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individualism UK[ˌɪn.dɪˈvɪdʒ.u.ə.lɪ.zəm] US[ˌɪn.dəˈvɪdʒ.u.ə.lɪ.zəm] noun [
U ]if people are from an individualistic society, they will see themselves as
single independent actors/ the idea that freedom of thought and action for each
person is the most important quality of a society, rather than shared effort and
responsibility noun [ U ]the idea that freedom of thought and action for each
person is the most important quality of a society, rather than shared effort and
responsibilitynoun [ U ]the quality of being different or original Chủ nghĩa cá
nhân[,indi'vidjuəlizm]danh từ
high uncertainty avoidance In high uncertainty avoidance cultures, people
prefer to have everything presented in detail so there will be few, if any
surprises. Uncertainty avoidance is one of five key qualities or dimensions
measured by the researchers who developed the Hofstede model of cultural
dimensions. Mức độ phòng
tránh rủi ro cao
low power distance In cultures where power distance is low, people tend
to expect that those in power have earned it. They also expect power relations to
be more democratic than those in a high power distance society. The concept
of power distance is important in understanding cultural differences in
organizations. khoảng
cách quyền lực nhỏ
low masculinity UK[ˌmæs.kjəˈlɪn.ə.ti] US[ˌmæs.kjəˈlɪn.ə.t̬i] In cultures with a
low masculinity dimension, men also share the values connected with women
(kindness, building relationships, and reaching agreements through communication)
and there is more equality between men and women Tính nam
thấp[,mæskju'liniti]danh từ tính chất đực; tính chất đàn ông
long-term orientation Long-term planning, saving and hard work are valued
in cultures with long-term orientation. Investing in education is a
manifestation of long-term orientation.
định hướng dài hạn
short-term orientation Living for the moment is more important in those with
short-term orientation.
định hướng ngắn hạn
hierarchy UK[ˈhaɪə.rɑː.ki] US[ˈhaɪ.rɑː] noun [ C ]a system in which people
or things are arranged according to their importanceSome monkeys have a very
complex social hierarchy.He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become
party leader. noun [ C ]a system in which people or things are arranged
according to their importanceSome monkeys have a very complex social hierarchy.He
rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.noun [ C ]the
people in the upper levels of an organization who control it
`1`hierarchy`4`['haiərɑ:ki]danh từ hệ thống cấp bậc; thứ bậc, tôn ti (trong
giới tu hành công giáo, trong chính quyền, trong các tổ chức...) thiên thần, các
thiên thần
democratic UK[ˌdem.əˈkræt.ɪk] US[ˌdem.əˈkræt̬.ɪk] adjectivebased on the
principles of democracyWe must accept the results of a democratic election (= an
election in which all people can vote).Do you think Australia is a more democratic
country than Britain? adjectivebased on the principles of democracyWe must accept
the results of a democratic election (= an election in which all people can
vote).Do you think Australia is a more democratic country than Britain?
`1`democratic`4`[,demə'krætik]tính từ dân chủ Democratic party (từ Mỹ,nghĩa
Mỹ) Đảng Dân Chủ democratic regime chế độ dân chủ
assertiveness UK[əˈsɜː.tɪv.nəs] US[əˈsɝː.t̬ɪv.nəs] noun [ U ]the quality of
being confident and not frightened to say what you want or believeHe spoke with
confidence and assertiveness.As the first woman to head the institute, she quickly
gained a reputation for assertiveness. noun [ U ]the quality of being confident
and not frightened to say what you want or believeHe spoke with confidence and
assertiveness.As the first woman to head the institute, she quickly gained a
reputation for assertiveness.
