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1. Do you know your script and curve balls?

a) If you do not know your info you do not sound confident, people
will ignore you. Have a plan in your head how an ideal
conversation will go and try to keep the conversation following
that plan.
2. Do you sound like you are reading a script off of a paper?
a) The script is not meant to be read off a paper for months on end.
The script is a frame work to teach you how to take these calls and
once you have learned the script you should be able to make a
transfer without reading the script word for word off the paper.
b) When we speak naturally we have emotion in our voice compared
to reading a paper where we sound robotic. It is very important to
sound genuine and engaged in the conversation with the product.
3. Is the product turning on you half way into the call?
a) You are probably making a small mistake and not realizing it. Our
job is just to deliver an interested qualified person to our client to
have a conversation. This is only informational! Do not ask the
client what they want to do now or in the future. Do not ask what
debts they want to get rid of. This is for info, so let them know
you will get them info on said program so they can decide if it is
something they are interested in.
b) FACE YOUR FEARS! If you are afraid of asking for IR, balance,
or any other info that is the problem. If you sound scared to ask
something the person will think you are scamming. If you ask a
question confidently like they are obligated to answer 9/10 they
will give you there best guess.
4. Mental strength is half of the battle on the phone.
a) If you believe that everyone you talk to is not qualified or a no
answers, you make that your reality. When we let our minds
impact moral it hurts our ability to work at 100%. You will be
slower to answer the phone, you will sound miserable, and you
will be quick to ask the client if they are not qualified.
b) Often when a product starts asking questions we get scared or
worried, this is the opposite reaction to have. When a person starts
asking questions it usually means they heard something they are
interested in but do not trust you yet. Answer their questions as
best as possible and start investigating what peaked their interest.
We do not get many chances to sell so an inquisitive product is
5. Does the conversation never go your way?
a) You may not be making the most of opportunities. When the
product brings up a topic that you can use to start a conservation
take the opportunity in that moment then circle back to any
missed filters.
b) You may need to make more opportunities for yourself. When
you are dealing with a lot of VM and No Answers you must create
opportunities for yourself every time you speak to someone. Ask
them what upgrades they have already done and if they paid those
with CC or out of their own pocket. If they say not interested tell
them the last person to tell you that learned about their benefits
saved 400 dollars a month and got to do their home upgrades.
Then proceed to tell them this is just to they can learn if they have
a great option that can help them.
c) If the conversation is going well do not shoot yourself in the foot
by over explaining, mumbling, stuttering, or asking if you can
transfer. You must be confident in yourself and the process.
6. Does the product ask too many questions?
a) If you can not control the pace of questions by going back to your
script you need to ask a question to get the person thinking about
the next topic you want to move on to. Example- If they keep
asking (who are you and who do you work for?) ask (do you get a
lot of calls to sell your house and get insurance?) Then assure
them you do neither of those and talk about what you are hear to
7. Do they hang up during the transfer?
a) You need to make sure to keep you hand off short and follow the
handoff we give you. DO NOT TELL THE BANKER THEY
Instead tell the bank that you spoke about said options and that
they want to learn if these options are a good idea for their case.
b) Keep cool in the hand off. Do not sound desperate to get the bank
on the phone. Do not let the person start asking questions while
ringing because you will lose the control you just achieved.

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