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Social cognitive career theory

Article · January 2002


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Gail Hackett
Virginia Commonwealth University


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750———Social Cognitive Career Theory

Bourdieu, P. 1985. “The Forms of Capital.” Pp. 241-258 in her capabilities to perform particular behaviors or
Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of courses of action. Unlike global confidence or self-
Education, edited by J. G. Richardson. New York: esteem, self-efficacy beliefs are relatively dynamic
(i.e., changeable) and are specific to particular activity
Burt, R. S. 1992. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of
Competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. domains. People vary in their self-efficacy regarding
Coleman, J. S. 1990. Foundations of Social Theory. the behaviors required in different occupational
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. domains. For example, one person might feel very
Granovetter, M. S. 1973. “The Strength of Weak Ties.” confident in being able to accomplish tasks for suc-
American Journal of Sociology 78:1360-1380. cessful entry into, and performance in, scientific fields
Inkpen, A. C. and Tsang, E. W. K. 2005. “Social Capital, but feel much less confident about his or her abilities
Networks, and Knowledge Transfer.” Academy of in social or enterprising fields, such as sales. SCCT
Management Review 30:146-165.
Loury, G. C. 1977. “A Dynamic Theory of Racial Income
assumes that people are likely to become interested in,
Differences.” Pp. 153-186 in Women, Minorities and choose to pursue, and perform better at activities at
Employment Discrimination, edited by P. A. Wallace and which they have strong self-efficacy beliefs, as long as
A. M. LaMonde. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. they also have necessary skills and environmental
Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. 1998. “Social Capital, Intellectual supports to pursue these activities.
Capital, and the Organizational Advantage.” Academy of Self-efficacy beliefs are assumed to derive from
Management Review 23:242-266. four primary sources of information: personal perfor-
Portes, A. 1998. “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in
mance accomplishments, vicarious experiences (e.g.,
Modern Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology 24:1-24.
Seibert, S. E., Kramer, M. L. and Liden, R. C. 2001. “A Social
observing similar others), social persuasion, and phys-
Capital Theory of Career Success.” Academy of iological and emotional states. Personal accomplish-
Management Journal 44:219-237. ments (successes and failures with specific tasks) are
assumed to offer a particularly compelling source of
efficacy information, but the nature of the social mod-
els and reinforcing messages to which one is exposed,
and the types of physiological states one experiences
SOCIAL COGNITIVE while engaged in particular tasks (e.g., low levels of
CAREER THEORY anxiety), can all affect one’s self-efficacy regarding
different performance domains.
Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) is a relatively Outcome expectations refer to beliefs about the
new theory that is aimed at explaining three interre- consequences or outcomes of performing particular
lated aspects of career development: (1) how basic behaviors (e.g., what will happen if I do this?). The
academic and career interests develop, (2) how educa- choices that people make about the activities in which
tional and career choices are made, and (3) how acad- they will engage, and their effort and persistence at
emic and career success is obtained. The theory these activities, entail consideration of outcome as
incorporates a variety of concepts (e.g., interests, abil- well as self-efficacy beliefs. For example, people are
ities, values, environmental factors) that appear in ear- more likely to choose to engage in an activity to the
lier career theories and have been found to affect extent that they see their involvement as leading to
career development. Developed by Robert W. Lent, valued, positive outcomes (e.g., social and self-
Steven D. Brown, and Gail Hackett in 1994, SCCT is approval, tangible rewards, attractive work condi-
based on Albert Bandura’s general social cognitive tions). According to SCCT and the larger social
theory, an influential theory of cognitive and motiva- cognitive theory, persons’ engagement in activities,
tional processes that has been extended to the study of the effort and persistence they put into them, and their
many areas of psychosocial functioning, such as aca- ultimate success are partly determined by both their
demic performance, health behavior, and organiza- self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations.
tional development. Personal goals may be defined as one’s intentions to
Three intricately linked variables—self-efficacy engage in a particular activity (e.g., to pursue a given
beliefs, outcome expectations, and goals—serve as academic major) or to attain a certain level of perfor-
the basic building blocks of SCCT. Self-efficacy mance (e.g., to receive an A in a particular course). In
refers to an individual’s personal beliefs about his or SCCT, these two types of goals are, respectively,
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Social Cognitive Career Theory———751

Person Inputs Proximal Environmental Influences

(Supports and Barriers Experienced
During Choice-Making)
– Predispositions
– Gender
– Race/ethnicity
– Disability/
Health status

Learning Choice Choice
Interests Domains and
Experiences Goals Actions


Figure 1. A Simplified View of How Career-related Interests and Choices Develop over Time, According to SCCT
SOURCE: Adapted from Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D. and Hackett, G. 1994. “Toward a Unifying Social Cognitive Theory of Career and
Academic Interest, Choice, and Performance” [Monograph]. Journal of Vocational Behavior 45:79-122.

