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Volume 46 Number 2 June 2013

Research Report

Treatment of non-vital primary molar using lesion sterilization

and tissue repair (LSTR 3Mix-MP)

Tania Saskianti, Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati

Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya - Indonesia

Background: Root canal preparation and anatomic variations of deciduous teeth often cause the child patient uncooperative and
sometimes the treatment failure. The non-threatening treatment and non-invasive approaches is needed to obtain a good cooperation
from child patient. Purpose: The study was aimed to clinically evaluate the use of 3Mix-MP- a combination of antibacterial drugs, i.e.
metronidazole, minocycline and ciprofloxacin (3Mix), and macrogol and propylene glycol (MP) - as pulp medicament on a necroses
primary molar. Methods: Subject were the children patients of Pediatric Dental Clinic Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital. Eight
primary molars with pulp necroses due to dental caries were selected as samples. The treatment was done based on the concept of
lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) therapy. A slice of 3 Mix-MP pastes was placed in the cavity and then sealed with glass-
ionomer cement. Subjects were asked for recall visit in 1, 3 and 6 months post treatment, for clinical and radiographic evaluation. The
antibacterial effect of 3 Mix-MP was compared with tempophore on mixed bacteria of pulp cavity which was isolated prior to therapy.
The antibacterial effect was determined by measuring the inhibition zone after 24 hours anaerobe incubation. Results: Seven out
of 8 subjects on recall visit showed no acute or chronic clinical symptoms, such as fistulae, abscess, purulent exudates, swelling or
feel any pain during mastication. Microbiological test result showed LSTR 3Mix-MP had antibacterial effect higher than tempophore
(p<0.001). Conclusion: The study revealed that 3Mix-MP treatment showed clinical and radiographic positive response on necrose
primary molar.

Key words: LSTR 3Mix-MP, pulp necroses, primary teeth

Latar belakang: Preparasi saluran akar dan variasi anatomi gigi sulung seringkali menyebabkan pasien anak tidak kooperatif
dan kadang menyebabkan kegagalan perawatan. Perawatan yang tidak menakutkan dan non-invasif diperlukan untuk mendapatkan
kerjasama yang baik dari pasien anak. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk evaluasi klinis penggunaan 3Mix - MP- kombinasi obat
antibakteri, yaitu metronidazole, minocycline dan ciprofloxacin (3Mix), dan makrogol dan propilen glikol (MP) – sebagai pengobatan
pulpa pada gigi molar sulung yang nekrose. Metode: Subjek adalah pasien anak dari Klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak Rumah Sakit Gigi &
Mulut Universitas Airlangga. Delapan gigi molar sulung dengan nekrosis pulpa akibat karies gigi dipilih sebagai sampel. Pengobatan
dilakukan berdasarkan konsep lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR). Selapis pasta 3 Mix - MP ditempatkan di kavitas gigi dan
kemudian ditumpat dengan semen glass-ionomer. Subjek diminta untuk kontrol untuk evaluasi klinis dan radiografi 1, 3 dan 6 bulan
pasca perawatan. Efek antibakteri 3 Mix - MP terhadap bakteri campuran rongga pulpa yang diisolasi sebelum terapi dibandingkan
dengan tempophore . Efek antibakteri ditentukan dengan mengukur zona hambat setelah 24 jam inkubasi anaerob. Hasil: Tujuh dari
8 subjek pada saat kontrol tidak menunjukkan gejala klinis akut atau kronis, seperti fistula, abses, eksudat purulen, bengkak atau
Saskianti, et al.,: Treatment of non-vital primary molar using lesion sterilization 81

merasa sakit selama pengunyahan. Hasil uji mikrobiologi menunjukkan LSTR 3Mix - MP memiliki efek antibakteri yang lebih tinggi
daripada tempophore (p<0,001). Simpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan 3Mix - MP memberikan respon positif
pada perawatan molar sulung yang nekrotik secara klinis dan radiografis.

Kata kunci: LSTR 3Mix-MP, nekrose pulpa, gigi sulung

Correspondence: Tania Saskianti, c/o: Departemen Kedokteran Gigi Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga. Jl. Prof.
Dr. Moestopo No. 47 Surabaya 60132, Indonesia. E-mail:

