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Seizure (2006) 15, 156—164

Antiepileptic drugs and liver disease

Syed Nizamuddin Ahmed *, Zaeem A. Siddiqi

University of Alberta, 2E3.12 Walter C. Mackenzie Centre, 8440-112 Street,

Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6G 2B7

Received 13 December 2004; received in revised form 11 December 2005; accepted 28 December 2005

KEYWORDS Summary Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are no longer restricted to the treatment of
Antiepileptic drugs; epilepsy. These are widely used in a broad spectrum of psychiatric and neurological
Hepatotoxicity; disorders. Liver plays a major role in the metabolism of a majority of these drugs.
Liver disease; Hepatotoxicity is rare, but a real concern when initiating therapy. Likewise, liver
Epilepsy disease can adversely affect the biotransformation of some of these drugs.
This manuscript addresses the significance of elevated liver enzymes associated
with AED use, the role of therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacokinetics during liver
disease and potential risk of hepatotoxicity.
# 2006 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Hepatic biotransformation of AEDs in blood flow, albumin binding, the degree of drug
health and liver disease uptake by the hepatocyte, the functional integrity
of the hepatocytes and finally the patency of the
Almost all antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) with the excep- hepatobiliary system. A functional compromise at
tion of Gabapentin and Vigabatrin undergo hepatic any level can potentially impair biotransformation,
biotransformation (Table 1). causing parent compounds to accumulate or the
Lipophilic AEDs require conversion to a hydrophi- generation of active metabolites to be interrupted.
lic/water-soluble state for renal excretion. This The decision to continue or withdraw drug ther-
process comprises phase-I and -II reactions. Phase- apy depends on the underlying pathology, the extent
I reactions include oxidation, reduction and hydro- of hepatic insult, the role of the AED in potentially
xylation, whereas phase-II reactions imply conjuga- accentuating the insult and finally the risks (status
tion. Glucoronidation is a common phase-II reaction, epilepticus) of discontinuing this agent. In some
leading to active and inactive metabolites. instances, it is safe to continue the drug at a lower
Liver disease can affect the metabolism of AEDs dose and, in others, it is not safe to continue the
in several ways and due to different underlying drug at all. Impaired biotransformation can lead to
etiologies. Drug metabolism depends on hepatic an alternative route of metabolism and, the gen-
eration of hepatotoxic metabolites, as in Valproic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 780 407 8068;
acid (VPA)-induced hepatotoxicity.
fax: +1 780 407 1325. The Child—Pugh classification for alcoholic liver
E-mail address: (S.N. Ahmed). disease and portal hypertension1 classifies liver

1059-1311/$ — see front matter # 2006 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Antiepileptic drugs and liver disease 157

Table 1 Metabolism of AEDs ifestations. With the exception of VPA, AEDs typi-
Predominantly Partially Extrahepatic cally do not lead to elevated ammonia levels. A two
metabolized metabolized metabolism to three fold elevation in serum ammonia can result
by the liver by the liver or excretion during VPA therapy and is usually insignificant. This
Benzodiazepines Leviteracetam Gabapentin elevation probably results from a decreased synth-
Carbamazepine Topiramate Vigabatrin esis of mitochondrial acetyl CoA, leading to a
Ethosuximide Zonisamide decrease in N-acetylglutamate, an activator of car-
Felbamate bamoyl phosphate synthetase.2 A more than two to
Lamotrigine three fold increase in liver enzymes during AED
Oxcarbazepine therapy should caution the physician of a potential
Phenobarbital of coexistent liver disease. If subsequent follow-up
Phenytoin reveals a progressive increase in the values of the
enzymes, investigations for coexistent liver disease
are warranted, and may require a switch to an
alternative AED.
AED-induced liver disease can be a part of a gen-
disease as mild, moderate and severe (Child—Pugh eralized hypersensitivity reaction, as is recognized
Grade A, B and C, respectively), and is useful when with CBZ, lamotrigine (LTG), PB and PHT. Cases of
considering the pharmacokinetics of a drug in the hypersensitivity reaction with other AEDs are also
presence of liver disease. This classification con- reported. Fever, transient skin rash, eosinophilia and
siders five parameters: bilirubin; albumin; pro- lympadenopathy are associated features.
thrombin time; and the presence of encephalo-
pathy and ascites. The number of abnormal vari-
ables determines the score, with a higher score Characteristics specific to individual
representing a more severe disease. drugs

The following section deals with individual medica-

The assessment of liver functions and tions. Drugs with predominantly extrahepatic meta-
hepatotoxicity during AED therapy bolism/clearance are grouped together.