`1`assertiveness`4`[ə'sə:tivnis]danh từ sự khẳng định, sự quả quyết, sự
quyết đoán
spectrum UK[ˈspek.trəm] US[ˈspek.trəm] noun [ C ]a range of different
positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme pointsHe has support from across the
whole political spectrum.The group includes students from both ends of the social
spectrum (= range of social classes). noun [ C ]the set of colours into which a
beam of light can be separated, or a range of waves, such as light waves or radio
wavesThe colours of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
violet - can be seen in a rainbow.noun [ C ]a range of different positions,
opinions, etc. between two extreme pointsHe has support from across the whole
political spectrum.The group includes students from both ends of the social
spectrum (= range of social classes).
`1`spectrum`4`['spektrəm]danh từ, số nhiều spectra,
spectrums hình ảnh (vật lý) phổ, quang phổ solar spectrum quang phổ mặt trời
prismatic spectrum quang phổ lăng kính loạt những dải âm thanh tương tự quang phổ
một dãy đầy đủ, một chuỗi rộng covering the whole spectrum of ability bao quát toàn
bộ phạm vi năng lực sự phân bố theo độ lớn, sự phân bố theo tính chất
analytical UK[ˌæn.əˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl] US[ˌæn.əˈlɪt̬.ɪ.kəl] adjectiveexamining or liking
to examine things very carefullyHe has a very analytical mind.Some students have a
more analytical approach to learning. adjectiveexamining or liking to examine
things very carefullyHe has a very analytical mind.Some students have a more
analytical approach to learning. -> analysis (n)
`1`analytical`4`[,ænə'litikəl] Cách viết khác: analytic[,ænə'litik] (thuộc)
phân tích
avoidable UK[əˈvɔɪ.də.bəl] US[əˈvɔɪ.də.bəl] adjectivepossible to avoidA number
of illnesses are entirely avoidable.In spite of these latest threats, war may still
be avoidable. adjectivepossible to avoidA number of illnesses are entirely
avoidable.In spite of these latest threats, war may still be avoidable.
`1`avoidable`4`[ə'vɔidəbl]tính từ có thể tránh được
dress code UK[ˈdres ˌkəʊd] US[ˈdres ˌkoʊd] noun [ C usually singular ]an
accepted way of dressing for a particular occasion or in a particular social
groupMost evenings there's a party and the dress code is strict - black tie only.
noun [ C usually singular ]an accepted way of dressing for a particular
occasion or in a particular social groupMost evenings there's a party and the dress
code is strict - black tie only.noun [ C usually singular ]a set of rules for what
you can wearMy school had a very strict dress code.
punctuality UK[ˌpʌnk.tʃuˈæl.ə.ti] US[ˌpʌnk.tʃuˈæl.ə.t̬i] noun [ U ]the fact of
arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected or correct time and not
latepunctuality has never been his strong point.As chair of the committee, she
insisted on punctuality. noun [ U ]the fact of arriving, doing something, or
happening at the expected or correct time and not latepunctuality has never been
his strong point.As chair of the committee, she insisted on punctuality.
`1`punctuality`4`[,pʌηkt∫u'æləti]danh từ tính đúng giờ (không chậm trễ)
colleague UK[ˈkɒl.iːɡ] US[ˈkɑː.liːɡ] noun [ C ]one of a group of people who
work togetherWe're entertaining some colleagues of Carol's tonight. noun
[ C ]one of a group of people who work togetherWe're entertaining some colleagues
of Carol's tonight.
`1`colleague`4`[kɔ'li:g]danh từ bạn đồng nghiệp, bạn đồng sự
diplomatically UK[ˌdɪp.ləˈmæt.ɪ.kəl.i] US[ˌdɪp.ləˈmæt̬.ɪ.kəl.i] "adverbin a
way that does not cause offence""I liked all of the competition entries,"" she said
diplomatically.He had to choose his words diplomatically." "adverbin a way that
involves diplomats or the management of the relationships between countriesThe
government has demonstrated its commitment to end the crisis diplomatically.They
are making an effort to isolate the island diplomatically.adverbin a way that does
not cause offence""I liked all of the competition entries,"" she said
diplomatically.He had to choose his words diplomatically."
