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Dimensionality Reduction Through PCA

over SIFT and SURF Descriptors

Ricardo Eugenio González Valenzuela William Robson Schwartz Helio Pedrini
Institute of Computing Department of Computer Science Institute of Computing
University of Campinas Federal University of Minas Gerais University of Campinas
Av. Albert Einstein 1251 Av. Antônio Carlos 6627 Av. Albert Einstein 1251
Campinas - SP, Brazil, 13083-852 Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil, 31270-010 Campinas - SP, Brazil, 13083-852
Email: Email: Email:

Abstract—One of the constant challenges in image analysis SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features), developed by Bay et
is to improve the process for obtaining distinctive character- al. [4]. The main advantage of the SURF method over the
istics. Feature descriptors usually demand high dimensionality SIFT method is its general processing speed, since SURF uses
to adequately represent the objects of interest. The higher the
dimensionality, the greater the consumption of resources such as 64 dimensions to describe a local feature, while SIFT uses
memory space and computational time. Scale-Invariant Feature 128. However, as SIFT and SURF descriptors are compared,
Transform (SIFT) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) SIFT descriptor is more suitable to identify images altered by
present algorithms that, besides of detecting interest points blurring, rotation and scaling [5].
accurately, extract well suited feature descriptors. The problem The large number of dimensions generated by those de-
with these feature descriptors is the high dimensionality. There
have been several works attempting to confront the curse of scriptors can become a problem for certain types of tasks. To
dimensionality over some of the developed descriptors. In this understand our premise, we can think about a video tracking
paper, we apply Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to reduce application, in a film consisting in 30 frames per second, where
the SIFT and SURF feature vectors in order to perform the the descriptors could detect hundreds of interest points in each
task of having an accurate low-dimensional feature vector. We frame. Even if we disregard various frames, the amount of
evaluate such low-dimensional feature vectors in a matching
application, as well as their distinctiveness in an image retrieval information generated would be absurdly large, which would
application. Finally, the required resources in computational be reflected later on terms of space and computational time.
time and memory space to process the original descriptors In order to obtain better results, some works related to
are compared to those resources consumed by the new low- dimension reduction have been proposed [6]. Kernel projection
dimensional descriptors. techniques, such as KPB-SIFT [7] and PCA-SIFT [8], were
also developed by attempting to find out a way to resemble
the reduced feature vector distinctiveness.
In the image analysis process, local features are used to This paper aims at applying the PCA method for reducing
represent characteristics which contain sufficient information the SIFT and SURF feature vector dimensionality. PCA-SIFT
to identify an object. These descriptors are used in object descriptor [8] will also be compared to the reduced SIFT
recognition, image matching, image retrieval, among other and SURF descriptors. By evaluating the reduction performed
tasks. by Principal Component Analysis method, we obtained in-
In order to obtain interest points, two stages are needed. teresting results using the SURF descriptor. In particular, we
The first stage is called detection, which performs a series of evaluate the tradeoff between accuracy and the gain of less
steps to find points that are sufficiently discriminative, called computational time and space.
interest points. The second stage is called description, in which We can roughly classify the approaches used for our ex-
relevant data (such as gradients, color or texture) are extracted periments in three categories: dimensionality reduction of
to represent an interest point into a feature vector. the SIFT, PCA-SIFT and SURF descriptors; comparison of
According to the results of those two stages, subsequent the computational time to describe and match interest points
tasks (such as image classification) using the descriptors will generated with SURF and the proposed reduced SURF; and
be applied. In terms of quality, the more distinctive and in- evaluation of the lower-dimensionality interest points on an
variant are the interest points, the more accurate the processes image retrieval application.
that use them will become. Meanwhile, the execution time will The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
also be slower or faster depending on the amount of detected tion II briefly describes SIFT, PCA-SIFT and SURF descrip-
interest points and the data dimension assigned to them. tors, as well as the PCA technique to reduce dimensions.
Different local descriptors have been developed [1], [2]. The methodology used to validate our results is presented in
Among the strongest in the literature, one can cite SIFT (Scale Section III. Section IV shows plots and tables to illustrate
Invariant Feature Transformation), developed by Lowe [3], and the results obtained from a matching and image retrieval
application, also including a comparison of the computational B. Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
time. Finally, Section V concludes our work. As previously mentioned, our goal is to reduce the dimen-
II. T ECHNICAL BACKGROUND sion of the feature vectors. There are several ways to achieving
