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An Updated Definition and Severity Classification of COPD

Exacerbations: The Rome Proposal

Bartolome R. Celli, MD*1, Leonardo M. Fabbri, MD*,2,&, Shawn D. Aaron, MD3,

Alvar Agusti, MD, PhD4, Robert Brook, MD5, Gerard J. Criner, MD6,&,

Frits M.E. Franssen, MD, PhD,7,8, Marc Humbert, MD, PhD9,10, John R. Hurst, PhD11, Denis

O’Donnell, MD12, Leonardo Pantoni, MD, PhD13, Alberto Papi, MD14, Roberto Rodriguez-

Roisin, MD, PhD15, Sanjay Sethi, MD16, Antoni Torres, MD, PhD17, Claus F. Vogelmeier, MD18,

and Jadwiga A. Wedzicha, MD19,+

*These authors contributed similarly to the formulation and conduct of this work


1. Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Professor of

Medicine. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

2. Section of Respiratory Medicine, Translational Medicine & Romagna, University of Ferrara,

Ferrara, Italy

3. The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

4. Cátedra Salud Respiratoria, University of Barcelona; Respiratory Institute, Hospital Clinic,

IDIBAPS, CIBERES, Barcelona, Spain

5. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

6. Department of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple

University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

7. Department of Research and Education, CIRO, Horn, The Netherlands.

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8. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, the


9. Department of Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine, Hôpital Bicêtre, Assistance

Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France

10. Université Paris-Saclay, INSERM UMR_S 999, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France

11. UCL Respiratory, University College London, London, UK

12. Respiratory Investigation Unit, Queens University and Kingston Health Sciences Centre,

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

13. “Luigi Sacco” Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, University of Milan, Milan,


14. Respiratory Medicine, University of Ferrara; Emergency Department, University Hospital S.

Anna, Ferrara, Italy

15. University of Barcelona, Hospital Clinic-IDIBAPS, CIBERES, Barcelona, Spain

16. Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo,


17. Department of Pulmonology, Hospital Clinic, Universitat de Barcelona, IDIBAPS, Icrea

academia, Ciber de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Barcelona, Spain

18. Department of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University Medical Centre

Giessen and Marburg, Philipps-University Marburg, Member of the German Centre for Lung

Research (DZL), Marburg, Germany

19. Respiratory Division, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London UK

+ Editor in Chief, AJRCCM (participation complies with American Thoracic Society

requirements for recusal from review and decisions for authored works).

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& Associate Editor, AJRCCM (participation complies with American Thoracic Society

requirements for recusal from review and decisions for authored works).

Corresponding author

Bartolome R. Celli

31 River Glen Rd

Wellesley, MA 02481


Tel: 617-678-0177


Authors’ contributions

BC and LMF developed the original concept for this work, including the organization of the

Delphi methodology upon which the content is based. All authors contributed to the Delphi

surveys, to the literature searches and the virtual discussions. The first draft of the manuscript

was written by BC, with all authors then providing intellectual input. All authors approved the

final version.


This work was funded by Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA.

Running header

COPD Exacerbations – The Rome Proposal

Descriptor number: 9.7 COPD: Exacerbations

Word count: 3362 words

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This article has an online data supplement, which is accessible from this issue's table of contents

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Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (

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Scientific knowledge on the subject: Precise and practical definitions for acute medical events

are needed if clinicians are to effectively diagnose and manage patients, provide prognostic

information, and implement precision medicine. The current definition of a chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease exacerbation (ECOPD) is subjective and based solely on worsening of

respiratory symptoms. Further, severity is classified post hoc by the healthcare resource used to

treat the event. These shortcomings support the need to revise the ECOPD definition.

What this study adds to the field: The Rome proposal for an updated definition of ECOPD

addresses many of the shortcomings of older definitions. Based on extensive literature review

and using Delphi methodology, it specifies the timespan within which worsening of symptoms

define an ECOPD. Second, to the subjective worsening of symptoms it adds a series of clinical

variables that are objectively measurable and readily available: dyspnea, oxygen saturation,

respiratory rate, heart rate, C-reactive protein and, if needed, arterial blood gases. Third, based on

agreed thresholds, it integrates these variables into three mutually exclusive severity categories

that can be used to classify the exacerbation severity at initial patient contact. This proposal aims

to facilitate and improve clinical care, research, and health services planning.

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The current definition of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation

(ECOPD) is based solely on worsening respiratory symptoms, with severity classified post hoc

by the healthcare resource used to treat the event, which may vary among practitioners and

healthcare systems. These shortcomings support a need to revise the ECOPD definition and

severity classification to one that is useful at time of patient contact. To achieve this, an expert

panel used a modified Delphi method of five rounds of questions generated by a thorough review

of the literature, supplemented by virtual discussions. For the 80 identified questions, the

agreement level was rated using a Likert scale from 0 (strongly disagree) to 9 (strongly agree).

