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To whom should business be most responsible - to their

employees, their customers or their shareholders?
(Doanh nghiệp nên có trách nhiệm nhất với ai - với nhân viên, khách
hàng hay cổ đông của họ?)

Businesses should be responsible for both their employees, customers

and shareholders.
-They must facilitate customers with the best goods and services.
Therefore, they trust and purchase or use their service. And this
creates profits for businesses. Top purpose of business.
-Employees constitute business.
-Businesses thrive only when employees work hard, unite.

2. Multi-level marketing is a legitimate business model?

(Marketing đa cấp là mô hình kinh doanh hợp pháp?)

-Multi-level marketing is a form of direct selling to consumers

through a network of multi-tier, multi-branch distributors. These
distributors are paid commissions / income from their own sales results
and sales results from their sponsors.
-Multi-level business is completely legal:
+Multi-level business is a new form of product distribution,
instead of the traditional forms of product distribution through
agents and retail stores.
+Meanwhile, the manufacturer not only saves a lot of costs from
advertising, promotion, transporting goods, etc., but also consumers
share the quality of their products and services to many others in the
+Multi-level business people do not need to spend too much
capital; earn an extra income, commissions are not small; especially
not time-bound, meaning that participants can work part-time and still
complete their work.
-> Therefore, multi-level business is extremely legal, attracting
quite a large number of participants, relatively high turnover.
-However, today sales activities in this form are in the direction of
misleading, disguised, even deceiving consumers. This situation makes
multi-level sales activities continuously decline in both quantity and
quality (the number of enterprises participating in multi-level sales
decreases and revenue also decreases significantly)

3. Companies should be forced to provide healthcare to part time

(Các công ty nên bị buộc phải cung cấp chăm sóc sức khỏe cho nhân
viên bán thời gian?)

YES, I think companies should be forced to provide healthcare to

part time employees. Because:
-For some jobs, part-time employees have to work very hard,
affecting their health directly, for example:
+The work of carrying out goods affects their spinal health.
+Or sales marketing (sales consulting, sampling, etc.) directly
affects their tendons.
+Office workers due to contact with computers a lot, long sitting
often suffer from diseases: spine, blood fat, eyes, diabetes …
-There are businesses that only think about profits without caring
about the health of part-time employees. That is unfair to part-time
employees. Because they make a profit for the business but they lose
their health. It will be fair if companies provide healthcare to part
time employees.
-Part-time work is a form of labor so it is necessary to enjoy the
benefits of workers.

4. Non - financial incentives are better motivators than financial

(Ưu đãi phi tài chính là động lực tốt hơn khuyến khích tài chính?)

5. "10% of conflicts are due to difference in opinions. 90% are due

to wrong tone of voice."
("10% xung đột là do sự khác biệt về ý kiến. 90% là do giọng đi ệu sai.")

I think this statement is true.

-What is a wrong tone of voice? According me, the wrong tone is when
we speak loudly, shouting at others. We don't know how to listen to the

et cetera

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