such goal, two of them will be: discovering more distinctive
In this section, we review SIFT, PCA-SIFT and SURF features and applying dimensionality reduction to the existing
algorithms with respect to interest points descriptors. We descriptors feature vectors.
also investigate the PCA algorithm to reduce feature vector Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [10] is a technique
dimensionality. recomended when there is a large amount of numeric variables
A. Interest Point Descriptors (observed variables) and it is desired to find a lower number
of artificial variables, or principal components, that will be
Various interest point descriptors have been proposed. We responsible for the higher variance in the observed variables.
can name, among the most interesting descriptors for this Then, these principal components can be used as predictor
research, SIFT [3], PCA-SIFT [8] and SURF [4] descriptors. variables in subsequent analyses. Some image processing ap-
SIFT achieves good performance in detecting relevant inter- plications where PCA can be used are image compression [11],
est points and describing them using feature vectors invariant object rotation determination [12] and face recognition [13].
to scale, rotation and translation, and partially invariant to PCA basically receives an n × m matrix, denoted as M ,
changes in illumination [9]. The description stage of the which represents the actual number of dimensions and the
SIFT algorithm is the most relevant for this work. Local number of feature vectors, respectively. The first step is to
image gradients are computed in the region around each obtain a mean vector for each dimension, denoted as mn.
interest point in the selected scale and weighted by a Gaussian Then, mn is substracted from every feature vector in M . Later,
window. A SIFT descriptor is constituted of a 128-dimensional we calculate the M × M T covariance matrix. Subsequently,
vector (8 orientation bins for each 4 × 4 location bins). This as every covariance matrix is square, in this case n × n,
representation allows significant levels of local distortions and we can calculate the n eigenvalues with their corresponding
changes in illumination. n-dimensional eigenvectors. Finally, as a higher eigenvalue
Based in this, PCA-SIFT tries to improve on local image represents a higher quantity of information, each eigenvector is
descriptor used by SIFT. Besides of its name, PCA-SIFT ordered according to the value of its corresponding eigenvalue,
does not reduce the SIFT feature vector, but the the dimen- from higher to lower to obtain the kernel PCA matrix, of n×n
sionality of the detected interest points. That is, PCA-SIFT dimensions denoted as P M . Each row in P M represents an
uses only the SIFT detection stage and then applies its own eigenvector. Then, if we have any x × n data matrix, denoted
description stage. For each interest point, PCA-SIFT obtains as DM , in which x is the number of n-dimensional vectors,
a 41 × 41 patch focused on the actual interest point, calculates we can reduce their dimensions by projecting them over the
the horizontal and vertical gradients, and stores them into a first desired features from each vector in P M .
3042 (39 × 39 × 2) feature vector. Furthermore, each 3042
feature vector is projected onto a low-dimensional space. In III. M ETHODOLOGY
order to execute this last task, the authors pre-compute a Our work aims at reducing the dimensionality of the SIFT
projection kernel using PCA over 21000 patches collected and SURF feature vectors by applying the PCA method. Once
from diverse images that are not used later. This new less- PCA-SIFT descriptor is used to perform a similar task, its
dimensional feature vector speeds up applications using it, but results are also being compared.
may lead to less accurate results than those obtained using The main steps of the proposed methodology are illustrated
SIFT descriptors. The PCA-SIFT is demonstrated to achieve in Figure 1. Each stage is described in the following sections.
better results when it reduces its descriptor to a 36-dimensional
feature vector [8]. A. Training of the Descriptor Eigenspace
SURF, developed by Bay et al. [4], manages to get a feature A training stage is needed as PCA demands to compute a
vector descriptor which is half of the SIFT feature vector size, covariance matrix and its eigenvectors, what would result in a
and surpass the SIFT method in almost every transformation high computational cost if performed online.
or distortion. Once the interest points are detected, feature We trained different kernels for each of the mentioned
vectors are created by building a grid consisting of 4 × 4 descriptors, with 40000 feature vectors extracted from sample
square sub-regions centered on the interest point. A wavelet images that are only used during the training stage.
transform is computed over each sub-region and the responses
(dx,|dx|,dy,|dy|) are stored in 2 × 2 subdivisions, therefore, B. Generation of Groundtruth
SURF constructs a 64-dimensional vector. The responses rep- In order to evaluate matching experiments, we used the Inria
resent the underlying intensity pattern. Bay et al. [4] establish Graffiti Dataset [14], which contains a group of images which
the hypotheses that SURF outperforms SIFT because the suffered different geometric and photometric transformations
feature vector constructed by the former consists of a series of as rotation and scaling, blurred, warping, illumination variance
gradients with correlated information, while the SIFT feature and JPEG compression. The first three sets of transformed im-
vector represents independent information. ages have two inner subsets, one of them contains images with
(a) Training Stage (b) Test Stage

