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YEAR 1 SEMESTER 2 – FIS 201904
DATE : 13 APRIL 2022
TIME : 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
1. Do not open this Question Booklet until you are told to do so.
2. This Question Booklet has ONE (1) section
4. Read the instructions carefully before you attempt any Question.

(This Question Booklet consists of 10 printed pages including the cover.)

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MCQ 40 (Marks)

This part consists of 40 questions.

All the questions in SECTION A are MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) type.
Four options (A, B, C & D) are provided in each question.
You have to choose the CORRECT option.
All questions are COMPULSORY.
Please read the question carefully before attempting any answer.
Each correct answer will be given ONE (1) mark.
There is NO negative marking.
Answer ALL the questions in the answer sheet provided in the following format.

1. What is the main content of fresh milk?

A. Protein
B. Calcium
C. Carbohydrate
D. Vitamin C

Answer: A B C D
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1. The plant cells that responsible for starch and water storage in fruit are
A. Parenchyma cells
B. Collenchyma cells
C. Sclerenchyma cells
D. Meristematic cells

2. Which of the following is NOT part of axial skeleton?

A. Laryngeal skeleton
B. Thoracic cage
C. Scapula
D. Vertebral column

3. Which of the following is NOT the correct function of the stem parts ?
A. Cambium forms new cells
B. Pith stores food
C. Cortex regulates motor function
D. Cork provide protection

 Undifferentiated or incompletely differentiated
 Located at root and shoot tips

Above are the characteristics of :

A. Parenchyma cells
B. Collenchyma cells
C. Sclerenchyma cells
D. Meristematic cells

5. Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood from tissues to lungs.

In what form is this carbon dioxide carried?

A. Carbamino haemoglobin in erythrocytes

B. Carboxy haemoglobin in erythrocytes
C. carbonic acid dissolved in plasma
D. hydrogen carbonate ions in plasma

6. Where does the tricuspid valve prevent backflow of blood?

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A. From the right atrium to the right ventricle

B. From the right ventricle to the right atrium
C. From the left atrium to the left ventricle
D. From the left ventricle to the left atrium


Which one of the curves shows the oxygen dissociation curve for blood at the lowest
temperature and the lowest carbon dioxide concentration?

8. _____________________ cause ovulation and release of eggs from the ovary.

A. Luteinizing hormone (LH)

B. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
C. Estrogen
D. Progesterone

9. The exchange of gases between the blood and tissue cells is called
A. pulmonary ventilation.
B. internal respiration.
C. external respiration.
D. cellular respiration.

10. Parasympathetic nervous system ___________________.

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A. helps to regulate the expenditure

B. fight or flight response
C. also known as slowdown the body activities
D. is triggered during stress, excitement or when the person is in danger.

11. Which of the body systems listed below cooperate to supply oxygen to cells and
eliminate carbon dioxide?

i. Digestive System
ii. Cardiovascular System
iii. Urinary System
iv. Respiratory System
v. Endocrine System

A. III and V
B. II and IV
C. I and II
D. I, II and IV

12. Which of the following hormone is secreted by posterior pituitary gland?

A. Human growth hormone
B. Oxytocin
C. Prolactin
D. Luteinizing hormone (LH)

13. When the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract, which of the following
actions does NOT occur?
A. Air moves into the lung
B. The intrapleural pressure increases
C. The diaphragm moves inferiorly
D. The intrapulmonary pressure decreases

14. The following are heterotrophic organisms, EXCEPT

A. Fungi
B. Horse
C. Green algae
D. Tapeworm

15. Which of the following is the CORRECT function of pyloric sphincter?

A. Prevents large intestine content (bacteria) back up into the small intestine.
B. Controls the amount of bile into the small intestine.
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C. Controls the amount of stomach content into the small intestine.

D. Prevents reflux of stomach content to cause heartburn and ulcers.

16.  Large exocrine gland lying above stomach

 Produces bile that empties into small intestine
 Involved in emulsifying fats

The functions above describes:

A. bile.
B. pancreas.
C. gallbladder .
D. liver.

17. Neutrophils kill the targeted pathogen by producing an anti-bacterial compound called
“X”. This process is called “Y”.

State X and Y.