`1`diplomatically`4`[,diplə'mætikəli]phó từ Khôn khéo
junior UK[ˈdʒuː.ni.ər] US[ˈdʒuː.njɚ] adjectivelow or lower in rankI
object to being told what to do by someone junior to me.a junior doctor/partner
adjectivelow or lower in rankI object to being told what to do by someone
junior to me.a junior doctor/partneradjectiveconnected with or involving young
people below a particular agejunior orchestrajunior members are not permitted to
compete.adjectiveused after a man's name to refer to the younger of two men in the
same family who have the same nameSammy Davis, Jr. junior employee
`1`junior`4`['dʒu:njə]tính từ (junior to somebody) thấp hơn ai về địa vị hoặc
cấp bậc A junior clerk in an office một thư ký cấp dưới trong văn phòng A junior
colleague một đồng nghiệp cấp dưới He's several years junior to Mrs Cooper Nó kém
bà Cooper mấy tuổi (viết tắt) Jnr, Jr, Jun (dùng sau một tên người để chỉ một người
con trai cùng tên với bố anh ta hoặc người trẻ tuổi hơn trong hai người trùng tên
với nhau trong trường học.....) John Brown Junior Giôn Brao con thuộc hoặc dành cho
trẻ em tuổi từ 7 đến 11 Junior school trường phổ thông cấp 1 junior college trường
đào tạo hai năm đầu của một chương trình đại học bốn năm; trường cao đẳng junior
high school trường trung học dạy các lớp 6, 7, 8 và 9danh từ người ít tuổi hơn he
is three years my junior; he is my junior by three years anh ấy kém tôi ba tuổi
người ít thâm niên hơn; người có cấp bậc thấp; người cấp dưới trẻ em đi học ở
trường dành cho trẻ từ 7 đến 11 tuổi (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sinh viên năm thứ ba của một
khoá học bốn năm tại trường cao đẳng hoặc đại học cách nói với con trai trong gia
đình Come here, junior! Lại đây, con!
senior UK[ˈsiː.ni.ər] US[ˈsiː.njɚ] adjectivehigh or higher in ranksenior
managementa senior government minister adjectivehigh or higher in ranksenior
managementa senior government ministeradjectiveolder and more experienced than the
other members of a teamThe Dragons head coach praised his senior players in the 23-
16 win.adjectiveolderThe more senior students are given some extra
responsibilities.adjectiveused after a man's name to refer to the older of two
people in the same family who have the same nameHello, may I speak to Ken Griffey
senior, please?
`1`senior`4`['si:niə]tính từ (senior to somebody) nhiều tuổi hơn; cao hơn về
cấp bậc hoặc chức quyền...; lâu năm hơn, thâm niên hơn he is ten years senior to me
anh ấy lớn hơn tôi mười tuổi the senior members of the family những người lớn tuổi
trong gia đình there are separate rooms for senior and junior officers có phòng
riêng biệt cho sĩ quan cấp cao và sĩ quan cấp thấp he's the senior partner in the
firm ông ấy là cổ đông nhiều vốn nhất trong công ty the senior clerk người trưởng
phòng she's senior to me, because she joined the firm before me cô ấy thâm niên hơn
tôi, vì cô ấy vào làm công ty trước tôi (viết tắt) Sen (đặt ngay sau tên ai) bố; là
bố của người có cùng tên John Brown Senior John Brown bố senior high school trường
trung học dạy các lớp 10, 11 và 12danh từ người lớn tuổi hơn he is my senior by two
years/two years my senior anh ấy hơn tôi hai tuổi người thâm niên, người chức cao
hơn thành viên của một trường trung học phổ thông a football match between the
juniors and the seniors trận đấu bóng đá giữa đội trường trung học cơ sở và đội
trường trung học phổ thông (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sinh viên năm cuối của trường trung học
hoặc cao đẳng (trước khi tốt nghiệp) her senior year at college năm cuối của cô ta
ở trường cao đẳng
representative UK[ˌrep.rɪˈzen.tə.tɪv] US[ˌrep.rɪˈzen.t̬ə.t̬ɪv] noun [ C ]someone
who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of peopleThe
firm has representatives in every major city. noun [ C ]someone who speaks or
does something officially for another person or group of peopleThe firm has
