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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

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Alfie Marie A. Lacbayo


Big Sister by Consorcio Borje

1. Describe where are the main characters of the story live.

The characters in the story live in a small and peaceful town where they are
unapologetically living a simple lifestyle. Just basing on the source of income of
the father of the main characters in the story — which is farming — one can tell
that this narrative took place in a rural setting.

2. Summarize what the story is all about.

The story entitled "Big Sister" by Consorcio Borje, revolved around the
relationship between the loving big sister and her little brother — whom she is
taking care of ever since he was born due to the reason that their mother died after
giving birth. Their father never remarried and spent his time tilling the land for their
needs. Inciang, the big sister, loves her little brother so much to the point that she
is willing to do everything just to provide her little brother a good life. Itong, the little
brother, on the other hand, loves her sister so much as well that he is always ready
to do whatever her sister would ask him to do — even if that means for them to
part ways since that her sister wants him to experience a good and quality
education. He is also the type of person who is very playful and loving to his friends,
especially to Nena.
Fortunately, Itong as the valedictorian of the barrio got the chance to be
able to pursue his studies in Vigan for free. And eventhough, it is hard for his family,
especially to his big sister, to let him go, they still supported him because they
believe that it is for Itong's future and growth.
Inciang and Itong were so close that Inciang knows every little thing about
Itong; even the things that Itong is secretive about when it comes to their father or
their aunt. However, as Itong grow older, his attitude towards Inciang changed as
he is starting to become distant to her. Every time Itong would visit in their
hometown, he is not that excited to talk to his big sister anymore. Eventually, as
Itong grew mature, taller and bigger, he also started to keep things from his big
sister which he never did before. Although this thing is indeed inevitable, Inciang
still can't help to get sad and felt a feeling of resentment towards the person that's
getting a lot of attention from his little brother — no other than Nena.
Consequently, as time passed by, Inciang realized that despite of the
changes that is happening on his little brother’s life, she have to accept it. No
matter how much she wanted to keep his little brother by her side, she can’t deny
the reality that his little brother will have the urge to find and pursue his own
freedom as well. With that realization, she was able to cry out all the bitterness in
her heart. With that realization as well, she was able to accept that she can also
start to treasure Nena as part of the family as much as how her little brother does.

3. Construct a theory as to why did the family of Itong sent him to Vigan.

The family of Itong sent him to Vigan because they believe that Itong will
get to live the life that he deserves when he’s there and he will be able to pursue
his dreams. And if time comes that Itong were able to fulfill his dreams — which is
to finish studies and get a decent job and salary; Itong will be able to provide for
his family’s needs. His father and sister won’t have to do their typical works. He
will give his family a break and give them the life that they deserve after all the
sacrifices that they have made for him.

4. Differentiate between how Inciang reacted and how would you react when
your favorite younger brother will leave the family for one year.

Personally, if my younger brother will have to leave the family for one year,
just like how Inciang’s brother did, my reaction will not be any different from
Inciang’s reaction. Of course, as a big sister, it will definitely pain me knowing that
my brother will have to leave our house to pursue his dreams. The fact that I will
not be able to see him physically and talk to him personally for a span of a year is
such a hard thing to swallow. However, as a big sister as well, that is also one of
the realities that I need to accept and knowing the fact that my younger brother is
doing that for his growth and for his future is more than enough for me still keep
going and an enough reason for me still support him wholeheartedly.

5. Assess whether or not this story has moral lesson or not.

The story has ample of moral lessons that can give a great impact to every
readers' life. In fact, after reading the story, I come to realize how important family
is and that no matter what phase of your life you are in now — family will always
be a family and they will never leave your side no matter what; you may not always
get to see them, but they are always ready to back you up and support you
anytime. Additionally, the story also taught me that change is inevitable, we can't
skip from it but we can learn how to embrace it.

6. Create your own ending of the story by adding three paragraphs of your
version. The ending should start with, Nena trying to start a conversation
with Inciang. continue the story up to what will happen during the school
break while Itong is spending the vacation with his family.

Just before Nena could take her steps to go out from Inciang's house, she
remembered to ask the question that she's been wanting to ask to Inciang. She
found that very moment as the only time that she could take to clear the question
that has been floating in her mind for a long time now. Inciang, on the other hand,
is just casually looking at Nena while she's taking her steps in leaving the house.
She was caught off guard when Nena turned to her and called her name; "Manang
Inciang?" out of shock, Inciang just nodded her head as her response. "Would you
mind if I ask you a question?" Nena asked shyly. "Of course not, Nena. What is it
that you want to ask?" Inciang gently said. "If time comes that the person you
treasure the most will have to leave you because he found someone that he's also
ready to treasure for the rest of his life, would you let him go?" Nena ask with eyes
full of hope that Inciang won't feel offended about her question.
Inciang knew at the back of her mind that the person Nena is referring to
with her question is no other than her and her little brother. Little did Nena knew
that before she could even ask that, Inciang has been thinking about it already
ever since she noticed the changes in the behavior of her beloved brother.
Inciang's mind and heart has already accepted the reality that a day will eventually
come that her brother will find someone that he will treasure as well. "Of course
yes, Nena. I'll be too selfish if I'll just keep my brother all by my side forever.
Although I would love to do that. But I know deep inside that, that must not be the
case. " Inciang said as she started to answer the question. "I also know that you
two have something that you've been hiding from me. And I want to take this
chance to let you know, that whatever it is, your Manang Inciang will support it with
all her heart. In fact, you know very well that I'm always up for my brother's
happiness, and if his happiness is you, why would I not support it, right?" Inciang
said with tears of joy flowing out of her brown beautiful eyes. Nena was too
overwhelmed with the answer that she’s recieving that she can't help but cry as
well. The two was like in a drama scene. "Besides, you're such a nice and beautiful
girl. I would love to have a sister like you, Nena. There's just one thing that I want
you to do. Please take good care of my brother" Nena nodded her head as her
response while her tears are still flowing out of her eyes. "Love him the way he
deserves to be loved because I know that he will do that to you as well." Inciang
continued. Nena is so happy with their conversation that she immediately hug her
Manang Inciang the moment she finished talking. Just pure hug and they knew
that it was enough to let each other know the things that even words are not
enough to express.
After that heartwarming conversation, Itong and Nena become more open
with their feelings to each other. They are not afraid to show their love even if their
Manang Inciang and Itong's father are looking at them. The conversation that
Inciang and Nena had was like the key for their love to be more open and the key
for others to know. Inciang is beyond happy seeing how her brother is really
growing up so fast. She was so proud seeing him take care of Nena and treat Nena
like the most precious jewel in the world. Itong, on the other hand, become more
expressive with his love not just to Nena but to her Manang Inciang as well. He's
been so sweet to his Manang the whole summertime. Itong made the most of his
vacation by spending his time with the people he treasure the most.

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