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Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari bab ini:

.1 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2 Siswa dapat menyimpulkan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks
3.Siswa dapat menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai



Text 1

Task 1 Read about the following conversation . take turn with your classmates doing
the roles.

Lia : It will be a long holiday soon .do you have any plans?

Nisa : I and my family are going to go to parang Tritis beach.

Lia : wow, it is very interesting, I like to go to the beach very much, we can
swim in the beach all day.
Nisa : would you like to join us going there, Lia?

Lia : I am very glad to join you, but my Father, my Mother, my sisters, my brother
and I are going to go to my grandparents’ house , we haven’t gone there for a
long time.

Nisa : It’s ok, a have nice holiday in your grandparents’ house. Iin, what would
you to do for the next holiday?

Iin : I and my family would like to have a family meeting in my Uncle’s house,
all of our families are going to go there.

Nisa :It is a very good plan. Mita, what are your plan ?

Mita : I will stay at home, because my dad and mom are very busy with their
business, so they can accompany me and my sister to have a holiday.

Iin : It a pity, you must stay at home alone, will you join us to visit my uncle’s

Mita : I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Nisa : would you like to join me to go to the beach with my family?

You and you sisters can join us.

Mita : That’s a good idea, I and my sister would rather join you to go to the
beach than stay at home with my sister , thanks for inviting us to join you.

Nisa : No problem. I will pick you up at 6 am.

Mita : It’s ok, Thank you. very much.

Nisa : Don’t mention it. Have a nice holiday friends.

Iin, Mita : you too.

Task 2.

Answer the comprehension questions below based on the dialogue.

1. What are Nisa, Iin and mita talking about?

2. Who have a plan for the holiday?

3. What are their plans?

4. What ared Nisa going to do in the next holiday?

5. What would Iin and her family like to do in the holiday?

6. What are Lia and her family going to do in the next holiday?

7. Who doesn’t have a plan for the holiday?

8. Why doesn’t she have a plan?

9. What does she finally decide to do for her holiday?

Task 3. Find out the sentences that show Intention from the dialogue above?







Using : To be going to, shall/will, would like to, would rather …than….


1. I am going to go to the beach next holiday.

2. She is going to go shopping next weekend.
3. We are going to discuss our lesson.
4. He is going to submit his task to the teacher soon.
5. They are going to play foot ball tomorrow.
6. He will get married next month.
7. We will see the movie on Saturday night.
8. He will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
9. We would like to go fishing tomorrow.
10. She would like to bake some cookies.
11. He would like to buy a new car next month.
12. She would rather go to the beach than stay at home.
13. We would rather bake cookies than go fishing.
14. I would rather play volly ball than play tennis.

Task 1 .

Look at the excerpt from the dialogue below. Pay attention to the bold typed

Lia : It will be a long holiday soon .do you have any plans?

Nisa : I and my family are going to go to parang Tritis beach.

Lia : wow it is very interesting, I like to go to the beach very much, we can swim
in the beach all day.

Nisa : would you like to join us going there, Lia?

Lia : I am very glad to join you, but my Father and my Mother, my sisters , my
brother and I are going to go my grandparents’ house , we haven’t gone
there for a long time.

Nisa : It’s ok, have nice holiday in your grandparents’ house. Iin, what would
you like to do for the next holiday?

Iin : I and my family would like to have a family meeting in my Uncle’s house,
all of our families are going to go there.

Nisa :It is a very good plan. Mita, what are your plan ?
Mita : I will stay at home, because my dad and mom are very busy with their
business, so they can accompany me and my sister to have a holiday.

Iin : It a pity, you must stay at home alone, will you join us to visit my uncle’s

Mita : I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Nisa : would you like to join me to go to the beach with my family?

You and you sisters can join us.

Mita : That’s a good idea, I and my sister would rather join you to go to the
beach than stay at home , thanks for inviting us to join you.

Nisa : No problem. I will pick you up at 6 am.

Mita : It’s ok, Thank you. very much.

Nisa : Don’t mention it. Have a nice holiday friends.

Iin, Mita : you too.


Task 1.

Make up a short dialogue for the following cases.Read the answer number 1 as an

 You and your sister are going to see the movie to night. You ask your nephew
to join you to see the movie with you, but he refuses to do it because he must
take his mother to see the doctor.
You : would you like to join us to see the movie?
Your nephew : I am sorry, I can’t. because I must take my mother to see the
 You and your mother are going to bake some cookies in the next holiday and
you invite Neni to join you, and she agrees with you.
You :……
Neni : …..

 You ask some of your classmates want to do the homework after school,
Ahmad and Hendra agree with you, but Tono refuses to do it because he must
help his father to go to the rice field.
You : …….
Ahmad and Hendra : …….
Tono : …….
You : …….
 You nd you sister plan to visit you grandparents’ house and you ask you niece
to join you and she agrees with you.
You : ……..
Your niece : ……..
 You nd your Father would like to go fishing in the river on the weekend you
ask your nephew to join you, and he would like to do it.
You : ………
Your Nephew : ……….

Task2. After you finish to make a short dialogue in task 1, please practice the
dialogue orally in front of the class.

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