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Wail itin at a restraant is an inyoevol and kenvínian akéishinal trit, most induvíyuols and
fémelis prepere der mils at joum. Tu meik brekfest, lanch and díner deili, dis persons mast jaf
de rekuá fuds end ingrédients on jend and redi tu gou, fuds and ingrédients are típicli
pérchest from a grousery stor, or an estábleshment that distríbiuts fuds, drink, jous.old
pradats, and ader aitms dar iusd bai da tipicli kensumer

Produs, or de term iusd tu discraib fresh fruts and véshtebols in kámenli pérchest bai grousery
stor shaprs. In terms of frut, most grocery stors afer bananas, apols, óranges, blacberris,
rasberris, greips, páinapols, kéntaloups, warermelons, and mor ader grocueri stors with larger
produs selékshns mait áfer de listid fruts in adishm tu less komen fruts, inkludin mengous,
jonidus, starfruts, coukenats, and mor.

Dipéndin on de grouseri stor, castumers can perchest fruts in a fiu difrent weis. Som stors will
charg a set amaunt per paund of frut, and will weit cástumers frut percheses and bil den
acordenli; ader stors will charg castumers for ich pis of frut dei bai, or for bándols of frut (a bag
of bananas, a bag of apols, itici) ader stors yet will simpli charg bai de conteiner.

Véshtebols, inclúdin léres, corn, tomeirous, onions, celeri, kiucambers, máshrums an mor ar
olso sould at meni grouseri stors, end are pérchest símilerli tu da wei dat fruts ar. Grouseri
stors tipicli stak mor veshtebols dan frut at any given taim, as veshtebols rimein fresh longer
dan fruts du yénerli spíkin.

Irid teik kuait a wail tu list evrithin els dat tudeis masif grouceri stors sel, bat most castumers
teik de apertúniri tu shap for steipels, or fuds dat plei a próminent roul in di averish daiit, at de
estábleshments. Steipels includ pasta, rais, flawer, shugar, milk, mit and egs and bred. All de
listid steipols are aveilobol in pripalish konteiners, bat can bi perchest “fresh” in son grouceri
stors, wer in will mesher an weit fresh pradacts and den provaid den tu castemers.


While (wail) = a pesar de que

Meals (mils)= alimento

Must (mast) = deben

Required ( = necesario

Food (fud) = alimento

Might (mait) = es posible que - pueden

Billl (bil) = factura

Less (les) = menos

Set (set) = fijo

Produce (produs) = productos agrícolas

Blackberries = moras

Raspberris = frambuesas
Cantaloupes (kentaloups) = melon

Charge (charg) = cobrar

Amount (amaunt) = monto

Per (per) = para

Pound (paund) = libra

Yet (yet) = además

Onions (onions) =cebolla

Celery (celeri) =ajo

Cucumbers (kiucambers) = pepino

Mushrooms (mashrums) = champiñones

Stock (stak) = tener en existencia

Give time (gif time) = tiempo dado

Remain (rimeins) = permanecer

Quite (Kuait) = bastante

Else (els) = más

Staples (steipels) = alimentos básicos

Average (averish) = promedio

Meat (mit) = carne

Bread (bred) = pan

Available (aveilobol) = disponible

Employees ( = empleados

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