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Indonesia is one of the countries infected with the Covid-19

pandemic. Corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious

OMMM disease caused by acute corona virus 2 respiratory syndrome

! (SARS-CoV-2). So that the impact on the community and

students can not meet directly on campus or in public places.
The temporary closure of all educational institutions as an effort
to prevent the spread of an outbreak of Covid-19 worldwide has
an impact on millions of students, including in Indonesia.
Disturbances in the teaching and learning process directly
between teacher and students as well as the termination of the
assessment of learning have an impact on the psychological of
students, causing a decrease in the quality of skills. This burden
is the responsibility of all elements of education, in particular the
government, in facilitating the continuity of schools for all
stakeholders in education to conduct distance education. How
should Indonesia plan, prepare for and overcome co-recovery
19, to reduce the loss of education in the future.
* Metodh

This paper uses a literature review analysis related to

the impact on education in Indonesia due to the COVID-
19 pandemic. This literature review article is used to find
out the impact of covid-19 on education in Indonesia and
to find out the various policies that have been

* implemented in Indonesia in dealing with the impact of

covid-19 on education in Indonesia.

1) the positive impact of Covid-19 on the learning
process that causes the learning process through
online or online methods are as follows: students
learn more independently, students are closer to
their families, students get direct guidance from
parents, students get to know their families better,
students communicate with parents become more
familiar, students become more familiar with the
use of online learning technology, students become
more creative, students receive direct attention
from parents, and make parents aware of how
difficult the teacher's task is to teach their children.
2) the negative impact of Covid-19 on the learning process that
causes the learning process through online or online methods,
namely as follows: students who do not have an internet
connection have difficulty learning online, teachers are not
optimal in communicating with students, internet quotas become
wasteful because they use too much the internet, students find it
difficult to follow the teacher's advice because of limited space
and time, students feel bored because they miss friends and the
desert and the classroom atmosphere and teachers are limited in
delivering material. *
Discussion *
The government implements a policy of Work From Home
(WFH). This policy is an effort that is applied to the community
so that they can complete all work at home. Education in
Indonesia is also one of the areas affected by the COVID-19
pandemic. With the limitation of interaction, the Ministry of
Education in Indonesia also issued a policy, namely by closing
schools and replacing the teaching and learning process (KBM)
using an online system.
The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the
learning process for teachers and students as well
as parents. The ability to use technology is a major
obstacle for all parties to participate in online
learning. Without initial training, teachers will feel
alien to the conditions that require learning from

home. The impact of covid-19 for teachers,
students and parents is very large where in
situations like this it is necessary and must spend
extra time for students and children so that
learning objectives can be achieved. The most
basic obstacle is inadequate facilities because
usually teachers and students carry out the
learning process with adequate facilities but are
faced with facilities that only depend on the

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