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A young boy was strolling in the One morning the boy went

The seed felt safe tucked in the

park and sat down on the to visit the seed.
soft moist dirt.
bench. When he looked into the
“I will not wither away now. I will
He quickly noticed the seed and pot his eyes widened with
live and grow strong!”
placed it in his hand. surprise.
The young boy returned every
“This is not a good spot for “A green shoot has come
day to water the seed.
you” said the boy. up!” shouted the boy.
He watched and waited patiently
“You will not grow here.” He gently touched it and
for it to grow.
admired the proud green
The young boy kept the seed in sprout.
his hand and traveled home. “You are beautiful!” he
When he arrived he knew what smiled.
he wanted to do. “I will take care of you so
“I will plant you in a very you can grow to be very big
special place,” he said. one day.”
The young boy got a pot. The seed liked hearing
He placed the seed in the soil those words.
and gently patted it down.
He gave the seed some water
and put it in the sun.

It was a windy day.

A seed from an oak tree
drifted softly in the air. It wanted to be big, with strong
It landed on a park bench. branches to reach high up in the
The wind stopped blowing sky!
and the seed sat very still. The little seed could feel the sun
“This is not a good place on its new green leaf.
for me” said the seed. It tried stretching as tall as it
“I will wither away if I stay could towards it.
here.” “Tomorrow I will reach even
higher,” thought the seed.
“I will grow to be magnificent Oak
And one day… I will give back to

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