referred to as choice goals and performance goals. By partly a function of the context and culture in which
setting goals, people help to organize and guide their they grow up. Depending on cultural norms, for
own behavior and to sustain it in the absence of more example, girls are typically exposed to and reinforced
immediate positive feedback and despite inevitable for engaging in different types of activities than are
setbacks. Social cognitive theory posits that goals boys.
are importantly tied to both self-efficacy and outcome Through continued activity exposure, practice, and
expectations: People tend to set goals that are consis- feedback, people refine their skills, develop personal
tent with their views of their personal capabilities and performance standards, form a sense of their efficacy
of the outcomes they expect to attain from pursuing a in particular tasks, and acquire certain expectations
particular course of action. Success or failure in reach- about the outcomes of activity engagement. People
ing personal goals, in turn, becomes important infor- are most likely to develop interest in activities at
mation that helps to alter or confirm self-efficacy which they both feel efficacious and from which they
beliefs and outcome expectations. expect positive outcomes. As people develop interest
in an activity, they are likely to develop goals for sus-
taining or increasing their involvement in it. Further
activity involvement leads to subsequent mastery or
Self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals play failure experiences, which, in turn, help to revise self-
key roles in SCCT’s models of educational and voca- efficacy, outcome expectations, and, ultimately, inter-
tional interest development, choice making, and per- ests within an ongoing feedback loop.
formance attainment. As shown in the center of the Interest development may be most fluid up until
figure above, interests in career-relevant activities are late adolescence, the point at which general interests
seen as the outgrowth of self-efficacy and outcome (e.g., in art, science, social, or mechanical activities)
expectations. Over the course of childhood and ado- tend to become fairly stable. At the same time, data on
lescence, people are exposed, directly and vicariously, the stability of interests suggest that interest change
to a variety of occupationally relevant activities in does occur for some people during their postadoles-
school, at home, and in their communities. They are cent years. SCCT posits that such changes, when they
also differentially reinforced for continuing their do occur, can be explained by changes in self-efficacy
engagement, and for developing their skills, in differ- beliefs and/or outcome expectations—more precisely,
ent activity domains. The types and variety of activi- by exposure to potent new learning experiences (e.g.,
ties to which children and adolescents are exposed is parenting, technological advances, job training or
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752———Social Cognitive Career Theory

restructuring) that enable people to alter their sense of experiences as economic need, family pressures, or
self-efficacy and outcome expectations in new occu- educational limitations. In such instances, people may
pational and avocational directions. need to compromise their interests and, instead, make
In sum, people are likely to form enduring interest in their choices on the basis of such pragmatic consider-
an activity when they view themselves as competent at ations as the type of work that is available to them,
performing it and when they expect the activity to pro- their self-efficacy beliefs (“Can I do this type of
duce valued outcomes. Conversely, interests are work?”), and outcome expectations (“Will the job pay
unlikely to develop in activities for which people doubt enough to make it worthwhile?”). Cultural values
their competence and expect negative outcomes. (e.g., the degree to which one’s choices may be guided
Furthermore, SCCT posits that for interests to blossom by elder family members) may also limit the role of
in areas for which people have talent, their environments personal interests in career choice.
must expose them to the types of direct, vicarious, and SCCT posits conditions that increase the probabil-
persuasive experiences that can give rise to robust effi- ity that people will be able to pursue their interests as
cacy beliefs and positive outcome expectations. well as conditions where interests may need to be
Interests are impeded from developing when individuals compromised in making career-related choices.
do not have the opportunity to form strong self-efficacy Collectively labeled “environmental influences” in the
and positive outcome beliefs, regardless of their level of above figure, these conditions refer to the levels of
objective talent. Indeed, findings suggest that perceived support (e.g., family financial and emotional support),
capabilities and outcome expectations form key inter- barriers (e.g., lack of finances, inadequate levels of
vening links between objective abilities and interests. education), and opportunities available to the individ-
ual. Simply put, SCCT hypothesizes that interests will
be a more potent predictor of the types of choices
people make under supportive rather than under more
SCCT’s model of the career choice process, which restrictive environmental conditions. Under the latter
builds on the interests model, is also embedded in the conditions, one’s interests may need to be bypassed or
figure above. Arising largely through self-efficacy and compromised in favor of more pragmatic, pressing, or
outcome expectations, career-related interests foster par- culturally acceptable considerations.
ticular educational and occupational choice goals (e.g.,
intentions to pursue a particular career path). Especially
to the extent that they are clear, specific, strongly held,
stated publicly, and supported by significant others, SCCT’s performance model is concerned with pre-
choice goals make it more likely that people will take dicting and explaining two primary aspects of perfor-
actions to achieve their goals (e.g., seek to gain entry into mance: the level of success that people attain in
a particular academic major, training program, or job). educational and occupational pursuits and the degree to
Their subsequent performance attainments (e.g., suc- which they persist in the face of obstacles. SCCT
cesses, failures) provide valuable feedback that can focuses on the influences of ability, self-efficacy, out-
strengthen or weaken self-efficacy and outcome expecta- come expectations, and performance goals on success
tions and, ultimately, help to revise or confirm choices. and persistence. Ability (as reflected by past achieve-
As illustrated in the same figure, SCCT also ment and aptitudes) is assumed to affect performance via
emphasizes that choice goals are sometimes influ- two primary pathways. First, ability influences perfor-
enced more directly and potently by self-efficacy mance and persistence directly. For example, students
beliefs, outcome expectations, or environmental vari- with higher aptitude in a particular subject tend to do
ables than they are by interests. Interests are expected better and persist longer in that subject than do students
to exert their greatest impact on academic and occu- with lesser aptitude. (Ability or aptitude may be thought
pational choice under supportive environmental con- of as a composite of innate potential and acquired
ditions, which enable people to pursue their interests. knowledge.) Second, ability is hypothesized to influence
However, many adolescents and adults are not able to performance and persistence indirectly though the inter-
follow their interests either unfettered by obstacles vening paths of self-efficacy and outcome expectations.
or with the full support of important others. The In other words, performance involves both ability
choice making of these persons is constrained by such and motivation. SCCT emphasizes the motivational
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Social Cognitive Career Theory———753

