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Thrift Shops and Fashion Boutiques is what consumers usually see when they are buying their

clothes and walking around the place of buying.Most teens have a fashion taste on their daily

clothing Gen Z or Zoomers were the ones who are affected on clothing when it comes to

fashion.Many are influenced by their surroundings most often on social media platforms.

“Younger consumers are seriously concerned with social and environmental causes, which many regard

as being the defining issues of our time. They increasingly back their beliefs with their shopping habits,

favoring brands that are aligned with their values and avoiding those that don’t.”

(Amed,Balchandani,Beltrami,Berg,Hedrich, and Rölkens,2019)

The Thrift shop and fashion boutiques are some options to buy clothes that can be used formally

and the different designs of clothes that can be bought. The buying preference of Grade 12 abm

students of clothes between Thrift Shops and fashion boutiques is what the researchers aims to

know because now the youth are called generation z most young people prefer brand clothes.

“Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012/15. They are currently between 6

and 24 years old”(Kasasa,2021)

Consumers has different preferences when buying something they want specially in the

market,Usually consumers prefer buying clothes on what satisfies their needs.The resesrchers

wants to know that what if Grade 12 ABM students were asked on what do they prefer when

buying clothes between the Thrift Shops and Fashion Boutiques because they do not have same

wants and preferences.

Many young people today have different tastes when it comes to fashions and there are different

ways to buy clothes that can make them look good and look better. And to give them the kind of

clothing they want to use whether it is branded fashion style or used clothing or secondhand

clothes that can still be used to become a new style of clothing.

“Consumer preference is defined as the subjective tastes of individual consumers, measured by

their satisfaction with those items after they’ve purchased them.”(Weedmark,2018)

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