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As years come by, we should be updated on the advancement of technology. As

engineers, it is a must that we are up to date with the new developments of technology

for us to be more efficient with our work. The world is changing so fast right now. People

can multitask in a small amount of time. This is why manufacturers should keep up with

the demands of the people right now.

Artificial intelligence has been taking over the 21 st century. As manufacturers, we

should keep up with this trend especially during this pandemic. As much as the doctors

want to keep an eye on their patients, they still need to rest. And developing robots that

can be of help to healthcare workers can increase the service of the hospital and also

lessen the burden of health workers. Simple work like checking the vital signs of a

patient can be a big help to them.

Being adaptive and a risk taker should be the traits that a company should

possess. With the emergence of new technology, improving and keeping up to date is

really hard. Being creative and innovative with what the consumer is requiring is a must

for the manufacturers right now. But having an optimistic mindset and being creative

can give a company a high chance to maintain the stability of manufacturing despite the

new technologies and competitors rising.

Climate change is a serious problem in the world right now. Everyone is affected

and the most vulnerable are experiencing the worst effects of it. A lot has been affected

by the effects of this. Thus, companies should keep in mind that when they want to

produce more goods, they make more waste for the environment.

During our session for Industrial Materials and Processes, I learned that one of

the goals of manufacturers is to eradicate, if not, lessen the waste they produce during

the production process. Having this as a part of your goal as a manufacturer, would

greatly help in contributing to the lowering of the effects of climate change. As we all

know, factories are one of the biggest contributors of carbon emission in the world. If we

keep emitting carbons in huge amounts, it will make the earth hot and not safe enough

for living things to live in. And in the future generation may not be able to enjoy the

beauty of our world.

We only have one earth right now. We cannot sacrifice our home just to produce

things that we want. We have to take care of our one home. This is not only for the

people living in the present, but also for the future generation. We want to give them the

best. And for that to happen, we should use our resources properly and as much as

possible lessen the waste to prevent furthermore damages caused by climate change.


Edeoja, A. & Edeoja J. (2015). Carbon Emission Management in the Construction

Industry – Case Study of Nigerian Construction Industry.
ERIA (2018), ‘Case Studies: Keeping CO2 emission at 2013 level by 2040’, in
Kimura, S. and H. Phoumin (eds.), Technical Improvement Report on Energy
Outlook and Energy Saving Potential in East Asia. ERIA Research Project Report
2016-08, Jakarta: ERIA, pp.104-208.

Microsoft. (2018). Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, Data and Ethics – A 2030 Vision.

Nugent, C. (December 31, 2020). 2020 Was a Year of Climate Extremes. What can We
Expect in 2021? Retrieved October 1, 2021 from

n.a. (October 2007). A Climate of Change: Manufacturing Must Rise to the Risks and
Opportunities of Climate Change. Retrieved September 19, 2021 from

n.a. (January 3,2020). 5 Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2020. Retrieved on

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