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- Green in Islam

● The green color is a symbol of coolness and a symbol of vegetation.

● the color most liked by Rasulullah SAW is green. "
The dome of the Nabawi Mosque itself is green. The green color is also able to make the eyes
● The green color symbolizes fertility, beauty and comfort.

- Symbol of the Islamic Religion

● Eight Staris a geometric shape that is often used by the Muslim community in various media,
both as a symbol of social organizations and as an ornament in mosques, book covers, and
various other media. The use of this form in various media by the Muslim community seems to
mean that this form is a universal symbol of Muslim communities around the world.

In a simple form of meaning, the Eight Star is a symbol of glory and peace for the Muslim
community. Where the Eight Star is a representation, the object is a symbol, and the
interpretation is victory and peace for the Muslim community.

The Eight Star is a universal symbol that has a philosophy of balance, harmony and cosmic
order. In addition, the Eight Stars is an initial human effort towards humanity, to understand and
communicate the order and unity inherent in creation and the prevailing rules of nature

- Islamic religious rituals.

● Prayers
In a general sense, it is a ritual worship required by Allah SWT to Muslims. In language, prayer
comes from Arabic which means prayer.

Every Muslim has an obligation to carry out worship fardhu prayer, namely praying 5 times a
day. It is called that because there are 5 prayers and are performed at 5 specific times. Starting
from prayer Fajr which is done in the early morning, Zuhr prayer in the afternoon, Asr in the
afternoon, Maghrib between the afternoon and evening and Isha at night.

In doing prayers, you should always try to focus your eyesight on the earth & close your eyes or
lighten the sound during prayer.

Prayers are performed as a sign of human gratitude and gratitude to Allah for all the favors and
gifts that He has given. Thus, humans will always remember Allah SWT and all their actions will
always be protected by the legal limits determined by Allah so that they will be avoided from
heinous acts.

● Hajj
Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy city of the people Islam, and an
obligatory obligation for Muslims that must be performed at least once in their lifetime by all
adult Muslims who are physically and financially able to travel, and can support their families
during their absence.

Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to Allah. The
word Haji means "intending to travel", which connotes both an outward act of traveling and an
act into the intention.

The Hajj is carried out once a year and always has a large number of pilgrims from all over the
world. The time for performing the Hajj is limited compared to the time for performing the Umrah
pilgrimage. The time for the Hajj is limited to the span of the beginning of the month of Shawwal
to the Eid al-Adha.

● Nisfu Sya'ban
Among Muslims in Indonesia, the night of Nifsu Sya'ban is a special night and is often used as a
reminder that it is only time to enter the month of Ramadan.

Sha'ban is one of the months in the Islamic calendar that is between the months of Rajab and
Ramadan. Nisfu means middle, so Nisfu Sya'ban means the middle of the month of Sha'ban. In
this month of Sha'ban all human deeds are raised to Allah SWT.

There is something special on the night of Nisfu Sya'ban, namely that some sins are blotted out
by Allah SWT, some are praying in the jabah, and some are asking for forgiveness for their sins
being forgiven by Allah SWT.

The virtues of the night of Nisfu Sha'ban include being forgiven for all sins, being granted all
wishes, and abundant rewards. Onnights Nisfu Sha'ban, Allah will forgive the sins of those who
ask for forgiveness, love those who ask for love, answer every prayer, and deliver people from

● Kaharingan
- description
Kaharingan is the original belief of the Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, when major religions had not
yet entered Kalimantan. Kaharingan means to grow or live, as in the term danum kaharingan
(water of life). Kaharingan believes in God Almighty (Ranying Hatalla Langit), is adopted from
generation to generation and is lived by the Dayak people in Kalimantan.

Because of the government Indonesia requires residents and citizens to adhere to one religion
recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia, since April 20, 1980. Kaharingan is
categorized as a branch of Hinduism (Hindu Kaharingan).

Kaharingan was first introduced by Tjilik Riwut in 1944, when he was Resident Sampit who is
domiciled in Banjarmasin. In 1945, the Japanese occupation proposed Kaharingan as the
mention of the Dayak religion. Meanwhile during the New Order era, its adherents integrated
with Hinduism, becoming the Hindu Kaharingan.
- The symbol "in the sect
Batang Garing is a symbol that was originally known among the Dayak Ngaju tribe, namely the
Dayak Ngaju tribe who adheres to the Hindu Kaharingan religion. Crunchy rods are used in
rituals and also symbolize their identity. With the development of the times, now the Batang
Garing has become known and is even used in various ornaments and batik motifs typical of
Central Kalimantan.

The Batang Garing symbol has now become an important identity to show a community,
especially for the Dayak Ngaju tribe. That is why Batang Garing now exists among the people,
both the Dayak Ngaju community itself but also for other communities. Thus, Crisp Batang
symbol can be regarded as a collective symbol is a symbol which implies that Rod Crisp
became a symbol of a life together

that are on stream -ritual TSB

● Tiwah ceremony

Tiwah ceremony is the biggest sacred ceremony to usher the soul or spirit of man who had died
to where which is aimed at the last human being carried out by followers of the Kaharingan
religious belief.

The ceremony itself is carried out by collecting livestock which are placed in the center of a
circle consisting of humans. Then the drums are beaten and the people who made the circle
start dancing while moving in a circle. Then in one session, the families who died spear the
cattle. After the animals died, then they would move around again. Usually this ceremony is
carried out by many people at once. It is considered lighter than holding Tiwah itself which costs
that much.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
- Green color in Islam (if you take the main point)
● Taken from several verses of the Koran that put the color green in a glorious place and is seen
beautifully by Allah SWT. The green color is a symbol of coolness and a symbol of vegetation.
● Anas bin Malik said, "The color most liked by the Prophet Muhammad was green." The dome of
the Nabawi Mosque itself is green. The green color is also able to make the eyes comfortable.
● If there are two colors in the Koran that tend to be shown as symbols of goodness, then the two
colors are white and green. In addition to the predicate of the color of the object, Allah SWT also
made the two colors a symbol of goodness. If white symbolizes purity and happiness and bright
light, then green symbolizes fertility, beauty and comfort.

- symbol of "Islam religion
- Ritual of Islam.

Look for 1 stream

- description
- symbol" in the flow-
ritual "in the stream

Reference: -islam.html

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