Consensus was defined a priori as a median score ≥7 (strong agreement). The proposed

definition states: “In a patient with COPD, an exacerbation is an event characterized by dyspnea

and/or cough and sputum that worsens over ≤14 days, that may be accompanied by tachypnea

and/or tachycardia, often associated with increased local and systemic inflammation caused by

airway infection, pollution, or other insult to the airways.” Three severity categories (mild,

moderate, or severe) were defined using integration of six clinically measurable variables:

intensity of dyspnea, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, heart rate, C-reactive protein, and, if

indicated, arterial blood gases. In conclusion, by incorporating measurable clinical and

laboratory variables at the time of exacerbation, the Rome proposal for an updated definition of

ECOPD could help standardize care and outcomes for clinicians and researchers alike.

Abstract word count: 246 words

Keywords: chronic bronchitis; smoking; respiratory failure; symptom flare up; breathlessness

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Over 200 years ago, René Laennec published the first description of emphysema, an

important pathobiological element of what is today known as chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease (COPD) (1). He stated that the disease was characterized by persistent dyspnea

punctuated by acute episodes of worsening, frequently associated with newly developed and/or

worsening cough and sputum (labeled as “acute catarrh”) that could lead to “suffocation”. These

episodes have subsequently been termed exacerbations of COPD (ECOPD) (2, 3). Over 150

years later, Anthonisen et al (4) provided a definition, similar to Laennec’s, that has remained

relatively unchanged over the last 35 years, and forms the basis of the European Respiratory

Society/American Thoracic Society definition: “In a patient with underlying COPD,

exacerbations are episodes of increasing respiratory symptoms, particularly dyspnea, cough and

sputum production, and increased sputum purulence” (5). A slightly modified definition has

been used primarily in the research field: “A sustained worsening of the patient’s condition from

the stable state and beyond normal day-to-day variations, necessitating a change in regular

medication in a patient with underlying COPD” (6), similar to that in the Global Initiative for

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) strategy document, which reads: “An acute

worsening of respiratory symptoms that results in additional therapy” (7). GOLD then classifies

ECOPD severity as mild when only symptoms are reported and the patient is treated with inhaled

short-acting bronchodilators, moderate when the patient receives antibiotics, systemic

corticosteroids or both, and severe when the patient visits an emergency room or is hospitalized

due to the event (6, 7). Without denying the therapeutic progress made in the prevention of

ECOPD (5–8), treatment of the episodes per se has remained relatively unchanged (5, 7, 9).

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Shortcomings of the current ECOPD definition

The current definition of ECOPD has several shortcomings that adversely affect clinical

and healthcare decisions (Supplementary Table 1). First, it relies exclusively on a patient’s

subjective perception of increased respiratory symptoms, which varies from patient to patient

(10) and can be mimicked and/or aggravated by other conditions such as pneumonia, cardiac

events or pulmonary embolism (6, 7, 11, 12). Second, it does not relate the symptoms to

measurable pathophysiological variables that could characterize the event itself. Third, it lacks a

framework for timing of the event’s evolution, an element that can help differentiate ECOPD

from other processes with similar symptoms. Finally, severity is established post hoc by the

healthcare resource used to treat the event (13, 14), with this subjectivity introducing variability

due to differences between practitioners and healthcare systems. A novel approach is therefore

needed because precise, practical and objective point-of-care definitions and severity

assessments for acute medical events are needed by clinicians and researchers if they are to

effectively diagnose them at the point of contact, assess prognosis, and implement precision

treatment (15). All of these shortcomings could be overcome by integrating knowledge gathered

from observational and interventional studies, as well as with the help of currently available

technology capable of measuring in real time the clinical and laboratory variables that can serve

as surrogate markers of event severity.

Scope of this perspective

This perspective proposes an updated definition and severity classification of ECOPD

based on the principles outlined by Scadding for the taxonomy of diseases (16), integrating

symptoms, function, and surrogate markers of the process underlying ECOPD. It intends to be

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objective, practical and useful to clinicians and researchers alike. In its development, the authors

acknowledge that episodes of worsening of respiratory symptoms similar to ECOPD may occur

in patients with chronic diseases other than COPD, and these potential causes should be

considered in the differential diagnosis of the event (7, 17). The process itself was initiated and

coordinated by BC and LMF aided by a medical writer (DY) who identified experts with

international recognition that have conducted research and published on the definition, diagnosis,

pathobiology and/or treatment of ECOPD as well as similar events in closely related fields. A

modified Delphi method (18, 19) was considered the most appropriate scientific tool to achieve

the desired goals because: a) it is a valid method to obtain consensus based on informed

opinions; b) it provides a structured mechanism to maintain a fluid communication process,

allowing individuals to deal with a complex problem; c) the issue in question does not lend itself

to precise analytical techniques, but can benefit from subjective judgments on a collective basis;

and d) the method is based on anonymous responses to the selected items, so decreasing the

chance that the dominant personality of one or more of the participants may drive the final