Liver enzymes can serve as markers of hepatocellular Benzodiazepines

injury (aspartate aminotransferase [AST], alanine
aminotransferase [ALT]) or of an obstruction in the Clobazam, clonazepam, diazepam, lorazepam and
bile flow–—cholestasis (alkaline phosphatase [ALP] midazolam are commonly used benzodiazepines
and gamma-glutamyl transferase [GGT]). Although (BDZ) in the treatment of epilepsy, alcohol with-
these enzymes are elevated in liver disease, the drawal seizures and status epilepticus.3—7
elevation can also be secondary to enzyme induction As a group, BDZs are highly protein bound in
in the absence of hepatic pathology. An elevated plasma, and undergo extensive hepatic biotrans-
partial thromboplastin time (PTT) or decrease in formation. Renal excretion of the parent com-
albumin along with elevated liver enzymes is a more pound is minimal. Due to a predominant hepatic
specific marker of liver dysfunction. metabolism, liver disease can significantly affect
Carbamazepine (CBZ), Phenobarbital (PB) and the metabolism of various BDZ. For example, liver
Phenytoin (PHT) are potent enzyme inducers. On cirrhosis can markedly increase the elimination
the other hand, Topiramate (TPM) has weak half-life of diazepam and lorazepam.8—10 The
enzyme-inducing characteristics. A few weeks to elimination of lorazepam was not significantly
a month’s therapy with one of the enzyme inducers, impaired in patients with viral hepatitis.11 We
leads to a modest elevation of ALT, AST, ALP and were unable to identify established cases of
GGT, whereas a less than two fold increase in ALT, BDZ-induced hepatotoxicity in the span of last
AST and ALP is usually insignificant. GGT is a non- 30 years.
specific marker of liver disease and often elevated In summary, the literature recommends reducing
during AED therapy. Because ALP can originate from the dose of BDZs in the presence of liver disease.
both the liver and bone, an elevated ALP, in the Clinical response and dose-dependent side effects
absence of elevated GGT, points to an extrahepatic are useful measures for making this change. Hepa-
origin. Hyperammonemia is also a marker of liver totoxicity is not a major concern and sequential
disease, and a four to five fold increase in levels is blood testing is not necessary, provided the baseline
associated with central nervous system (CNS) man- liver function tests are normal.
158 S.N. Ahmed, Z.A. Siddiqi

