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What exactly can’t be counted? The stars in the universe or the hair on our
body? Well for me it would be the experiences gained from my school. When I
was a student, I was inspired by my teachers and now, when I’m a teacher, my
students inspire me.
Who exactly I am today is determined by what I was filled with in my early
years. My identity as an individual was unraveled by me gradually in my
school. The power of reason and prudence was taught to me in school and my
caliber was explored then. My decision on not to judge people by their caste,
creed or sex is greatly influenced by the ethics manifested to me and how to
treat fellow human beings is guided by my intrinsic principles which was again
shaped in school.
The pandemic proved the famous saying “No man is an island”. But this isn’t
really novel for me. I still rejoice school times when group projects used to be
more fun than individual ones and where the attributes of coordination and
learning together was being developed in me. I learned the benefits of working
together over working alone and developed leadership qualities in me.
The ability to differentiate the fundamental aspect of when to use formal and
informal communication was taught to me in school and the ways to deal with
different people were experienced in school. School provided me an exposure to
diverse people and instilled the confidence in me to interact with multitudinous
people. The respect we Indians have for our teachers and elders is greatly a part
of experiences gained in school.
Be it the pressure of submitting assignments due tomorrow, or settling
arguments with a fellow mate, schools put me into great testing phases enabling
me to bloom as a strong individual with the ability to critically analyze and face
all problems in life with equanimity.
With such paramount outcomes I have gained from school to help me in my
life, I must say that school life does indeed extend for infinity. The physical
existence of school as a student may not be very significant for me anymore
however the stark memories I carry forth is what makes school life last forever
and beyond.

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