation document.

Step 1 - 3 is completed by the web-crawler program, step 4-9 is completed manually by authors of this paper.

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