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Money Blocks #1—Poverty Consciousness

Some people have a negative association with money, which holds them back from actually
creating it. Most people, however, don’t even realize they have resistance to money because it is
so “normal” in our society. Everyone hears “money is the root of all evil” and at an unconscious
level most people actually believe it. In the United States, there is general consensus that any
heart-centered field (education, social services, personal growth, etc) should be low paying. After
all, these people should be offering their services out of the kindness of their heart, right?

Well, we say “Money is the root of all awesomeness!”

There are 3 possible blocks to making the money we desire:

1) Poverty Consciousness – believing there is “not enough”
2) Money Guilt – feeling unworthy or undeserving to receive money
3) Fear of Money – believing bad things happen when you get more money

BLOCK #1: Overcoming Poverty Consciousness

Even though we live in the wealthiest country in the world, most of us don’t recognize how
abundant we truly are. Even people who are truly “wealthy” in financial terms usually still feel
that there is “not enough”. One sign that you have a poverty consciousness is if you feel a sense
of competition when you think about others who offer the same product or service as you. If
thinking about your “competition” brings up feelings of fear, panic, uneasiness… then you
believe there is not enough money to go around and that you must fight ravenously for what is
yours. Ask yourself if you believe that when YOU receive money (or resources or opportunity)
that it takes AWAY from someone else? Do you find yourself feeling that there is a Money Pie
in the sky somewhere and you have to try to get your piece and keep others from stealing these
limited resources?

Often feelings like this stem from childhood experiences where either you experienced true lack
of necessities or were in an environment with adults who FELT lack—stressed about money,
talked about not having it, felt bad about not having it. When we hear “money doesn’t grow on
trees”, it may inspire us to become “smart” with our spending, but usually it just makes us feel a
sense of lack. These emotions related to money make a powerful imprint on us that will continue
to be our money blueprint at an unconscious level throughout our lives unless we do the work to
change it. It becomes a BELIEF, even if our conscious mind tries to believe something different.

So, how do you change a poverty consciousness belief? Evidence. We believe things usually
because we’ve been passed down the “seed” of a belief system, and then we find “evidence” in
our lives that proves it true, and so BELIEVE it. This is a tricky process, though, for 2 reasons.
One is that when we’re children we automatically believe what adults tell us because our
survival depends on them. The other is that our minds are confirmation-seeking machines. If
you’ve ever heard of the “self-fulfilling prophecy”, it means that we will seek and find and DO
what we expect to find. If we’re told there is a lack of money, then we SEE around us a lack of
money, we begin to expect a lack of money—which we then FIND, and so we BELIEVE there’s
a lack of money.
Overcoming this will take work, but here’s a place to start:

1) Look for evidence that you do, in fact, HAVE money by looking at those who have less
2) Look for evidence that money is easy to GET by remembering times in your life where it
just appeared out of nowhere
3) Look for evidence that there is more than ENOUGH in the world by looking how many
millionaires and billionaires there are in the world (if you feel negative toward them,
more on that later)
4) Look for evidence that there is, in fact, no competition because each person’s “right
clients” will find them
5) Remember that even in those circumstances where it LOOKS like there is “not enough” it
is caused by a mis-allocation of resources and that YOU are learning to get yourself in
the right money mind frame to allocate the resources in your direction

Block #1: Overcoming Poverty Consciousness

Do you believe that when YOU receive money (or resources or opportunity) that it takes AWAY
from someone else? Do you feel there are limited resources to go around? Be honest with

Search for evidence that there is ABUNDANCE:

What circumstances can you observe in your life or in the world that show you that you do in
fact HAVE money and abundance (perhaps seen in comparison to others):

What times in your life has money come easily, out of nowhere, or right when you needed it?

Do some research and find out how many millionaires and billionaires there are in your country,
in your state, in your city… how many are there? ___________________________________
Do you feel like this is a lot of people? ___________________________________________

What evidence have you had in your life that there is, in fact, no competition because each
person’s “right clients” will find them:

Can you find enough evidence to believe that the world has abundant resources and that if you
change your money mindset and take steps toward changing YOUR allocation of these
resources, that you can, in fact, create more abundance? If not, what holds you back?

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