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The World of Technology

1- Match these words to the Pictures. To do this, put the number under the correct pinture:

8 9 6 7 3 10 4 2 5 1
1- plasma television ok 6- cell phone ok
2- cassette ok 7- MP3 player ok
3- telephone ok 8- digital camera ok
4- compact disk ok 9- remote control ok
5- telephone Alarm? 10- audio system ok

2- Read the clues and find the electronic gadget

a- It is an optical disc used to store digital data. _____CD_______________

b- You can make and receive telephone calls everywhere with it ___Cellphone____

c- This device makes a loud sound at a specific time. ___Audio System__

d- You can listen to music everywhere using your.... ______MP3 Player___

e- You can switch on the TV, or change the channel with it___Remote Control___

3- Classify these adjectives:

popular/ big / modern / new / valuable/ light / heavy / old/ expensive / cheap / antique/
fashionable/ small/ /enormous

Long Modern Antique Valuable Fashionabl Enormous expensive small

adjectives e
Short new Old Cheap Popular Big heavy light

4- Choose the right option

a- Cell phones are cheaper / more cheap than plasma televisions.

b- Compact disks are more good/ better than cassettes.

c- Digital cameras are moderner/ more modern than cassettes.

d- MP3 players are smaller/ more small than audio systems

e- Plasma televisions are expensiver/ more expensive than telephones.

5. Complete the sentences with these nouns (there some extra words)

- Screen - digital camera - MP3 player - mouse - printer - website - speakers

a. You can take digital photos with a __Digital Camera____

b. Most computers can print colour photographs on a __Printer___

c. You use a __Mouse___ to select documents on a computer screen.

d. The BBC is a TV company. It has a ____Website___at

e. You can play music on a laptop computer, but the __MP3 Player____ are very small.

6. Comparing gadgets. Look at the pictures. Then write a short text about the MP3 players.

-Cool is smaller than New Age
-My music is the most expensive MP3.

Cool New Age Mymusic

SIZE ììì ìììì ìì
PRICE ì ìì ììììì
QUALITY ììììì ì ì

_________Cool is the most cheap_____________________________________________________

_________The best quality is Cool_________________________________________________
_________New Age is taller than Mymusic________________________________________________
_________Mymusic is the most expensive______________________________________________
_________New Age is better than My music____________________________________________

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