Carbamazepine tinued. Since this patient was concurrently being

treated with Acetazolamide and PB and, had been
Carbamazepine (CBZ) is effective for the treatment treated with VPA two months previously,22 it was
of partial and secondarily generalized tonic—clonic hard to establish if ESM was solely responsible for
seizures. Hepatic biotransformation is the main the abnormal liver functions. Although hepatotoxi-
route of elimination.12,13 Epoxidation and hydroxy- city is not a recognized adverse effect from ESM, the
lation are the main metabolic pathways though product monograph recommends using ‘‘extreme
conjugation reactions may also have a role.12 The caution’’ in its administration in patients with
most important metabolic product is 10,11-CBZ known liver disease.
epoxide, which has been shown to be pharmacolo-
gically active.12 CBZ induces its own metabolism Felbamate
(autoinduction) that starts within 24 h of the initia-
tion of therapy and is completed after 3—5 weeks of Felbamate (FBM) is a broad-spectrum antiepileptic
treatment.14 Therefore, when measuring CBZ drug medication, approved for marketing in the US in
levels it is worth delaying the first measure until 4—5 1993, which was found to be effective against both
weeks to find steady state level following auto- partial and generalized seizures. It undergoes bio-
induction. Therapy with other AEDs and several transformation by phase-I and -II reactions, hydro-
other classes of medications also induces CBZ meta- xylation and glucoronidation, respectively. The
bolism (heteroinduction). Due to these interactions, metabolites and the parent compound are excreted
higher doses of CBZ are required to maintain a through the kidneys. It inhibits the cytochrome P-
steady concentration in the blood. 450 system thus resulting in significant interactions
A transient and asymptomatic elevation of liver with other AEDs and in most instances increasing the
enzymes occurs in 25—61% of patients receiving levels of PHT, CBZ epoxide and VPA. In 1994, several
CBZ.15,16 Serious CBZ-associated hepatotoxicity cases of aplastic anemia and serious hepatotoxicity
takes two forms: a hypersensitive reaction in the were noted which led to the gradual discontinuation
form of granulomatous hepatitis that presents with of this drug from a vast patient population. The
fever and abnormal liver functions tests; and an estimated incidence of hepatic failure is 164 per
acute hepatitis and hepatocellular necrosis with million patients treated.23
fever, rash, hepatitis and lymphadenopathy simu- The American Academy of Neurology has issued a
lating biliary tract infection,17 which may result practice guideline for the use of FBM, reserving it for
from direct drug toxicity. medically refractory epilepsy such as Lennox Gas-
Hepatotoxic reactions of CBZ usually occur within taut syndrome. Emphasis is also placed on an
3—4 weeks after the initiation of therapy and are informed consent, a detailed past history of cyto-
independent of serum CBZ levels. Symptoms usually penia, drug-induced allergic reactions and immune
resolve after the drug is discontinued; however, disorders.24
fatal hepatotoxicity can occur even after early
intervention and discontinuation of the drug.18 Lamotrigine
The profile of patients susceptible to serious hepa-
totoxicity is not established. Lamotrigine (LTG) is an effective treatment both for
focal and generalized epilepsies. It primarily under-
Ethosuximide goes hepatic metabolism. Human experiments
demonstrate that the clearance of LTG depends
Ethosuximide (ESM) is an effective treatment for on the severity of hepatic impairment.25 One group
absence ( petit mal) seizures. It has a half-life of noted the need to reduce the dose by 50—75% in
40—60 h and is not protein bound. It is extensively patients with liver cirrhosis corresponding to Child—
metabolized in the liver and only a small percent of Pugh Grade B or C, respectively.26 In vitro experi-
the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine.19,20 ments by Furlan et al.27 demonstrated no significant
Since ESM undergoes significant liver metabolism, it changes in the metabolic clearance of LTG in the
has potential interactions with other enzyme-indu- presence of liver disease. This discrepancy between
cing AEDs, though the clinical importance of these in vivo and in vitro experiments, suggests the need
drug—drug interactions is unclear. ESM is not asso- for extreme caution when generalizing laboratory
ciated with enzyme induction or hepatotoxicity.21 results to human therapeutics.
One case of ESM-induced liver dysfunction is Although no changes were reported in routine
reported in a 13-month-old child manifested by laboratory tests of hepatic function in the phase-
increased enzymatic activity, but the enzymes III/IV studies, hepatic failure and multiorgan failure
reverted to normal when the therapy was discon- has been described in adult and pediatric patients
Antiepileptic drugs and liver disease 159