Due to the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, an initial face-to-face meeting to be held in January

2020 in Rome, Italy (hence the name of this proposal) was replaced with a virtual meeting to

define the project. Given the need to maintain continuous interaction and as suggested by Delphi

methodologists (18, 19), a target panel size of 15–20 experts was agreed upon, and of the 19

members contacted 17 accepted (Supplementary Table 2). The method consisted of sequential

rounds of questions, each followed by virtual meetings with open discussion of results (modified

Delphi), aimed at facilitating consensus building. Details of the one-year process, the 80 items

evaluated and Delphi references are included in the supplement (Supplementary Figure 1, Tables

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3–7, and text). The results and the different drafts of the manuscript were circulated to the

panelists, all of whom contributed to this perspective.

The ECOPD conceptual model and proposed definition

Current evidence indicates that an ECOPD is characterized by an acute burst of airway

inflammation due to bacteria, viruses, environmental pollutants or other stimuli (Figure 1) (2–4,

20–28). This has been documented by carefully conducted studies in the outpatient and inpatient

setting (21, 29), with many studies showing that the inflammatory process may expand

systemically (29). This inflammatory burst, coupled with worsening of the existing airflow

limitation, increases the work of breathing in patients with limited respiratory reserve. A vicious

cycle of increased airways resistance and tachypnea leads to gas trapping in the lungs,

respiratory muscle dysfunction, worsening dyspnea, and ventilation-perfusion mismatch

manifesting as arterial hypoxemia with or without hypercapnia (30–35). In some patients,

ventilatory demand exceeds reserve, leading to ventilatory insufficiency, hypercapnia and

respiratory acidosis that, if untreated, may cause death (34).

Based on this conceptual model, the panel agreed to propose the following definition: “In

a patient with COPD, an exacerbation is an event characterized by dyspnea and/or cough and

sputum that worsens over ≤14 days, that may be accompanied by tachypnea and/or tachycardia,

often associated with increased local and systemic inflammation caused by airway infection,

pollution, or other insult to the airways.” These events can be life-threatening and require

adequate evaluation and treatment.

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Timing of ECOPD

A review of the literature provides reasonable support of a timeframe for exacerbations to

develop. Indeed, a study of 4439 exacerbations showed that the time from first onset of

worsening respiratory symptoms to a full ECOPD ranged from 0–5 days in 90% of patients, with

an overall range of 0–14 days (36). This is similar to an observational study that, using diary

cards, described prodromal symptoms over 4–7 days, with lung function then decreasing

abruptly on the day of documentation of the ECOPD (37). Importantly, subjects with COPD

experimentally infected with rhinovirus develop upper respiratory symptoms 2–3 days following

the inoculation, with lower respiratory symptoms and breathlessness peaking 4–10 days after

infection (38). These observations helped reach a consensus that the upper time limit for an

ECOPD to develop is 14 days from first onset of symptom worsening, and that in some cases

ECOPD may develop over just hours. The timing of resolution of exacerbations is less well

established. In a study of 101 patients observed over 2.5 years, median recovery times from onset

of ECOPD were 6 days (interquartile range [IQR] 1 to 14) for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and 7

days (IQR 4 to 14) for daily total symptom score (37). Recovery of PEF to baseline values

occurred in only 75.2% of ECOPD by 35 days and 92.9% of ECOPD by 91 days. In a small

proportion of patients, PEF values or symptoms never returned to normal, an observation similar

to that of another study of 145 patients (39). The use of objective variables readily measurable to

determine severity, as proposed in this perspective, could improve knowledge about the time of

resolution, a much needed metric to compare effectiveness of therapies.

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Grading the severity of ECOPD

The current grading of the severity of an ECOPD, based on post-facto utilization of

healthcare resources, is a major limitation of the current definition. Due to global variability in

the available resources to treat patients and local customs affecting the criteria for hospital visits

and admissions, there is substantial variability in ECOPD reported outcomes (13, 40). This is of

particular importance in the interpretation of results of interventional studies and in the planning

of future clinical trials (13). To address this limitation, the panelists propose three mutually

exclusive severity categories (mild, moderate, and severe) integrating six objectively measured

variables that serve as markers of event severity: dyspnea, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate,

heart rate, serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and, in selected cases, arterial blood gases (Table 1).

