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LEARNER’S NAME: ___________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 1

1. What can living things do? a) They are born, they jump and all of them sing songs
b) They are born, they grow and they reproduce c) They do nothing
2. The environment is our _____________. a) ground b) surroundings c) garage
3. When exploring our environment, we make good use of our ________.
a) feet b) hands c) stomach
4. ________ is the basic need of our life. a) Water b) Rocks c) Stones
5. Water can be gotten from _________. a) buckets b) rivers c) sinks
6. Which of the following cannot be found in the school environment?
a) Board b) Bedroom c) Desk
7. Which of the following cannot be found within Forham’s environment?
a) Church b) Shops c) Bank
8. Which of the following is a characteristic of non-living things? a) breathe b) move
c) not grow
9. An example of a living thing is _______. a) man b)chair c) car
10. _______ is not a source of colour. a) leaves b) soil c) Gas
Use the image below to answer questions 11 – 15
Circle the living things.

16. Primary colour wheel consists of _____ colours. a) 4 b) 2 c) 3

17. Secondary colour wheel consists of _____ colours. a) 5 b) 4 c) 3
18. Which of the following is a primary colour? a) Green b) Orange c) Red
19. Which object in the sky is a primary colour? a) clouds b) sun c) stars
20. Leaves are ________ colour. a) primary b) tertiary c) secondary
Use the image below to answer questions 21 – 25
Circle the non-living things.

For questions 26-30, colour the wheels below.

Primary Colour Wheel Secondary Colour Wheel

LEARNER’S NAME: ___________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 2

1. Which of the senses will we use to describe that the kitten is white and brown?
a) Sense of sight b) Sense of hearing c) Sense of touch
2. Which of the senses will we use to describe that the body of the kitten is warm?
a) Sightb) Touch c) Hearing
3. Some traffic lights give off a beeping sound when the ‘green man’ lights up. The beeping
sound is useful to people who have lost their sense of ______. a) hearing b) smell
c) sight
4. Which of the following can be bent using our hands only?
a. Wooden table b) Plastic bag c) Metal box
5. Which of the following materials can absorb water? a) Sponge b) Glass c) Rubber
6. Plants need the following to grow except ______. a) wind b) sunlight c) stone
7. The main parts of a plant are seeds, leaves, flowers, stem and ________.
a) soil b) roots c) seedling
8. A plant starts its life as a ______. a) root b) stem c) seed
9. Which animal group drinks its mother’s milk? A0 Reptiles b) Birds c) mammals
10. Which animal group lives part of its life on land and part in water?
a) Birds b) Fish c) Amphibians
11. Which of the following is not associated with taste? a) Tangy b) Umami c) Stinky
12. A human being has _____ sense organs. a) 4 b) 6 c) 7
Use the images below to answer questions 13-16

13. Which of the following images is made of fabric? a) D b) C c) B
14. Image A is made of ______. a) plastic b) metal c) rubber
15. Which of the images cannot be squashed? a) A b) C c) B
16. Which of the materials can be stretched? a) C b) D c) B
17. If a mammal is an animal that gives birth to live young, which of the following animals is a
mammal? a) bird b) fish c) elephant
18. Lizards, snakes and turtles are _____. a) mammals b) birds c) reptiles
19. Which of the following is not a vertebrate? a) Crab b) Shark c) Eagle
20. An invertebrate is an animal without ______. a) backspine b) backlegs c) backbone
21. The following are examples of an invertebrate except _____. a) spider b) ant c) hen
22. When watching the television, which sense organs are in use?
a) Sight and taste b) Hearing and touch c) Sight and Hearing
23. Vertebrates are classified into _____. a) 5 b) 7 c) 4
24. Which of the following is waterproof? a) Fabric b) Leather c) Sponge
25. A good soil for planting is ______. a) Sandy b) Clay c) Loamy
Questions 26-30
LEARNER’S NAME: ___________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 3