Fig. 1. Training and Test stages. (a) in the training stage, interest points are detected and described over images that will not be used in the test stage, then
40000 interest point feature vectors are joined to form the training matrix, and PCA is applied over them in order to get the kernel PCA; (b) in the test stage,
interest points are detected and described over the test images, then projects them over the kernel PCA to obtain the reduced feature vectors and, finally,
evaluates them.

distinctive edge boundaries, the other one contains repeated D. Evaluation Metrics
textures of different forms. To evaluate the matching, we use recall vs. 1-precision, as
Even more important, the Inria Graffiti Dataset contains, for they are recommended in [15]. Recall (1) will measure the
every group of images, different projective transformations, ratio between the number of correct matches retrieved over the
expressed in 3 × 3 matrices. These matrices allow us to map total of commit matches. As we can achieve a 100% of recall
any point from the first image in a group into any other image by returning a set with all possible matches, we notice that the
in the same group. recall measure is not enough; therefore, it is also calculated
To validate a match, we have two relevant interest points: the imprecision (1-precision). The precision (2) measures the
p in the first image and q in the second image. We used the ratio between the quantity of correct retrieved matches over the
transformation matrix provided in the dataset to map p in the number of retrieved matches, and the imprecision (3) measures
second image, obtaining p0 . Then, p and q are considered a the ratio between the number of false retrieved matches over
correct match if p0 and q are sufficiently close in space and the total number of retrieved matches. So, if we retrieved
scale. As mentioned in [8], two points are close in space if every possible match, it would result in a high imprecision.
the distance between them is less than σ pixels, where σ is Consequently we can realize that the Recall vs. 1-precision
the standard deviation to generate the used √scale. Two points curve shows adequately the tradeoff to obtain.
are close in scale if their scales are within 2 of each other.
Correct matches retrieved
Recall = (1)
Total of correct matches
C. Descriptor Matching
Correct matches retrieved
Precision = (2)
The descriptor matching process is detailed as follows: Total of matches retrieved
given two sets of feature vectors, A and B, with their re- Incorrect matches retrieved
spective interest point locations, for each feature vector in A, 1-Precision = (3)
Total of matches retrieved
we compute the Euclidean distance, denoted as DE , to each
feature vector in B. Then, for each pair of feature vectors in
A and B, if their DE is smaller than an estimated threshold,
we consider to have a match between the respective interest IV. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS
points. We execute SIFT and SURF algorithms over every group
There are different strategies to consider a corresponding of images contained in the Inria Dataset and evaluate the
interest point. SIFT works better with the nearest neighbor matching performance. To obtain reduced descriptors, we
distance ratio strategy (refereed to as N N DR) and PCA-SIFT project the descriptors of the SIFT and SURF interest points
