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Transcript Vocabulary

CASSIE: I thought I heard voices1. You A. you must be: to make an assumption Setting up a tent
must beA Chandler. to predict something to be true.

CHANDLER: (transfixed) Hi! Nice to B. it’s been so long: to say you haven’t
meet you2! seen someone for a long period of time.

CASSIE: Nice to meet you too. C. setting up: to assemble, put together.

MONICA: So, are you ready to go3? D. tent: a portable shelter used for
CASSIE: Yeah. Waiting in line
E. in line: in a row waiting to proceed.
MONICA: Chandler!
F. so you DID see me: we use did in
CHANDLER: He’ll be right with you . 4 an affirmation to show that something
happened contrary to what you had
........... thought or expected.

ROSS: (shocked at her beauty) Cassie?! G. fiance: a man who is engaged to get
CASSIE: Hey Ross!
H. stare: to be looking intensely at Staring
ROSS: Hey! someone or something.

CASSIE: (hugs him) It’s been so longB! Pronunciation

Last time I saw you, you were setting 1. I thought I heard voices:
upC your tentD in lineE to see Return of I-thaw-dy-herd
the JediI.
2. Nice to meet you: nice-tah-me-chew
ROSS: Oh. Oh, that’s right. So-so you
didF see me that day because it seemed 3. So are you ready to go?:
like you didn’t. so-ya-reh-di-dah-go? Return of the
4. He’ll be right with you:
CASSIE: Ah yeah, sorry about that.

ROSS: It’s okay. Come, come on in.

CASSIE: Thanks for letting me stay here! I. Return of the Jedi: Popular Star
I mean Monica’s place was nice, but her Wars movie. The joke is that Ross was
fianceG sure staresH a lot. a big nerd because he was camping in
line to see the movie.
ROSS: Oh A. you do a great Chandler: to copy
or impersonate how somebody acts or to have a knack
CASSIE: Oh my God! You do a great moves. for photography
B. have a knack for something: to have
ROSS: Uh-huh. Yeah I-I have a knack B
a special ability or talent for something.
for impressions.
C. to get reaquainted: to become
CASSIE: Well, maybe after we get friends again if you haven’t seen some-
reaquaintedC uh, you can do meI. one for a long time you.
Leonardo Di Caprio is doing a
ROSS: Yeah—No!!
Jack Nicholson face

I. You can do me: Here ‘to do some-
one’ has a double meaning of having
sex with someone. It is a very infomal
expression. .

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