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Kepala dimiringkan ke kanan-kiri:

a. Fleksi
b. Ekstensi
c. Adduksi
d. Lateral-fleksi
2. Gerakan Abduksi adalah Gerakan:
a. Mendekati tubuh
b. Menjauhi tubuh
3. Gerakan downward dari foot pada ankle adalah:
a. Plantarflexion
b. Dorsiflexion
4. Gerakan pada ball and socket joint adalah:
a. Flexi – extensi
b. Circumduction & rotation
c. All of the above
5. Synovial joint:
a. Slightly moveable
b. Freely moveable
c. A & B
d. None of the above
6. Corticospinal tract:
a. Afferent Pathway yang membawa nyeri dan panas
b. Efferent Pathway yang control motor function
c. Afferent pathway yang…
d. Efferent pathway yang mengontrol contralateral tone of muscle terutama
upper extremities
7. Triceps:
a. Flex elbow
b. Extend elbow
c. Flex leg
d. Extend leg
8. Insipiration terjadi karena:
a. Gerakan ke atas diafragma
b. Gerakan ribs yang mendekat karena kontraksi otot intercostal internae
c. Gerakan ke bawah diafragma
d. A & B
9. Goniometer digunakan untuk:
a. Measuring flexibility
10. The Shortest Bone is
a. Phalang
b. Metatarsal
c. Innominate Bone (hip bones)
d. Tarsal
11. What is the well-known disease caused by acetylcholinesterase deficiency?
a. Botulism
b. Myasthenia Gravis
c. Guillain-Barre syndrome
d. Myelitis transversa
12. How can you protect a persons’ knees from rubbing together?
a. As long as they have been moisturised it is fine
b. The person should be positioned on their back with their legs apart
c. A wedge that keeps their legs apart can be used
d. A pillow between their legs can be used
13. Adverse effect of immobility and inactivity in gastrointestinal system:
a. Glucose intolerance
b. Diarrhea
c. Electrolyte alterations
d. Constipation
14. What happens to genitourinary system after long term immobilization?
a. Decrease mineral excretion during diuresis
b. Increase glomerular filtration rate
c. Increase overflow incontinence
d. Decrease post void residual volume
15. Effects of prolonged bed rest include:
a. Decreased cardiac stroke volume
b. Decreased resting heart rate
c. Increased lung capacity
d. Increased of plasma volume
16. What happens to cardiovascular system after long term immobilization?
a. Increase cardiac output
b. Increase cardiac size/volume
c. Decrease heart rate
d. Decrease end-diastolic end volume

17. Which of the following does not contribute to increased stroke volume during
a. Increased contractility of cardiac muscle
b. Increased sympathetic stimulation of ventricular muscle
c. Increased length of filling time during diastole
d. Increase venous return (according to Frank-Sterling Mechanism)
e. Increased end-diastolic volume
18. In response to strength training, it is true that
a. High volume strength training suppresses capillary neoformation
b. An increase in the capillary/muscle fiber ration always leads to an
increase in capillary density
c. Neoformation of capillaries may occur without a change in capillary
d. None of the above are true
19. As a result of strength training, the change in muscle tissue least likely to occur is:
a. Increased number of myosin filament
b. Increased size (diameter) of myosin filament
c. Increased number of myofibrils
d. Increased size (diameter) of myofibrils
20. A common adaptation to strength training is:
a. Increase in muscle fiber number
b. A conversion of type 2A to 2X muscle fiber
c. A greater increase in type 1 than type 2 fiber area
d. An increase in the number of sarcomeres in parallel
21. Which cardiopulmonary parameter should improve in a patient with congestive
heart failure who is participating in a cardiac rehabilitation program?
a. Diastolic ventricular filling
b. Pulmonary blood flow
c. VO2max
d. Systolic ejection fraction

22. Apa yang diharapkan dari seorang elderly yang mengikuti program aerobic?
a. Peningkatan VO2 max
b. Tidak ada perubahan
c. Kecepatan berjalan bertambah
d. Penurunan systemic vascular resistance

23. Force generation but fiber lengthening is also known as

a. Lateral back curve
b. Eccentric contraction
c. Isotonic contraction
d. Isometric contraction

24. How does healing take place?

a. By packing the wound
b. Healing will not take place after stage 3
c. From the bottom up
d. From the top down

25. A pressure injury will not heal while there is the presence of what?
a. Scabbing
b. Blanching
c. Granulation
d. Puss

26. What will happen if blood cannot flow through an area due to pressure applied?
a. The person will experience ‘pins and needles’ sensation
b. People stop feeling pain in that area as the nerve cells die
c. Cell death can occur
27. What is the term used to describe skin that has become soft and separated or to
waste away?
a. Distortion
b. Slough
c. Shearing
d. Macerate

28. What type of skin to macerate?

a. Dry
b. Crack
c. Moist
d. Thin

29. How does moisture on the skin cause pressure injuries?

a. Moisture acts as a suction pulling the skin to objects increasing the risk of
pressure injuries
b. Moisture erodes the skin away
c. It does not cause pressure injuries; the skin needs to be moist
d. It does not cause pressure injuries but it does make it more susceptible
due to softening and macerating the skin