introduction Thus, in order to anticipate those problems, nowadays

the Cariology Research Unit of Niigata University School
Approximately 75% of the teeth with deep caries of Dentistry in Japan has developed the concept of lesion
have been found from clinical observation to have pulp sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) by using combination
exposure. Over 90% of the asymptomatic teeth with deep of metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and minocycline (3Mix),
carious lesions could be successfully treated without pulp and combination of carrier materials, macrogol and
exposure using indirect pulp therapy techniques, so the propylene glycol (MP) for disinfecting the lesion in oral
premature extraction can be prevented. 1 Primary teeth play mouth, including dentinal, pulp, and periapical lesion. The
an integral role in the development of occlusion. Premature recovery of the infected tissue then is expected to occur if
loss of a primary tooth through infection has the potential the lesion is disinfected.6-8
to destabilize the developing occlusion with space loss, In addition, in vitro and in situ researches are done
arch collapse, and premature, delayed or ectopic eruption extensively for analyzing the affectivity of mixing
of the permanent successor teeth. Effective pulp therapy in medicines (3Mix) towards bacteria in oral mouth, including
the primary dentition must not only stabilize the affected endodontic lesion in permanent teeth. The research of
primary tooth, but also create a favorable environment for LSTR 3Mix-MP on permanent dental actually has been
normal exfoliation of the primary tooth. It does not harm done before by Hoshino,9 Kuswandari,10 and Khalil,11
the developing enamel or disturb normal eruption of its nevertheless, other supporting researches are still needed in
permanent successor. The primary teeth preserved, are different places in order to examine whether this treatment
consider to be the best space maintenance treatment until is also effective for primary molar teeth considering
natural exfoliation.2 with the morphological difference between the crown of
However, before treatment plan of primary molar with primary molar teeth and that of permanent teeth with many
deep caries was made, it is important to consider some difficulties in maintaining root canal. The wider dentin
factors, e.g. age of children, the general health, the period of tubules of primary molar teeth and the thinner enamel
permanent dental eruption, the severity of dental caries, the of primary molar teeth than those of the permanent teeth
cooperation of children, and the cost of treatment.3 These can make the spreading of bacteria into root canal easier.
examples, in any combination, illustrate many treatment Furthermore, in child patients treatment sometimes is
considerations that could be important in an individual difficult to be achieved since the flat anatomy of root
patient with pulp necrose.1 The general treatment for canal in the primary molar teeth, and since it also have
primary molar teeth with diagnose of necroses pulp actually many branches that can make the conventional root canal
consists of some root canal treatment techniques. However, treatment difficult.
complete elimination of bacteria is not always achieved in Due to the polymicrobial nature of the infected root
clinical practice due to the anatomical complexities of root canal, combination of antibacterial drug is required. The
canals and consequent limitations of access by instruments treatment with LSTR is considered to be useful to cure the
and irrigators. 4 Furthermore, root canal treatment procedure pulp necroses since it can exterminate bacteria in root canal.
in children is more challenging and difficult than in adult due Clinical procedures of LSTR therapy is also simple and does
to the following reasons: behavior management problems in not need long and continual visiting, thus it makes dentists
children, limited mouth opening, complexities of the root easier to treat pulp necroses of primary molar teeth.6 The
canal system, and danger of injuring the permanent tooth aim of study was to evaluate the success of LSTR 3Mix-MP
bud. The variation and eventual alterations in the number treatment subjectively, clinically, and radiographically in
and size of the primary root canals made it inaccessible even primary molar teeth with diagnosis of pulp necroses in 1,
to the smallest endodontic instruments.1 In general, the least 3, and 6 months after the treatment. The study could give
invasive intervention that is predictably associated with a an alternative treatment of pulp necroses in primary molar
healthy, adaptive healing response in the affected primary teeth that is easily, simple, effective, cheap acceptable for
or permanent tooth, therefore, is needed to be done.2 All children.
inflammatory periapical lesions should be initially treated
with conservative nonsurgical procedures.5
82 Dent. J. (Maj. Ked. Gigi), Volume 46 Number 2 June 2013: 80–84