These variables were consensually agreed upon from a potential list of 21 that were the subject

of a thorough literature review and discussion. Of these potential variables, the worsening of

cough and sputum deserved special attention. Cough and sputum increase or color change can

occur during ECOPD and, in a proportion of cases, may be the most relevant symptom or sign

(20); however their intensity has not been properly measured, making it difficult to include them

in ECOPD severity classification. However, while cough and sputum remain an integral part of

the ECOPD definition, the panelists agreed that worsening dyspnea is the most relevant symptom

for most patients, and because it is measurable it is useful when grading the episode severity.

Measurable variables useful to grade the severity of ECOPD


In COPD clinical studies, dyspnea changes over time have been measured using several

scales, including diary cards (36, 37), the Transitional Dyspnea Index (41) and the

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EXAcerbations of Chronic pulmonary disease Tool (EXACT-PRO) (42). However, most patients

with COPD do not routinely quantify their daily dyspnea intensity. Consensus was reached to

recommend the visual analog scale (VAS), which has been validated against ventilatory loads

(43), can be represented by a numerical scale from 0 (no shortness of breath) to 10 (maximal

shortness of breath ever experienced) (43), and has a minimally clinical important difference

(MCID) of 1 (44). Resting VAS dyspnea values range from 0–3 in patients with COPD (10, 43,

45), whereas when measured in the emergency ward or in the hospital values are higher than 4

(30, 35, 46). Experts agreed that a visual analog scale (VAS) score ≥5 (on a scale of 0 to 10) in

the context of a suspected ECOPD indicates severe dyspnea. This pragmatic approach removes

the need to consider a change in dyspnea from a previous baseline VAS value.

Respiratory and heart rate

Studies have shown that both heart rate and respiratory rate increase in the days

preceding, during and following ECOPD (30, 31, 47, 48), and are measurable by widely

available noninvasive methods offering a window to the severity of the episodes (48–51).

Resting heart rate increases with COPD severity, and is associated with mortality risk (52),

regardless of etiology or medication use. Heart rates >85 bpm or increases in heart rates by 10–

15 bpm compared to baseline were reported during an acute exacerbation (49). Respiratory rates

>24 breaths per min, with shortened expiratory time leading to gas trapping, have been

consistently reported in most studies conducted in hospitalized patients (51, 53), whereas

respiratory rates of 18–20 breaths per min were documented in patients receiving outpatient care

(53). The panel reached consensus that a heart rate <95 bpm and a respiratory rate <24 breaths

per min could help separate mild from moderate ECOPD.

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Hypoxemia and hypercapnia

Ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) imbalance is the most important mechanism responsible

for the gas exchange abnormalities in COPD (32, 33). Given that stable COPD can be associated

with arterial hypoxemia with or without hypercapnia, both absolute measurements and a change

in values would be useful as determinants of severity. Assessment of blood gases is ideal, but it

is not available in all clinical settings, whereas pulse oximetry is practical and widely available,

although we acknowledge that it may be less accurate in Black patients (7). It is known that

decompensated hypercapnic respiratory failure is associated with increased mortality (34), which

is reduced by non-invasive ventilation (NIV) (34, 54). While expert societies recommend

titrating supplemental oxygen during ECOPD to SaO2 of 88–92% (7, 55), studies of ECOPD

suggest the average reduction in SaO2 was not more than 2% (56, 57). Based on this evidence,

the panel agreed that when change from baseline is known, a mild ECOPD would be

characterized by an arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) ≥92% and a change ≤3%, a moderate event

would be SaO2 <92% and/or a change >3%, and a severe event by acidotic hypercapnic

respiratory failure, i.e., arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) >45 mmHg and pH


Serum C-reactive protein

Healthy subjects, smokers without COPD, and patients with stable COPD usually have

CRP values <10 mg/L (58, 59), with higher values within this range associated with increased

risk of hospitalization and death (60, 61). Serum CRP levels increase in both viral and bacterial

ECOPD (25, 26), although they are usually higher in the latter (22, 26) which is why values may

be used at point-of-care to guide antibiotic therapy (26, 62). In outpatients with COPD who are

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suffering an ECOPD, CRP levels increase modestly from basal values (23, 63). In patients in the

emergency ward or admitted to hospital, higher CRP values have been reported, ranging from 8–

156 mg/L (63–65). Although the panel acknowledged the lack of specificity of serum CRP as a

marker of airway or lung inflammation, consensus was reached that a CRP value ≥10 mg/L can

help separate mild from moderate ECOPD. We do not assign CRP a weight any different from

HR, RR or oxygen saturation. A patient could have a more severe episode defined exclusively by

a combination of the clinical signs without a CRP >10 mg/L. Our proposal aims to help push the

inclusion of at least one measurable point of care marker, the threshold of which can be amended

over time, if this proposal is implemented and the results so suggest.