representatives in every major city.Representativesomeone who has been elected to
the US House of representatives
`1`representative`4`[,repri'zentətiv]tính từ (representative of
something / somebody) đại diện cho một giai cấp hoặc một nhóm Is a questionnaire
answered by 500 people truly representative of national opinion? Một bảng câu hỏi
được 500 người trả lời đã đủ để thực sự đại diện cho ý kiến của một dân tộc hay
chưa? miêu tả; thể hiện manuscripts representative of monastic life những sách
viết tay miêu tả cuộc đời tu hành tiêu biểu; điển hình a meeting of representative
men cuộc họp của những người tiêu biểu a representative collection of stamps bộ sưu
tập tem tiêu biểu (chính trị) bao gồm những người đại diện được bầu ra; dựa vào sự
đại diện của những người như vậy; đại nghị representative government chính thể đại
nghị representative elections, institutions các cuộc bầu cử, thể chế đại nghị
(toán học) biểu diễn representative system hệ biểu diễn danh từ mẫu đại diện cho
một tầng lớp hoặc một nhóm many representatives of the older generation were there
nhiều vị đại diện cho thế hệ già đã có mặt ở đó người đại lý của một hãng (nhất là
người bán hàng lưu động) (như) rep to act as sole representatives of XYZ Oil làm
người đại diện duy nhất của hãng dầu lửa XYZ người đại biểu, người đại diện the
Queen's representative at the ceremony người đại diện của Nữ Hoàng tại buổi lễ our
representative in the House of Commons đại diện của chúng ta trong Hạ nghị viện
overshadow UK[ˌəʊ.vəˈʃæd.əʊ] US[ˌoʊ.vɚˈʃæd.oʊ] verb [ T often passive ]to
cause someone or something to seem less important or less happyKaren has always
felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.My happiness was overshadowed by the
bad news. verb [ T often passive ]to cause someone or something to seem less
important or less happyKaren has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder
sister.My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news.verb [ T often passive ](of a
building) to be much taller than another building and therefore block the sun from
itGrand Central Station in New York is overshadowed by the PanAm building.
`1`overshadow`4`[,ouvə'∫ædou]ngoại động từ che bóng, che mát; làm mờ làm cho
lu mờ làm cho (cái gì) bị bất hạnh làm đen tối (nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng) (từ
hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) bảo vệ, che chở (ai, khỏi bị tấn công)
relocation UK[ˌriː.ləʊˈkeɪ.ʃən] US[ˌriː.loʊˈkeɪ.ʃən] noun [ U or C ]the act
of moving or moving something or someone from one place to another, or an example
of thisWe are likely to see the temporary relocation of some of our staff.The
relocation of the memorial from the centre of Tallinn to a military cemetery on the
city's outskirts provoked riots. noun [ U or C ]the act of moving or moving
something or someone from one place to another, or an example of thisWe are likely
to see the temporary relocation of some of our staff.The relocation of the memorial
from the centre of Tallinn to a military cemetery on the city's outskirts provoked
`1`relocation`4`[,ri:lou'kei∫n]danh từ sự di chuyển tới; sự xây dựng lại the
relocation of industry việc bố trí lại ngành công nghiệp
health insurance (coverage) UK[ˈhelθ ɪnˌʃɔː.rəns] US[ˈhelθ ɪnˌʃɔːr.əns] noun [
U ]an arrangement in which you make regular payments to an insurance company in
exchange for that company paying most or all of the costs of your medical care
noun [ U ]an arrangement in which you make regular payments to an insurance
company in exchange for that company paying most or all of the costs of your
medical care
`1`health insurance`4`['helθin'∫uərəns]danh từ sự bảo hiểm sức khoẻ (khi ốm)
expatriate UK[ekˈspæt.ri.ət] US[ekˈspeɪ.tri.ət] noun [ C ]someone who does
not live in their own countryA large community of expatriates has settled there.
