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/ Mònica Rodríguez domestika.



© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ 1. Just hearing the words “routine” and “order” triggers an allergic reaction. I feel like they’re going to deprive me
of freedom in my personal life and in my creative work.

☐ 2. I regularly follow a work routine, which helps me feel better and meet my objectives, but I also leave room for
improvisation and flexibility. Maintaining a certain order doesn't make my day-to-day any more boring, and it helps
me produce even better creative results.

☐ 3. I dedicate almost 90 % of my time to design and creativity and almost no time to the other areas of my

☐ 4. I know I need to set aside time for the different areas of my business and not only for design and creativity.
Otherwise, my business will inevitably end up shutting down.

☐ 5. I have endless to-do lists that I never finish, and I feel guilty. I can never stop thinking about this.

☐ 6. I adjust my to-do list according to the time I have available and my needs in order to gradually complete
these tasks in groups. I recognize that they are solid steps towards my goals.

☐ 7. I start a thousand things that I never finish, and I’m starting to lose faith in myself.

☐ 8. I follow a set of criteria to make decisions regarding the goals I want to accomplish, and that helps me finish
almost everything I start.

☐ 9. I get lost in the details, and I’m not satisfied with the quality of my product or service unless I spend thousands
of hours working on it, even when my clients assure me that they're satisfied.

☐ 10. I know I have a tendency towards perfectionism and losing myself in the details, but I’m learning how to
better neutralize that tendency without compromising on quality and how to put a stop to it before it paralyzes me.

☐ 11. I have the feeling that, if I’m not in a moment of inspiration, I won’t be able to create anything truly

☐ 12. I set aside all the resources and time I need to create. From there, I can feel my inspiration and creative talent
flying free, and that’s when my best ideas emerge.

© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ 13. I have many ideas, and because of that, I easy lose focus and become scatterbrained. I have difficulty
choosing and making decisions.

☐ 14. I always have new ideas running through my mind, but I now have the tools I need to prevent them from
constantly distracting me and keeping me from finishing the tasks at hand.

☐ 15. I have difficulty saying “no,” sometimes because I feel sorry doing so and sometimes because I like being
involved in many activities. Many times, I regret saying “yes” to things, and I get angry with myself.

☐ 16. I manage my multitalented or multidisciplinary approach in a balanced way so that it works in my favor and
not against me.

☐ 17. I hate making mistakes, and I want to do everything right the first time because I believe that, if you have
enough talent, this is the way it should be.

☐ 18. I know how to make the most of my mistakes, and I see them as learning experiences. Sometimes, problems
give rise to great opportunities.

☐ 19. Sometimes, I take “carpe diem” a little too seriously, and I can’t handle problems that could have been
avoided with a little precaution.

☐ 20. I have a plan, at least a year ahead of time, with clear and concrete business objectives divided into tasks
and mini-tasks that help me follow through with my plans and make adjustments on time if I need to change them.

☐ 21. I feel that I improvise too much, and I barely have any control over what happens day to day.

☐ 22. I know for the most part what my commitments for the following week will be, but I’ve already set aside time
for unforeseen circumstances. I know I can be flexible if something comes up and notify the people affected ahead
of time.

☐ 23. I have trouble with my perception of the scale and time requirements of a task. Everything seems to be
easier or harder than it really is. Sometimes, I can’t follow through, and I look bad in front of others.

© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ 24. Because I’ve calculated the amount of time I need to complete the most common tasks for my business, I
tend to meet my objectives if I stick to my plan.

☐ 25. I always rush to turn things in just before or past the deadline, which causes a lot of stress, but I think this
helps me achieve better results.

☐ 26. I always leave room on my calendar for unforeseen circumstances, which allows me to be flexible with
myself and with others and to avoid stress.

☐ 27. I work many hours, but I’m not getting the results I want. In addition to becoming frustrated, I’m losing

☐ 28. I know that working more hours doesn’t mean being more productive, which is why I take advantage of the
benefits that innovation and technology offer and apply them in my business.

☐ 29. They say successful entrepreneurs should get up early, but I don’t know if that’s true because I've never tried.
My work hours vary.

☐ 30. I know what my more active and less active times of day are, and I manage my schedule according to them.

☐ 31. I barely have any free time for anything that is not work.

☐ 32. I have free time to enjoy by myself and with family and friends. After doing so, I notice I go back to work with
renewed energy and achieve much better results in less time.

☐ 33. I feel that my emotions are on a roller coaster ride. I might be euphoric one minute and sad the next. I feel
that my ability to work depends too much on my mood.

☐ 34. I take care of myself holistically, both body and mind, and I notice I’m more stable emotionally, which allows
me to make better decisions, be consistent, and enjoy life more.

☐ 35. If I were to go on leave tomorrow, no one would know how to cover for me because I haven’t created any
plans or work systems.

© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ 36. I have a plan, an organizational system, and automated processes in place that would allow me to take time
off from work for awhile. My team would be able to keep working for a period of time without there being any
disasters, and my business wouldn’t shut down.

☐ 37. None of my business’s tasks or processes are automated because I believe that would make my company
less humanized and personal.

☐ 38. I’ve put technology to work in my favor by choosing some software and applications that ensure my clients
are better served in less time and that my work is simpler and less time-consuming.

☐ 39. I have difficulty delegating tasks that are not related to my creative talent and that have to do with other
areas of my business because I believe no one could do these things with as much attention and care as I would like.
But, when I do it all myself, I can’t handle all of my business’s work, and I get overwhelmed.

☐ 40. I don't waste my talent, and I focus on tasks that involve my strengths rather than trying to fix my weaknesses
because I know this is the only way I can contribute something of value to my business. I know how to delegate and
appreciate the fact that each person on my team shines in areas that are not my strengths. This way, our results are
much better.

☐ 41. My team becomes exasperated because I ask them to resolve issues without giving them a viable plan or the
resources they need to be able to handle these things themselves.

☐ 42. I plan the responsibilities that I share with or delegate to my team ahead of time so that they can work
independently or coordinate their tasks together to ensure that their work and mine is as comfortable and enjoyable
as possible, and this leads to very good results.

☐ 43. I sometimes run out of materials at my studio or workshop, and I don’t notify my providers on time, which
makes me look bad in front of my clients because I can't meet deadlines.

☐ 44. I have a system and structure in place at my studio that allows to me have materials in stock and organized
in order to ensure control over the inventory and maintain a healthy workflow for my team and myself.

☐ 45. When the year comes to an end, I hope the next one will be better, but I don’t review what happened over
the course of the year.

☐ 46. I conduct periodic evaluations of the company’s planning system, and I’m capable of fixing thing or making
changes if necessary.

© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mònica Rodríguez

As you may have noticed, the even-numbered statements represent a healthy relationship with the
time you have, the way you manage it, and how you use it.
This good relationship allows you to balance your private and professional life. This concept is
commonly known as work-life balance, which is the key for meeting your objectives while enjoying the
journey and maximizing your success. Success here means whatever you value most: recognition,
professional or creative development, and/or profitability.

In relation to the number of even-numbered statements you checked off, you’ll be able to
evaluate the extent to which you maintain a good or bad relationship with time management.

© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mónica Rodríguez

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