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Write a one-paragraph answer to this question:

- How do you envision our curriculum would be post-COVid time?

Innovation has suddenly moved from the margins to the center of many education systems, and there is
an opportunity to identify new strategies, that if sustained, can help young people get an education that
prepares them for our changing times. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced education innovation into the
heart of almost every education system. The question is how to scale innovations from the margin to the
center of education systems but how to transform education systems so that they will source, support,
and sustain those innovations that address inequality and provide all young people with the skills to
build a better future for themselves and their communities for the future. By doing this, we ultimately
hope not only that those who are left behind can catch up, but that a new, more equal education system
can emerge out of the crisis after this pandemic. Fortunately, across the world, communities are
increasingly valuing the role that schools play, not only for student learning, but also for the livelihoods
of educators, parents, and others.

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