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The Secret Garden

* Chapter One

1. What could Mary see?

2. What could Mary hear?

3. What strange things happened?

4. Why didn't most of the nurses come to look after Mary?

5. Who was Mr. Craven?

6. Who was Mrs. Medlock?

7. What mustn't Mary do in the nursery?

* Chapter Two

1. Why was the moor nice in summer?

2. How much did Martha's father earn?

3. Why would Martha's brothers want to eat the porridge if they were there?

4. Why didn't Mary go out to play?

5. What was strange about the garden?

6. What did the bird look like?

7. Why did the bird hop about?

8. What did the bird do to make friends with Mary?

* Chapter Three

1. How were all Mary's days the same?

2. What did Mr. Craven lock the garden?

3. What did Mrs. Craven do around the branch?

4. Who was lighting the fire?

5. What hid the moor?

6. How were the children dressed?

7. What did Mary see on the sofa?

* Chapter Four

1. Why did Mary go outside?

2. How did Ben know that spring was coming?

3. Who were Mary's new friends?

4. What was the rusty and damp thing?

5. How did Martha spend the evening with the children?

6. Why didn't the shoots have room to grow?

7. How did Mary find the door of the secret garden?

8. How did Mary get the tools and the seeds?

* Chapter Five

1. How often did Mary work in the secret garden?

2. What did Mary ask Ben about?

3. What did Mary do when she heard someone playing a pipe?

4. What did Mary see there?

5. Why did the boy ask Mary to stand still?

6. What did Mary find in the package?

7. Why could Dickon talk to animals?

8. Why did Mary think it was impossible for someone to cut some plants?

* Chapter Six

1. Why was Mary puzzled?

2. Why did Mr. Craven want to see Mary?

3. What did Mr. Craven want to get for Mary? Why?

4. Who did Mary remind Mr. Craven of?

5. How were Mary and that person alike?

6. Why couldn't Mary sleep that night?

7. What did Mary find in the room?

8. Who was the boy?

9. Why did Mr. Craven visit his son during sleep?

10. Why did they do everything Colin asked?

11. Why did Colin cover the portrait of his mother?

12. What did Mary do to Colin?

* Chapter Seven

1. Why couldn't Mary go out?

2. What did Colin need as some doctors said?

3. What was Mary's idea to make Colin happy?

4. What was good about Mary's wandering and finding Colin?

5. What names did Dickon give to the fox cub and the crow?

6. Why did Mary go home?

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