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Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure I ~~

GFR 12 -A
[(See Rule 238 ( 1))



UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE FOR THE YEAR ... .... ~Pl.~ in respect .-:-. 1.P.2P... ... ...
of recu rring/non-recurring

l. Name of the Sc~eme ... . Ll..N.N.AT. .. .);iJ:t0..r. A.1 .....-A:6..M... ~.'/.AN..(.L?.BAJ.

2. Whether recurring or non -recurring grants ............ . ~ .0 ~ ·
3. Grants pos ition at the beg inning of the Financial yea r
(i) Cash in Hand/Bank )J , L
(i i) Unadjusted advances /JI L
(iii ) Total /J I L
4. Deta ils of grants rece ived , expend iture incurred and closing balances : (Actuals)

Unspent Interest Interest G rant received during Total Expend iture Clos ing
Balances of Earned deposited the yea r Ava ilable incu rred Balances
Grants thereon back to fund s (5 -6)
received the (1 +2 -
years Govern - 3+4)
[figure as at men!
SI. No .
3 (iii )]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sanction Date Amount
No .
(i) (ii) (iii )
g B.l rJ
319 2> 180 I½ I11 lw1i 501000)- SD,cvq'- b01000/- NI f_._
C) 0 0 101.4 0

Component w ise utilization of grants :

Grant-i n -a id- Grant-i n -a id- Grant-i n-a id-creation Total

General Salary of cap ital assets

50, DOD) ---

- ~

So 10 00 ! -

Deta ils of grants po sition at the end of the yea r

(i) Cash in Hand/ Bank N 1L
(ii ) Unad ju sted Advances /'-l IL
(ii i) Total N IL--

Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

Certifi ed that I hove sat isfied myself that the cond itions on wh ich g rants were sanct ioned have be en duly fulfill ed/ ore
being fulfilled and that I have exerc ised following checks to see thol the money has been actually util ized for the
pu rpose fo r wh ich it was sanct ioned :
( 1) The ma in accounts and other subs id iary accounts and reg isters (includ ing assets reg isters) are ma inta ined
as prescri bed in the relevant Act/ Rules/ Stand ing instructions (ment ion the Act/Rules) and have been duly
aud ited by designated aud itors . The figures depicted above tally with the aud ited figures mention ed in financial
statements/ accour:its .
(ii) Th ere ex ist internal controls for safeguarding publ ic funds/assets , watch ing outcomes and ach ieve ments of
physical ta rgets aga inst the financ ial inputs, ensuring quality in asset creation etc. & the periodic eva luation of
internal controls is exercised to ensure thei r effectiveness .
(iii ) To th e best of ou r knowledge and belief, no transactions have been entered that are in violation of relevant
Act/ Rules/ stand ing instructions and scheme guidelines.
(iv) The responsib ilities among the key functionaries for execution of the scheme have been ass igned in clea r term s
ond ore not general in nature.
(v) The benefits were extended to the intended beneficiaries and only such areas/d istricts were covered where the
scheme was intended to operate.
(vi) The expend iture on various components of the scheme was in the proportions autho ri zed as pe r the scheme
guidel ines and terms and conditions of the grants-in-aid .
(vii) It has been ensured that the physical and financial performance under .. . .U f3
A.... (name of the scheme has
been according to the requ irements, as prescribed in the guidelines issued by Govt. of Ind ia and the
performance/targets ach ieved statement for the yea r to wh ich the utilization of the fund resulted in outcomes
g iven at Annexure - 1duly enclosed .
(vi ii )The utilization of the fund resulted in outcomes given at Annexure - II duly enclosed (to be formulated by the
M inistry/Department concerned as per their requirements/specifications .)
(ix) Deta ils of various schemes executed by the agency through g rants -i n-a id rece ived from the same M in istry or
from other M inistries is enclosed at Annexure - 11 (to be fo rmulated by the Min istry/Department conce rn ed as pe r
the ir requ irements/spec ifications) .
Date : o2. ::f--/ D;). ) ~.;2.D
Place : N~

Signatu re v~,~~
Name ..... ... ... ... .. .. ... ......... ..... .. ..... ...... .. ... ... .. Name .. ... t J ~..\l. :.. J~~ ..~. /)~ .k .. .. pt ~~o---1
Ch ief Finance Officer Head of the Organ isation
(Head of the Finance)

(Stri ke out inappl icable ter


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