works better with the nearest neighbour strategy (refereed into the trained kernel PCA.
to as N N ). The N N strategy selects the corresponding
interest point which presents the smallest Euclidean distance A. Comparing SIFT, SURF and PCA-SIFT Reduced Dimen-
under the threshold value. On the other hand, the N N DR sionality Descriptors
strategy considers to have a match when the distance ratio This first experiment compares SIFT, PCA-SIFT (note that
between the two smallest Euclidean distances is under a given the PCA-SIFT descriptor is the one of 3042 dimensions)
threshold, if the mentioned statement is true, then it selects the and the reduced SIFT descriptor. We evaluate the mentioned
corresponding interest point with smaller Euclidean distance. descriptors when their dimensionality is reduced to: 12, 20, 32,
Both strategies are being used over the matching process. 36, 46 and 64 dimensions. In the same manner, we evaluate
the SURF descriptor and the Reduced-SURF descriptor, this threshold is represented by 100%, which also means a high
latter also reduced to: 12, 20, 32, 36, 46 and 64 dimensions. imprecision), and the percentage of image retrieval calculated
The recall vs 1-precision curves of the reduced descrip- as the sum of all scores obtained divided by 60 (the maximum
tors, which achieved a performance similar to the original score to obtain).
descriptor, are shown here. Each graphic shows one of the Tables I and II show a comparison between SIFT, PCA-
transformations contained in the Inria Dataset and indicates SIFT and Reduced-SIFT descriptors. The first table uses the
the number of dimensions reduced with PCA. The N N and nearest neighbor strategy and shows that PCA-SIFT descriptor
N N DR abbreviations next to each method name indentify the outperforms the SIFT descriptor by using 32 dimensions, while
strategy used to generate the presented curve. the Reduced-SIFT descriptor provides a result equal or better
Figures 2(a) and (o) show that Reduced-SIFT and the PCA- than the SIFT descriptor by using 20, 32 and 36 dimensions.
SIFT descriptors achieving similar responses to the original The second table uses the nearest neighbour distance ratio
SIFT descriptor by using only 32 dimensions. Note that the strategy and shows that PCA-SIFT descriptor achieves a better
Reduced-SIFT shows a superior performance than the PCA- performance than the Reduced-SIFT descriptor. It is important
SIFT descriptor. On the other hand, plots shown in Fig- to notice that the PCA-SIFT and Reduced-SIFT descriptors
ures 2(b) and (p) show the Reduced-SURF descriptor achiev- achieve a better result than the SIFT descriptor with a lower
ing almost the same result as the original SURF descriptor by threshold percentage in the majority of the cases.
using only 20 dimensions. TABLE I
Figures 2(c), (e), (g), (i) and (k) show that Reduced-SIFT, I MAGE RETRIEVAL PERFORMED WITH SIFT, PCA-SIFT AND
achieves a similar response to the original SIFT descriptor by R EDUCED -SIFT (N EAREST N EIGHBOUR S TRATEGY )
using only 36 and 64 dimensions, outperforming again the
Descriptor Dimensions Threshold Percentage Retrieval
PCA-SIFT descriptor. However, Figures 2(d), (f), (h), (j) and SIFT 128 250 45% 68%
(l) show that Reduced-SURF descriptor achieves almost the PCA-SIFT 12 1500 13% 48%