material and methods powder was stored in covered container, and saved in
refrigerator at the temperature of 16o C. Next, the powder
This study was a clinical research study with the pre was mixed with the ratio of metronidazole 500 mg:
test-post test control group design. The locations of study ciprofloxacin 500 mg: minocycline 500 mg (3Mix) = 1:3:3.
were Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry Universitas Airlangga And, the carrier materials then were mixed with macrogol
Dental Hospital and Ikhlas Kindergarten at Jalan Sekolahan and propylene glycol (MP) = 1:1. Finally, those mixing
22, Surabaya. The targeted population in this research were medical powder were mixed with the carrier materials for
the students of Ikhlas Kindergarten (51 children) who meet forming pasta 3 Mix-MP. The isolation of working area
the criteria of sample. The samples were the maxillary or must be conducted in children by using cotton roll. The
mandibulary primary molar teeth with diagnosis of pulp wall of dental cavity was cleaned chemically by using
necroses due to dental caries, based on the clinical and 35% of phosphate acid. The cavity then was half-filled
radiologic examination. The teeth must also met criteria with 3Mix-MP and covered with glassionomer cement Fuji
of the following root canal treatment indication: the tooth IX with liquid consistency (the ratio 1 powder: 2 liquid)
should be restorable after the treatment, the root was in full without pressure. At recall visit (1, 3, and 6 months post-
length or 1/3 of root length resorbed based on periapical treatment) aanamnesis was conducted towards the patients’
radiographic. Patients were cooperative, had no any parents. In intra oral examination on treated teeth of the
systemic abnormality or not under medical therapy relating children, moreover, palpation, percussion, and pressure
with their systemic condition, had no allergic history with examinations were conducted. Then, radiology examination
any chemical materials and antibiotics, must be permitted was conducted. The obtained data, finally, were noted in
by their parents who then signs informed consent. Finally, the prepared form.
the method of sample collecting in the study was random Sterile paper point was put into the dental root canal
sampling. for 1 minute to obtain mixed bacteria in the necrose pulp.
The criteria of treatment success were subjective, Paper point then was put into the medium tube containing
clinical and radiographic evaluations.12 The treatment BHI Broth, and aerobically incubated for 24 hours. The
was subjectively considered to be success if the early blood agar was divided into 4 zones. Bacteria culture in
symptoms or spontaneous pain in percussion decreased or the BHI Broth was taken by micropipette. Each of zones of
disappeared in period of observation (1, 3, and 6 months). blood agar was given one drop (10 µliter), and leveled with
The treatment was clinically considered to be success if the spreader. Afterwards, LSTR 3Mix-MP and Tempophore,
patients with or without early symptoms or spontaneous about half of measuring spoon, were applied in each of
pain in percussion and fistula, inflammation of intra oral, absorbed papers. Those absorbed papers then were put on
and subjective complains at the first visit had decreased, or Blood Agar and anaerobically incubated in for 48 hours.
had no pain at all during observation period. The treatment The antibacterial effect determined by the inhibition zone.
was considered to be radiographically success if the area The bigger zone of inhibition the stronger its antibacterial
of periapical radiolucency decreased and had no new effect.
periapical radiolucency at the end of observation period
(6 months).
Clinical examination conducted on primary molar results
teeth with pulp necroses. This clinical examination was
aimed to examine the presence of gingival inflammation; Based on the observation of LSTR 3Mix-MP treatment
abscess or fistula; abnormal dental mobility; pain after light on the 4-6 year old children of TK Ikhlas in Surabaya, 7
pressure on tooth; and any spontaneous pain.2 Moreover, of 8 children were successfully treated with LSTR 3Mix-
radiographic examination before and after the treatment MP. There were 5 children who were successfully treated
was also needed to obtain some following information; without any complains and 2 children were successfully
the existence of external root resorbtion of treated primary treated though they got pain in the first and third months,
molar tooth, the existence of internal root resorbtion of but they recovered in the sixth month. There was one
treated primary molar tooth, the existence of bifurcation child who was not successfully treated. Moreover, during
involvement, and the existence of periapical radiolucency.2 the examination of subjective symptom one month after
For children who met the criteria of subject, their parents LSTR 3Mix-MP treatment, there were 3 students got pain.
were explained about the aims, the expected results, One student reliefed the pain at the third month, yet the
the advantages and disadvantages of LSTR 3Mix-MP pain emerged again at the sixth month. The two children
treatment, and the stages of the research as well as the recovered their pain from the third month to the sixth month.
schedule of recall visit. After the parents approved it, they However, there was one student who had pain during
signed the informed consent. mastication at the sixth month. Meanwhile, five children
Tools and hand instruments were sterilized prior the had no pain from the start and had stable condition until
examination. Enteric coating and capsule covering the the end of the treatment.
medicine were opened. Each of the medicines then was The radiographic examination result, however, was
smoothened by using porcelain mortar and pestle. The difficult to measured since from the beginning of treatment
Saskianti, et al.,: Treatment of non-vital primary molar using lesion sterilization 83

