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Describe a historical building in your area

Which the building is
2 years ago, I had an opportunity to go to Ho Chi Minh City. There’re several
buildings that hold significant meaning in our cultures. Among these, the one
which I enjoy visiting the most is Duc Ba Cathedral.

It’s located in District 1 – right in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. The church is
surrounded by other important structures such as Reunification Palace on the right,
HCM Post Office on the left and at the back Diamond Plaza - a great place for
shopping. To get there is quite easy. It’s a 5-minute-walk from my hotel

How it looks like

The architecture of Notre Dame is not only impressive but also unique. It’s quite
large. It was built out of  bricks and concretes. Its distinctive shape makes it look
like a whole lot of mushroom to me. The church comprises of a rectangular
building with 2 towers at the sides of the entrance, along with the statue of Mother
Maria in front. Because the building is quite old, certain parts of it have
been reconstructed time and again.

What people do there

There’re several activities take place at this place such as tourists pay a visit to this
must-visit structure, many couples take wedding photos while young people just sit
around for a chit-chat and take in the view.

I guess I love this building not only because of its distinct look but also due to the
memories I have had there with my family on vacation
Describe a park / garden you like visiting 
Where the park is
Today I’d like to tell you about a park that I frequently visit, it’s West Water park.
It’s not too far from my house. Perhaps about 20-minutes’ drive away if the roads
are clear.

When you visited it

As for the last time I visited it, if I remember correctly, it was last week. At that
time, I wanted to play sports so I went there by motorbike. When I arrived, I met
many people who played basketball

why you like visiting it

The park is also perfect for picnic with family or friends because it has various
water games are suitable for everyone and all the equipment I need like basketball
yard. It’s also surrounded by trees and a wide variety of flowers that bloom in the
summer months.  It’s even pretty quiet too, so whenever I come here I
just feel blow off steam.The main reason I absolutely love visiting this park is of
course because I play basketball here. But actually, it’s not only that. I have also
met some fantastic people here and we’ve even made team. I believe this sport will
develop in the future and  I certainly hope we’ll be playing that at this particular

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