taking LTG.28—31 Sauve et al.29 note that the hepa- minority of susceptible patients with a defect in
totoxicity often seems associated with other symp- drug detoxification develops hepatotoxicity.39,40 A
toms such as hyperthermia, cutaneous rash, more common occurrence is an asymptomatic and
rhabdomyolysis, and coagulopathy. clinically insignificant elevation of ALP and GGT.41
Based on human studies, the dose of LTG needs Alternately, hepatic involvement may occur as
adjustment in the presence of liver disease. This part of a generalized hypersensitivity or idiosyn-
adjustment should be based on therapeutic cratic reaction seen in about 9% of patients, an
response rather merely on serum levels. Reports incidence that is similar in patients taking CBZ
of LTG-related liver disease is rare, with suboptimal and PHT.42 Fever, transient skin rash, eosinophilia,
data to establish causality between this drug and and lymphadenopathy are the other features of this
hepatotoxicity. reaction. The hepatic involvement may present with
a hepatotoxic, cholestatic or a mixed picture. Gran-
Oxcarbazepine ulomatous inflammatory changes develop in the
liver and are reversible on discontinuation of the
Oxcarbazepine (OXC) is effective for partial and drug.
secondarily generalized tonic—clonic seizures. Its
spectrum of action is quite similar to CBZ. Like Phenytoin (PHT)
CBZ, it is predominantly metabolized through the
liver. It is a less potent enzyme inducer with rela- Merritt and Putnam introduced PHT as an anticon-
tively less prominent interaction with other AEDs. vulsant in 1938.43 It is one of the most commonly
Furthermore, it is not biotransformed to CBZ epox- used compounds for treating secondarily general-
ide, and therefore is better tolerated than the first ized tonic—clonic seizures and status epilepticus.44
generation CBZ. Hepatic metabolism converts OXC Ninety-five percent of PHT is bio-transformed by the
to its active metabolite monohydroxylated deriva- liver and less than 5% is eliminated unchanged in the
tive.32 Liver disease has no effect on the pharma- urine.45 PHT at clinically accepted doses can satu-
cokinetics of OXC and monohydroxylated rate the hepatic enzymatic system that metabolizes
derivative.33 OXC has not been associated with the drug (zero-order kinetics). This is particularly
hepatotoxicity except for anecdotal case reports, significant in the presence of liver disease, and the
but it can cause a modest elevation of liver dose increment should be gradual.
enzymes.34—36 GGT is elevated in 50—90% of patients on PHT
therapy.46 Although a number of studies have found
Phenobarbital (PB) elevated ALP with PHT therapy46,47 these numbers
have not been reproduced in age- and sex-matched
Phenobarbital (PB) was introduced as an AED in studies.48 Elevation of ASTand ALP are considered as
1912. It is the oldest AED still in use and is effective more specific markers of liver disease than ALT and
in partial and secondarily generalized tonic—clonic GGT.48 In the absence of primary hepatic disease and
seizures, in the control of status epilepticus and in drug hypersensitivity syndrome, a mild elevation in
the prevention of febrile seizures.37 enzymes is clinically insignificant.
PB is metabolized by hydroxylation in the hepatic Hepatic injury due to PHT is an infrequent
mixed function oxidase system. p-Hydroxypheno- occurrence, but once it develops, 10—38% of cases
barbital (PBOH) is the major metabolite, which is will progress to a fatal outcome.17 The interval
subsequently conjugated to glucuronic acid to form between the initiation of PHT therapy and the
PBOH glucuronide. Nine to 33% of the dose is onset of clinical abnormalities ranges from 1 to 6
excreted unchanged in the urine, and the renal weeks in the vast majority of patients.49 The most
clearance depends on the urine flow and pH. The common presenting symptoms were fever, rash and
half-life of PB ranges from 75 to 126 h in healthy lymph-adenopathy. Jaundice and hepato-spleno-
subjects and is significantly prolonged in patients magaly were common findings as well, and a sub-
with liver cirrhosis. In patients with acute viral stantial proportion of patients experienced
hepatitis, the prolongation of elimination half-life hemorrhagic complication.50 Biochemical features
is not statistically significant.38 PB is a potent indu- of PHT hepatotoxicity are variable but generally
cer of hepatic microsomal enzymes and can enhance include abnormal serum bilirubin, transaminases,
the metabolism of several drugs, including AEDs, and ALP levels, as well as eosinophilia and leuko-
steroids and anticoagulants. It also increases the cytosis. The morphologic and pathologic abnorm-
hepatic metabolism of sex hormones that may lead alities are non-specific, including, but not limited
to the failure of oral contraceptives. Dose-depen- to, primary hepatocellular degeneration and/or
dent hepatotoxicity is a rare occurrence: only a necrosis.49
160 S.N. Ahmed, Z.A. Siddiqi