same result as the SURF descriptor by using 32 dimensions. PCA-SIFT 20 2500 17% 58%
PCA-SIFT 32 3500 24% 70%
In summary, Figure 2(q) and (r) show the matching per- PCA-SIFT 36 4000 25% 67%
formance over different dimensions. Normally, the Reduced- Reduced-SIFT 12 75 23% 57%
SIFT descriptor (Figure 2(q)) achieves a good performance Reduced-SIFT 20 125 33% 68%
Reduced-SIFT 32 150 33% 70%
using 32 dimensions; as well the Reduced-SURF descriptor Reduced-SIFT 36 150 33% 70%
(Figure 2(r)) achieves a good performance using 32 dimen-
sions. Then, it is recommended to use 32 dimensions if we
desire to maintain almost the same performance as the original I MAGE RETRIEVAL PERFORMED WITH SIFT, PCA-SIFT AND
descriptors. If the application does not require a high accuracy, R EDUCED -SIFT (N EAREST N EIGHBOUR D ISTANCE R ATIO S TRAGEGY )
it is recommended to use 20 dimensions in order to further
increase the gain of computational time and memory space. Descriptor Dimensions Threshold Percentage Retrieval
SIFT 128 0.80 80% 65%
PCA-SIFT 12 0.60 60% 57%
B. Image Retrieval Application PCA-SIFT 20 0.80 80% 69%
We evaluated an image retrieval application using the PCA-SIFT 32 0.80 80% 75%
PCA-SIFT 36 0.80 80% 77%
dataset provided by Ke and Sukthankar [8]. This dataset Reduced-SIFT 12 0.80 80% 57%
consists of thirty images divided into 10 groups of three Reduced-SIFT 20 0.90 90% 67%
images each one, so each image will have two corresponding Reduced-SIFT 32 0.70 70% 67%
Reduced-SIFT 36 0.80 80% 70%
images. For each image, we perform the matching with all
the others and obtain a ranking of the three images that best
Tables III and IV show a comparison between SURF and
reduced SURF descriptor. The first one uses the nearest
Each ranking is scored according to the number of corre-
neighbour strategy and shows reduced SURF descriptor (20-
sponding images it contains: two points if both corresponding
dimensional feature vector) with a threshold percentage of
images appear in the ranking, one point if only one cor-
30% achieving similar response to the SURF descriptor with
responding image appears; and zero points, otherwise. This
70% image retrieval for a threshold percentage of 35%. The
means that we will have a maximum of 60 points if, for
second one uses the nearest neighbour distance ratio strategy,
every image, the two corresponding images are returned in
where the reduced SURF descriptor (36-dimensional feature
the ranking.
vector) achieves similar response to the SURF descriptor with
We evaluated the percentage of image retrieval for the
77%. Both responses were achieved for a threshold percentage
SIFT, PCA-SIFT and Reduced-SIFT descriptor using different
of 80%.
number of dimensions. We applied both matching strategies
and used the threshold that obtained the best results. C. Comparing Computational Time and Memory Space
Results are shown in Tables I to IV reporting the descriptor, In order to perform this experiments we used a machine
number of dimensions, threshold used to obtain the image re- with an Intel Core i7-2670QM CPU with 2.20GHz, and 8
trieval value, percentage of the threshold (where the maximum gigabytes of RAM.
Group: BlurredEdges (D = 32) Group: BlurredEdges (D = 20) Group: BlurredTexture (D = 64) Group: BlurredTexture (D = 32)
0.9 0.4 0.7
0.5 0.7
0.5 0.4



