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1. Teacher intro

2. Student intro

3. Ask questions like – grade, why love music, what kind of music kid like, their hobbies


1. Play at least 2 songs (not very long)

2. Ask the question – “Do you have a Guitar?”
3. If Yes, then ask another question - “Can you play something for me?

Without the guitar : student will share screen.
1. Explain guitar parts and frets before going to virtual guitar
2. On virtual guitar, ask student to click buttons – Play and sounds
3. Help kids to play HOT CROSS BUNS – EDC (mi re do) EDC (Mi re do) EEEE (mi ) DDDD (re)
EDC (Do)
4. Help kids to play Detective Theme (F F# G)

With Guitar

Student from Class 1-3 (Beginner and non beginner) - Twinkle Twinkle

1. Explain guitar parts and frets

2. Teacher share screen – Show Twinkle Twinkle 1 Slide and explain tablatures
3. Help kid to play twinkle twinkle 1st line then 2nd line
4. Then play Twinkle audio for them

BEGINNER → If student is in CLASS 4 & ABOVE then, they will learn No Matter Song 1. Explain parts of
guitar and frets 2. Teacher Shares Screen- Show No Matter video and explain Tablatures 3. Help kid to
play No Matter GoTo STEP-4 after this

NON-BEGINNER → If student is in CLASS 4 & ABOVE then, they will learn Jade Song 1. Explain parts
of guitar and frets 2. Teacher Shares Screen- Show Jade video and explain Tablatures 3. Help kid to
play Jade GoTo STEP-4 after this

Trapti Srivastava
STEP-4- HAPPY BDAY REMIX 1. Ask favourite food 2. Explain Melody , Happy and Sad melody also.
Play C-major & C-minor. 3. Explain Rythym, ask student to use table or pen to play a rhythm. 4.
Musiquest Website
Trapti Srivastava
STEP-5 - WRAP UP 1. Ask Summary to the student 2. Give HATS OFF (important) 3. Invite Parents and
introduce 4. Explain Course- Wrap up Slides (Teacher will Share Screen here) 5. Mention Academic
Counselor, Stay in classroom, Make it fast to enroll. Say Thanks for Joining

Curriculum details

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