noun [ C ]someone who does not live in their own countryA large community of
expatriates has settled there. Expatriate financial package
`1`expatriate`4`[eks'pætriət]danh từ người sống bên ngoài nước mình American
expatriates in Paris những người Mỹ xa xứ sống ở Pari tính từ expatriate Englishmen
in Spain những người Anh xa xứ sống ở Tây Ban Nha ngoại động từ đày biệt xứ
expatriated on suspicion of spying for the enemy bị đày biệt xứ vì bị nghi ngờ làm
gián điệp cho địch
repatriation UK[ˌriː.pæt.riˈeɪ.ʃən] US[rɪˌpeɪ.triˈeɪ.ʃən] noun [ U ]the act
of sending or bringing someone, or sometimes money or other property, back to the
country that he, she, or it came fromrepatriation of refugees is essential to
rebuilding the country.Foreign investors face no limits on repatriation of profits.
noun [ U ]the act of sending or bringing someone, or sometimes money or other
property, back to the country that he, she, or it came fromrepatriation of refugees
is essential to rebuilding the country.Foreign investors face no limits on
repatriation of profits. Repatriation programs/problems
`1`repatriation`4`['ri:pætri'ei∫n]danh từ sự hồi hương, sự trở về nước
repatriate UK[ˌriːˈpæt.ri.eɪt] US[ˌriːˈpeɪ.tri.eɪt] verb [ T ]to send or bring
someone, or sometimes money or other property, back to the country that he, she, or
it came fromThe government repatriated him because he had no visa. verb [ T ]to
send or bring someone, or sometimes money or other property, back to the country
that he, she, or it came fromThe government repatriated him because he had no visa.
Repatriated people
`1`repatriate`4`[ri:'pætrieit]ngoại động từ cho hồi hương, cho trở về nước to
repatriate war refugees to their homeland cho hồi hương những người tị nạn chiến
tranh nội động từ hồi hương, trở về nướcdanh từ người hồi hương
subsidiary UK[səbˈsɪd.i.ə.ri] US[səbˈsɪ] noun [ C ]a company that is
owned by a larger company noun [ C ]a company that is owned by a larger company
`1`subsidiary`4`[səb'sidiəri]tính từ (subsidiary to something) gắn với cái gì
khác, nhưng lại ít quan trọng so với cái đó; phụ thuộc; phụ; phụ trợ a subsidiary
stream flowing into the main river một dòng suối phụ đổ vào sông chính the
dissolution of a joint-venture company is subsidiary to many factors việc giải thể
một công ty liên doanh phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố (nói về một doanh nghiệp) do một
công ty khác kiểm soát subsidiary company công ty mà hơn phân nửa vốn của nó thuộc
quyền sở hữu của một công ty khác; công ty con danh từ công ty mà hơn phân nửa vốn
của nó thuộc quyền sở hữu của một công ty khác; công ty con
meet up UK[miːt] US[miːt] to meet another person in order to do something
togetherThey suggested we meet up at Mustafa's. to meet another person in order to
do something togetherThey suggested we meet up at Mustafa's.If roads or paths meet
up, they join at a particular place.