0.3 0.4 0.3

0.2 0.2
Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN) Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN)
Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR) Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR)
0 0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision

(a) SIFT - Blurred Edges (b) SURF - Blurred Edges (c) SIFT - Blurred Texture (d) SURF - Blurred Texture
Group: ScaledEdges (D = 64) Group: ScaledEdges (D = 32) Group: ScaledTexture (D = 64) Group: ScaledTexture (D = 32)
0.7 0.5 0.6
0.4 0.5



0.2 SIFT (NN)
0.1 PCA-SIFT (NN) 0.1
Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN) Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN)
Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR) Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR)
0 0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision

(e) SIFT - Scaled Edges (f) SURF - Scaled Edges (g) SIFT - Scaled Texture (h) SURF - Scaled Texture
Group: ViewpointEdges (D = 36) Group: ViewpointEdges (D = 32) Group: ViewpointTexture (D = 64) Group: ViewpointTexture (D = 32)
0.5 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5
0.4 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.5




0.3 0.3

0.2 0.3
0.2 0.2
Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN) Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN)
Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR) Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR)
0 0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision

(i) SIFT - Viewpoint Edges (j) SURF - Viewpoint Edges (k) SIFT - Viewpoint Texture (l) SURF - Viewpoint Texture
Group: Illumination (D = 36) Group: Illumination (D = 32) Group: JPEGCompression (D = 32) Group: JPEGCompression (D = 20)
0.7 0.9 0.6 0.9

0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.4 0.6

0.4 0.5 0.5




0.3 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.2 0.3

Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN) Reduced SIFT (NN) Reduced SURF (NN)
Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR) Reduced SIFT (NNDR) Reduced SURF (NNDR)
0 0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision 1 - precision

(m) SIFT - Illumination (n) SURF - Illumination (o) SIFT - JPEG Compression (p) SURF - JPEG Compression
Group: ScaledEdges (Str = NNDR) Group: ScaledEdges (Str = NNDR)

0.4 0.5



SIFT 0.2
Reduced SIFT (D=12)
Reduced SIFT (D=20) SURF
0.1 Reduced SIFT (D=32) Reduced SURF (D=12)
Reduced SIFT (D=36) 0.1 Reduced SURF (D=20)
Reduced SIFT (D=46) Reduced SURF (D=32)
Reduced SIFT (D=64) Reduced SURF (D=36)
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 - precision 1 - precision

(q) Reduced-SIFT - Dif. dimensions (r) Reduced-SURF - Dif. dimensions

Fig. 2. Descriptor matching performance over the Inria Dataset transformations. Each pair of figures (a-p) present the descriptors performance over different
group of images presenting distortions/transformations over distinctive edges or repeated textures. Figures (q-r) show the performance achieved by Reduced-
SIFT and Reduced-SURF using different dimensions.

Table V was obtained from running the describing process descriptor also achieved a high quantity of interest points
over all possible images in an interval of time of about ten processed. As in these experiments, PCA-SIFT executes all
minutes. SURF performed faster. The Reduced-SURF could the SIFT algorithm (detection and description), it achieves less
not perform better since it executes the SURF algorithm and than it should.
then projects the kernel PCA; however, the Reduced-SURF
Table VI was also obtained from running the describing
(N EAREST N EIGHBOUR S TRATEGY ) This work demonstrated that the Reduced-SIFT and
Descriptor Dimensions Threshold Percentage Retrieval Reduced-SURF can be applied as their low dimensional
SURF 64 0.35 41% 70% feature vectors still present similar behavior as the original
Reduced-SURF 12 0.20 31% 65% descriptors.
Reduced-SURF 20 0.30 40% 68%
Reduced-SURF 32 0.30 38% 65%
As reducing the feature vectors involves an extra compu-
Reduced-SURF 36 0.40 50% 67% tational time, it is needed to maintain a performance similar
to the original descriptor. The reduction should be moderated
TABLE IV so that at least 20 or 32-dimensional feature vectors could be
The gain of the reduced descriptors is better manifested
Descriptor Dimensions Threshold Percentage Retrieval when the detected interest points are not being discarded
SURF 64 0.80 80% 78% fast, for instance, in video tracking application. However,
Reduced-SURF 12 0.70 70% 58%
Reduced-SURF 20 0.80 80% 63%
when the descriptors are used repeatedly, as in image retrieval
Reduced-SURF 32 0.80 80% 73% applications, the matching would be the dominant process,
Reduced-SURF 36 0.80 80% 77% which represents an advantage to our reduced descriptor.

Descriptor Dimensions Files Keypoints Percentage CAPES for their financial support.
SURF 64 3560 1168200 100%
SIFT 128 972 760668 65% R EFERENCES
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PCA-SURF 36 201.3 s 1.3 GB ject Detection,” in European Conference on Computer Vision, vol. 4,
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