roles of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and vocational interest development, choice making, and
performance goals. Specifically, SCCT suggests that performance. Sufficient data have, in fact, accumu-
self-efficacy and outcome expectations work in con- lated to yield several meta-analyses relevant to SCCT.
cert with ability, in part by influencing the types of Meta-analysis is a research strategy that can be used
performance goals that people set for themselves. to integrate findings and draw conclusions about the
Controlling for level of ability, students and workers strength of hypothesized relations among variables.
with higher self-efficacy and more positive outcome Meta-analyses of SCCT’s interest model have
expectations will be more likely to establish higher revealed substantial support for its major hypotheses.
performance goals for themselves (i.e., aim for more In particular, self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expec-
challenging attainments), to organize their skills more tations have each been found to account for a sizable
effectively, and to persist longer in the face of set- amount of the variation in vocational and educational
backs. As a result, they may achieve higher levels of interests.
success than those with lower self-efficacy and less Meta-analyses have also supported SCCT’s choice
positive outcome expectations. Thus favorable self- hypotheses. For example, it has been shown that
efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals help people career-related choices are strongly predicted by inter-
to make the best possible use of their ability. ests and, to a lesser extent, self-efficacy beliefs and
It should be emphasized that self-efficacy is seen as outcome expectations. Consistent with SCCT’s
complementing, not substituting for, ability. Indeed, assumptions about the importance of environmental
SCCT does not assume that self-efficacy will com- and cultural influences, some recent research also
pensate for inadequate task ability. It does, however, suggests that interests may play a smaller role in the
predict that the performance of individuals at the same choice-making process of adolescents and young
ability level will be facilitated by stronger versus adults from particular cultures. Specifically, those
weaker self-efficacy beliefs. For example, academi- from a culture characterized by collective decision
cally able adolescents who underestimate their acade- making were more inclined to choose a career path
mic talents, compared to their equally able peers with that was consistent with the preferences of their
more optimistic self-efficacy beliefs, are likely to set family members and with their self-efficacy beliefs
lower goals for themselves, experience undue perfor- rather than one that necessarily fit their personal inter-
mance anxiety, give up more quickly in the face of ests. Other research supports SCCT’s hypotheses that
obstacles, challenge themselves less academically, interests are more likely to translate into goals, and
and consequently experience less academic success. goals are more likely to promote choice actions, when
Social cognitive theory notes that large overesti- people are faced with choice-supportive environmen-
mates of self-efficacy can also be self-defeating. For tal conditions (e.g., relatively low barriers and high
example, job trainees whose self-efficacy drastically supports for their preferred educational/occupational
overshoots their current skills are likely to set unreal- path).
istically high performance goals and to take on job Meta-analyses relevant to SCCT’s performance
tasks that are beyond their current grasp, which may hypotheses have found that self-efficacy is a useful
occasion failure and discouragement. According to predictor of both academic and occupational perfor-
Bandura, self-efficacy beliefs that modestly exceed mance. Research on the sources of information, or
current capabilities are probably optimum because learning experiences, from which self-efficacy beliefs
they are likely to lead people to set challenging (but are assumed to derive has found that performance
attainable) performance goals and to engage in activi- accomplishments typically show the strongest rela-
ties that stretch their skills and that further strengthen tions with self-efficacy in corresponding activity
their self-efficacy and positive outcome expectations. domains (e.g., successful performance in math-related
classes is associated with higher math self-efficacy).
The other (vicarious, persuasion, emotional) sources
have also been found to relate to self-efficacy,
although typically to a more modest degree than per-
A substantial body of research has accumulated sonal accomplishments.
suggesting that SCCT and its major elements offer a Finally, SCCT has sparked a number of efforts to
useful framework for explaining educational and design and test interventions aimed at various facets of
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754———Social Constructionism

