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Tips to improve concentration

Staying on task can be difficult, but it can be particularly challenging

when I can surrounded by constant distraction. This is useful tips I have
learned for improving my mental forcus.
Firstly, I get enough sleep and never skip breakfast and drink more
water. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each make me comfortable
tomorrow, and 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise, such as
walking. The day before, I sometimes skip breakfast, I know it will kick
in and make I feel stressed. What's good for the body is good for the
brain. Healthier living is something I determine, and it may improve
Secounly, I will seek out a calm location where I know I will be able to
work undisturbed like the library, a private room or even a quiet coffee
But, even during quiet moments, distraction is literally at my fingertips
as I find myself checking my Instagram or facebook, email notifications
or the latest news updates and it's easy to make me get distracted. My
tips are turn off notifications and put my phone on vibrate mode
Sometimes, after a while, my focus starts to break down and it becomes
more and more difficult to devote my mental resources to the task. So I
shift my attention to something unrelated to the task at hand, even if it is
only for a few moments. These short moments of respite might mean
that I am able to keep my mental focus sharp and my performance high
when I really need it.
Another tips is listening to music, it sound like very cazy cause sound or
noise will make us distraction. But me either. The song is made me
forcus on working.

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