Integration of the variables in a practical severity classification scale

The panelists agreed that integration of the five easy to evaluate parameters (dyspnea,

respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation and serum CRP) be used to assess the severity of an

ECOPD, both in the clinical evaluation of patients and in research and clinical trials (Table 1,

Figure 2). The default severity classification is that of a mild event. For an episode to be

considered moderate, at least three of these five parameters, all of which carry a similar weight,

should be worse than those threshold values characteristic of mild ECOPD. The panelists also

agreed that for an ECOPD to be considered severe, a sixth variable, arterial blood gas values,

must indicate the presence of hypercapnia (PaCO2 >45 mmHg) and respiratory acidosis (pH


Other important tests

The panelists reviewed 16 other clinical and laboratory tests used in the diagnosis and

severity classification of ECOPD (Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). Of these, several require

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some comments. Routine spirometry or any lung function assessment cannot be reliably obtained

during an ECOPD as patients are usually too sick to perform an adequate spirometry maneuver,

changes from baseline are often small, and pre-ECOPD results may not be available. Panelists

also thought that efforts made to develop accurate devices that can help monitor lung function

over time would provide a major advance in our capacity to integrate this variable to future

improvements on this proposal. Peripheral blood eosinophils would have potential use for

therapeutic guidance, particularly regarding the use of systemic steroids (66), but eosinophil

levels have not been used for ECOPD diagnosis or severity classification. The chest

roentgenogram is useful to differentiate pneumonia (and other conditions that may mimic

ECOPD such as pneumothorax or pleurisy) from an ECOPD (67), and it is frequently obtained in

patients seen in healthcare facilities, but this tool has not been used to define or classify the

severity of an ECOPD.

Confounding morbidities

A review of the literature revealed at least 28 conditions that may clinically mimic an

ECOPD (Supplementary Table 5) and the panelists reached strong consensus that three deserved

special consideration (heart failure, pneumonia and pulmonary embolism) (7, 17, 31, 67–71), not

only because of their frequency but also because they require specific and prompt management

to improve outcome. The panel acknowledged that these conditions may coexist with ECOPD

and influence the evolution of each other. As summarized in Table 1 and Figure 2, a thorough

clinical evaluation is often adequate to exclude these conditions; however, further diagnostic

testing such as additional imaging studies and biomarker measurements may be required.

Acknowledging the difficulty in separating events as the single or main cause of clinical

decompensation in some patients, or their synchronic occurrence, it should be possible in most

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healthcare settings to establish a correct diagnosis. Other comorbid conditions did not receive

consensual agreement or disagreement but deserve some comments; five (pneumothorax, acute

anxiety, asthma attack, myocardial infarction, and arrythmias) were felt to have specific clinical,

radiological and laboratory characteristics that facilitate their diagnosis. For the remaining

potential confounders, the panelists thought their inclusion was of lesser importance (i.e., strong

disagreement over their inclusion) and should only be considered in rare circumstances. A

practical approach to patients with symptoms consistent with an ECOPD is summarized in

Figure 2. The Rome proposal for an updated definition and severity classification of ECOPD will

not preclude a more precise approach based on treatable traits in future studies (72).

Limitations of this proposal

The panelists acknowledge that there are some limitations to this proposal. First, the

present document was drafted by experts from North America and Western Europe. This choice

was influenced by the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, and the need to host discussions by

videoconference, which would have made discussions difficult across discordant time zones. The

inclusion of experts from eight countries and six main specialties does provide some confidence

about the wide scope of the panelists’ expertise. In addition, the validation of the elements

contained in this proposal is open for everyone to test. Second, the number of participants

selected may seem arbitrary, however it is within the optimal number recommended by experts

in the methodology of the Delphi process, allowing for ample discussion during the virtual

meetings (see the text in the supplement). Third, the selection of the thresholds for the different

variables included in the severity classification and for the timing of the ECOPD may seem

arbitrary and not based on prospectively validated studies. However, they were agreed upon by

anonymous consensus after review of the available literature and intense discussion between

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rounds (Supplementary Table 6), significant features of the Delphi methodology. Of note, in this

era of technological devices, continuous accurate monitoring of measurable variables may better

help detect onset of an event and its resolution over time, facilitating not only the evaluation of

novel therapies, but the implementation of early interventions before the event progresses.


The Rome proposal for an updated definition and severity classification of ECOPD was

drafted by an international panel of experts, using a framework that focused on feasibility and

potential validity. The consensus was reached using a modified Delphi methodology, informed

by data from studies reporting objective measurements of symptoms, signs, physiological

variables and biomarkers. The predictive value of the variables classifying the severity was

assessed using the potential intensity of care needed for treatment and stabilization of the patient.

This revised definition addresses many of the shortcomings of the current definition and should

better inform clinical care, research, and health services planning, but needs to be validated

prospectively in adequately designed and powered studies.