there was no periapical radiolucency or resorbtion of Table 1. The average of inhibition zone (mm)
alveolar bone in seven of eight children. In general,
LSTR 3Mix-MP treatment radiographically did not show Group n X SD
differences between before and after the treatment. LSTR 3Mix-MP 10 38.0250 3.2789
Nevertheless, there was permanent radiolucency in one Tempophore 10 19.9300 3.3067
child and physiologic resorbtion in one of the primary
Note: n = the number of research sample, SD = Standard
molar root (data not shown). Based on the result, it showed
that average of the inhibition zone of LSTR 3Mix-MP was
bigger than that of Tempophore on bacteria culture of root
canal (Table 1). disturbing the defense system of the host, the secretion of
Before taking the test for measuring the difference lipopolysakarida (LPS) and other bacterial products, and
of inhibition zone between LSTR 3Mix-MP group and the enzyme synthesis breaking the tissue of the host. It is
Tempophore group, statistic test had been taken on also supported by Narayanan & Vaishnavi,15 that bacteria
each group for analyzing the distribution of the data. can infect through many pathways, such as 1) through
Kolmogorov Smirnov test on LSTR 3Mix-MP group and dental crown or root after the broken pulp due to trauma; 2)
Tempophore groups were more than 0.05 which means through periodontal tissue into broken dentin tubuli, lateral
that either LSTR 3Mix-MP group or Tempophore group cavity, and accessory cavity or apical and lateral foramen;
has normal distribution of the data. 3) through lymphatic route or hematogenus (anakoresis).
Moreover, in order to determined the difference of Thus, in order to eliminate those bacteria more than one
resistance zone between LSTR 3Mix-MP and Tempophore antibiotic is needed.
Independent t-test conducted. Based on the result of the LSTR 3Mix-MP is considered as the combination of
statistic test, it was known that p=0.001 (p<0.05). It means metronidazole, minocycline, and ciprofloxacin (3Mix),
that the difference of the inhibition zone was significant and those three antibiotics mixed with macrogol and
between LSTR 3Mix-MP and Tempophore on bacteria propylene glycol (MP) were proven to be able to penetrate
culture of root canal. efficiently through root canal and to disinfect the lesion of
caries. Laboratory test showed that LSTR 3 Mix-MP could
kill mixed bacteria in root canal more potent than that of
discussion Tempohore. This result inline with the clinical result. Since
LSTR 3Mix-MP was bactericidal in aerob bacteria and in
Based on the result it was known that the treatment obligate anaerob bacteria that are resistant, LSTR 3Mix-
was successfully conducted in seven of eight children. MP could eliminate bacteria from dental tissue infected in
Similarly, the research conducted by Takushige 6 also primary or permanent molar teeth. This assumption is that
showed successfull LSTR 3Mix-MP treatment, about by eliminating bacteria, the infection, inflammation, and
79% of his cases. Besides that, the research conducted pain are also eliminated.6
by Kuswandari10 and Khalil11 also pointed out that LSTR The success of LSTR 3 Mix-MP treatment on those 5
3Mix-MP treatment on primary molar teeth with diagnosis samples was marked by the fact that it did not cause any
of pulp necrose is considered to be a successful procedure, pain, or any clinical and radiological abnormality that
which the level of success reached 100% in two months of indicates the successful disinfection process of bacteria.
treatment. Furthermore, Kuswandari10 also stated that the It is evident that in primary endodontic cases root canal
early condition of primary molar teeth before LSTR 3Mix- environment provides better nutritional supply, rich with
MP treatment determined the level of clinical recovery. peptides and amino acids for bacterial inhabitants of
It means that primary molar teeth without any clinical root canal system, so that elimination of microorganisms
symptoms in initial condition will recover faster that those from infected root canals is a difficult task.16 Due to the
with periapical inflammation. polymicrobial nature of infected root canal, single empirical
The failure in one child was due to broken restoration antibiotic is insufficient in disinfection of the root canal.
of GIC at the first month and at the sixth month of the Non specific antibiotic suppress most of the microbial flora
treatment, so that the elimination of bacteria could not and allow residual virulent micro-organisms to repopulate
be reached, and the child had pain during mastication. the root canal. Therefore it is essential to use combination
According to Chugal et al.,14 eradication of microorganisms of antibiotics to act against all endodontic pathogens and
from an infected root canal system is the key to successful to prevent resistance.17
root canal treatment since there are millions of bacteria in Besides the main root canal considering as capillary
root canal with pulp necrose. Thus many bacteria infected blood vessel that can be cleaned, there are also many
root canal, especially anaerob bacteria. The virulency additional root canal in primary molar teeth that cannot
of endodontic flora is generally low, but the pathogenic be cleaned with mechanic tools.17 Thus, good material are
character and intraradicular defense are affected by the needed to deliver three-antibiotic mixture (3Mix) and create
combination of many factors, e.g. interaction with other asepsis condition either in the main or in the additional
microorganisms in root canal, the ability of bacteria in root canal. Propylene glycol is solvent commonly used in
84 Dent. J. (Maj. Ked. Gigi), Volume 46 Number 2 June 2013: 80–84

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