career development. In particular, SCCT suggests a Lent, R. W., Hackett, G. and Brown, S. D. 1999. “A Social
number of targets at which educational and career Cognitive View of School-to-Work Transition.” Career
programs can be directed. These include efforts to Development Quarterly 44:297-311.
Stajkovic, A. D. and Luthans, F. 1998. “Self-efficacy and
expand interests and nurture career aspirations in
Work-related Performance: A Meta-analysis.” Psycho-
children and adolescents, facilitate career goal setting logical Bulletin 124:240-261.
and implementation in adolescents and young adults,
and promote successful work adjustment (e.g., satis-
faction, performance) in adult workers. Reflecting the
central role that SCCT accords to self-efficacy and SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM
outcome expectations, the interventions that have
been proposed or tested to this point tend to rely heav- Social constructionism is a postmodern perspective that
ily on experiences that promote these expectations emphasizes the socially constructed nature of knowl-
(e.g., exposure to personal mastery experiences and edge. Underscoring the linguistic and relational nature
support, access to accurate information about work of all knowledge, it emphasizes personal, social, and
conditions and outcomes). Extensions of the theory to cultural processes that inform, and limit, the develop-
a number of subpopulations (e.g., women of color, ment of knowledge. In contrast to modernist notions of
gay and lesbian workers, persons with disabilities) reality as singular, stable, universal, and nonhistorical,
have appeared, and the theory has been applied to the social constructionists emphasize that what is taken to
study of career behavior in a number of countries and be real represents consensually agreed-upon knowl-
cultural contexts. edge that results from coordinated, relationally contin-
—Robert W. Lent, Steven D. Brown, and Gail Hackett gent discourses. What is taken as knowledge or truth is
therefore contextually and temporary bound; what is
See also Interests, Occupational choice, Self-efficacy, Social true in one time context or culture may not be true in
learning theory of career development other times, contexts, or cultures.
Social constructionists place a premium on under-
Further Readings and References standing processes of knowledge construction
because they emphasize that what is known is insepa-
Bandura, A. 1986. Social Foundations of Thought and
Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: rable from the processes of inquiry that give rise to
Prentice-Hall. knowledge. The role of dialogue, broadly understood
———. 1997. Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control. as coordinated actions among people, is central to the
New York: Freeman. construction of knowledge. Given the relational
Brown, S. D. and Lent, R. W. 1996. “A Social Cognitive embeddedness of knowledge, social constructionists
Framework for Career Choice Counseling.” Career blur the boundary between the personal and social
Development Quarterly 44:354-366. domains, challenging traditional notions of individu-
Hackett, G. and Betz, N. E. 1981. “A Self-efficacy Approach
to the Career Development of Women.” Journal of
ality or the self.
Vocational Behavior 18:326-336.
Hackett, G. and Byars, A. M. 1996. “Social Cognitive Theory THE SELF AND CAREER CONSTRUCTION
and the Career Development of African American Women.”
Career Development Quarterly 44:322-340.
A social constructionist position carries significant
Lent, R. W. 2005. “A Social Cognitive View of Career implications for transforming traditional notions of
Development and Counseling.” Pp. 101-127 in Career vocational and career psychology. Career choices, for
Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and example, are understood as coordinated forms of
Research to Work, edited by S. D. Brown and R. W. Lent. discourse and relational enactment, rather than as
New York: Wiley. products of rational, cognitive, or individual decision
Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D. and Hackett, G. 1994. “Toward a making. The traditional supremacy of rational
Unifying Social Cognitive Theory of Career and Academic
processes, as reflected in concepts such as “career deci-
Interest, Choice, and Performance” [Monograph]. Journal
of Vocational Behavior 45:79-122.
sion making,” “self-efficacy,” or “career interests,” cede
Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D. and Hackett, G. 2000. “Contextual to relational and contextual processes that are under-
Supports and Barriers to Career Choice: A Social Cognitive stood as informing, scaffolding, or facilitating the
Analysis.” Journal of Counseling Psychology 47:36-49. emergence of given careers or career enactments, rather

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