1. The first stage in the life cycle of a plant is ____. a) seed b) plant c) stem
2. The measure of a sequence of events is known as _________.
a) time b) mass c) length
3. Which part of the plant makes the food? a) Leaf b) Flower c) Stem
4. The part of plant that holds the plant in place and absorbs water and minerals from the soil
is called ______. a) stem b) roots c) leaves
5. What is the name of the loose material that covers most of Earth’s surface?
a) Lava b) Soil c) Sheets
6. Soil is composed mainly of what ingredients? a) water, air, sand and mud
b) air, rock pieces, minerals and humus c) mud, worms, leaves and soil
7. What kind of soil is most likely found in the desert? a) dark, damp soil b) sticky red soil
c) Dry, sandy soil
8. Which type of soil is made up of very tiny grains of rock? a) sand b) loam c) clay
9. Which of the following is not a tool for measuring time? a) scale b) watch c) clock
10. To which group of vertebrates does a dog belongs to? a) Fish b) Birds c) Mammals
11. Which class of vertebrates does not lay eggs? a) Fish b) Mammals c) Birds
12. Which of these instruments was used in the ancient period to measure time?
a) Cockcrow b) Beam balance c) Wristwatch
13. ________ is a mixture of gases. a) Air b) Nitrogen c) Oxygen
14. The best soil for planting is _______. a) Sandy b) Loamy c) Clay
15. As a baker, which of the following would I used ? a) Kitchen scale b) Pendulum c) Beam
16. Which of the following soil sample has the ability to retain water?
a) Loam b) Sand c) Clay
17. The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is ______. a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Carbon
18. Which part of the plant holds it upright? a) Roots b) Branches c) Stem
19. Vertebrates are animals with ______. a) backbone b) backskeleton c) backhand
20. Invertebrates have ______. a) Endoskeleton b) Exoskeleton c) Indoskeleton
21. This type of soil is found at the bottom of the well. a) Clay b) Loam c) Sand
22. Decayed organic matter is also known as ______. a) humus b) human c) homus
23. The seed is produced in the ______. a) flower b) leaf c) branch
24. A gentle wind is known as ______. a) breeze b) storm c) tornado
25. Which of these is not as a result of strong wind? a) Tsunami b) Lightning c) Hurricane
Questions 26-30: Identify the following images.

__________ ____________ ____________ _______________ ____________

LEARNER’S NAME: ___________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 4

1. There are ____ stages in human growth and development. a) 3 b) 5 c) 4

2. An incomplete metamorphosis in insects is divided into _____. a) 3 b) 4 c) 5
3. Which of the following is not an element of weather? a) Cloudy b) sundial c) windy
4. A mixture of red and blue will produce _____. a) Green b) Purple c) Orange
5. An illness that can be spread, usually from one person to another is called ____.
a) immunity b) communicable disease c) non-communicable disease
6. _______ is the contamination of the environment by harmful materials.
a) Pollutants b) Pollution c) Pollubles
7. An insect’s complete metamorphosis is divided into _____ stages. a) 4 b) 5 c) 3
8. A teenager is in the __________ stage of growth.
a) Childhood b) Adolescence c) Adult
9. Nigeria has ______ seasons. a) 3 b) 4 c) 2
10. A secondary colour is a mixture of two ________ colours.
a) primary b) tertiary c) substance
11. Waste from our homes and factories are dumped into rivers and lakes causing ___.
a) Air pollution b) Land pollution c) Water pollution
12. A ______ is an illness that causes the body or part of the body to not function properly.
a) Symptom b) Microbe c) Disease
13. A butterfly has _____ stages of metamorphosis. a) 5 b) 4 c) 3
14. A full grown human is called a/an ______. a) adult b) teenager c) adolescence
15. _____ is the average weather over a period of time. a) Biotic b) Climate c) Abiotic
16. Which of the following is not a primary colour? a) Blue b) White c) Yellow
17. Fumes from car exhaust causes _____. a) water pollution b) air pollution c) land
18. _______ ae germs that can cause disease. a) vaccines b) pathogens c) organisms
19. Doctors give shots called ____ to help lower the chances of getting an illness.
a) Vaccines b) Immune systems c) Microbes
20. The second stage of a fly’s metamorphosis is called ______. a) Pupa b) Lavae c) Imago
21. The young of a cow is called ____. a) kid b) doe c) calf
22. A _________ studies the weather. a) botanist b) geologist c) meteorologist
23. A mixture of yellow and blue will produce ______ colour. a) green b) orange c) purple
24. Coughing, sneezing and runny nose are ____ of common cold.
a) access point b) abrasions c) symptoms
25. Which of the following is not a cause of air pollution? a) Oil spillage b) Burning of
refuse c) Pesticides
Questions 26-30 Identify and state the uses of these instruments.