The clinical course of PHT hepatotoxicity ranges Valproic acid (VPA)

from prompt resolution on drug withdrawal to fatal
hepatic injury.50 Hepatic injury with PHT is most VPA has a broad spectrum of activity against both
likely secondary to a hypersensitivity reaction focal and generalized epilepsies. It is 80—90% pro-
rather than a direct hepatotoxic effect. Clinico- tein bound. Hepatic biotransformation is the main
pathological studies looking at liver biopsies are route of elimination and involves glucuronidation,
in keeping with this hypothesis.50 Toxicity after drug b-oxidation and v-oxidation.65,66 Retrospective stu-
overdose primarily affects the central nervous sys- dies have demonstrated a transient elevation of
tem with signs of neurotoxicity rather than hepa- liver aminotransferases in up to 10—15% of patients
totoxicity.51 When clinical and biochemical picture on VPA67,68 but these finding were not reproduced in
is suggestive of hepatotoxicity prompt discontinua- a prospective study with a relatively small sample
tion of the drug is essential. size.69 Rarely, levels of other liver enzymes includ-
ing ALP, lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and GGT may
Tiagabine also rise in the serum.70 The medication can be
continued if the rise in enzyme levels is moderate:
Tiagabine is an effective add-on treatment for up to two to three times the baseline levels and the
partial seizures with or without secondary general- patient has remained asymptomatic. If the changes
ization.52—54 It is highly protein bound and predo- in hepatic functions are clinically symptomatic it is
minantly metabolized by the liver by the 3A family recommended to discontinue the drug with suppor-
of cytochrome P450 (CYP). It does not seem to tive therapy such as maintaining serum glucose,
induce or inhibit hepatic microsomal enzymes.55 Vitamin K supplement and carnitine therapy.71,72
Liver disease is shown to attenuate its metabolism. A rare, idiosyncratic reaction to VPA therapy is
Based on this finding the recommendations are to irreversible hepatic failure.73 The incidence of VPA-
consider reducing the dosage and increasing the induced fatal hepatic dysfunction is highest, 1/500,
dosing intervals to minimize neurotoxicity.56 Its in children under 2 years of age, treated with poly-
use is discouraged in patients with severely pharmacy.73,74 The risk declines with age with a rate
impaired liver functions.57 Our Medline search did of 1/12,000 when used in polytherapy and 1/37,000
not demonstrate established cases of Tiagabine- when used in monotherapy after the first 2 years of
induced liver disease. life.74,75 Certain risk factors for VPA-induced liver
failure have been identified and include: Younger
Topiramate age, mental retardation, history of metabolic dis-
orders or inborn error of metabolism, polypharmacy,
Topiramate (TPM) is effective for partial and gen- stressful condition such as infection and underlying
eralized seizures.58 It is minimally bound to plasma liver disease.76 In adults, the risk of an idiosyncratic
proteins (15%) and has a half-life of about 21 h. In reaction is much less than in children. König et al.77
healthy volunteers, 20% of the dose is metabolized, critically reviewed 26 fatalities in adult patients
and about 40% is excreted unchanged via the kid- from hepatotoxicity from 1980 to 1996. Three
ney. Biliary excretion plays a minor role in TPM patients were on monotherapy and 12 had no con-
metabolism.59 The mean plasma concentration of current illnesses. The authors therefore advised
TPM was found to be 40—50% when it was used as an vigilance even when adults with no underlying ill-
adjunct therapy with liver enzyme inducing AEDs. ness receive VPA monotherapy. VPA therapy can be
The product monograph reports a 30% increase in associated with hyperammonemia in the presence
the drug concentration associated with moderate of normal AST, ALT and ALP.78 The mechanism of
to severe liver disease.60 In such cases, monitoring hyperammonemia therefore is independent of the
central nervous system side effects such as, psy- acute hepatic injury but can be seen in acute VPA
chomotor slowing, speech problems, confusion and overdose.79 In vitro studies have shown causality
mood alterations, can help in deciding dosage between VPA and oxidative stress, especially in the
adjustment. TPM can infrequently lead to elevated presence of glutathione deficiency.80,81 These find-
liver enzymes. We came across two possible cases ings support the previous observations, linking
of TPM-induced hepatotoxicity61,62 in the litera- inborn errors of metabolism with a higher incidence
ture, and one case report suggesting reversible of VPA associated toxicity in humans.82,83
hepatic failure after adding TPM to VPA.63 These The idiosyncratic hepatic toxicity to VPA usually
are isolated case reports requiring further corro- occurs during the first 2—3 months of therapy and
borating evidence. Routine monitoring of liver leads to reduced alertness, vomiting, hemorrhage,
function tests is not recommended during TPM increased seizures, anorexia, jaundice, edema, and
therapy.64 ascites. The most frequently reported hepatic his-
Antiepileptic drugs and liver disease 161