gặp mặt
reception UK[rɪˈsep.ʃən] US[rɪˈsep.ʃən] nouna formal party at which
important people are welcomedThe president gave a reception for the visiting heads
of state. nouna formal party at which important people are welcomedThe president
gave a reception for the visiting heads of state.nounthe way in which people react
to something or someoneHer first book got a wonderful/warm/frosty reception from
the critics.nounthe act of welcoming someone or somethingThe new hospital was ready
for the reception of its first patients.nounthe place in a hotel or office building
where people go when they first arriveAsk for me at reception.I signed in at the
reception desk.nounthe degree to which mobile phone, radio, or television signals
are strong and clearThe phone reception is really bad out here in the woods.We live
on top of a hill and so we get excellent radio reception.nounthe first year of
infant schoola reception class/teacher Evening reception of a business
`1`reception`4`[ri'sep∫n]danh từ sự nhận, sự thu nhận, sự lĩnh sự tiếp nhận,
sự kết nạp (vào một tổ chức nào...) to be honoured by reception into the Academy
được vinh dự tiếp nhận vào viện hàn lâm sự đón tiếp to give someone a warm
reception tiếp đón ai niềm nở the play met with a warm reception vở kịch được
nhiệt liệt hoan nghênh sự tiếp nhận; tiệc chiêu đãi to give a reception tổ chức
chiêu đãi (kỹ thuật), (rađiô) sự thu; phép thu shortdistance reception sự thu tầm
gần sự tiếp thu (tư tưởng...) to have a great faculty of reception có khả năng tiếp
thu lớn
collectivism UK[kəˈlek.tɪ.vɪ.zəm] US[-tə-] noun [ U ]if people are from
an collectivist society, they will see themselves as a group member at a deep
level/ a theory or political system based on the principle that all of the farms,
factories, and other places of work in a country should be owned by or for all the
people in that country noun [ U ]a theory or political system based on the
principle that all of the farms, factories, and other places of work in a country
should be owned by or for all the people in that country Chủ nghĩa tập thể
low uncertainty avoidance In cultures where uncertainty avoidance is low,
people are more relaxed about the unknown and are not worried when they don't have
all the details.
Mức độ phòng tránh rủi ro thấp
high power distance Hierarchy. Power is concentrated on a small number of
people at the top who make most of the decisions, and there is less expectation of
movement between classes or levels In cultures with high power distance,
people tend to accept and respect authority without questioning it. khoảng cách quyền lực
high masculinity Cultures with a high masculinity dimension have more values
connected with men: competition, assertiveness, and looking out for Number one Tính nam cao
corporate culture noun [ C or U ]Organizational climate or set of values that
guides or colors the atmosphere within a companyBecause of differences in corporate
culture, the merger between the two companies proved disastrous.It was an
innovative company, which rejected the traditional ideas of what a corporate
culture should be like. noun [ C or U ]the beliefs and ideas that a company has and
the way in which they affect how it does business and how its employees
behave:Because of differences in corporate culture, the merger between the two
companies proved disastrous.It was an innovative company, which rejected the
traditional ideas of what a corporate culture should be like.
culture?q=Corporate+culture văn hóa doanh nghiệp
corporate identify
q=Corporate+identify bản sắc doanh nghiệp, hay nói cách
khác đó chính là hệ thống nhận diện thương hiệu công ty hoặc một tổ chức
MNC = multinational corporation/company = multinational enterprises (MNE) an
organization that has assets or facilities in multiple countries. A corporation
that operates in multiple countries but may adapt its products and services to each
local market. (Coca-Cola) apple is a well-known multinational
AEB4gMEGAAgQYgGAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp công ty đa quốc
multinational teams organisational teams consisting of three or more
individuals from two or more different countries, who are provided with tools and
procedures to address certain sets of organisational tasks over a longer period of
parent company UK[ˌpeə.rənt ˈkʌm.pə.ni] US[ˌper.ənt ˈkʌm.pə.ni] noun [ C ]a
company that controls other smaller companies noun [ C ]a company that controls
other smaller companies A parent company is a single company that has a controlling
interest in another company or companies. công
ty mẹ
relocation package noun [ C ]money that is paid by a company to its
employees in order to help them with the costs of moving to a different place to
work:Further details of the relocation package will be made available later in the
week.a generous relocation package noun [ C ]money that is paid by a company to
its employees in order to help them with the costs of moving to a different place
to work:Further details of the relocation package will be made available later in
the week.a generous relocation package
gói hỗ trợ chuyển đổi địa chỉ công tác [thường là khác thành
phố/tỉnh/quốc gia hiện tại])/ gói phân bổ, sắp xếp
severance package noun [ C ]the pay and other advantages that an employee
receives when their employment is ended by the management:The company is offering
voluntary severance packages. noun [ C ]the pay and other advantages that an
employee receives when their employment is ended by the management:The company is
offering voluntary severance packages.
