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Background of the Study/Context/Rationale:

Stories are passed from one generation to another by word of mouth handed down to us

their experiences, exploits, customs, traditions and cultures through stories that are considered

before making decisions. Storytelling is traditional, stories in education is natural and it cuts

across races, nations, religion and beliefs apart from the learning experiences in storytelling, it is

a methodology for teaching and for providing education for learners at all levels of studies.

Moreover, using stories in the classroom is found to be of great importance to child

development. The use of oral histories in classroom is an important tool and aid in learning.

When children listen to stories, their imaginations are enriched and stimulated; telling stories to

children increase their vocabulary and they learn about the cultural values and mores in their

societies. Fairy tales teach children on a very deep level and help them bridge the confusing

dimensions of the world. Folk stories and fairy tales of other cultures teach children to embrace

the uniqueness of different societies.

When hearing a story, children can create their own imaginary pictures, just as the

parent has done. These pictures are not materialized or imposed upon the children. The

children are free to create what is necessary for them, in their own life and development,

and dream in a healthy way into the stories. Children love to hear stories again and again. It

can give them security and allow them to enter more deeply and imaginatively into the
content and language of the story. It allows them to relax for they feel held by a continuum

which is extremely nourishing to them. Repetition gives order to children's worlds, which

they need in order to grow in the healthiest fashion. Unlike adults, a child needs time to

brood over a story and let it really sink in, or they will not understand it. If they can create

the story in their minds, which is usually done through sleep, they will be able to see the

images more clearly and remember the story better by the third day. This boosts their

creativity and thinking levels. It increases their ability to understand words and their

meanings by associating them with the pictures they have created. It teaches things in a

pictorial way, which is necessary for children.

Story telling has more benefits as an effective method of instruction, because it involves

many mediums of communication for example use of gestures, song and dance. It also molds

characters and provides enjoyment. Stories broadens the knowledge of the children and the

cultural beliefs and activates. It also establishes good relationships among pupils and their

teacher. Story telling has also negative impacts as it can disadvantage learners, if the story teller

doesn't have the required skills. Extensively use of the story telling method tends to produce

passive listeners who receive information without much probing questioning to understand much

better. It is also the poor method of active participation by learners as it lessens the opportunity

for them to learn by doing.

A calculated use of story-telling can include reflections of past experiences,

understanding and conveying the meaning embedded in those instances and using them to

channelize key messages in a hosts of contexts. These can be used to guide values and priorities,

promote desired behaviors and share learning. Using one’s life experiences can be a sure-shot

success strategy for your training session purely because you can convey its inherent integrity,
credibility and passion first-hand. A story should ideally create a timeline, proceed to focus on a

related task or event and end with a focus on the acquired learning. The stories used in the

session can then be used to elaborate on the meaning it holds for you, the influence it has on your

thinking or approach to work and the value it can provide that makes a difference to others.

Storytelling acts as a fantastic teaching tool, imparting lessons of life to individuals of all

ages. Originating with the beginning of society and enduring into this age of near immediate

access to all information, storytelling has proven its flexibility and necessity beyond any shadow

of doubt.

Research Questions:

This study sought to find out the Participation Rates using local children stories in

Storytelling Technique to the preschoolers at Berean Academy of Urdaneta City, Inc.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Local Children stories in storytelling to

the Preschoolers?

2. What is the implication of storytelling to the participation rates of the pupils?

3. How does storytelling motivate the pupils’ interest on the subject?



Ceballos, Mark Kenneth S.


Aben, Clarisse L. Ganancial, Giree Mae M.

Abogado, Gleren N. Levid, Ruth E.

Cezar, Erwin Torres, Marvin

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