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Introductory paragraph A
(Thesis): agree
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Should Gallaudet Disband the Football Team?  

Introductory (1) Gallaudet has had  a football team for many years. 6

 paragraph (2a) Recently, some students, faculty and administrators have said   clauses
A (2b) that we should disband  the football team.
(Thesis)   (3) I agree.  
(4a) I think  
(4b) Gallaudet should disband  the football team.
First (5) The first reason is  that the football players' grades might improve. 16
supporting (6a) Each fall semester, several football players get  low grades clauses
 paragraph (6b) because they spend  so much time
(6c) practicing  their sport.
(7) For example, one smart boy in my biology class last fall started  the semester

with an "A" average.
(8a) Then he started practicing  football every afternoon

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(8b) and he did not have  time
(8c) to study  for his biology tests.
(9) By the end of football season in November, his average had dropped  to "D."
(10a) His parents and VR counselor were  so angry
(10b) that he had to withdraw  in December.

(11) Almost 25 percent of the football players  go on AP at the end of the fall
Bermanfaat (100%) semester.
(12a) If Gallaudet disbands  the football team,

(12b) then the players' grades might improve .

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(13a) My biology classmate could get  an "A" instead of a "D,"

(13b) and Gallaudet probably will have  fewer students get on AP in December.
Tidak bermanfaat (0%) Second (14a) Second, Gallaudet should disband  the football team

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(14b) because Gallaudet
(15a) Every year Gallaudet
might save
has to pay  more than $100,000
(15b)  to support the football team.
C  (16a) The coaches salaries add up to  more than $50,000,

 
(16b) and new equipment costs  about $10,000.
(17) Insurance costs  about $7,000.
(18) Also, maintenance of the field and of the old equipment costs  as much as new
Copy Link Email (19) Furthermore, Gallaudet has to pay   for transportation, public relations,
telephone calls to parents and other schools.
(20a) All this is  very expensive,
(20b) but Gallaudet does not earn  much money from selling tickets.
(21a) If we disband  the football team,
(21b) Gallaudet will have  more than $100,000
(21c) to spend on important other costs, like better furniture in the dorms and
(22) Students and faculty would both benefit  from the extra money.
Third (23) The last reason why Gallaudet should disband the football team is  that football 13

supporting players will have fewer injuries.

 paragraph (24) During football season, several players get hurt . clauses
D  (25a) Most players have bumps and bruises,

Pangesti Wiedarti, JPBSI, FBS, UNY


(25b) but some   have   very serious injuries such as broken bones and deep
(26a) Although Gallaudet has been lucky ,
(26b) in some schools, football players have died  from heart attacks and broken
(27a) My roommate's boyfriend still walks  with a limp from a football injury
(27b) he received  two years ago.
(28a) If Gallaudet disbands  the football team,

(28b) we will have  healthier students.

(29) Football players will not have to miss  classes or wear casts anymore.
(30a) The total rate of injury may be reduced  by 50 percent in the fall,
(30b) and more boys will be able to dance at the Rock Festival in the spring
(30b) and more boys will be able to dance  at the Rock Festival in the spring.
Concluding (31a) To sum up, if Gallaudet disbands  the football team, 7
 paragraph (31b) there will be  several improvements. clauses

(32a) The football players may get  better grades,

(32b) and Gallaudet might save  money.
(33) In addition, football players will have  fewer juries.
(34a) Therefore, I think  
(34b) that Gallaudet should disband the football team.
57 clauses

Should Gallaudet Disband the Football Team?  

Introductory (1) Gallaudet has had  a football team for many years. 6
 paragraph (2a) Recently, some students, faculty and administrators have said   clauses  
A (2b) that we should disband  the football team.
(Thesis)   (3) I disagree .
(4a) I think
(4b) Gallaudet should not disband  the football team for three reasons.  

First (4) The first reason  is  that the fans will be disappointed.
supporting (5a) During the football season, students, faculty and staff enjoy going to   22
 paragraph games clauses  
(5b) and rooting for  the Bison.
B  (6a) Everyone gets excited  
(6b) and  yells  for the home team,
(6c) which  is  great fun.
(7a) Also, students and faculty share  something important
(7b) when they cheer  together.
(8a) Most of the time, students and faculty feel  like they are fighting,

(8b) so it is  nice
(8c) when they both can feel  the same way about a football team.
(9a) In addition, fans talk  about football all the time,
(9b) which is exciting  
(9c) because everyone discusses  the game together.
(10) If Gallaudet disbands the football team, everyone will be disappointed .
(11a) Fans will have  no game to go to on Saturday,
(11b) and won't be able to cheer  

Pangesti Wiedarti, JPBSI, FBS, UNY


(11c) and shout .

(12a) They will feel empty
(12b) and frustrated .
(13a) Students will have  one less thing in common with faculty,
(13b) and the exciting Monday discussions will disappear . 
Second (14) The second reason why Gallaudet should not disband the football team
supporting is  that Gallaudet will lose publicity. 18
 paragraph (15a) Now, Gallaudet gets  a lot of free advertising clauses  
(15b) because our name appears  in the newspaper

(15c) and on TV each time we play  a football game.
(16a) Our university  is  very small,
(16b) but people see  our name
(16c) when they  read  the sports pages
(16c) and listen  to the news.
(17a) Also, when Gallaudet had  a winning season several years ago,
(17b) reporters talked about  us all over the U.S. and Canada.
(18a) Some people heard  about us for the first time.
(19a) If Gallaudet disbands  the football team,
(19b) then we will lose  all that free advertising.

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(20a) Our name will not appear  in the newspaper or on TV,
(20b) and we will become  invisible.
(21a) We will have to spend more money
(21b) to advertise  Gallaudet

(21c) and to recruit  more students.  
Bermanfaat (100%) Third (22a) Finally, Gallaudet should not disband  the football team

(22b) because the football players might decide to leave . 14


(23a) Our football players come  to Gallaudet

(23b)  excited  
Tidak bermanfaat (0%) (23c) and eager to play  on our team.
Facebook Twitter (24a) They work  hard LinkedIn
(24b) and feel  proud of themselves and their university
(24c) because they  play on a fine team.

(25a) If Gallaudet disbands  the football team,

 (25b) the players

(26a) They will have
will lose  their enthusiasm.
 nothing to do at four each day,

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(26b) and their Saturdays will be empty .
(27a) Their excitement about Gallaudet will be reduced ,
(27b) and they might want to transfer to another school.  
Concluding (28a) If Gallaudet disbands  the football team,
 paragraph (28b) there will be  several problems. 6
E  (29a) The fans will be disappointed , clauses  
(29b) and Gallaudet will lose  publicity.

Pangesti Wiedarti, JPBSI, FBS, UNY


(30) Furthermore, football players might leave .

(31) In my opinion, Gallaudet should not disband  the football team.  
66 clauses
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Pangesti Wiedarti, JPBSI, FBS, UNY


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