Writing support (in the form of editing content for grammar and journal style) was provided by

David Young of Young Medical Communications and Consulting Ltd. This support was funded

by Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA.

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Figure legends

Figure 1. Causes, pathobiological mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences in an

exacerbation of COPD (7, 35).

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRP, C-reactive protein.

Figure 2. Diagnostic approach to a patient suspected of an exacerbation of COPD.

*Dyspnea (using a visual analog scale), respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation (absolute

and/or change), and C-reactive protein.

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; RR, respiratory rate; HR, heart rate; SaO2,

arterial oxygen saturation; CRP, C-reactive protein; ABG, arterial blood gas; PaCO2, partial

pressure of carbon dioxide.

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Table 1. The Rome proposal for an updated definition and severity classification of COPD

In a patient with COPD, an exacerbation is an event characterized by dyspnea and/or cough and
sputum that worsens over ≤14 days, that may be accompanied by tachypnea and/or tachycardia,
often associated with increased local and systemic inflammation caused by airway infection,
pollution, or other insult to the airways.

Diagnostic approach
1) These events can be life-threatening and require adequate evaluation and treatment.
2) Complete a thorough clinical assessment for evidence of COPD and potential respiratory and non-
respiratory concomitant diseases, including consideration of alternative causes for the patient’s
symptoms and signs; primarily pneumonia, heart failure and pulmonary embolism.
3) Assess:
a) Symptoms; severity of dyspnea using VAS, and document presence of cough;
b) Signs (tachypnea, tachycardia), sputum volume and color, and respiratory distress (accessory
muscle use).
4) Evaluate severity using appropriate additional investigations such as: pulse oximetry, laboratory
assessment, CRP and/or arterial blood gases.
5) Establish cause of the event (virus, bacterial, environmental, other)
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; VAS, visual analog scale; CRP, C-reactive protein.

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Figure 1. Causes, pathobiological mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences in an exacerbation of


338x190mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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Figure 2. Diagnostic approach to a patient suspected of an exacerbation of COPD.*Dyspnea (using a visual

analog scale), respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation (absolute and/or change), and C-reactive

189x219mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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An Updated Definition and Severity Classification of COPD

Exacerbations: The Rome Proposal

Bartolome R. Celli, Leonardo M. Fabbri, Shawn D. Aaron, Alvar Agusti, Robert Brook, Gerard J.

Criner, Frits M.E. Franssen, Marc Humbert, John R. Hurst, Denis O’Donnell, Leonardo Pantoni,

Alberto Papi, Roberto Rodriguez-Roisin, Sanjay Sethi, Antoni Torres, Claus F. Vogelmeier, and

Jadwiga A. Wedzicha


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Supplementary Table 1. Shortcomings in the current definition of exacerbation in patients with

COPD and how they have been addressed in this revision.

Current definition (1–4) Addressed in the updated

Rome definition

Timing Not specified Acute time specified

Mechanism Not specified Symptoms and function


Severity classification Post-hoc based-on Thresholds of clinical variables

healthcare resource utilization defined at point of contact to
be used in the clinical and
research environments

Differential diagnosis Minimally addressed Most important considerations

to be considered specified in the definition

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Supplementary Table 2. Characteristics of the expert panelists participating in the project.

Specialty Number

Pulmonologists 12

Cardiologist 1

Critical care medicine 1

General internist 1

Neurologist 1

Pulmonary vascular disease 1

Experience in the field of COPD exacerbations

>20 years 15

10–20 years 2


United States 4

Spain 3

Italy 3

United Kingdom 2

Canada 2

France 1

Germany 1

The Netherlands 1

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Detailed description of the modified Delphi method


The Delphi method aims to reach consensus among a group of experts in the context of

anonymity and with little influence by the dominant personalities that tend to drive face to face

meetings. The optimal number of panelists members in the Delphi methodology is not fixed, and

does not have to be large. Several methodological papers reviewing the topic state that the

number may be as low as three and as high as 80 (5–7).

What is stressed is the need to recruit experts on the topic, and to guarantee

participation with as few dropouts as possible, something that our panel excelled in, with 100%

participation over the five rounds and one year of the study. Previous statements in the medical

field using the Delphi method had a number of panelists very similar to ours. For example, the

Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock included 19 panelists (8),

a panel that developed recommendations for a treatment algorithm in pulmonary sarcoidosis

included 26 experts (9), and consensus recommendations on dosing and administration of

medical cannabis to treat chronic pain were based on a Delphi process with 20 experts (10).

Consistent with the vast majority of the Delphi consensus documents and statements

published in the literature (8–10), participants in our Delphi panel were all from western Europe

and north America (Supplementary Table 2). Indeed, in the last American Thoracic Society

statement on pharmacotherapy of COPD all of the participants were from the USA, Canada,

UK, Germany and Switzerland (11). Indeed our panel included experts from a wider range of

countries than in any of the consensus documents cited above.