topathological findings were necrosis and steato- Gabapentin is excreted unchanged in the urine. It
sis.82 Laboratory tests are poor predictors of hepto- does not affect the liver enzymes and has not been
toxicity with VPA because hepatotoxic reactions associated with hepatotoxicity.91
have occurred even after a protracted period of Vigabatrin (VBN) is excreted unchanged by the
normal liver enzymes levels while on therapy. kidneys without undergoing hepatic metabolism.92
Furthermore, clinical parameters are known to pre- A case of fatal hepatotoxicity is reported in a 3-year-
cede laboratory abnormalities in most patients who old child treated with VBN for 9 months along with
had adverse hepatic reactions to VPA. A shift from b- PB,93 with an underlying history of prematurity,
oxidation to v-oxidation is a probable trigger in the perinatal cerebral hemorrhage and leukomalacia.
pathogenesis. This leads to the formation of 4-en A definite cause-and-effect relationship could not
VPA, the compound leading to microvesicular stea- be established.
tosis, which is a hallmark of VPA-induced hepatic Levetiracetam (LEV) is predominantly (66%)
injury.17 The depletion of L-carnitine, a co-factor in excreted unchanged by the kidneys, with a smaller
the beta-oxidation of fatty acids, is another postu- amount (27%) metabolized to three inactive com-
lated mechanism.72 The initial observation that pounds.94 It does not bind to plasma proteins. The
concomitant therapy with VPA and ketogenic diet pharmacokinetics of LEV are not affected by mild to
can predispose the patient to hepatotoxicity84 was moderate liver impairment.95 In patients with
not substantiated in a recent review.85 A recent severe liver cirrhosis (Child—Pugh Class C) total
study demonstrated the presence of non-alcoholic clearance was reduced by 57% and a reduction in
fatty liver disease in 61% of VPA-treated patients as dose by 50% is recommended.96 We did not come
compared to 23% receiving CBZ therapy.86 Given the across any report of LEV-induced hepatotoxicity on a
significant number developing the fatty change and Medline search.
a very small fraction developing liver toxicity, a
cause-and-effect relationship cannot be estab-
lished. Conclusion
In summary, VPA associated hepatotoxicity in
adults is a rare but potentially serious diagnosis. With the ever-increasing indications and markets for
Routine biochemical monitoring does not reduce the AEDs, the need for a better understanding of their
risk; therefore patient education to identify early pharmacokinetics and potential toxicity is impera-
clinical manifestations is important. A moderate tive. Based on our extensive literature review we
elevation of liver enzymes (less than two times of would like to make the following concluding remarks:
baseline) is usually insignificant but requires vigi-
lance. The use of VPA with co-existent liver disease 1. There is no proven value of routine blood testing
is discouraged. for monitoring liver functions in asymptomatic
patients.97 We do recommend a baseline test to
identify an existing problem.
2. The presence of underlying liver disease may
require dose adjustment and not necessarily
Zonisamide is a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug
the discontinuation of the medication. Excep-
with efficacy against partial and generalized sei-
tions apply to FBM, VPA and possibly CBZ.
zures.87,88 Hepatic biotransformation accounts for
3. In most established cases hepatic toxicity is idio-
70% clearance and the rest is excreted unchanged
syncratic or part of a hypersensitivity reaction.
by the kidneys.89 CYP 3A seems to be the principal
Dose dependent hepatotoxicity is rare and
family of the cytochrome P-450 involved in its meta-
usually reversible with prompt discontinuation
bolism. Elevated liver enzymes are found in 2—4% of
of the offending agent.
the patients with chronic therapy90 but no significant
heptotoxicity has been reported. In the presence of
underlying liver disease, considering the long half-
life, clinical and biochemical monitoring is advisable. References

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