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LEARNER’S NAME: ___________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 5

1.Which cell does not have a cell wall? a) Animal cell b) Plant cell c) Human cell
2.Buoyancy is _____. a) sinking when put in a fluid b) the ability to float in fluid c) how much volume
something has
3.What does filtration separate? a) soluble solid and liquid b) insoluble solid and liquid c) soluble solid
and insoluble solid
4. Cutting of paper is an example of _____. a) physical change b) chemical change c) dissolve
5. Your blood is made up of which of the following ____. a) plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells
b) plasma and platelets c) white and red blood cells
6. Which tool would you use to observe cells? a) Binoculars b) Telescope c) Microscope
7. What is the main organ of the circulatory system? a) Lungs b) heart c) Liver
8. ______ change happens when matter changes and becomes a new kind of matter. a) Mixture b) Physical
c) Chemical
9. What kind of paper is used in filtration in science laboratory? a) Colour paper b) Filter paper c) Sand
10. When the weight of an object is less than that of the fluid, the object is in a state of ___
a) negative buoyancy b) positive buoyancy c) neutral buoyancy
11. Which cell structure acts as a control center for the cell? a) Vacuole b) Nucleus c) Cell wall
12. How many types of blood vessel are in our body? a) 3 b) 4 c) 2
13. When wood is burnt, it changes into _____. a) wood b) ash c) coal
14. A solid substance is also known as _____. a) solvent b) solute c) solution
15. When the weight of an object is greater than that of the liquid, the object is in a state of
a) negative buoyancy b) positive buoyancy c) neutral buoyancy
16. This cell part is in ALL cells _____. a) chloroplasts b) chromosomes c) cytoplasm
17. The heart has _____ chambers. a) 3 b) 2 c) 4
18. Which of the following is a physical change? a) burnt paper b) cooked rice c) melted ice
19. The liquid that passes through the filter paper after filtration is called _____.
a) residue b) substance c) filtrate
20. The force that pushes objects upward from water is called _____.
a) density b) upthrust c) force
21. What is one way in which all living things on Earth are alike? a) All living things have hair
b) All living things are made of cells c) All living things can move
22. What part of blood is responsible for fighting infection? a) Red blood cells b) Plasma c) White blood
23. Changes that return back to their original forms are known as _______ changes. a) Chemical
b) physical c) mixture
24. A mixture of solute and solvent forms a ____. a) solution b) solvention c) solute
25. What most affects the objects weight in water? a) The shape of the object in the water
b) The water pushing up on the object c) Using a student made spring scale
Questions 26 – 30. Identify the objects and classify them into Positive, Negative or
Neutral Buoyancy.

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LEARNER’S NAME: ___________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 6

1. Which group of animals breathe with gills as young and breathe with lungs on land?
a) Reptiles b) Amphibians c) Fish
2. I have dry and rough skin, lay eggs, breathe with lungs and am cold blooded. What am I?
a) Reptiles b) Fish c) Mammals
3. The male reproductive structure of a flower is the _____. a) pistil b) ovary c) stamen
4. Sexual reproduction in plants, as in all organisms requires ________.
a) male and female b) only a male c) only small parts of the plant
5. What is the correct alignment during a lunar eclipse? a) Sun, Moon, Earth b) Moon, Sun,
Earth c) Sun, Earth, Moon
6. Which is the largest planet in the solar system? a) The Sun b) Earth c) Jupiter
7. Motion of the Earth on its axis in about 24 hours is called _______. a) revolution
b) Rotation c) axis
8. The change of seasons is caused due to __________. a) Movement of the Sun b) Rotation
c) Revolution
9. The mixture of gases that surround our planet is known as _________.
a) thermosphere b) hemisphere c) atmosphere
10. The ozone layer is located in this very dry layer of the atmosphere known as the ____.
a) exosphere b) stratosphere c) troposphere
11. Clouds are made up of tiny drops of ___ or ice. The moisture in the cloud affects the
weather. a) water b) dust c) precipitation
12. Any form of water that falls from clouds is called ______. a) dew b) precipitation c) hail
13. A butterfly is a/an _______ and a dog is a/an ______. a) vertebrate/ invertebrate
b) Vertebrate/vertebrate c) invertebrate/ vertebrate
14. These animals are vertebrates except _____. a) reptiles b) insects c) birds
15. The colourful part of the flower within the sepals are _____. a) stamen b) petals c)
16. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma is called _______.
a) Fertilization b) Pollination c) Diffusion
17. Which is the closest object to Earth? a) Sun b) Jupiter c) Moon
18. Inner planets are also known as _____. a) Gas planets b) Terrestrial planets c) Aquatic
19. The two major motions of Earth as it travels through space are ________.
a) axis and orbital b) rotation and revolution c) rotation and axis
20. The layer where most satellites orbit is called _______. a) exosphere b) mesosphere
21. What acts as a shield protecting us from harmful UV rays from the Sun? a) SPF b) Clouds
c)ozone layer
22. An anemometer is used to measure ____. a) humidity b) precipitation c) wind speed
23. An instrument used to measure the amount of rainfall is ______. a) barometer
b)thermometer c) rain guage
24. Which characteristic makes vertebrates different from invertebrates?
a) Vertebrates have backbone b) Invertebrates have backbone c) Vertebrates are
Questions 25-30

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