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We acknowledge that our panel did not include any primary care physicians. For a

definition and rational approach to the definition and severity classification of ECOPD, we (the

organizers) felt it would be best to gather experts on ECOPD together with specialists in related

diseases, and experts in ECOPD differential diagnosis.

Modified Delphi Method implemented in this perspective

The first round of questions was formulated by the chairs, followed by a thorough

discussion of results and expansion of the process to identify gaps and items arising by the

interaction among the experts (Supplementary Figure 1). The following items were agreed upon:

timing and importance of symptoms, incorporation of biomarkers, classification of severity, and

the confounding effect of other diseases. This resulted in an initial set of 22 statements on the

definition requiring three rounds (Supplementary Table 3), a subsequent set of two rounds to

review 21 statements on severity classification (Supplementary Table 4), and 28 statements on

potential confounding conditions (Supplementary Table 5). To classify ECOPD severity, five

working groups were assigned to review the literature and provide potential exacerbation

severity threshold values for practical and clinically measurable variables. These underwent the

same Delphi methodology by the whole group, to consensually agree on the threshold values

that were integrated into a working classification to grade severity of the episode

(Supplementary Table 6). A final statement on nomenclature of the severity (Supplementary

Table 7) increased the total number of items included in the exercise to 80. Throughout the

process, panelists were blinded to each other’s responses and rated their degree of consensus

using a 9-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (strongly disagree) to 9 (strongly agree). Consensus

was defined a priori with a median Likert score ≥7 (strong agreement) or ≤3 (strong

disagreement), with the interquartile range (IQR) describing the variance amongst responders.

Virtual meetings following each round allowed ongoing respondent discussion, a strategy useful

in the Modified version of Delphi studies to help reinforce consensus (12–14).

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Supplementary Figure 1. Outline of the modified Delphi consensus process used in generating

the proposed Rome Consensus Definition of COPD exacerbations.

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Supplementary Table 3. Panel of questions addressing the need and variables to be included
in an updated definition of COPD exacerbations. Green color identifies the items that reached
consensual agreement.

Median IQR

Objective of the exercise

1 There is a need for an updated definition of a COPD exacerbation 8.5 0.5

Subjective variables

2 Dyspnea is the dominant symptom signaling an exacerbation 8 1

3 Dyspnea measurement should be an integral part of the updated definition 8 3

of exacerbations

4 Quantification of dyspnea with a visual analog or Borg scale is useful in 7 3

grading dyspnea during exacerbations

5 Sputum should be included in an updated definition of a COPD 7 2


6 Cough should be included in an updated definition of a COPD exacerbation 7 3

Objective variables

7 Respiratory rate should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 6 5


8 Heart rate should be part of an updated definition of a COPD exacerbation 5 5

9 Temperature should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 4 4


10 Oxygen saturation should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 6 6


Supportive laboratory variables

11 Arterial blood gases should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 4 4


12 Peak expiratory flow should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 4 3


13 Spirometry should be part of an updated definition of a COPD exacerbation 4 4

14 White blood cell count should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 4 4


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Median IQR

15 Blood eosinophils should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 5 5


16 C-reactive protein should be a marker included in an updated definition of 6 4

COPD exacerbation

17 Blood levels of NT-proBNP should be included to differentiate chronic heart 6 4

failure from COPD exacerbations

18 Troponin levels should be included to differentiate myocardial infarction from 6 4

COPD exacerbations

19 A level of D-Dimer should be included in an updated definition of a COPD 5 5


20 A sputum culture should be part of a definition of a COPD exacerbation 4 2

21 A chest roentgenogram should be part of an updated definition of a COPD 6 6


22 There is a need to develop a classification of the severity of a COPD 8 1


23 The definition of exacerbations of COPD should include the statement “It is 7 4

caused by an acute burst of the airways, lung, and systemic inflammation
that characterizes COPD”

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Supplementary Table 4. Panel of questions addressing the potential components to classify

the severity of an exacerbation of COPD. Green color identifies the items that reached
consensual agreement.