A. X: superanion oxide ; Y: reductive burst

B. X: superoxide anion” ; Y: oxidative burst
C. X: superoxide anion ; Y: reductive burst
D. X: superanion oxide ; Y: oxidative burst

18. Which of the following is NOT the correct description of innate immunity?
A. Invariant and generalized
B. Early response and limited specificity
C. Highly specific and variable
D. First line of defense

19. Which of the following is the CORRECT description of photosynthesis

A. Catabolic process
B. Can occurs in both light and dark
C. Chemical energy is stored
D. Energy is liberated in the form of ATP

20. This gas causes the plant cells to chemically relax and begin breaking down faster,
hence, the effect of ripening become quicker. The statement refer to:
A. Ethylene
B. Methane
C. Ester
D. Sulfur dioxide
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21. The hormone which is distributed in blood and binds to distant target cells is known as
A. Paracrine.
B. Autocrine.
C. Endocrine.
D. Exocrine.

22. Neuron transmission to a muscle or gland cell is stimulated by releasing chemicals

A. Endocrine
B. Neurotransmitter
C. Superanion oxide
D. Neutrophiles

23. A system in which a change in one direction results in a compensating change in the
other direction is a _________ system.

A. control
B. intrinsic
C. positive feedback
D. negative feedback

24. Choose the CORRECT pathway of stimulus-response for reflex action

A. stimulusreceptorsensory neuronrelay neuronmotor
B. stimuluseffectormotor neuronrelay neuronsensory
C. stimulusreceptorsensory neuronmotor neuroneffectorresponse
D. Stimuluseffectormotor neuronCNSsensory neuronreceptorresponse

25. The contraction of the heart is coordinated through electrical impulses passing through
cardiac muscle.
Which of the following is CORRECT order of part of the sequence of these impulses?
A. right and left atria sinoatrial nodeatrioventricular nodeventricular walls
B. sinoatrial node  right and left atria  atrioventricular node  purkyne tissue
C. sinoatrial node  right and left atria  purkyne tissue atrioventricular node
D. sinoatrial node  right and left atria  purkyne tissue ventricular walls
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26. • Star-shaped, abundant, and versatile

• Guide the migration of developing neurons
• Act as K+ and NT buffers

The statement above refers to

A. microglia.
B. ependymal cells.
C. oligodendroctes.
D. astrocytes.

27. Hyphae of a fungi is divided into many cells called

A. filaments
B. flagella
C. spores
D. septa

28. Which type of tissue changes the diameter of a blood vessel?

A. Muscle tissue
B. Nervous tissue
C. Epithelial tissue
D. Connective tissue

29. Without __________ there is no adaptive immune response.

A. plasma cells
B. T lymphocytes
C. antibodies
D. natural killer

30. All of the following are functions of interferons, EXCEPT that

A. they only occur naturally

B. they interfere with viral replication in affected cells
C. they are not virus-specific
D. they mobilize natural killer cells
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31. Which of the following is NOT an innate defense mechanism of the body?
A. Skin
B. Fever
C. B lymphocytes
D. Inflammation

32. Saliva and lacrimal fluids contain this enzyme that destroys bacteria. The enzyme is

A. Trypsin
B. Amylase
C. Lysozyme
D. Pepsin

33. A "nonself" substance that can provoke an immune response is called

A. interferon
B. immunoglobulin
C. antigen
D. antibody

34. Chemical digestion in the stomach begins with the actions of ____________ and an
enzyme called pepsin.

A. lechitin
B. hydrochloric acid
C. sodium bicarbonate
D. amylase

35. The Gram stain attaches to peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell wall.
Which of the follwing is TRUE?

A. In Gram-positive bacteria, the peptidoglycan layer is protected by an outer

B. In Gram-negative bacteria, the peptidoglycan layer is protected by an inner
C. In Gram-positive bacteria, the peptidoglycan layer is protected by an inner
D. In Gram-negative bacteria, the peptidoglycan layer is protected by an outer
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36. The immune system which is variable, highly specific and ‘‘remembers’’ infection is
known as

A. passive immune system.

B. memory immune system.
C. adaptive immune system.
D. innate immune system.

37. Which of the following is TRUE about lymph nodes?

A. Glandular organ near the heart where T cells undergo maturation by clonal
B. A blood-producing tissue located inside certain bones
C. Filter out dead cells, antigens to present to lymphocytes
D. Small organs filter and removes old and damaged red blood cells

38. Function of ducts in male reproductive system is

A. produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone
B. secrete most of the liquid portion of semen
C. transport, store and assist in maturation of sperm
D. passageway for ejaculation of semen and excretion of urine

39. Below is the function of sertoli cells EXCEPT?

A. nourish spermatocytes, spermatids and sperm

B. phagocytize excess spermatid cytoplasm as development proceeds
C. transports oocyte, sperm and embryo
D. control movements of spermatogenic cells

40. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Estrogen is secreted from the the corpus luteum

B. Progesterone is secreted from ovarian follicle
C. Fertilisation is fusion of four daughter nuclei to form a diploid zygote
D. Leydig cells secrete testosterone


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