conditions gói bồi thường nghỉ việc [thường là do chấm dứt
hợp đồng trước hạn]/ trợ cấp thôi việc
repatriation package gói hồi hương
expatriate package expat package expatriate compensation package expatriate
financial package consist of rewards and benefits for employees who move to
another country to work
q=expatriate+package gói chuyên gia
business conference a gathering of many people to meet and discuss a
particular subject. While this may seem like a pretty straightforward concept, a
business conference can be many different things depending on the context. There
are various types of conferences and reasons for hosting. The company is
organizing/holding a business conference to discuss the new marketing strategy.
hội thảo doanh nghiệp/ hội thảo kinh doanh?
business meeting [ˈbɪznəs ˈmiːtɪŋ] A business meeting is a gathering of
professionals who come together to discuss operations, address changes or celebrate
the success of an organization. Some groups who might meet together include company
executives and employees, company representatives and clients or department leaders
and their teams. The CEO called for a business meeting to discuss the
company's future plans.
business contacts - any of the company's clients, customers, suppliers, joint
venture partners and investors. - a list that includes all the users, agents, and
co-workers on your office phone system. 商务往来

workplace culture policy A workplace culture policy is a set

of guidelines and expectations for behavior and interactions within a company.
chính sách văn hóa nơi làm việc
business card UK[ˈbɪz.nɪs ˌkɑːd] US[ˈbɪz.nɪs ˌkɑːrd] noun [ C ]a small card
that has your name, company name, and the job you do printed on it noun [ C ]a
small card that has your name, company name, and the job you do printed on it
We exchanged business cards.
q=business+cards `1`business card`4`['bizniskɑ:d]danh từ
tấm thiếp nhỏ có in tên và các chi tiết về việc làm và cơ quan của người chủ tấm
thiếp; danh thiếp
local culture the set of behaviours, beliefs and customs that exist in a
country—everything from how people eat and dress to the way they work and
communicate. For entrepreneurs, planning to do business in other
countries, researching the local culture and adapting their business and management
practices accordingly is essential.
guides/glossary/local-culture văn hóa địa phương
host country noun [ C ]a country where a company that is based in
another country has business activities:When production costs are raised in the
host country, the company can easily move its activities to another country. noun [
C ]a country where a company that is based in another country has business
activities:When production costs are raised in the host country, the company can
easily move its activities to another country.noun [ C ]a country that provides
services, buildings, etc. for an event:To mark the meeting, the host country also
organised a festival of arts. Within a week his host country had supplied him with
international business nouna large company that sells goods or services in
different countries (but has facilities only in its home country) (without
necessarily adapting its products or services to each local market.)In the space of
six years, she has transformed a small start-up into an international business with
thousands of employees. nouna large company that sells goods or services in
different countries:In the space of six years, she has transformed a small start-up
into an international business with thousands of employees.nounthe activity of
trading goods and services between countries:English is the language of
international business.the international business community
công ty quốc tế
global corporation/company noun [ C ]an organization that operates as if
the entire world is a single market and seeks to standardize its products and
services globally (sell the same product with their characteristic image). ->
UnileverThe headquarters of the global corporation are based in Canada. noun [
C ]a large company that operates in many different countries:The headquarters of
the global corporation are based in Canada. 1.A multinational corporation, or
MNC, is a company which produces goods and services and has offices in several
other countries while a global corporation or company is a company which also has
trade relations with several other countries.
between-mnc-and-global-company/ công ty toàn cầu
home country the country a person comes from
gBugYGCAIQARgKugYGCAMQARgU&sclient=gws-wiz-serp bản quốc,
nước quốc tịch, nước sở tại

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