30. If you see redness that does not blanch when you touch it, what stage of pressure
area development is present?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1

31. Any skin that is dry or cracking is what?

a. Is at risk of a pressure injury
b. In imminent danger of a pressure injury
c. Has already begun to become a pressure injury
d. Is a low risk of being a pressure injury

32. A build-up of blood near the area will occur Which is the most common place for a
pressure injury?
a. Sacral, Shoulder, Stomach
b. Elbow, Stomach Sacral
c. Shoulder, Elbow, Sacral
d. Shoulder, hip, Stomach

33. Receptor in the bladder physiology as follow:

a. Cholinergic receptor as alpha and beta receptors in the detrusor 
b. Alpha receptor is one type of adrenergic receptor that are located in
c. Alpha adrenergic receptor is located in the trigonum an urethra
d. Muscarinic type receptor is identified as adrenergic type receptor

34. In order for the lungs to function normally, the intrapleural pressure must
a. Alternate between being less than and greater than atmospheric
b. Be lower than alveolar pressure
c. Change as the respiratory demands of the body change
d. Be between +5 and +10 mmHg above atmospheric pressure

35. How would the loss of acetylcholinesterase from the motor end plate affect skeletal
a. It would produce muscle weakness
b. It would make the muscle less excitable
c. It would cause flaccid paralysis (muscle are relaxed and unable to contract)
d. It would cause spastic (muscle are contracted and unable to relax)

36. The fibers in a muscle spindle

a. B and C
b. Are innervated by gamma motor neurons
c. Function to maintain tension on spindle receptors
d. Are not true muscle fibers because they cannot contract

37. Calcium ions trigger the start of muscle contraction by

a. Binding to myosin to reveal binding sites
b. Releasing ATP for energy use
c. Providing the energy required
d. Binding to troponin to reveal binding sites in actin filaments
38. John is a sprinter who specializes in quick and powerful bursts of speed followed by
periods of rest. Jim is a marathon runner who specializes in long, steady runs.
Compared to Jim, John is likely to have
a. John can generate greater maximal tension than Jim
b. John has a smaller quadriceps diameter than Jim
c. John rely on creatine phosphate as an ATP source for the first few
seconds of whereas the latter do not
d. John generate less lactic acid than do Jim
39. Joint flexibility is important due to :
a. Reducing osteoporosis
b. Decreasing heart disease
c. Increasing target heart rate
d. Daily Range of Motion
40. Any loss or abnormality of psychological physical or anatomical structure or
function (World of Health Organization definition) is called:
a. Handicap
b. Impairment
c. Disability
d. Disease
41. If the patient disease is T6 (thoracal 6) paraplegia and unable to empty his bladder
and this made him unable to go to social gathering is called that he has
a. Handicap
b. Disability
c. Impairment and handicap
d. Impairment, disability, and handicap
42. A man got stroke, and because of it he cannot walk, so it is called that he has …
a. Disability
b. Handicap
c. Impairment
d. Impairment and disability

43. Which one has social aspect to this terminology?

a. Disability
b. Handicap
c. Impairment
d. Impairment and disability
44. Rehabilitation program for a stroke patient with aphasia and left hemiparesis consist
a. Speech therapy, orthotic prosthetic, social worker
b. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy
c. Nurse rehabilitation, speech therapy, occupational therapy
d. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthotic prosthetic
45. In June 2009 our department was giving “back school” education to the nurse to
prevent low back pain because of their occupation. This included in:
a. Promotive service
b. Preventive service
c. Rehabilitative service
d. Curative service
46. One of the rehabilitation strategies by actively involving the community in efforts
to overcome disabilities through rehabilitation, equality of opportunity and social
integration of all disabled persons in aspects of life and livelihood is referred to as
the strategy of:
a. Basic medical rehabilitation services
b. Mobile health center
c. Community-based rehabilitation (Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya
d. Mobile social service unit
47. Community Base Rehabilitation strategy is to encourage the community to be
proactive, the program is:
a. Comprehensive management to prevent impairment, disability and
b. Minimize disability
c. Promotive program to prevent impairment
d. Early detection in community
48. In Community Base Rehabilitation program, the community health
centre/puskesmas is in charge in:
a. Early detection according? to impairment, disability and handicap
b. Giving comprehensive program to prevent impairment, disability and
c. Giving education to community through community base rehabilitation
d. Making referral to subspesialistic service
49. Activities of daily living consist of, except:
a. Bathing
b. Dressing
c. Personal hygiene
d. Social interaction

50. Hari disabilitas?

a. 3 november
b. 4 november
c. 3 desember
d. 4 desember
51. Sesuatu yang punya ciri khusus dan mempunya sign & symptom disebut:
a. Disease
b. Impairment
c. Handicap
d. Disability
52. Jika disease menyebabkan anatomic symptom,maka disebut
a. Impairment
b. Handicap
c. Disability
d. Abnormality
53. Apa yang harus dihindari saat memindahkan pasien?
a. Rubbing them
b. Lifting them
c. Taking off pressure too quickly
54. 2 chart lain yang penting selain turning chart to prevent pressure ulcer
a. Food intake and fluid balance
b. Fluid balance and medication
c. Medication

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