Median IQR


24 Quantification of dyspnea (visual analog or Borg scale) is an important 8 2

component of the assessment of severity of exacerbation

25 The new onset or worsening of sputum is an important component of the 6 2

assessment of severity of exacerbations

26 The increase of volume in sputum is an important component of the 6 2

assessment of severity of exacerbations

27 The purulence of sputum is an important component of the assessment of 6 3

the severity of exacerbations

28 The presence of cough is an important component of the assessment of the 6 2

severity of exacerbations

Vital signs

29 Quantification of respiratory rate is an important component of the 8 2

assessment of the severity of exacerbations

30 Quantification of heart rate is an important component of the assessment of 7 2

the severity of exacerbations

31 Quantification of temperature is an important component of the assessment 5 3

of the severity of exacerbations

32 Quantification of O2 saturation is an important component of the 9 1

assessment of the severity of exacerbations

Supportive laboratory variables

33 Arterial blood gases are an important component of the assessment of the 8 3

severity of exacerbations

34 Quantification of peak expiratory flow is an important component of the 6 2

assessment of the severity of exacerbations

35 Quantification of spirometry is an important component of the severity of 5 2


36 Quantification of white blood cells is an important component of the severity 5 2

of exacerbations

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Median IQR

37 Quantification of blood eosinophils is an important component of the 4 3

severity of exacerbations

38 Quantification of procalcitonin is an important component of the severity of 6 3


39 Quantification of C-reactive protein is an important component of the 7 2

severity of exacerbations

40 Quantification of NT-proBNP is an important component of the severity of 6 3


41 Quantification of troponin is an important component of the severity of 6 3


42 Quantification of D-dimer is an important component of the severity of 5 4


43 Characterization of sputum culture is an important component of the 4 3

severity of exacerbations

44 The outcomes of a chest X-ray is an important component of the severity of 5 4


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Supplementary Table 5. Panel of questions addressing the potential acute illnesses to be

considered in the differential diagnosis of COPD exacerbations. Green color identifies the items
that reached consensual agreement. Yellow color identifies the items with consensual
disagreement on the statement. White background identifies items with no consensus.

Condition Median IQR

45 Abscess hypopharynx 1 2

46 Acute vocal cord paralysis 1 3

47 Acute bronchorrhea in bronchiectasis 4 4

48 Acute asthma attack 6 3

49 Tracheobronchomalacia 3 4

50 Intraluminal tumors 3 3

51 Lung abscess 2 1

52 Foreign body/mucous plugs 2 3

53 Acute interstitial pneumonitis 3 4

54 Lobar pneumonia 7 3

55 Pleural effusion 5 3

56 Exacerbation of pulmonary fibrosis 4 3

57 Pneumothorax 6 5

58 Pulmonary embolism 7 4

59 Anemia 4 4

60 Arrhythmia 5.5 3

61 Constrictive pericarditis 2 3

62 Pericardial effusion 2 4

63 Myocardial infarction 6 3

64 Heart failure 8 2

65 Metabolic acidosis 3 4

66 Valvular rupture in the heart 2 2

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Condition Median IQR

67 Acute Guillain-Barré syndrome 1 1

68 Diaphragmatic paralysis 2 2

69 Thyroid storm 0 2

70 Anxiety/panic attack 6 3

71 Somatiform disorder 3 4

72 Delirium 3 4

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Supplementary Table 6. Panel of questions to define the threshold values useful to separate
mild from moderate severity exacerbations.

Threshold value questions Median IQR

The maximum period for worsening of symptoms to be considered a

73 7 4
COPD exacerbation is 14 days

A dyspnea threshold value of <5 cm in a VAS that ranges from 0 (no

74 dyspnea) to 10 cm (most dyspnea ever felt) can help differentiate a 8 2
lesser from a more severe degree of severity of a COPD exacerbation

A respiratory rate threshold value of <24 breaths per min can help
75 differentiate a lesser from a more severe degree of severity of a COPD 8 1

A heart rate threshold value of <95 bpm can help differentiate a lesser
76 7 2
from a more severe degree of severity of a COPD exacerbation

An oxygen saturation threshold value of SaO2 >92% breathing ambient

77 air AND a change in SaO2 <3% (when known) can help differentiate a 8 1
lesser from a more severe degree of severity of a COPD exacerbation

A CRP threshold value of <10 mg/L can help differentiate a lesser from a
78 7 2
more severe degree of severity of a COPD exacerbation.

Integration of the variables

When applied in clinical research to define the severity of an

79 exacerbation, rank the following three statements in order of preference,
where 1 = most preferred, and 3 = least preferred.

First choice 5
A numerical integration of all five variables is needed to define the
A Second choice 5
severity of an exacerbation.
Third choice 8

First choice 2
A numerical integration of four of the five variables is needed to define
B Second choice 10
the severity of an exacerbation.
Third choice 3

First choice 8
A numerical integration of three of the five variables is needed to define
C Second choice 2
the severity of an exacerbation.
Third choice 5

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Supplementary Table 7. Nomenclature for severity of COPD exacerbations.


Which of the following three severity nomenclatures would you choose to

define exacerbation severity? Please, only select one.

A Unstable COPD, exacerbation, ventilatory failure 1 vote

B Mild exacerbation, moderate exacerbation, severe exacerbation 8 votes

Less severe exacerbation, severe exacerbation, very severe

C 7 votes

There was 1 abstention.

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