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Reflect and write in your journal the points you understand as a student.

Then also, as
a Student-Teacher reflect on what is the best way you can teach to promote
communicative/grammatical competence. Refer to the course pack, page 14 for the

What I understand

I understand that learning a new language necessitates familiarizing oneself with new grammar
and vocabulary norms. It allows us to improve our memory by allowing us to memorize new
words, make connections between them, and employ them in context. I'm also aware of the
distinction between communicative and grammatical proficiency. The focus of communicative
grammar is on the overall message and the interpretations that it elicits. I understand the
significance of mastering grammar. A learner must understand the basic structure of the language
in order to communicate. It's difficult to understand grammatical faults in writing or speech, and
it frequently leads to miscommunication. Grammar instruction aids in the development of
fluency and correctness. It is considerably easier to organize and communicate our thoughts once
we have acquired grammar. As a result, we will be more fluent in the language in terms of
speaking, listening, writing, and reading.

What was Practice by my teacher before

There are so many practices that my teacher applied before and I remember the most
influential practice in learning the second language. One of it, is the practice in analyzing
grammar through reading textbooks and stories, my teacher also let the student analyze poem
like the “The Seven Ages of Man” by William Shakespeare. And provide us the opportunity to
present our ideas regarding with understanding the language use in the poem. She also

As a teacher, I would like to value and apply

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