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Vhal, a 3rd year college, is engaged in his biology class wherein they are studying the
organ system’s structure. Which field of biology is he dealing with?
a. Gross Anatomy
b. Systemic Anatomy
c. Surface Anatomy
d. Developmental Anatomy

2. Ana is studying an injury caused by accident. She saw that there is a big cut on the
skin of the victim and wants to provide interventions and care to deeper tissues affected
by injury. Which of the following organ system is greatly affected from the situation?
a. Immune system
b. Musculo-skeleton system
c. Integumentary system
d. Lymphatic system

3. Which system is a major source of heat by allowing us to maintain body

a. Skeletal System
b. Muscular System
c. Endocrine System
d. Integumentary System

4. Which of the following system picks up fluid ‘leaked’ from blood vessels and returns it
to the blood?
a. Cardiovascular system
b. Lymphatic system
c. Digestive system
d. Immune system

5. Of the following, what do you call a decrease in blood sugar that causes the inhibition
of insulin is an example of:
a. Positive feedback
b. Negative feedbackb
c. Abnormal function
d. The action of glucagon

6. Simple squamous epithelium is a ______ term.

a. Tissue
b. Cell
c. Organ
d. Organism

7. The heart lies specifically in the ______ space.

a. Thoracic cavity
b. Mediastinum
c. Abdominal cavity
d. Pleural cavity
8. The navel is located on the ______ surface.
a. Cranial
b. Ventral
c. Dorsal
d. Inferior

9. A _____________ section divides the body into the right and left.
a. Coronal
b. Transverse
c. Sagittal
d. Frontal

10. The lower ribs are below the ______ region

a. Lumbar
b. Epigastric
c. Hypogastric
d. Hypochondriac

11. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. Bone is where most of the blood cells are made
b. Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals
c. Bone is a dry and a living supporting tissue structure
d. Bone protects and supports the body and its organs.

12. The most common degenerative joint disease in elderly is often caused by wear and
tear is?
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Gouty Arthritis
d. All of the above
13. Muscles are made up of:
a. Fat
b. proteins
c. Tendons
d. Aponeurosis

14. When does lactic acid fermentation occur in muscle?

a. If there’s too little oxygen present
b. When there is oxygen present
c. When you feel the burn
d. When ATP is used up

15. After the muscle is done contracting, oxygen is needed to break down lactic acid, and
to restore ATP and creatine phosphate to their “resting levels.” The amount of oxygen
required to accomplish these tasks after their exertion is called?
a. Breath debt
b. Air debt
c. Oxygen cycle
d. Oxygen debt

16. In which part of the respiratory system, gaseous exchange takes place?
a. Alveoli
b. Pharynx
c. Larynx
d. Trachea

17. In annelids, the process of respiration is through _______.

a. Skin
b. Head
c. Nose
d. Lungs

18. Which of the following is not a characteristic commonly associated with Klinefelter’s
a. Undersized penis
b. Inability to produce sperm
c. High sexual motivation
d. Development of breast

19. Which of the following has the highest concentration in the urine?
a. Glucose
b. Sodium
c. Uric acid
d. Phosphate

20. The outermost covering of the kidney is the ______.

a. Cortex
b. Medulla
c. Pelvis
d. Capsule

21. The adrenal medulla secretes ________ under condition of stress.

a. Norepinephrine
b. Epinephrine
c. Both
d. Neither

22. Insulin functions to _______.

a. Promote the storage of nutrients
b. Lower the blood glucose level by stimulating liver, fat and muscle cells to
metabolize glucose
c. Stimulate uptake of glucose by cells
d. All of the above

23. Calcitonin _________________.

a. Regulates the calcium level in blood
b. Is balanced by the action of parathyroid hormone
c. Increases the deposit of calcium in bone
d. All of the above

24. Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food. How can it be prevented?
a. Cooking meat and poultry thoroughly
b. Washing fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking them
c. Storing food properly
d. All of the above

25. What enzyme is used to break down lipids/fats?

a. Protease
b. Chubby chomper
c. Lipase
d. Glutin

26. Which of the following is a blood disorder where haemoglobin is defective?

a. Heterochromia
b. Alopecia
c. Haemolysis
d. Sickle cell anemia

27. These carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs form the right ventricle?
a. Pulmonary artery
b. Pulmonary vein
c. Aorta
d. None of these

28. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that provides for communication between

muscles and nerves. When there is a problem with the interaction between acetylcholine
and the acetylcholine receptor sites on the muscles, which condition(s) can occur?
a. Myasthenia gravis
b. Botulism
c. Multiple sclerosis
d. A and B

29. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter. Which disease or disorder results when

the neurons in the brain that produce dopamine die?
a. Multiple sclerosis
b. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
c. Parkinson disease
d. Seizure disorder
30. Which of the following aids to the control of spread of coronavirus disease 2019
a. mRNA vaccines
c. Wearing devices

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