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Name: Kayla Rios


Period: 6

Adnel Adams

Adnel Adams who was born on February 20, 1902, and he was the only child from

Charles Hitchcock and Olive Bray. In 1916 Adams received his first camera, and in 1927

is when Adnsel first acknowledged photography, Monolith, the face of half dome

Adnsel Adams was known as the American photographer who was the most important

landscape photographer of the 20th century. Adnsel Adams rose to prominence as a

photographer of the American West, particularly Yosemite National park, using his work

to promote conservation of wilderness areas. His iconic black-and whiteimages helped

to established photography among the fine arts.Throughout Ansel years he

accomplishment was development. With the system he created, it became possible to

have received many awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the John

Muir awards, and it is widely known for his black and white photographers, Ansel

Adams is considered to be one of the pioneers of photography. His grand vision for

photography and the art of making photography showed him how to develop the Zone

system of these photographs to ensure sharpness to his images. Indeed, Adams

believed that photography could give vent to the same feelings he experienced through

his music. His first attraction to photography came indeed through his love of the natural
landscape and a yearning to capture something of that overwhelming experience on


The reason why I chose these three pictures is because I was deeply impressed with

the simplicity of the images’ conception and rich and luminous tonality. Through his

technique known as visualisation, the famous landscape and nature photographer Ansel

Adams gave modern-day photographers a thoughtful way to transform good images into

great ones.

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