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Months of the year multiple choice exercise

1-The first month of the year is (January-December-March-November)

2- The last month of the year is (January-May-July-December)
3- There are (seven-twelve-four-nine) months in a year.
4- We use numbers with (dates-days-weeks-months)
5- April comes before (March-May-February-August)
6-(February-May-March-April) is the shortest month.
7- (November-December-October-September) is the twelfth month.
8-The seventh month is (June-July-August-May)
9- April is (the fifth-the fourth-the sixth-the third) month.
10- November is the (the sixth-the tenth-the eleventh-the twelfth)
11- Winter starts in (November-December-January-October)
12- We use the preposition (in-on-at-to) with months.

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